
#' hclust_group <- function(dist,
#'                          hclust,
#'                          ranges=2:10,
#'                          group_num) {
#'     hclust_result <- reorder(hclust, dist)
#'     asw = vector()
#'     for (k in ranges) {
#'         sil <- cluster::silhouette(cutree(hclust_result, k = k), dist)
#'         asw[k] <- summary(sil)$avg.width
#'     }
#'     k.best <- which.max(asw)
#'     if (missing(group_num)) group_num <- k.best
#'     par(mfrow=c(2,1))
#'     plot(hclust_result)
#'     rect.hclust(hclust_result, group_num)
#'     plot(
#'         ranges,
#'         na.omit(asw),
#'         type = "h",
#'         main = "Silhouette-optimal number of clusters ",
#'         xlab = "k (number of groups)",
#'         ylab = "Average silhouette width"
#'     )
#'     axis(
#'         1,
#'         k.best,
#'         paste("optimum", k.best, sep = "\n"),
#'         col = "red",
#'         font = 2,
#'         col.axis = "red"
#'     )
#'     points(k.best,
#'            max(na.omit(asw)),
#'            pch = 16,
#'            col = "red",
#'            cex = 1.5)
#'     gr<- cutree(hclust_result,k=group_num)
#'     par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#'     cat("The avg.width of silhouette is \n" ,asw, "\n\n")
#'     cat(
#'         "使用轮廓宽度图(silhouette width),确定",
#'         "\n",
#'         "Silhouette-optimal number of clusters k =",
#'         k.best,
#'         "\n",
#'         "with an average silhouette width of",
#'         max(na.omit(asw)),
#'         "\n\n"
#'     )
#'     return(gr)
#' }
#' # computu the Zi and Pi
#' cmp_zi_pi <- function(adjacency_matrix, group) {
#'     tab <- as.matrix(adjacency_matrix)
#'     if (!identical(colnames(tab), rownames(tab)))
#'         stop("rownames should euqal colnames")
#'     ## prepare
#'     diag(tab) <- 0
#'     tab[tab!=0] <- 1
#'     colnames(group) <- c("id", "group")
#'     rank <- rownames(tab)
#'     group_rank <- column_to_rownames(group, "id") %>% .[rank,]
#'     names(group_rank) <- rank
#'     group_uni <- group$group %>% sort() %>% unique()
#'     group_num <- group_uni%>% length()
#'     row_num <- length(rank)
#'     ## build degree matrix and comput Pi
#'     degree_tab <- matrix(NA, nrow = row_num, ncol = group_num) %>%
#'         as.data.frame(row.names = rank)
#'     for (i in 1:group_num) {
#'         tmp_ids <- group$id[group$group == group_uni[i]]
#'         if (length(tmp_ids) > 1) {
#'             degree_tab[, i] <- rowSums(tab[, tmp_ids])
#'         } else {
#'             degree_tab[, i] <- tab[, tmp_ids]
#'         }
#'     }
#'     Pi <- 1 - rowSums((degree_tab / rowSums(degree_tab)) ^ 2)
#'     # compute the inner degree and Zi
#'     tmp_z <- tibble(id = rank,
#'                     degree_inner = NA ,
#'                     group = group_rank)
#'     for (i in 1:length(rank)) {
#'         tmp_ids <- group$id[group$group==group_rank[i]]
#'         tmp_z$degree_inner[i] <- sum(tab[i,tmp_ids])
#'     }
#'     Zi <- tmp_z %>%
#'         group_by(group) %>%
#'         mutate(Zi = across(degree_inner, scale))
#'     ## zi_pi
#'     Zi_Pi <- data.frame(
#'         id=rank,
#'         group=Zi$group,
#'         degree=rowSums(degree_tab),
#'         degree_inner=Zi$degree_inner,
#'         "Zi_Within_module_degree"=Zi$Zi$degree_inner,
#'         "Pi_Participation_coefficient"=Pi
#'     )
#'     return(Zi_Pi)
#' }
#' #' Rarefy
#' #'
#' #' Rarefy the otu/asv table, with "Observed features" and "Shannon" indexs.
#' #' Plot the rearrarefaction curve.
#' #' @rdname rarefy
#' #'
#' #' @param x the features(otu/asv) table,
#' #' The sample should be in column,
#' #' the features(otu/asv) should be in row.
#' #' @param step steps
#' #' @param rep replace
#' #' @param depth max sequencing depth
#' #'
#' #' @return rarefy lists with "Observed features" and "Shannon" indexs
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' rarefy_table <- function(x, step = 10, rep = 5, depth) {
#'     ## warning stop
#'     if (nrow(x) > ncol(x)) {
#'         stop(
#'             "
#'         The sample should be in row,
#'         the features(otu/asv) should be in columu;
#'         The sample needs to be less than the features(otu/asv) "
#'         )
#'     }
#'     ## missing
#'     if (missing(depth)) {
#'         depth <- min(rowSums(x)) * .95
#'     }
#'     ## start
#'     nx <- nrow(x)
#'     step_num <- ceiling(seq(0, depth, depth / step))
#'     ## rare_raw
#'     rare_all_sobs <- data.frame()
#'     rare_all_shannon <- data.frame()
#'     ## for loop
#'     for (m in 1:rep) {
#'         rare_sobs <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = nx))
#'         rare_shannon <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = nx))
#'         for (k in 1:(step + 1)) {
#'             r_x <- vegan::rrarefy(x, step_num[k])
#'             ## different methods
#'             rare_sobs[k, ] <- rowSums(r_x > 0)
#'             rare_shannon[k, ] <- vegan::diversity(r_x,
#'                                                   index = "shannon",
#'                                                   MARGIN = 1,
#'                                                   base = 2
#'             )
#'         }
#'         ## colnames
#'         colnames(rare_sobs) <- rownames(x)
#'         colnames(rare_shannon) <- rownames(x)
#'         ## depth
#'         rare_sobs$depth <- step_num
#'         rare_shannon$depth <- step_num
#'         ## rbind
#'         rare_all_sobs <- rbind(rare_all_sobs, rare_sobs)
#'         rare_all_shannon <- rbind(rare_all_shannon, rare_shannon)
#'     }
#'     ## gather
#'     sobs <- tidyr::gather(rare_all_sobs, key = "id", value = "value", -depth)
#'     shannon <- tidyr::gather(rare_all_shannon,
#'                              key = "id",
#'                              value = "value",
#'                              -depth
#'     )
#'     ## return
#'     return(list(`Observed features` = sobs, Shannon = shannon))
#' }
#' #' @rdname rarefy
#' #'
#' #' @param df  one of result in rarefy_table,or other table
#' #' @param group group
#' #' @param ylab "Observed features", "Shannon"
#' #' @param errorbar TRUE, FALSE
#' #' @param legend TRUE, FALSE
#' #' @param font "sans" = Arial, "serif" = Times New Roman ,any fonts
#' #' @param font_size size_name of  the df
#' #' @param depth_name depth_name of  the df
#' #' @param value_name value_name of  the df
#' #' @param id_name id_name of the df
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' data(its)
#' #' its_t <- t(its)
#' #' rt <- rarefy_table(its_t, step = 10, rep = 6)
#' #' rarefy_plot(rt[[1]])
#' #' rarefy_plot(rt[[2]], ylab = "Shannon")
#' #' @export
#' rarefy_plot <- function(df,
#'                         group,
#'                         ylab = "Observed features",
#'                         errorbar = FALSE,
#'                         legend = TRUE,
#'                         font = "sans",
#'                         font_size = 10,
#'                         id_name = "id",
#'                         depth_name = "depth",
#'                         value_name = "value") {
#'     ## warning stop
#'     if (!font %in% c("sans", "serif")) {
#'         warning(" 'sans'=Arial, 'serif'=Times New Roman ")
#'     }
#'     x <- as.data.frame(df)
#'     ## missing
#'     if (missing(group)) {
#'         group <- data.frame(x[id_name], x[id_name])
#'     }
#'     if (length(unique(group[[1]])) < length(unique(group[[2]]))) {
#'         group <- group[, c(2, 1)]
#'     }
#'     colnames(group) <- c(id_name, "group")
#'     ## data
#'     rare_plot <- dplyr::right_join(x, group, id_name)
#'     ## ggplot
#'     p <- ggplot(
#'         rare_plot,
#'         aes_string(x = depth_name, y = value_name, color = "group")
#'     ) +
#'         stat_summary(
#'             fun = "mean",
#'             geom = "line",
#'             size = 0.35
#'         ) +
#'         labs(x = "Sequencing Depth", y = ylab) +
#'         # theme
#'         theme_classic() +
#'         theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.5)) +
#'         theme(text = element_text(size = font_size, family = font)) +
#'         theme(
#'             legend.position = c(.9, .5),
#'             ## legend 系列
#'             legend.key = element_blank(),
#'             ## 去除图列图例数值部分的背景
#'             legend.background = element_blank(),
#'             legend.title = element_blank(),
#'             legend.text = element_text(size = font_size)
#'         ) +
#'         theme(
#'             axis.text = element_text(size = font_size, colour = "black"),
#'             axis.title = element_text(size = font_size + .5, vjust = 1)
#'         ) +
#'         scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
#'         scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0))
#'     if (errorbar == TRUE) {
#'         p <- p + stat_summary(
#'             aes_string(width = (max(depth_name) - min(depth_name)) / 50),
#'             geom = "errorbar",
#'             fun.data = "mean_cl_normal",
#'             size = 0.3
#'         )
#'     }
#'     if (legend == FALSE) {
#'         p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
#'     }
#'     p
#' }
yanpd01/yyeasy documentation built on Dec. 1, 2022, 10:58 p.m.