# This code doing:
# 1) Annotate cell identities by comparing to the original cluster IDs.
# 2) Summarize the CT identifications
# 3) Calculating Jaccard-similarity for CT detections
## Note that three of the oribinal predicted CT states (later HEP C15; Endothelium C6, and early HEP S13)
## are considered when teting on the 1362 cells cover the major HEP processes
## (i.e., cells of the original C3, C13, C10, C6, C15, C7).
## One originally predicted CT state (Muscle/Mesenchyme C16) was excluded because it has been excluded from the 1362 tested cells.
# 4) Calculate stability score between the original CTS identification (Author-published consensus clusters)
## to the CTS identification of each set of cell cluster identities.
# 5) Verify if the CTS identified ETV2, the established marker for the HEP bifurcation
# 6) Due to no gold standard of CTS, we skip the step to estiamte the
## Prcision Recall and AUC for each prediction, and plot ROC plot
# last update 2/2/2022
# by Holly yang
# the following funciton has been updated on github, but before updating the package to Bioconductor, you need to call it locally to test
# normalized data were downloaded and reanalyzed
# refer to GSE87038_E8.25_normalize.R
library(gridExtra) # required by grid.arrange()
library(ggpubr) # required by p-values on bar
## ##
## load the R object ##
## focusing on 1.3k cells of the HEP processes ##
## refer to BioTIP_E8.25_mesoderm_add.clusters.R ##
## ##
# class: SingleCellExperiment
# dim: 3073 1362
# metadata(0):
# assays(2): counts logcounts
# rownames(3073): Phlda2 Myl7 ... Hmcn1 Tfdp2
# rowData names(2): ENSEMBL SYMBOL
# colnames(1362): cell_63240 cell_63242 ... cell_95715 cell_95717
# colData names(32): cell barcode ... C_Leiden_0.8 C_Leiden_1.2
# reducedDimNames(5): pca.corrected umap TSNE UMAP force
# altExpNames(0):
# logmat <- as.matrix(logcounts(sce))
# M <- cor.shrink(logmat, Y = NULL, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE)
# save(M, file="CTS_ShrinkM_E8.25_HEP.RData", compress=TRUE)
# load(file="CTS_ShrinkM_E8.25_HEP.RData")
# dim(M)
# # [1] 3073 3073
# all(rownames(sce) == rownames(M)) #TRUE
## ##
## 1) Summarize the CT identifications for ##
## the three of the original predicted CT states which are ##
## later HEP C15; Endothelium C6, and early HEP S13 ##
## ##
running.methods <- list.dirs()
running.methods <- running.methods[grepl('/C_',running.methods)]
methods <- lapply(running.methods, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "/C_"))[2]) %>% unlist()
x <- which(is.na(methods))
running.methods = running.methods[-x]
methods = methods[-x]
CT <- list()
for(i in 1:length(running.methods)){
if(length(res)>1) {
CT[[i]] <- res$significant[which(res$significant)] %>% names() %>% unique()
} else CT[[i]] <- NA
names(CT) <- paste0("C_", methods)
## manually add the QuanTC's prediction on softing cluster IDs,
## See S Figures for details
CT$QuanTC.k4_run <- c('C1')
CT$QuanTC.k6_run <- c('C2','C3','C1','C6')
## ##
## 1) Annotate cell identities by comparing to the original cluster IDs. ##
## ##
x <- grep("C_", colnames(colData(sce)))
best.matched.clusterID <- data.frame()
query = c('13','15','6','7') # the cluster ID for bifurcation which are named
# as early HEP, later HEP, EP, HP, respectively
# among the studied clusters C3, C13, C10, C6, C15, C7
for(i in x){
tmp <- table(sce$label, colData(sce)[,i])
n1 <- nrow(tmp)
n2 <- ncol(tmp)
Jaccard_cell = tmp*0
for(a in 1:n1){
for(b in 1:n2){
Jaccard_cell[a,b] <- tmp[a,b]/(sum(tmp[a,])+sum(tmp[,b])-tmp[a,b])
best.match <- colnames(Jaccard_cell)[apply(Jaccard_cell, 1, which.max)]
names(best.match) <- rownames(Jaccard_cell)
best.matched.clusterID <- rbind(best.matched.clusterID,
rownames(best.matched.clusterID) <- colnames(colData(sce))[x]
colnames(best.matched.clusterID) <- c('early HEP', 'later HEP', 'EP', 'HP')
## additionally recalculate without the TC among QuanTC's clusters
i= grep('Soft_k4', colnames(colData(sce))) # 7
tmp <- table(sce$label, colData(sce)[,i])
tmp = tmp[,1:(ncol(tmp)-1)] # masking TC
n1 <- nrow(tmp)
n2 <- ncol(tmp)
F1 = tmp*0
for(a in 1:n1){
for(b in 1:n2){
F1[a,b] <- tmp[a,b]/(sum(tmp[a,])+sum(tmp[,b])-tmp[a,b])
best.match <- colnames(F1)[apply(F1, 1, which.max)]
names(best.match) <- rownames(F1)
best.matched.clusterID <- rbind(best.matched.clusterID,
'C_Soft_k4.wo.TC'= best.match[query])
i= grep('Soft_k6', colnames(colData(sce))) # 7
tmp <- table(sce$label, colData(sce)[,i])
tmp = tmp[,1:(ncol(tmp)-1)] # masking TC
n1 <- nrow(tmp)
n2 <- ncol(tmp)
F1 = tmp*0
for(a in 1:n1){
for(b in 1:n2){
F1[a,b] <- tmp[a,b]/(sum(tmp[a,])+sum(tmp[,b])-tmp[a,b])
best.match <- colnames(F1)[apply(F1, 1, which.max)]
names(best.match) <- rownames(F1)
best.matched.clusterID <- rbind(best.matched.clusterID,
'C_Soft_k6.wo.TC'= best.match[query])
### add the best matches for the additional BioTIP runs and the original QuanTC run
setdiff(names(CT), rownames(best.matched.clusterID))
# [1] "C_SNNGraph" "C_SNNGraph_allcells" "QuanTC.k4_run" "QuanTC.k6_run"
# Now, manually add the best-match infor for these additional BioTIP runs
n <- nrow(best.matched.clusterID) # 14
best.matched.clusterID <- rbind(best.matched.clusterID,
query, query,
rownames(best.matched.clusterID)[(n+1):(n+4)] <- setdiff(names(CT), rownames(best.matched.clusterID))
colnames(best.matched.clusterID) <- c("eHEP", "lHEP", "EP" , "HP")
save(best.matched.clusterID, file='best.matched.clusterID.RData')
## ##
## 3) calculate Jaccard-similarity score for identifing the 4 potential bufurcations ##
## among the tested cells of the original cluster IDs C3, C13, C10, C6, C15, C7 ##
## between each predictions and that of our original run of BioTIP with the SNNGraph clusters ##
## after finding the reference cluster ID (i.e. best-matched IDs) for the QuanTC clusters ##
## And maually adding the 'best matches' for additional BioTIP/QuanTC runs of this datasets ##
## ##
n=4 ## 4 potntial bifurcation clusters !!!!!!!!!!!!
jaccard.CT <- array()
for(i in 1:length(CT)){
x <- names(CT)[i]
reference <- as.matrix(best.matched.clusterID[x,1:n])
# # adjust the reference cluster ID for shoft-thresholding clustering
# if(grepl('C_Soft', x) & !grepl('wo.TC', x) & !grepl('QuanTC_QuanTC', x)) {
# reference <- c(reference, best.matched.clusterID[paste0(x,'.wo.TC'),1:n]) %>% unlist()
# }
jaccard.CT[i] <- jaccard.sim(unique(reference), CT[[x]])
names(jaccard.CT) <- names(CT)
round(jaccard.CT, 2)
## ##
## 4) we generate a proxy 'golden standard' of CTS genes, ##
## which were 16 genes identifed by at least 3 out of eight identfications for early HEP ##
## ##
n.select <- c(3,4,4,5) #c(3,2,2) # floor(length(select) * 0.8))
# for those identified eHEP as a CT cluster
select <- list()
select[['eHEP']] <- c( "SNNGraph_allcells", "SNNGraph", "consensus_ks6",
"Leiden_0.4" , "Leiden_0.8" , "Soft_k4", "QuanTC.k4_run", "QuanTC.k6_run")
select[['lHEP']] <- c( "SNNGraph_allcells", "consensus_ks4" , "consensus_ks8","consensus_ks10",
#"consensus_ks5" , "consensus_ks7", "consensus_ks9",
"Leiden_1.2" , "Soft_k4", "Soft_k4.wo.TC","Soft_k6.wo.TC")
select[['EP']] <- c( "SNNGraph", "consensus_ks8" , # "consensus_ks7", "consensus_ks9",
"Leiden_0.4" , "Leiden_0.8" ,"Leiden_1.2" , "Soft_k6", "QuanTC.k6_run")
select[['HP']] <- c( "SNNGraph_allcells", "SNNGraph", "consensus_ks6" , "consensus_ks8",
"Leiden_0.4" , "Leiden_0.8" ,"Soft_k4", "Soft_k4.wo.TC","Soft_k6")
GS = list()
for(m in 1:length(select)){
for(i in 1:length(select[[m]])){
if(grepl('QuanTC', select[[m]][i])) {
set2 <- CTS
GS.CTS = c(GS.CTS, unlist(set2[x]))
} else {
set2 <- res$CTS.candidate[which(res$significant)]
best.match <- best.matched.clusterID[paste0('C_',select[[m]][i]),names(select)[m]]
x <- grep(best.match, names(set2))
GS.CTS = c(GS.CTS, unlist(set2[x]))
x <- table(GS.CTS)
GS.CTS <- names(x)[which(x>= n.select[m])]
GS[[m]] <- GS.CTS
names(GS)[m] <- names(select)[m]
(n.GS <- length(GS.CTS)) # 40
write.table(GS[[m]], file=paste0('GS.CTS.',names(select)[m],'_at.least.',n.select[m],'identificaitons_fr.',length(select[[m]]),'predicitons.txt'),
row.names=F, col.names=F)
# 16 64 39 69
## ##
## 5) evaluate the F1 score for the identified CTS genes ##
## for any commonly identifed CTs from any two identifications ##
## ##
# load('original_run/CTS.RData')
# lengths(CTS)
# # 15 6 16 13 # cluster ID
# # 67 90 79 60 # number of CTS genes
# CTS.reference <- CTS[c('13','15', '6')]
# rm(CTS)
GS.CTS <- read.table('GS.CTS.eHEP_at.least.3identificaitons_fr.8predicitons.txt')
CTS.reference <- GS.CTS[,1]
# early HEP later HEP EP HP
# C_SNNGraph_allcells 13 15 6 7
# load the CTS prediction with different clustering methods
running.methods <- list.dirs()
running.methods <- running.methods[grepl("./C_", running.methods)]
# [1] "./C_consensus_ks10" "./C_consensus_ks4" "./C_consensus_ks5"
# [4] "./C_consensus_ks6" "./C_consensus_ks7" "./C_consensus_ks8"
# [7] "./C_consensus_ks9" "./C_Leiden_0.4" "./C_Leiden_0.8"
# [10] "./C_Leiden_1.2" "./C_SNNGraph" "./C_SNNGraph_allcells"
# [13] "./C_Soft_k4" "./C_Soft_k4.wo.TC" "./C_Soft_k6"
# [16] "./C_Soft_k6.wo.TC"
methods <- lapply(running.methods, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "./C_"))[2]) %>% unlist()
x <- which(is.na(methods))
if(length(x)>0) {
methods <- methods[-x]
running.methods <- running.methods[-x]
## manually adding the QuanTC's predictions
running.methods <- c(running.methods, './QuanTC.k4_run','./QuanTC.k6_run')
methods <- c(methods,'QuanTC.k4_run','QuanTC.k6_run')
F1.res <- get.multiple.F1.score(match.col.name='eHEP',
CTS.reference = CTS.reference,
QuanTC.genes.list.id = 1,
running.methods=running.methods, methods=methods,
sce = sce,
F1.eHEP <- F1.res$F1.scores$eHEP
F1.eHEP.ctl <- F1.res$F1.ctl$eHEP
# # method 1: used, between the inferred GS.CTS and any method
# F1.CTS <- array()
# for(i in 1:length(running.methods)){
# set1 <- list()
# set1[['eHEP']]= CTS.reference
# x <- methods[i]
# if(grepl('QuanTC', methods[i] )) {
# load(file=paste0(running.methods[i],'/CTS.RData'))
# # only the transition genes for the early HEP were recorded for comparision
# set2 <- CTS
# if(length(CTS)>1) set2 <- list('eHEP' = unique(unlist(CTS)))
# matched.name <- best.matched.clusterID[methods[i], 'eHEP']
# names(set2) <- names(set1)
# F1.CTS[i] <- F_score.CTS(set1, set2, weight=TRUE, merge.cluser=TRUE)$F1
# } else {
# load(file=paste0(running.methods[i],'/BioTIP.res.RData'))
# if(length(res)>1){
# names(res)
# #[1] "CTS.candidate" "CTS.score" "Ic.shrink" "significant"
# set2 <- res$CTS.candidate[which(res$significant)]
# if(length(set2) >0) {
# matched.name <- best.matched.clusterID[paste0('C_',methods[i]), 'eHEP' ]
# names(matched.name) <- names(set1)
# names(set1) <- matched.name[names(set1)]
# F1.CTS[i] <- F_score.CTS(set1, set2, weight=TRUE)$F1
# } else F1.CTS[i] = 0
# } else F1.CTS[i] = 0
# }
# }
# names(F1.CTS) <- methods
# consensus_ks10 consensus_ks4 consensus_ks5 consensus_ks6 consensus_ks7
# 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.241 0.000
# consensus_ks8 consensus_ks9 Leiden_0.4 Leiden_0.8 Leiden_1.2
# 0.000 0.000 0.341 0.288 0.000
# SNNGraph SNNGraph_allcells Soft_k4 Soft_k4.wo.TC Soft_k6
# 0.052 0.000 0.044 0.000 0.000
# Soft_k6.wo.TC QuanTC.k4_run QuanTC.k6_run
# 0.000 0.000 0.000
## calculating F1 scores for the gene module with the highest DNB score which is C7
# Even for the C13 of the C_SNNGraph run, we can estimate its ability to identify teh robust CTS genes here
# 7 6 13
# 31 80 45
F1.eHEP.DNB <- F_score.CTS(list('12'=CTS.reference), res$CTS.candidate[3], weight=TRUE)$F1
F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB <- F_score.CTS(list('2'=CTS.reference),
nn = length(F1.eHEP) # 18
Normalized.F1 <- Normalize.F1(c(F1.eHEP.ctl, F1.eHEP, F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB, F1.eHEP.DNB))
Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl <- Normalized.F1[1:nn]
Norm.F1.eHEP <- Normalized.F1[(nn+1):(2*nn)]
Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB <- Normalized.F1[(2*nn+1):(3*nn)]
Norm.F1.eHEP.DNB <- Normalized.F1[(3*nn+1):(4*nn)]
## ##
# 6) reporting table ##
## Verify if the CTS identified the gene of interest which is Etv2 ##
## only the 'SNNGraph_allcells' did ##
# load the CTS prediction with different clustering methods
HEP.marker <- c('Etv2')
for(i in 1:length(running.methods)){
if(grepl('QuanTC', methods[i] )) {
set2 <- CTS
if(grepl('k4', methods[i])) names(set2) <-'C1' else names(set2) <- rep('C3',2) # normalzie the name in order to use the weight of F1 score
best.match <- best.matched.clusterID[methods[i],'early HEP']
x <- grep(best.match, names(set2))
if(length(x)>0) tmp <- HEP.marker %in% unlist(set2[x]) else tmp <- rep('FALSE', length(HEP.marker))
HEP.CTS = rbind(HEP.CTS, tmp)
} else {
if(length(res)>1){ # flag 1
#[1] "CTS.candidate" "CTS.score" "Ic.shrink" "significant"
set2 <- res$CTS.candidate[which(res$significant)]
best.match <- best.matched.clusterID[paste0('C_',methods[i]),'early HEP']
x <- grep(best.match, names(set2))
if(length(x)>0) tmp <- HEP.marker %in% unlist(set2[x]) else tmp <- rep('FALSE', length(HEP.marker))
HEP.CTS = rbind(HEP.CTS, tmp)
} else { # flag 1
HEP.CTS <- rbind(HEP.CTS, rep('FALSE', length(HEP.marker)))
rownames(HEP.CTS) <- methods
colnames(HEP.CTS) <- HEP.marker
save(HEP.CTS, file='HEP.CTS.RData')
## reproting table #######################
tb <- data.frame(Jaccard.CT = round(jaccard.CT,3),
F1.eHEP.ctl = round(F1.eHEP.ctl,3),
F1.eHEP = round(F1.eHEP,3),
F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB = round(F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB,3),
F1.eHEP.DNB = round(F1.eHEP.DNB,3),
Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl = round(Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl,3),
Norm.F1.eHEP = round(Norm.F1.eHEP,3),
Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB = round(Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB,3),
Norm.F1.eHEP.DNB = round(Norm.F1.eHEP.DNB,3)
tb <- cbind(tb, HEP.CTS)
nrow(tb) #[1] 18
# reorder to show
myorder <- c('C_SNNGraph_allcells', 'C_SNNGraph',
paste0('C_Leiden_',c(0.4, 0.8, 1.2)),
'C_Soft_k4','C_Soft_k4.wo.TC', 'C_Soft_k6','C_Soft_k6.wo.TC',
'QuanTC.k4_run' ,'QuanTC.k6_run'
tb$detected.CT <- lapply(CT, toString) %>% unlist()
(mytable <- tb[myorder,
c('detected.CT','Jaccard.CT', 'F1.eHEP.ctl', 'F1.eHEP',
'F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB', 'F1.eHEP.DNB',
'Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl', 'Norm.F1.eHEP',
'Norm.F1.eHEP.ctl.DNB', 'Norm.F1.eHEP.DNB')])
# detected.CT Jaccard.CT F1.CTS F1.nor
# C_SNNGraph_allcells 7, 11, 15, 16, 13, 8 0.429 0.000 0.307
# C_SNNGraph 7, 6, 13 0.750 0.052 0.485
# C_consensus_ks4 4 0.333 0.000 0.307
# C_consensus_ks6 5, 4 0.667 0.241 0.953
# C_consensus_ks8 6, 4, 8, 3 0.400 0.000 0.307
# C_consensus_ks10 6, 2, 10, 4 0.143 0.000 0.307
# C_Leiden_0.4 6, 2, 5 0.750 0.341 0.995
# C_Leiden_0.8 7, 6, 9, 4 0.600 0.288 0.982
# C_Leiden_1.2 9, 3, 10, 11, 4 0.286 0.000 0.307
# C_Soft_k4 TC, C2, C1 0.750 0.044 0.459
# C_Soft_k4.wo.TC C2 0.333 0.000 0.307
# C_Soft_k6 C6, C1, C5 0.400 0.000 0.307
# C_Soft_k6.wo.TC C1, C5, C4 0.200 0.000 0.307
# QuanTC.k4_run C1 0.333 0.000 0.307
# QuanTC.k6_run C2, C3, C1, C6 0.750 0.000 0.307
## PLOT #######
## generate bar plot #######################
df <- read.table('jaccard.CT_F1.CTS.txt', header=T, sep='\t')
tmp <- rownames(df)
tmp = gsub('C_', '', tmp)
df$method = gsub('QuanTBioTIP_run', 'QuanTC_Soft', tmp)
# # show BioTIP_Soft twice for different comarisions (i.e., plot subpannels) and then reorder
# df <- rbind(df, df[c('C_Soft_k4','C_Soft_k6'),] )
# n = nrow(df)
# df[(n-1):n,'method'] <- c("BioTIP.k4_run", "BioTIP.k6_run")
# x <- which(rownames(df) %in% c('C_Soft_k41','C_Soft_k4.wo.TC','C_Soft_k61', 'C_Soft_k6.wo.TC',
# 'QuanTC.k4_run', 'QuanTC.k6_run', 'C_SNNGraph_allcells'))
# df <- rbind(df[c('C_Soft_k4.wo.TC','C_Soft_k6.wo.TC','C_SNNGraph_allcells'),],
# df[-x,], df[c('QuanTC.k4_run', 'QuanTC.k6_run', 'C_Soft_k41','C_Soft_k61' ),])
df$method=factor(df$method, levels=df$method)
p1 <- ggbarplot(df, "method", "Jaccard.CT", orientation = "horiz") +
geom_col(aes(fill = Jaccard.CT)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "white",high = "green") +
theme_bw(base_size=10) + # use a black-and-white theme with set font size
theme(legend.position = "none") + coord_flip()
p2 <- ggbarplot(df, "method", "Norm.F1.eHEP", orientation = "horiz") +
geom_col(aes(fill = Norm.F1.eHEP)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "white",high = "blue") +
theme_bw(base_size=10) + # use a black-and-white theme with set font size
theme(legend.position = "none") + coord_flip()
# p3 <- ggbarplot(df, "method", "KIT", orientation = "horiz") +
# geom_col(aes(fill=KIT)) +
# scale_fill_manual(values=c("grey", "dark red")) +
# theme_bw(base_size=10) +
# theme(legend.position = "none") + coord_flip()
pdf(file='bar_robustness.pdf', width=6, height=4)
p1, p2#, p3
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