## put here all tests statistic
setGeneric("GOFisherTest", function(object) standardGeneric("GOFisherTest"))
setMethod("GOFisherTest", "classicCount",
function(object) {
contMat <- contTable(object)
if(all(contMat == 0))
p.value <- 1
p.value <- fisher.test(contMat, alternative = 'greater')$p.value
setGeneric("GOKSTest", function(object) standardGeneric("GOKSTest"))
setMethod("GOKSTest", "classicScore",
function(object) {
N <- numAllMembers(object)
na <- numMembers(object)
## if the group is empty ... (should not happen, but you never know!)
if(na == 0 || na == N)
x.a <- rankMembers(object)
## x.b <- setdiff(1:N, x.a)
return(ks.test(x.a, seq_len(N)[-x.a], alternative = "greater")$p.value)
setGeneric("GOtTest", function(object) standardGeneric("GOtTest"))
setMethod("GOtTest", "classicScore",
function(object) {
## we should try to do this smarter!!!
var.equal <- FALSE
## check if there are any parameters set
if(length(testStatPar(object)) != 0)
if("var.equal" %in% names(testStatPar(object)))
var.equal <- testStatPar(object)[["var.equal"]]
nG <- numMembers(object)
nNotG <- numAllMembers(object) - nG
## if the group/complementary is empty
if(nNotG == 0 || nG == 0)
x.G <- membersScore(object)
x.NotG <- allScore(object, TRUE)[setdiff(allMembers(object), members(object))]
aa <- scoreOrder(object)
## alternative - TRUE if the max(score) is the best score), FALSE if the min(score)...
if(nNotG == 1) {
.stat <- ifelse(aa, sum(x.G >= x.NotG), sum(x.G <= x.NotG))
p.value <- (.stat + 1) / (nG + nNotG + 1)
else if(nG == 1) {
.stat <- ifelse(aa, sum(x.NotG >= x.G), sum(x.NotG <= x.G))
p.value <- (.stat + 1) / (nG + nNotG + 1)
p.value <- t.test(x = x.G, y = x.NotG, var.equal = var.equal,
alternative = ifelse(aa, "greater", "less"))$p.value
setGeneric("GOglobalTest", function(object) standardGeneric("GOglobalTest"))
setMethod("GOglobalTest", "classicExpr",
function(object) {
if(numMembers(object) == 0)
requireNamespace('globaltest', quietly = TRUE)
return(globaltest::p.value(globaltest::gt(X = membersExpr(object), Y = pType(object))))
permSumStats <- function(object, N) {
## the gene scores
scoreVec <- geneScore(object)
sizeLookUp <- integer(length(scoreVec))
## the available GOs and their size
goSize <- sort(unique(countGenesInTerm(object)))
## remove the GO sizes which are 60% or more of the max size
goSize <- goSize[goSize / max(goSize) < .6]
maxSample <- goSize[length(goSize)]
## update the look-up table with the feasible sizes
sizeLookUp[goSize] <- 1:length(goSize)
assign(".PERMSUM.LOOKUP", sizeLookUp, envir = as.environment(pos = 1L))
assign(".PERMSUM.MAT", sapply(1:N, function(x) cumsum(sample(scoreVec, maxSample))[goSize]), envir = as.environment(pos = 1L))
## same as above just doesn't remove any term
permSumStats.all <- function(object, N) {
## the gene scores
scoreVec <- geneScore(object)
sizeLookUp <- integer(length(scoreVec))
## the available GOs and their size
goSize <- sort(unique(countGenesInTerm(object)))
## update the look-up table with the feasible sizes
sizeLookUp[goSize] <- 1:length(goSize)
assign(".PERMSUM.LOOKUP", sizeLookUp, envir = as.environment(pos = 1L))
assign(".PERMSUM.MAT", sapply(1:N, function(x) cumsum(sample(scoreVec))[goSize]), envir = as.environment(pos = 1L))
## Category test based on score sums
setGeneric("GOSumTest", function(object) standardGeneric("GOSumTest"))
setMethod("GOSumTest", "classicScore",
function(object) {
nG <- numMembers(object)
if(nG == 0) return(1)
N <- ncol(.PERMSUM.MAT)
## compute the group sum (statistic)
sObserved <- sum(membersScore(object))
## check to see if we have a precomputed the permutations for this group size
isPermuted <- .PERMSUM.LOOKUP[nG]
if(isPermuted > 0)
## obtain the vector of already permuted values and compute the p-value
return((sum(.PERMSUM.MAT[isPermuted, ] >= sObserved) + 1) / (N + 1))
## at this point we don't have permuations for the current group size
numScore <- numAllMembers(object) ## length(scoreVec)
scoreVec <- allScore(object, FALSE)
##cat("\rComputing", N, "permutations for group size:", nG, "...\n")
if(nG > numScore / 2) {
## we simply compute the sum statistic
permSums <- sapply(1:N, function(x) sum(sample(scoreVec, nG)))
else { ## we try to do a bit of optimisation using the cumsum function
chunkIndex <- seq.int(from = nG, to = numScore, by = nG)
cycles <- N %/% (length(chunkIndex) - 1) + 1
permSums <- unlist(lapply(1:cycles, function(y) {
x <- cumsum(scoreVec[.Internal(sample(numScore, numScore, FALSE, NULL))])[chunkIndex]
return(x[-1] - x[-length(x)])
}), use.names = FALSE)
length(permSums) <- N
return((sum(permSums >= sObserved) + 1) / (N + 1))
setGeneric("GOKSTiesTest", function(object) standardGeneric("GOKSTiesTest"))
setMethod("GOKSTiesTest", "classicScore",
function(object) {
N <- numAllMembers(object)
na <- numMembers(object)
## if the group is empty ... (should not happen, but you never know!)
if(na == 0 || na == N)
## get the test parameters ... if existent
numPerm <- testStatPar(object)[["numPerm"]]
FUN <- testStatPar(object)[["FUN"]]
numPerm <- 50L
FUN <- "max"
## get all the scores and take care of their order
a.s <- allScore(object)
## get the members index
mem.index <- rankMembers(object)
seqN <- seq_len(N)
resP <- numeric(numPerm)
## for each permutation we get random ranks for the ties
for(i in 1:numPerm) {
x.a <- sort.list(order(a.s, sample(N), decreasing = scoreOrder(object)))[mem.index]
resP[i] <- ks.test(x.a, seqN[-x.a], alternative = "greater")$p.value
## aggregate the resulting p-values and return
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