#' Statistical test between two groups
#' @param ps a [`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object
#' @param group character, the variable to set the group
#' @param taxa_rank character to specify taxonomic rank to perform
#' differential analysis on. Should be one of
#' `phyloseq::rank_names(phyloseq)`, or "all" means to summarize the taxa by
#' the top taxa ranks (`summarize_taxa(ps, level = rank_names(ps)[1])`), or
#' "none" means perform differential analysis on the original taxa
#' (`taxa_names(phyloseq)`, e.g., OTU or ASV).
#' @param transform character, the methods used to transform the microbial
#' abundance. See [`transform_abundances()`] for more details. The
#' options include:
#' * "identity", return the original data without any transformation
#' (default).
#' * "log10", the transformation is `log10(object)`, and if the data contains
#' zeros the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' * "log10p", the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' @param norm the methods used to normalize the microbial abundance data. See
#' [`normalize()`] for more details.
#' Options include:
#' * "none": do not normalize.
#' * "rarefy": random subsampling counts to the smallest library size in the
#' data set.
#' * "TSS": total sum scaling, also referred to as "relative abundance", the
#' abundances were normalized by dividing the corresponding sample library
#' size.
#' * "TMM": trimmed mean of m-values. First, a sample is chosen as reference.
#' The scaling factor is then derived using a weighted trimmed mean over the
#' differences of the log-transformed gene-count fold-change between the
#' sample and the reference.
#' * "RLE", relative log expression, RLE uses a pseudo-reference calculated
#' using the geometric mean of the gene-specific abundances over all
#' samples. The scaling factors are then calculated as the median of the
#' gene counts ratios between the samples and the reference.
#' * "CSS": cumulative sum scaling, calculates scaling factors as the
#' cumulative sum of gene abundances up to a data-derived threshold.
#' * "CLR": centered log-ratio normalization.
#' * "CPM": pre-sample normalization of the sum of the values to 1e+06.
#' @param norm_para arguments passed to specific normalization methods
#' @param method test method, must be one of "welch.test", "t.test" or
#' "white.test"
#' @param p_adjust method for multiple test correction, default `none`,
#' for more details see [stats::p.adjust].
#' @param pvalue_cutoff numeric, p value cutoff, default 0.05
#' @param diff_mean_cutoff,ratio_cutoff cutoff of different means and ratios,
#' default `NULL` which means no effect size filter.
#' @param conf_level numeric, confidence level of interval.
#' @param nperm integer, number of permutations for white non parametric t test
#' estimation
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to [t.test()] or [fisher.test()]
#' @importFrom phyloseq rank_names tax_glom
#' @importFrom dplyr select everything filter
#' @export
#' @author Yang Cao
#' @return a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object.
#' @seealso [`run_test_multiple_groups()`],[`run_simple_stat`]
#' @examples
#' data(enterotypes_arumugam)
#' mm_welch <- run_test_two_groups(
#' enterotypes_arumugam,
#' group = "Gender",
#' method = "welch.test"
#' )
#' mm_welch
run_test_two_groups <- function(ps,
taxa_rank = "all",
transform = c("identity", "log10", "log10p"),
norm = "TSS",
norm_para = list(),
method = c("welch.test", "t.test", "white.test"),
p_adjust = c(
"none", "fdr", "bonferroni", "holm",
"hochberg", "hommel", "BH", "BY"
pvalue_cutoff = 0.05,
diff_mean_cutoff = NULL,
ratio_cutoff = NULL,
conf_level = 0.95,
nperm = 1000,
...) {
stopifnot(inherits(ps, "phyloseq"))
ps <- check_rank_names(ps)
# ps_rank <- rank_names(ps)
# if ("Picrust_trait" %in% ps_rank) {
# picrust_rank <- c("Picrust_trait", "Picrust_description")
# diff_rank <- setdiff(ps_rank, picrust_rank)
# if (length(diff_rank)) {
# stop("ranks of picrust2 functional profile must be one of ",
# paste(picrust_rank, collapse = ", "))
# }
# warning("para `taxa_rank` is not worked for picrust2 function profile ",
# "and is ignored")
# } else {
# if (!check_rank_names(ps)) {
# stop(
# "ranks of `ps` must be one of ",
# paste(available_ranks, collapse = ", ")
# )
# }
# }
p_adjust <- match.arg(
c("none", "fdr", "bonferroni", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "BH", "BY")
method <- match.arg(method, c("welch.test", "t.test", "white.test"))
# preprocess phyloseq object
ps <- preprocess_ps(ps)
ps <- transform_abundances(ps, transform = transform)
# original abundance for white test
# check taxa_rank
ps <- check_taxa_rank(ps, taxa_rank)
ps_orig_summarized <- pre_ps_taxa_rank(ps, taxa_rank)
# if (taxa_rank == "all") {
# ps_orig_summarized <- summarize_taxa(ps)
# } else if (taxa_rank == "none") {
# ps_orig_summarized <- extract_rank(ps, taxa_rank)
# } else {
# ps_orig_summarized <- aggregate_taxa(ps, taxa_rank) %>%
# extract_rank(taxa_rank)
# }
otus <- abundances(ps_orig_summarized, norm = FALSE)
abd <- transpose_and_2df(otus)
# normalize, normalize first, then summarize
norm_para <- c(norm_para, method = norm, object = list(ps))
ps_normed <- do.call(normalize, norm_para)
# if (taxa_rank == "all") {
# ps_summarized <- summarize_taxa(ps_normed)
# } else if (taxa_rank == "none") {
# ps_summarized <- extract_rank(ps_normed, taxa_rank)
# } else {
# ps_summarized <- aggregate_taxa(ps_normed, taxa_rank) %>%
# extract_rank(taxa_rank)
# }
ps_summarized <- pre_ps_taxa_rank(ps_normed, taxa_rank)
abd_norm <- abundances(ps_summarized, norm = TRUE) %>%
sample_meta <- sample_data(ps_summarized)
if (!group %in% names(sample_meta)) {
stop("`group` must in the field of sample meta data")
groups <- sample_meta[[group]]
abd_norm_group <- split(abd_norm, groups)
# used for permute statistic in white's non parametric t test method
orig_abd_group <- split(abd, groups)
if (method == "welch.test") {
test_res <- run_t_test(abd_norm_group, conf_level = conf_level, ...)
} else if (method == "t.test") {
test_res <- run_t_test(
var_equal = TRUE, ...
} else if (method == "white.test") {
test_res <- run_white_test(
group_names = names(abd_norm_group),
conf_level = conf_level,
nperm = nperm,
feature <- tax_table(ps_summarized)@.Data[, 1]
test_res[["feature"]] <- feature
# ratio
ratio <- purrr::pmap_dbl(abd_norm_group, ~ calc_ratio(.x, .y))
test_res$ratio <- ratio
# set the ci and ratio to 0, if both of the mean is 0
test_res <- mutate(
ci_lower = ifelse(.data$pvalue == 1, 0, .data$ci_lower),
ci_upper = ifelse(.data$pvalue == 1, 0, .data$ci_upper)
) %>%
select(.data$feature, .data$enrich_group, everything())
# p value correction for multiple comparisons
test_res$padj <- p.adjust(test_res$pvalue, method = p_adjust)
row.names(test_res) <- paste0("feature", seq_len(nrow(test_res)))
test_filtered <- filter(test_res, .data$padj <= pvalue_cutoff)
if (!is.null(diff_mean_cutoff)) {
test_filtered <- filter(
abs(.data$ef_diff_mean) >= diff_mean_cutoff
if (!is.null(ratio_cutoff)) {
test_filtered <- filter(
.data$ratio >= ratio_cutoff | .data$ratio <= 1 / ratio_cutoff
# summarized tax table
tax <- matrix(feature) %>%
row.names(tax) <- row.names(otus)
# only keep five variables: feature, enrich_group, effect_size (diff_mean),
# pvalue, and padj
test_res <- test_res[, c(
"feature", "enrich_group",
"ef_diff_mean", "pvalue", "padj"
test_filtered <- test_filtered[, c(
"feature", "enrich_group",
"ef_diff_mean", "pvalue", "padj"
# row.names(test_filtered) <- paste0("marker", seq_len(nrow(test_filtered)))
marker <- return_marker(test_filtered, test_res)
marker <- microbiomeMarker(
marker_table = marker,
norm_method = get_norm_method(norm),
diff_method = method,
sam_data = sample_data(ps_normed),
otu_table = otu_table(t(abd), taxa_are_rows = TRUE),
tax_table = tax
# t test and welch test ---------------------------------------------------
#' run t test or welch test
#' @param abd_group a two length list, each element represents the feature
#' abundance of a group
#' @param conf_level numeric, confidence level of the interval, default 0.95
#' @param var_equal a logical variable indicating whether to treat the two
#' variances as being equal. If TRUE then the pooled variance is used to
#' estimate the variance otherwise the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation
#' to the degrees of freedom is used.
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to [t.test()]
#' @seealso [stats::t.test()]
#' @noRd
run_t_test <- function(abd_group, conf_level = 0.95, var_equal = FALSE, ...) {
if (length(abd_group) != 2) {
stop("welch test requires test between two groups")
t_res <- purrr::pmap(
~ t.test(.x, .y, conf.level = conf_level, var.equal = var_equal, ...)
# p value
p <- purrr::map_dbl(t_res, ~ .x$p.value)
# set the p value to 1 is the result is NA
p[is.na(p)] <- 1
# means each group
# different between means
t_estimate <- purrr::map(t_res, ~ .x$estimate)
mean_g1 <- purrr::map_dbl(t_estimate, ~ .x[1])
mean_g2 <- purrr::map_dbl(t_estimate, ~ .x[2])
diff_means <- mean_g1 - mean_g2
# confidence interval
ci <- purrr::map(t_res, ~ .x$conf.int)
ci_lower <- purrr::map_dbl(ci, ~ .x[1])
ci_upper <- purrr::map_dbl(ci, ~ .x[2])
group_names <- names(abd_group)
mean_names <- paste(group_names, "mean", sep = "_")
res <- data.frame(
names(res) <- c(
"pvalue", mean_names,
"ef_diff_mean", "ci_lower", "ci_upper"
# enrich_group
means_df <- data.frame(mean_g1, mean_g2)
group_enriched <- group_names[apply(means_df, 1, which.max)]
res$enrich_group <- group_enriched
# white's non parametric t test -------------------------------------------
#' White's non-parametric t-test
#' @param norm_group1,norm_group2 a `data.frame`, normalized abundance of
#' group 1 and group 2
#' @param orig_group1,orig_group2 a `data.frame`, absolute abundance of
#' group 1 and group 2
#' @param group_names character vector, group names
#' @param conf_level numeric, confidence level of the interval, default 0.95
#' @param nperm number of permutations, default 1000
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to [t.test()]
#' @noRd
run_white_test <- function(norm_group1,
conf_level = 0.95,
nperm = 1000,
...) {
two_sample_ts <- calc_twosample_ts(norm_group1, norm_group2)
t_statistic <- purrr::map_dbl(two_sample_ts, ~ .x["t_static"])
diff_means <- purrr::map_dbl(two_sample_ts, ~ .x["diff_means"])
permute_p <- calc_permute_p(
norm_group1, norm_group2,
orig_group1, orig_group2,
conf_level = conf_level,
nperm = nperm
bootstrap_ci <- calc_bootstrap_ci(
conf_level = conf_level,
replicates = nperm
# sparse feature -----------------------------------------------------------
n1 <- nrow(orig_group1)
n2 <- nrow(orig_group2)
sparse_index1 <- purrr::map_dbl(orig_group1, sum) < n1
sparse_index2 <- purrr::map_dbl(orig_group2, sum) < n2
sparse_index <- which(sparse_index1 & sparse_index2)
sparse_res <- calc_sparse_p(orig_group1, orig_group2, sparse_index, ...)
# p value
sparse_p <- purrr::map_dbl(sparse_res, ~ .x$p.value)
# set the p value to 1 is the result is NA
sparse_p[is.na(sparse_p)] <- 1
# means of each group
sparse_diff_means <- calc_sparse_diff_mean(
# confidence interval
sparse_ci <- purrr::map(sparse_res, ~ .x$conf.int)
sparse_ci_lower <- purrr::map_dbl(sparse_ci, ~ .x[1])
sparse_ci_upper <- purrr::map_dbl(sparse_ci, ~ .x[2])
permute_p$pvalue_two_side[sparse_index] <- sparse_p
diff_means[sparse_index] <- sparse_diff_means
ci_lower <- bootstrap_ci$ci_lower
ci_lower[sparse_index] <- sparse_ci_lower
ci_upper <- bootstrap_ci$ci_upper
ci_upper[sparse_index] <- sparse_ci_upper
mean_g1 <- colMeans(norm_group1)
mean_g2 <- colMeans(norm_group2)
mean_names <- paste(group_names, "mean", sep = "_")
res <- data.frame(
names(res) <- c(
"pvalue", mean_names,
"ef_diff_mean", "ci_lower", "ci_upper"
# enrich_group
means_df <- data.frame(mean_g1, mean_g2)
group_enriched <- group_names[apply(means_df, 1, which.max)]
res$enrich_group <- group_enriched
#' permuted p values from Storey and Tibshirani(2003)
#' @param t_statistic white non parametric t statistic
#' @noRd
calc_permute_p <- function(norm_group1,
conf_level = 0.95,
nperm = 1000) {
n1 <- nrow(norm_group1)
n2 <- nrow(norm_group2)
smaples_n <- n1 + n2
features_n <- length(norm_group1)
# calculate p value -------------------------------------------------------
permuted_res <- purrr::rerun(
calc_permute_ts(norm_group1, norm_group2)
permuted_ts <- purrr::map_df(
~ .x %>% purrr::map(~ .x["t_static"])
permuted_diff_means <- purrr::map_df(
~ .x %>% purrr::map(~ .x["diff_means"])
if (n1 < 8 || n2 < 8) {
# pool just the frequently observed ts
cleaned_permuted_ttests <- permuted_ts
group1_high_freq <- colSums(orig_group1) >= n1
group2_high_freq <- colSums(orig_group2) >= n2
high_freq_indices <- which(group1_high_freq | group2_high_freq)
pvalue_one_side <- rep(0, features_n)
pvalue_two_side <- rep(0, features_n)
for (hf_index in high_freq_indices) {
one_side <- 0
two_side <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nperm)) {
for (hf_index2 in high_freq_indices) {
# one side
if (cleaned_permuted_ttests[i, hf_index2] >
t_statistic[hf_index]) {
one_side <- one_side + 1
# two side
if (abs(cleaned_permuted_ttests[i, hf_index2]) >
abs(t_statistic[hf_index])) {
two_side <- two_side + 1
pvalue_one_side[hf_index] <- 1 /
(nperm * length(high_freq_indices)) * one_side
pvalue_two_side[hf_index] <- 1 /
(nperm * length(high_freq_indices)) * two_side
} else {
no <- calc_p_large_sample(permuted_ts, t_statistic)
two_side_no <- purrr::map_dbl(no, ~ .x["two_side"])
g_side_no <- purrr::map_dbl(no, ~ .x["g_side"])
l_side_no <- purrr::map_dbl(no, ~ .x["l_side"])
pvalue_two_side <- 1 / (nperm + 1) * (two_side_no + 1)
pvalue_g_side <- 1 / (nperm + 1) * (g_side_no + 1)
pvalue_l_side <- 1 / (nperm + 1) * (l_side_no + 1)
pvalue <- data.frame(
pvalue_two_side = pvalue_two_side,
pvalue_g_side = pvalue_g_side,
pvalue_l_side = pvalue_l_side
# calculate the permute p value, if number of samples in both groups are larger
# than 8
calc_p_large_sample <- function(permuted_ts, t_statistic) {
no <- purrr::map2(
~ purrr::map_df(
function(i) {
l_side <- 0
g_side <- 0
two_side <- 0
if (i > .y) {
g_side <- g_side + 1
if (i < .y) {
l_side <- l_side + 1
if (abs(i) > abs(.y)) {
two_side <- two_side + 1
return(c(two_side = two_side, g_side = g_side, l_side = l_side))
purrr::map(no, colSums)
# bootstrap confidence interval
calc_bootstrap_ci <- function(norm_group1,
conf_level = 0.95,
replicates = 1000) {
diff_means <- purrr::map2_df(
ci_lower <- purrr::map_dbl(
~ .x[max(0, floor(0.5 * (1 - conf_level) * length(.x)))]
ci_upper <- purrr::map_dbl(
~ .x[min(
length(.x) - 1,
ceiling((conf_level + 0.5 * (1.0 - conf_level)) * length(.x))
return(data.frame(ci_lower = ci_lower, ci_upper = ci_upper))
# bootstrap one time, difference mean of an single feature
bootstrap_diff_mean_prop_single <- function(group1, group2, replicates = 1000) {
bootstrap_one <- function(group1, group2) {
n1 <- length(group1)
n2 <- length(group2)
choices1 <- sample.int(n1, n1, replace = TRUE)
choices2 <- sample.int(n2, n2, replace = TRUE)
sample_group1 <- group1[choices1]
sample_group2 <- group2[choices2]
diff_means <- mean(sample_group1) - mean(sample_group2)
diff_means <- replicate(
bootstrap_one(group1, group2),
simplify = TRUE
calc_permute_ts <- function(norm_group1, norm_group2) {
n1 <- nrow(norm_group1)
n2 <- nrow(norm_group2)
samples_n <- n1 + n2
perm <- sample.int(samples_n, samples_n)
features_n <- length(norm_group1)
# permute the rows
prop_group <- dplyr::bind_rows(norm_group1, norm_group2)
prop_group_permute <- prop_group[perm, ]
prop_group_permute[seq_len(n1), ],
prop_group_permute[(n1 + 1):(n1 + n2), ]
# Calculate two sample t statistic of all features
calc_twosample_ts <- function(norm_group1, norm_group2) {
ts <- purrr::map2(
#' Calculate two sample t statistic of a feature, return a two length vector:
#' two sample t static and difference means (effect size)
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @noRd
calc_twosample_ts_single_feature <- function(norm_group1, norm_group2) {
n1 <- length(norm_group1)
n2 <- length(norm_group2)
mean_g1 <- sum(norm_group1) / n1
var_g1 <- var(norm_group1)
stderr_g1 <- var_g1 / n1
mean_g2 <- sum(norm_group2) / n2
var_g2 <- var(norm_group2)
stderr_g2 <- var_g2 / n2
diff_means <- mean_g1 - mean_g2
denom <- sqrt(stderr_g1 + stderr_g2)
if (denom == 0) {
"degenerate case: zero variance for both groups;",
" variance set to 1e-6.",
call. = FALSE
t_static <- diff_means / 1e-6
} else {
t_static <- diff_means / denom
return(c(t_static = t_static, diff_means = diff_means))
#' calculate p values for sparse data using fisher's exact test
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
#' @noRd
calc_sparse_p <- function(orig_group1, orig_group2, sparse_index, ...) {
cm_list <- create_contingency_matrix(
sparse_index = sparse_index
purrr::map(cm_list, fisher.test, ...)
# create contingency matrix list for fisher exact test
create_contingency_matrix <- function(orig_group1, orig_group2, sparse_index) {
all1 <- sum(orig_group1)
all2 <- sum(orig_group2)
sparse_group1 <- orig_group1[sparse_index]
sparse_group2 <- orig_group2[sparse_index]
feature_abd1 <- colSums(sparse_group1)
feature_abd2 <- colSums(sparse_group2)
cm_list <- purrr::map2(
feature_abd1, feature_abd2,
~ matrix(
c(.x, all1 - .x, .y, all2 - .y),
nrow = 2,
dimnames = list(c("featrue", "other"), c("group1", "group2"))
calc_sparse_diff_mean <- function(orig_group1, orig_group2, sparse_index) {
all1 <- sum(orig_group1)
all2 <- sum(orig_group2)
sparse_group1 <- orig_group1[sparse_index]
sparse_group2 <- orig_group2[sparse_index]
feature_abd1 <- colSums(sparse_group1)
feature_abd2 <- colSums(sparse_group2)
~ (.x / all1 - .y / all2)
# ratio ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ratio used for effect size
#' @param abd1,abd2 numeric vector, abundance of a given feature of the group1
#' and group2
#' @param pseducount numeric, pseducount for unobserved data
#' @return numeric ratio for a feature
#' @noRd
calc_ratio <- function(abd1, abd2, pseudocount = 0.5) {
n1 <- length(abd1)
n2 <- length(abd2)
mean_g1 <- sum(abd1) / n1
mean_g2 <- sum(abd2) / n2
if (mean_g1 == 0 || mean_g2 == 0) {
pseudocount <- pseudocount / (mean_g1 + mean_g2)
mean_g1 <- mean_g1 + pseudocount
mean_g2 <- mean_g2 + pseudocount
res <- mean_g1 / mean_g2
if (is.na(res)) {
res <- 0
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