# marker_table class ------------------------------------------------------
#' The S4 class for storing microbiome marker information
#' This Class is inherit from `data.frame`. Rows represent the microbiome
#' markers and variables represents feature of the marker.
#' @name marker_table-class
#' @aliases marker_table-class
#' @field names,row.names a character vector, inherited from the input
#' data.frame
#' @field .data a list, each element corresponding the each column of the
#' input data.frame
#' @field .S3Class character, the S3 class `marker_table` inherited from:
#' "`data.frame`"
#' @author Yang Cao
#' @exportClass marker_table
setClass("marker_table", contains = "data.frame")
# validator of marker_table
validity_marker_table <- function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (!"feature" %in% names(object)) {
msg <- c(
"marker table must contain variable `feature`: the name of marker"
if (any(dim(object) == 0)) {
msg <- c(msg, "marker table must have non-zero dimensions")
if (length(msg)) {
} else {
setValidity("marker_table", validity_marker_table)
# A class may be defined as the union of other classes; that is, as a virtual
# class defined as a superclass of several other classes. This is a way of
# dealing with the expected scenarios in which one or more of the slot is not
# available, in which case NULL will be used instead.
#' @importClassesFrom phyloseq taxonomyTable
#' @keywords internal
setClassUnion("marker_tableOrNULL", c("marker_table", "NULL"))
#' @keywords internal
setClassUnion("taxonomyTableOrNULL", c("taxonomyTable", "NULL"))
#' @keywords internal
setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("character", "NULL"))
#' @keywords internal
setClassUnion("numericOrNULL", c("numeric", "NULL"))
# microbiomeMarker class --------------------------------------------------
#' The main class for microbiomeMarker data
#' `microbiomeMarker-class` is inherited from the [`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`]
#' by adding a custom slot `microbiome_marker` to save the differential analysis
#' results. And it provides a seamless interface with **phyloseq**, which makes
#' **microbiomeMarker** simple and easy to use. For more details on see the
#' document of [`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`].
#' @name microbiomeMarker-class
#' @aliases microbiomeMarker-class
#' @importClassesFrom phyloseq phyloseq
#' @slot marker_table a data.frame, a [`marker_table-class`] object.
#' @slot norm_method character, method used to normalize the input `phyloseq`
#' object.
#' @slot diff_method character, method used for marker identification.
#' @seealso [`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`], [`marker_table-class`],
#' [summarize_taxa()]
#' @exportClass microbiomeMarker
#' @return a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object.
`microbiomeMarker-class` <- setClass("microbiomeMarker",
slots = c(
marker_table = "marker_tableOrNULL",
norm_method = "characterOrNULL",
diff_method = "characterOrNULL"
contains = "phyloseq",
prototype = list(
marker_table = NULL,
norm_method = NULL,
diff_method = NULL
#' Build microbiomeMarker-class objects
#' This the constructor to build the [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object, don't
#' use the `new()` constructor.
#' @param marker_table a [`marker_table-class`] object differtial analysis.
#' @param norm_method character, method used to normalize the input `phyloseq`
#' object.
#' @param diff_method character, method used for microbiome marker
#' identification.
#' @param ... arguments passed to [phyloseq::phyloseq()]
#' @seealso [phyloseq::phyloseq()]
#' @name microbiomeMarker
#' @export
#' @return a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object.
#' @examples
#' microbiomeMarker(
#' marker_table = marker_table(data.frame(
#' feature = c("speciesA", "speciesB"),
#' enrich_group = c("groupA", "groupB"),
#' ef_logFC = c(-2, 2),
#' pvalue = c(0.01, 0.01),
#' padj = c(0.01, 0.01),
#' row.names = c("marker1", "marker2")
#' )),
#' norm_method = "TSS",
#' diff_method = "DESeq2",
#' otu_table = otu_table(matrix(
#' c(4, 1, 1, 4),
#' nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(c("speciesA", "speciesB"), c("sample1", "sample2"))
#' ),
#' taxa_are_rows = TRUE
#' ),
#' tax_table = tax_table(matrix(
#' c("speciesA", "speciesB"),
#' nrow = 2,
#' dimnames = list(c("speciesA", "speciesB"), "Species")
#' )),
#' sam_data = sample_data(data.frame(
#' group = c("groupA", "groupB"),
#' row.names = c("sample1", "sample2")
#' ))
#' )
microbiomeMarker <- function(marker_table = NULL,
norm_method = NULL,
diff_method = NULL,
...) {
ps_slots <- list(...)
ps_component_cls <- vapply(ps_slots, class, character(1))
if (!"otu_table" %in% ps_component_cls) {
stop("otu_table is required")
if (!"taxonomyTable" %in% ps_component_cls) {
stop("tax_table is required")
# set the rownmaes of marker_table as "markern"
if (!is.null(marker_table)) {
rownames(marker_table) <- paste0("marker", seq_len(nrow(marker_table)))
marker_table = marker_table,
norm_method = norm_method,
diff_method = diff_method,
# validity for microbiomeMarker, at least contains two slots: otu_table,
# tax_table
#' @importMethodsFrom phyloseq taxa_names
validity_microbiomeMarker <- function(object) {
msg <- NULL
otu <- object@otu_table
tax <- object@tax_table
marker <- object@marker_table
norm_method <- object@norm_method
diff_method <- object@diff_method
# summarized taxa
if (is.null(tax)) {
msg <- c(msg, "tax_table is required")
if (is.null(otu)) {
msg <- c(msg, "otu_table is required")
# marker in marker_table must be contained in tax_table
if (!is.null(marker) && !is.null(tax) &&
!all(marker$feature %in% tax@.Data[, 1])) {
msg <- c(msg, "marker in marker_table must be contained in tax")
if (!is.null(otu) && !is.null(tax) && nrow(otu) != nrow(tax)) {
msg <- c(
"nrow of `otu_table` must be equal to the length of `tax_table()`"
if (!is.null(tax) && !is.null(marker) && nrow(marker) > nrow(tax)) {
msg <- c(
"The number of different feature must be smaller than the",
" total number of feature"
if (length(msg)) {
} else {
setValidity("microbiomeMarker", validity_microbiomeMarker)
# postHocTest class ------------------------------------------------------
#' The postHocTest Class, represents the result of post-hoc test result among
#' multiple groups
#' @slot result a [`IRanges::DataFrameList-class`], each `DataFrame` consists
#' of five variables:
#' * `comparisons`: character, specify which two groups to test (the group names
#' are separated by "_)
#' * `diff_mean`: numeric, difference in mean abundances
#' * `pvalue`: numeric, p values
#' * `ci_lower` and `ci_upper`: numeric, lower and upper confidence interval of
#' difference in mean abundances
#' @slot abundance abundance of each feature in each group
#' @slot conf_level confidence level
#' @slot method method used for post-hoc test
#' @slot method_str method illustration
#' @name postHocTest-class
#' @aliases postHocTest-class
#' @author Yang Cao
#' @exportClass postHocTest
#' @importClassesFrom IRanges DataFrameList
#' @return a [`postHocTest-class`] object.
slots = c(
result = "DataFrameList",
abundance = "data.frame",
conf_level = "numeric",
method = "character",
method_str = "character"
prototype = list(
result = NULL,
conf_level = NULL,
method = NULL,
method_str = NULL
# validity for postHocTest
validity_postHocTest <- function(object) {
msg <- NULL
conf_level <- object@conf_level
if (!is.numeric(conf_level) || conf_level < 0 || conf_level > 1) {
msg <- c(
"conf_level must in the range of (0,1)"
method <- object@method
if (!method %in%
c("tukey", "games_howell", "scheffe", "welch_uncorrected")) {
msg <- c(
"method must be one of tukey, games_howell, scheffe or",
if (length(msg)) {
} else {
setValidity("postHocTest", validity_postHocTest)
#' Build postHocTest object
#' This function is used for create `postHocTest` object, and is only used for
#' developers.
#' @param result a [`IRanges::SimpleDFrameList-class`] object.
#' @param abundance data.frame.
#' @param conf_level numeric, confidence level.
#' @param method character, method for posthoc test.
#' @param method_str character, illustrates which method is used for posthoc
#' test.
#' @return a [`postHocTest-class`] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(IRanges)
#' pht <- postHocTest(
#' result = DataFrameList(
#' featureA = DataFrame(
#' comparisons = c("group2-group1",
#' "group3-group1",
#' "group3-group2"),
#' diff_mean = runif(3),
#' pvalue = rep(0.01, 3),
#' ci_lower = rep(0.01, 3),
#' ci_upper = rep(0.011, 3)
#' ),
#' featureB = DataFrame(
#' comparisons = c("group2-group1",
#' "group3-group1",
#' "group3-group2"),
#' diff_mean = runif(3),
#' pvalue = rep(0.01, 3),
#' ci_lower = rep(0.01, 3),
#' ci_upper = rep(0.011, 3)
#' )
#' ),
#' abundance = data.frame(
#' featureA = runif(3),
#' featureB = runif(3),
#' group = c("group1", "group2", "grou3")
#' )
#' )
#' pht
postHocTest <- function(result,
conf_level = 0.95,
method = "tukey",
method_str =
"Posthoc multiple comparisons of means: ",
)) {
result = result,
abundance = abundance,
conf_level = conf_level,
method = method,
method_str = method_str
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