# The module of comparing differential analysis is inspired from DAtest
# https://github.com/Russel88/DAtest
# If you use this function please cite the original paper:
# Russel, Jakob, et al. "DAtest: a framework for choosing differential abundance
# or expression method." BioRxiv (2018): 241802.
#' Comparing the results of differential analysis methods by Empirical power
#' and False Discovery Rate
#' Calculating power, false discovery rates, false positive rates and auc (
#' area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve)
#' for various DA methods.
#' @param ps,group,taxa_rank main arguments of all differential analysis
#' methods. `ps`: a [`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object; `group`, character,
#' the variable to set the group, must be one of the var of the sample
#' metadata; `taxa_rank`: character, taxonomic rank, please not that **since
#' the abundance table is spiked in the lowest level, only
#' `taxa_rank = "none"` is allowed**.
#' @param methods character vector, differential analysis methods to be
#' compared, available methods are "aldex", "ancom", "ancombc", "deseq2",
#' "edger", "lefse", "limma_voom", "metagenomeseq", "simple_stat".
#' @param args named list, which used to set the extra arguments of the
#' differential analysis methods, so the names must be contained in `methods`.
#' For more see details below.
#' @param n_rep integer, number of times to run the differential analyses.
#' @param effect_size numeric, the effect size for the spike-ins. Default 5.
#' @param k numeric vector of length 3, number of features to spike in each
#' tertile (lower, mid, upper), e.g. `k=c(5,10,15)` means 5 features spiked
#' in low abundance tertile, 10 features spiked in mid abundance tertile and
#' 15 features spiked in high abundance tertile. Default `NULL`, which will
#' spike 2 percent of the total amount of features in each tertile (a total
#' of 6 percent), but minimum c(5,5,5).
#' @param relative logical, whether rescale the total number of individuals
#' observed for each sample to the original level after spike-in. Default
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param BPPARAM [`BiocParallel::BiocParallelParam`] instance defining the
#' parallel back-end.
#' @details
#' To make this function support for different arguments for a certain DA method
#' `args` allows list of list of list e.g. `args = list(lefse = list(list(norm = "CPM"), list(norm = "TSS")))`, which specify to compare the different norm
#' arguments for lefse analysis.
#' For `taxa_rank`, only `taxa_rank = "none"` is supported, if this argument is
#' not "none", it will be forced to "none" internally.
#' @return an `compareDA` object, which contains a two-length list of:
#' - `metrics`: `data.frame`, FPR, AUC and spike detection rate for each run.
#' - `mm`: differential analysis results.
#' @importFrom phyloseq `otu_table<-`
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
compare_DA <- function(ps,
taxa_rank = "none",
args = list(),
n_rep = 20,
effect_size = 5,
k = NULL,
relative = TRUE,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(progressbar = TRUE)) {
stopifnot(inherits(ps, "phyloseq"))
# check methods
avlb_methods <- c("aldex", "ancom", "ancombc", "deseq2", "edger", "lefse",
"limma_voom", "metagenomeseq", "simple_stat")
out_methods <- setdiff(methods, avlb_methods)
if (length(out_methods)) {
stop("methods ", paste(out_methods, collapse = ", "),
" not available. \n",
"Please check your `methods`.\n",
paste(strwrap(paste("Available methods:",
paste(avlb_methods, collapse = ", ")),
width = 0.9 * getOption("width")),
collapse = paste("\n", space(nchar("Available methods:")))),
call. = FALSE)
ps_var_name <- deparse(substitute(ps))
# support for different arguments for a DA method, list of list of list
# e.g. args = list(lefse = list(list(norm = "CPM"), list(norm = "TSS")))
# different norm arguments for lefse analysis
new_args <- generate_compare_args(methods, args)
methods <- new_args$methods
args <- new_args$args
meta <- sample_data(ps)
groups <- meta[[group]] |> factor()
n_lvl <- nlevels(groups)
if (n_lvl == 2) {
if ("test_multiple_groups" %in% methods) {
warning("There are two categories of interested variable ", group,
", method `test_multiple_groups` are dropped.")
methods <- setdiff(methods, "test_multiple_groups")
} else if (n_lvl >= 3) {
if ("test_two_groups" %in% methods) {
warning("There are more than two categories of interested variable ",
", method `test_two_groups` are dropped.")
methods <- setdiff(methods, "test_two_groups")
} else {
stop("Only one category of interested variable ", group, ".")
# taxa_rank must be "none"
if (taxa_rank != "none") {
warning("since the abundance table is spiked in the lowest level, ",
"`taxa_rank` was forced set as 'none'",
call. = FALSE)
taxa_rank <- "none"
# taxa_ranks <- vapply(args, `[[`, "taxa_rank", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# wrong_taxa_rank <- taxa_ranks != "none"
# if (any(wrong_taxa_rank)) {
# warning("Set `taxa_rank` of all methods to 'none'")
# for (i in which(wrong_taxa_rank)) {
# args[[i]]$taxa_rank <- "none"
# }
# }
count_tab <- otu_table(ps)
features <- rownames(count_tab)
# spike in, differential features
n_feature <- nrow(count_tab)
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- rep(round(n_feature * 0.02), 3)
if (sum(k) < 15) {
k <- rep(5, 3)
if (sum(k) == n_feature) {
stop("Set to spike all features, can't calculate FDR or AUC",
call. = FALSE)
if (sum(k) > n_feature) {
stop("Set to spike more features than are present in the data",
call. = FALSE)
if (sum(k) < 15 && sum(k) >= 10 && n_rep <= 10) {
warning("Few features are spiked, increase `k` or set `n_rep` to ",
"more than 10 to ensure proper estimation of AUC and FPR",,
call. = FALSE)
if (sum(k) < 10 && sum(k) >= 5 && n_rep <= 20) {
warning("Few features are spiked, increase `k` or set `n_rep` to ",
"more than 20 to ensure proper estimation of AUC and FPR",
call. = FALSE)
if (sum(k) < 5 && n_rep <= 50) {
warning("Very few features are spiked, increase `k` set `n_rep` to ",
"more than 50 to ensure proper estimation of AUC and FPR",
call. = FALSE)
if (sum(k) > n_feature/2) {
warning("Set to spike more than half of the features, ",
"which might give unreliable estimates")
# if(verbose) cat("Spikeing...\n")
# shuffle predictor
# predictor <- sample_data(ps)[[group[[1]]]]
rands <- lapply(seq_len(n_rep), \(x) sample(groups))
# spikeins
spikeds <- lapply(rands,
\(x) spikein(count_tab, x, effect_size, k, relative))
count_tabs <- lapply(spikeds, `[[`, 1)
spiked_features <- lapply(spikeds, `[[`, 2)
spiked_features <- rep(spiked_features, each = length(methods))
# spiked phyloseq objects
generate_spiked_ps <- function(spiked_count, rand, group, ps = ps) {
otu_table(ps) <- otu_table(spiked_count, taxa_are_rows = TRUE)
meta <- sample_data(ps)
meta[[group]] <- rand
sample_data(ps) <- meta
pss <- mapply(generate_spiked_ps,
count_tabs, rands,
MoreArgs = list(group = group, ps = ps))
pss <- rep(pss, each = length(methods))
# rep methods
rep_methods <- rep(methods, n_rep)
all_methods <- methods
# fun for performance metrics of DA methods
for (item in names(args)) {
args[[item]]$group <- group
args[[item]]$taxa_rank <- taxa_rank
## for ancombc, use bpmapply will raise an error:
# `argument "formula" is missing, with no default`. This error could be due
# to ANCOMBC package. We first run the ancombc method sequentially, and then
# run other methods parallelly, finnally bind the results
ancombc_md_idx <- grepl("ancombc", rep_methods, fixed = TRUE)
if (any(ancombc_md_idx)) {
ancombc_mds <- rep_methods[ancombc_md_idx]
ancombc_args <- args[ancombc_md_idx]
ancombc_pss <- pss[ancombc_md_idx]
ancombc_spiked_features <- spiked_features[ancombc_md_idx]
methods <- rep_methods[!ancombc_md_idx]
args <- args[!ancombc_md_idx]
pss <- pss[!ancombc_md_idx]
spiked_features <- spiked_features[!ancombc_md_idx]
calc_da_metrics <- function(ps, method, args, features,
spiked_features, ps_var_name,
effect_size) {
args <- args[[method]]
args$ps <- ps
fun <- paste0("run_", method)
# remove number suffix for different args for a certern method
fun <- gsub("(.*)_\\d+$", "\\1", fun)
tm <- system.time(mm <- do.call(fun, args))
marker <- data.frame(marker_table(mm))
# pseduo pvalue of ancom
if (method == "ancom" && !is.null(marker)) {
w <- marker$W
cf <- 0.05 * min(w)
if (!is.null(marker)) {
spiked <- rep("no", nrow(marker))
spiked[marker$feature %in% spiked_features] <- "yes"
marker$spiked <- spiked
# confusion matrix
n_pos <- ifelse(is.null(marker), 0, nrow(marker))
n_feature <- length(features)
neg_feature <- setdiff(features, spiked_features)
n_neg <- n_feature - n_pos
# for effect_size = 1
true_neg <- n_neg
true_pos <- 0
false_neg <- 0
# for effect size != 1
if (effect_size != 1) {
true_pos <- ifelse(is.null(marker), 0, sum(marker$spiked == "yes"))
false_neg <- sum(neg_feature %in% spiked_features)
false_pos <- n_pos - true_pos
true_neg <- n_neg - false_neg
# fpr
fpr <- ifelse((false_pos + true_neg) != 0,
false_pos / (false_pos + true_neg),
# sdr
# sum(k) == length(spiked_features)
sdr <- true_pos / length(spiked_features)
# auc
if(effect_size != 1) {
test_roc <- NULL
tryCatch(test_roc <- pROC::roc(
as.numeric(marker$feature %in% spiked_features) ~ marker$pvalue,
auc = TRUE,
direction = ">",
quiet = TRUE), error = function(e) NULL)
auc <- ifelse(is.null(test_roc), 0.5, as.numeric(test_roc$auc))
} else {
auc <- 0.5
# fdr
fdr <- ifelse(n_pos != 0, false_pos / n_pos, 0)
# create call
cmd_args <- args
cmd_args$ps <- ps_var_name
cmd_args$fun <- fun
# reorder
args_nms <- names(cmd_args)
head_nms <- c("fun", "ps", "group", "taxa_rank")
new_nms <- c(head_nms, setdiff(args_nms, head_nms))
cmd_args <- cmd_args[new_nms]
cmd_chr <- deparse1(as.call(cmd_args))
cmd_chr <- gsub(paste0("\"(", fun, ")\""), "\\1", cmd_chr)
metrics <- data.frame(auc = auc,
fpr = fpr,
fdr = fdr,
power = sdr,
# method = gsub("(.*)_\\d+$", "\\1", method),
method = method,
call = cmd_chr,
time_min = round(tm[3] / 60, 4))
rownames(metrics) <- NULL
list(metrics = metrics, mm = mm)
if (any(ancombc_md_idx)) {
ancombc_out <- mapply(calc_da_metrics,
ps = ancombc_pss,
method = ancombc_mds,
spiked_features = ancombc_spiked_features,
MoreArgs = list(args = ancombc_args,
features = features,
ps_var_name = ps_var_name,
effect_size = effect_size),
if (!all(ancombc_md_idx)) {
bp_out <- BiocParallel::bpmapply(calc_da_metrics,
ps = pss,
method = methods,
spiked_features = spiked_features,
MoreArgs = list(args = args,
features = features,
ps_var_name = ps_var_name,
effect_size = effect_size),
if (all(ancombc_md_idx)) {
da_out <- ancombc_out
} else {
if (any(ancombc_md_idx)) {
da_out <- c(ancombc_out, bp_out)
} else {
da_out <- bp_out
# order the out, to the original order
idx <- order(c(which(ancombc_md_idx), which(!ancombc_md_idx)))
da_out <- da_out[idx]
da_metrics <- do.call(rbind, lapply(da_out, `[[`, "metrics"))
da_metrics$run <- rep(seq_len(n_rep), each = length(all_methods))
mms <- lapply(da_out, `[[`, "mm")
# detail <- list(n_feature = n_feature,
# n_sample = ncol(count_tab),
# effect_size = effect_size,
# spike = paste0(c("Low:","Mid:","High:"), k,
# collapse = ", "))
out <- list(metrics = da_metrics, mm = mms)
class(out) <- "compareDA"
#' Summary differential analysis methods comparison results
#' @param object an `compareDA` object, output from [`compare_DA()`].
#' @param sort character string specifying sort method. Possibilities are
#' "score" which is calculated as \eqn{(auc - 0.5) * power - fdr}, "auc" for
#' area under the ROC curve, "fpr" for false positive rate, "power" for
#' empirical power.
#' @param boot logical, whether use bootstrap for confidence limites of the
#' score, default `TRUE`. Recommended to be `TRUE` unless `n_rep` is larger
#' then 100 in [`compare_DA()`].
#' @param boot_n integer, number of bootstraps, default 1000L.
#' @param prob two length numeric vector, confidence limits for score, default
#' `c(0.05, 0.95)`.
#' @param ... extra arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @return a `data.frame` containing measurements for differential analysis
#' methods:
#' - `call`: differential analysis commands.
#' - `auc`: area under curve of ROC.
#' - `fpr`: false positive rate
#' - `power`: empirical power.
#' - `fdr`: false discover7y rate.
#' - `score`: score whch is calculated as \eqn{(auc - 0.5) * power - fdr}.
#' - `score_*`: confidence limits of score.
#' @export
summary.compareDA <- function(object,
sort = c("score", "auc", "fpr", "power"),
boot = TRUE,
boot_n = 1000L,
prob = c(0.05, 0.95),
...) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "compareDA"))
sort <- match.arg(sort, c("score", "auc", "fpr", "power"))
# medians
metrics <- object$metrics
calls <- metrics$call
new_metrics <- metrics[c('auc', 'fpr', 'power', 'fdr')]
metric_med <- stats::aggregate(new_metrics,
by = list(call = calls),
FUN = median)
# score
metric_med$score <- (metric_med$auc - 0.5) * metric_med$power -
# interval
new_metrics$score <- (new_metrics$auc - 0.5) * new_metrics$power -
metrics$score <- (metrics$auc - 0.5) * metrics$power - metrics$fdr
if (boot) {
boots <- dplyr::group_by(metrics, call) |>
dplyr::group_modify(~ .x[sample(rownames(.x),
replace = TRUE),
score_cl <- stats::aggregate(score ~ call,
data = boots,
FUN = function(x)
stats::quantile(x, probs = prob))
} else {
score_cl <- stats::aggregate(score ~ call,
data = metrics,
FUN = \(x) stats::quantile(x, probs = prob))
score_cl <- data.frame(call = score_cl$call,
score_cl$score[, 1],
score_cl$score[, 2])
names(score_cl) <- c("call", paste0("score_", prob))
out <- merge(metric_med, score_cl, by = "call")
# reorder score descreasing
out <- out[order(out$score,
out[[paste0("score_", prob[1])]],
out[[paste0("score_", prob[2])]],
decreasing = TRUE),
if (out$score[1] <= 0) {
warning("Best score is <= 0.\n",
"You might require to preprocessing your data or ",
"re-run with a higher effect size.",
call. = FALSE)
# mat <- vector("logical", nrow(out))
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(out))) {
# mat[i] <- out$score[i] >= out[[paste0("score_", prob[1])]][1]
# }
# out$` ` <- " "
# out[mat,]$` ` <- "*"
if (sort == "auc") {
out <- out[order(out$auc, decreasing = TRUE), ]
if (sort == "fpr") {
out <- out[order(out$fpr, decreasing = FALSE), ]
if (sort == "power") {
out <- out[order(out$power, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# compare_DA <- function(...,
# n_rep = 20,
# effect_size = 5,
# k = NULL,
# n_core = parallel::detectCores() -1,
# check_core = TRUE,
# relative = TRUE,
# verbose = TRUE) {
# if (check_core) {
# if (check_core > 20) {
# ANSWER <- readline(paste("You are about to run compareDA using",
# n_core,
# "cores. Enter y to proceed "))
# if (ANSWER != "y") {
# stop("Process aborted")
# }
# }
# }
# exp_chrs <- list(...)
# t_start <- proc.time()
# calls <- lapply(exp_chrs, \(x) standardise_call(str2lang(x)))
# # extract the ps object and target variable
# pss <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "ps")
# group <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "group")
# # all the ps and target variable must be the same
# if (sum(duplicated(pss)) != (length(pss) - 1)) {
# stop("`ps` objects in DA analysis must be the same")
# }
# if (sum(duplicated(group)) != (length(group) - 1)) {
# stop("`group` var in all DA analysis must be the same")
# }
# # DA methods comparison only support for taxa_rank = "none", since
# # the abundance table is spiked in the lowest level
# # full_paras <- lapply(calls, \(x) formals(match.fun(x[[1]])))
# taxa_ranks <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "taxa_rank")
# if (sum(duplicated(taxa_ranks)) != (length(group) - 1)) {
# stop("`taxa_rank` objects in all DA analysis must be the same")
# }
# if (!is.null(taxa_ranks[[1]]) && taxa_ranks[[1]] != "none") {
# stop("since the abundance table is spiked in the lowest level, ",
# "`taxa_rank` must be 'none'",
# call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (verbose) {
# message("Comparing differential methods may take a long time")
# message("Running on ", n_core, "cores")
# }
# # differential analysis functions
# funs <- lapply(calls, `[[`, 1)
# funs_chr <- vapply(funs, as.character, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# ps <- eval(pss[[1]], envir = parent.frame())
# count_tab <- otu_table(ps)
# features <- rownames(count_tab)
# # spike in differential features
# if (is.null(k)) {
# k <- rep(round(nrow(count_tab) * 0.02), 3)
# if (sum(k) < 15) {
# k <- rep(5, 3)
# }
# }
# n_feature <- nrow(count_tab)
# if (sum(k) == n_feature) {
# stop("Set to spike all features, can't calculate FDR or AUC",
# call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (sum(k) > n_feature) {
# stop("Set to spike more features than are present in the data",
# call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (sum(k) < 15 && sum(k) >= 10 && n_rep <= 10) {
# warning("Few features are spiked, increase `k` or set `n_rep` to ",
# "more than 10 to ensure proper estimation of AUC and FPR",,
# call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (sum(k) < 10 && sum(k) >= 5 && n_rep <= 20) {
# warning("Few features are spiked, increase `k` or set `n_rep` to ",
# "more than 20 to ensure proper estimation of AUC and FPR",
# call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (sum(k) < 5 && n_rep <= 50) {
# warning("Very few features are spiked, increase `k` set `n_rep` to ",
# "more than 50 to ensure proper estimation of AUC and FPR",
# call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (sum(k) > n_feature/2) {
# warning("Set to spike more than half of the features, ",
# "which might give unreliable estimates")
# }
# if(verbose) cat("Spikeing...\n")
# # shuffle predictor
# predictor <- sample_data(ps)[[group[[1]]]]
# rands <- lapply(seq_len(n_rep), \(x) sample(predictor))
# # spikeins
# spikeds <- lapply(rands,
# \(x) spikein(count_tab, x, effect_size, k, relative))
# count_tabs <- lapply(spikeds, `[[`, 1)
# if (verbose) {
# cat(paste("Testing", length(exp_chrs),
# "methods", n_rep, "times each ...\n"))
# }
# # progress bar
# # da_par <- paste(rep(seq_len(n_rep), each = 2),
# # funs_chr, sep = "-")
# cmds <- rep(exp_chrs, n_rep)
# run_no <- rep(seq_len(n_rep), each = length(exp_chrs))
# pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = length(cmds), style = 3)
# progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
# opts <- list(progress = progress)
# # config parallel
# if (n_core == 1) {
# foreach::registerDoSEQ()
# } else {
# cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_core)
# doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl)
# on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl))
# }
# # run the DA analysis in parallel
# res <- foreach::foreach(exp_chr = cmds, i = run_no,
# .export = c("otu_table", "otu_table<-", funs_chr),
# .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
# t1_sub <- proc.time()
# # construct new ps with spiked feature abundance table
# new_count_tab <- count_tabs[[i]]
# otu_table(ps) <- otu_table(new_count_tab, taxa_are_rows = TRUE)
# res_sub <- eval(str2expression(exp_chr),
# list(ps = ps),
# enclos = parent.frame())
# run_time_sub <- (proc.time() - t1_sub)[3]
# return(list(res_sub, run_time_sub))
# }
# run_times <- lapply(res, `[[`, "run_time_sub")
# da_res <- lapply(res, `[[`, "res_sub")
# n_da <- length(exp_chrs)
# r <- NULL
# final_res <- foreach::foreach(r = seq_len(n_rep)) %do% {
# da_sub <- da_res[(1 + (r - 1) * n_da):(r * n_da)]
# curr_cmds <- cmds[(1 + (r - 1) * n_da):(r * n_da)]
# curr_spiked_features <- spikeds[[r]][[2]]
# # insert spiked column
# rsp <- NULL
# da_sub <- foreach::foreach(rsp = seq_along(da_sub)) %do% {
# tmp <- da_sub[[rsp]]
# tmp_marker <- data.frame(marker_table(tmp))
# # psedudo pvalue of ancom
# if (grepl("ancom(", curr_cmds[rsp], fixed = TRUE)) {
# w <- tmp_marker$W
# cf <- 0.05 * min(w)
# tmp_marker$pvalue <- (1 / w) * cf
# }
# tmp_spiked <- rep("no", nrow(tmp_marker))
# tmp_spiked[tmp_marker$feature %in% curr_spiked_features] <- "yes"
# tmp_marker$spiked <- tmp_spiked
# return(tmp_marker)
# }
# # confusion matrix
# n_pos <- vapply(da_sub, nrow, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# neg_feature <- lapply(da_sub, \(x) setdiff(features, x$feature))
# n_neg <- n_feature - n_pos # vapply(neg_feature, length, integer(1))
# # for effect_size = 1
# true_neg <- n_neg
# true_pos <- 0
# false_neg <- 0
# # for effect_size != 1
# if (effect_size != 1) {
# true_pos <- vapply(da_sub,
# \(x) sum(da_sub$spiked == "yes"),
# FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# false_neg <- vapply(neg_feature,
# \(x) sum(x %in% curr_spiked_features),
# FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# }
# false_pos <- n_pos - true_pos
# true_neg <- n_neg - false_neg
# # FPR: false positive rate
# fprs <- vapply(seq_along(da_sub),
# \(x) ifelse((false_pos[x] + true_neg[x]) != 0,
# false_pos[x] / (false_pos[x] + true_neg[x]),
# 0),
# FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# # sdr: spike detection rate
# sdrs <- vapply(true_pos, \(x) x / sum(k), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# # auc
# aucs <- vapply(da_sub, \(x) {
# if (effect_size != 1) {
# test_roc <- NULL
# spiked_idx <- as.numeric(x$feature %in% curr_spiked_features)
# tryCatch(
# test_roc <- pROC::roc(spiked_idx ~ x$pvalue,
# auc = TRUE,
# direction = ">",
# quiet = TRUE),
# error = function(e) NULL)
# res <- ifelse(is.null(test_roc),
# 0.5,
# as.numeric(test_roc$auc))
# } else {
# res <- 0.5
# }
# res
# }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# # fdrs
# fdrs <- vapply(seq_along(da_sub),
# \(x) ifelse(n_pos != 0, false_pos / n_pos, 0))
# df_combine <- data.frame(call = curr_cmds,
# AUC = aucs,
# FPR = fprs,
# FDR = fdrs,
# Power = sdrs,
# run = r)
# rownames(df_combine) <- NULL
# return(df_combine, da_sub)
# }
# out_res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(final_res, `[[`, 1))
# out_res_marker <- lapply(final_res, `[[`, 2)
# # running time
# run_secs <- (proc.time() - t_start)[3]
# if ((run_secs)/60/60 > 1) {
# run_time <- paste(round((run_secs)/60/60, 2), "Hours")
# } else {
# run_time <- paste(round((run_secs)/60,2),"Minutes")
# }
# out_detail <- data.frame(n_feature = nrow(count_tab),
# n_sample = ncol(count_tab),
# run_time = run_time,
# effect_size = effect_size,
# spiked = paste0(c("Low:","Mid:","High:"), k,
# collapse = ", "))
# out_detail <- as.data.frame(t(out_detail))
# names(out_detail) <- NULL
# # run times
# run_times <- data.frame(DA = cmds,
# minites = round(unlist(run_times) / 60, 4))
# out <- list(res = out_res,
# marker = out_res_marker,
# detail = out_detail,
# run_time = run_times)
# out
# }
# spike in features
spikein <- function(count_tab,
effect_size = 2,
relative = TRUE) {
if (effect_size < 0) {
stop("Effect size should be positive")
spike_method <- ifelse(effect_size == 1, "none", "mult")
if (is.null(rownames(count_tab))) {
rownames(count_tab) <- seq_len(nrow(count_tab))
count_tab <- as.data.frame(count_tab)
predictor <- as.numeric(as.factor(predictor)) - 1
# Choose Features to spike
propcount <- sweep(count_tab, 2, colSums(count_tab), "/")
# propcount <- apply(count_tab, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
count_abundances <- sort(rowSums(propcount)/ncol(propcount))
# Only spike Features present in cases (except if predictor is numeric)
case_count_tab <- count_tab[
rowSums(count_tab[, predictor == 1]) > 0, predictor == 1]
approved_count_abundances <- count_abundances[
names(count_abundances) %in% row.names(case_count_tab)]
# Which to spike in each tertile
lower_tert <- names(approved_count_abundances[
approved_count_abundances < quantile(approved_count_abundances,1/3)])
mid_tert <- names(approved_count_abundances[
approved_count_abundances >= quantile(approved_count_abundances,1/3) &
approved_count_abundances < quantile(approved_count_abundances,2/3)])
upper_tert <- names(approved_count_abundances[
approved_count_abundances >= quantile(approved_count_abundances,2/3)])
spike_features <- c(sample(lower_tert, k[1]),
sample(mid_tert, k[2]),
spike_feature_index <- which(row.names(count_tab) %in% spike_features)
# Spike Features by multiplication
old_sums <- colSums(count_tab)
if (spike_method == "mult"){
count_tab[spike_feature_index, predictor==1] <-
count_tab[spike_feature_index, predictor==1] * effect_size
# Rescale to original sample sums
new_sums <- colSums(count_tab)
if (relative) {
count_tab <- round(sweep(count_tab, 2, old_sums/new_sums, "*"))
list(count_tab, spike_features)
# from pryr: Standardise a function call
standardise_call <- function(call, env = parent.frame()) {
f <- eval(call[[1]], env)
if (is.primitive(f)) {
return(match.call(f, call))
# To make compare_DA() support for different arguments for a certain DA method,
# args allows list of list of list
# e.g. args = list(lefse = list(list(norm = "CPM"), list(norm = "TSS"))),
# represents compare the different norm arguments for lefse analysis. So we
# need to flattern the args and extend methods for DA analysis:
# methods = c("lefse", "lefse"),
# args = list(list(norm = "CPM"), list(norm = "TSS"))
# For method with no args provided, set it to list(), e.g. list(ancom = list()).
generate_compare_args <- function(methods, args) {
# check args
args_nms <- names(args)
if (length(args)) {
out_args <- setdiff(args_nms, methods)
if (length(out_args)) {
stop("names of `args` must be contained in `methods`.\n",
paste(args[out_args], collapse = ", "), " in names of `args` ",
"does not match DA methods",
call. = FALSE)
# create args list for each method
method_no_args <- setdiff(methods, args_nms)
for (i in seq_along(method_no_args)) {
args[[method_no_args[i]]] <- list()
new_args <- list()
n_arg <- vector("integer", length(args))
for (i in seq_along(args)) {
curr_arg <- args[i]
if (purrr::vec_depth(curr_arg) > 4) {
stop("`args` could be 'list of list', ",
"'list of list of list' to support for different arguments ",
"for a certain DA method")
if (purrr::vec_depth(curr_arg) == 4) {
curr_arg <- unlist(curr_arg, recursive = FALSE)
names(curr_arg) <- paste(names(args)[i],
sep = "_")
new_args <- c(new_args, curr_arg)
n_arg[i] <- length(curr_arg)
methods <- rep(methods, times = n_arg)
methods_suffix <- lapply(n_arg, \(x) {
if (x > 1) {
as.character(paste0("_", seq_len(x)))
} else {
}) |> unlist()
methods <- paste(methods, methods_suffix, sep = "")
return(list(methods = methods, args = new_args))
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