#' @name getNEMO
#' @title Get subtypes from NEMO
#' @description This function wraps the NEMO (Neighborhood based multi-omics clustering) algorithm and provides standard output for `getMoHeatmap()` and `getConsensusMOIC()`.
#' @param data List of matrices.
#' @param N.clust Number of clusters.
#' @param num.neighbors The number of neighbors to use for each omic.
#' @param type Data type corresponding to the list of matrics, which can be gaussian, binomial or possion.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \code{fit} an object returned by \link[NEMO]{nemo.clustering}.
#' \code{clust.res} a data.frame storing sample ID and corresponding clusters.
#' \code{mo.method} a string value indicating the method used for multi-omics integrative clustering.
#' @import SNFtool
#' @export
#' @references Rappoport N, Shamir R (2019). NEMO: cancer subtyping by integration of partial multi-omic data. Bioinformatics, 35(18):3348-3356.
#' @examples # There is no example and please refer to vignette.
getNEMO <- function(data = NULL,
N.clust = NULL,
type = rep("gaussian", length(data)),
num.neighbors = NA) {
# check data
n_dat <- length(data)
if(n_dat > 6){
stop('current verision of MOVICS can support up to 6 datasets.')
if(n_dat < 2){
stop('current verision of MOVICS needs at least 2 omics data.')
useless.argument <- type
fit <- nemo.clustering(omics.list = data,
num.clusters = N.clust,
num.neighbors = num.neighbors)
clustres <- data.frame(samID = colnames(data[[1]]),
clust = as.numeric(fit),
row.names = colnames(data[[1]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#clustres <- clustres[order(clustres$clust),]
return(list(fit = fit, clust.res = clustres, mo.method = "NEMO"))
#' @title affinityMatrix
#' @name affinityMatrix
#' @param Diff Distance Matrix.
#' @param K Number of nearest neighbors.
#' @param sigma Variance for local model.
#' @author Bo Wang, Aziz Mezlini, Feyyaz Demir, Marc Fiume, Zhuowen Tu, Michael Brudno, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Anna Goldenberg
#' @references Wang B, Mezlini AM, Demir F, et al (2014). Similarity network fusion for aggregating data types on a genomic scale. Nat Methods, 11(3):333-337.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return affinityMatrix
affinityMatrix <- function(Diff,K=20,sigma=0.5) {
###This function constructs similarity networks.
N = nrow(Diff)
Diff = (Diff + t(Diff)) / 2
diag(Diff) = 0;
sortedColumns = as.matrix(t(apply(Diff,2,sort)))
finiteMean <- function(x) { mean(x[is.finite(x)]) }
means = apply(sortedColumns[,1:K+1],1,finiteMean)+.Machine$double.eps;
avg <- function(x,y) ((x+y)/2)
Sig = outer(means,means,avg)/3*2 + Diff/3 + .Machine$double.eps;
Sig[Sig <= .Machine$double.eps] = .Machine$double.eps
densities = dnorm(Diff,0,sigma*Sig,log = FALSE)
W = (densities + t(densities)) / 2
#' @title dist2
#' @name dist2
#' @param X A data matrix where each row is a different data point.
#' @param C A data matrix where each row is a different data point. If this matrix is the same as X, pairwise distances for all data points are computed.
#' @author Bo Wang, Aziz Mezlini, Feyyaz Demir, Marc Fiume, Zhuowen Tu, Michael Brudno, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Anna Goldenberg
#' @references Wang B, Mezlini AM, Demir F, et al (2014). Similarity network fusion for aggregating data types on a genomic scale. Nat Methods, 11(3):333-337.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return dist2
dist2 <- function(X,C) {
ndata = nrow(X)
ncentres = nrow(C)
sumsqX = rowSums(X^2)
sumsqC = rowSums(C^2)
XC = 2 * (X %*% t(C))
res = matrix(rep(sumsqX,times=ncentres),ndata,ncentres) + t(matrix(rep(sumsqC,times=ndata),ncentres,ndata)) - XC
res[res < 0] = 0
#' @title Spectral clustering
#' @name spectralClustering
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Bo Wang, Aziz Mezlini, Feyyaz Demir, Marc Fiume, Zhuowen Tu, Michael Brudno, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Anna Goldenberg
#' @references Wang B, Mezlini AM, Demir F, et al (2014). Similarity network fusion for aggregating data types on a genomic scale. Nat Methods, 11(3):333-337.
#' @return spectralClustering
spectralClustering = SNFtool::spectralClustering
#' @title NEMO num clusters
#' @name nemo.num.clusters
#' @description Estimates the number of clusters in an affinity graph.
#' @param W the affinity graph.
#' @param NUMC possible values for the number of clusters. Defaults to 2:15.
#' @return the estimated number of clusters in the graph.
#' @author Nimrod Rappoport
#' @references Rappoport N, Shamir R (2019). NEMO: cancer subtyping by integration of partial multi-omic data. Bioinformatics, 35(18):3348-3356.
#' @keywords internal
nemo.num.clusters <- function(W, NUMC=2:15) {
if (min(NUMC) == 1) {
warning("Note that we always assume there are more than one cluster.")
W = (W + t(W))/2
diag(W) = 0
if (length(NUMC) > 0) {
degs = rowSums(W)
degs[degs == 0] = .Machine$double.eps
D = diag(degs)
L = D - W
Di = diag(1/sqrt(degs))
L = Di %*% L %*% Di
eigs = eigen(L)
eigs_order = sort(eigs$values, index.return = TRUE)$ix
eigs$values = eigs$values[eigs_order]
eigs$vectors = eigs$vectors[, eigs_order]
eigengap = abs(diff(eigs$values))
eigengap = (1:length(eigengap)) * eigengap
t1 <- sort(eigengap[NUMC], decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
#' @title NEMO affinity graph
#' @name nemo.affinity.graph
#' @description Constructs a single affinity graph measuring similarity across different omics.
#' @param raw.data A list of the data to be clustered, where each an entry is a matrix of features x samples.
#' @param k The number of neighbors to use for each omic. It can either be a number, a list of numbers
#' or NA. If it is a number, this is the number of neighbors used for all omics. If this is a list,
#' the number of neighbors are taken for each omic from that list. If it is NA, each omic chooses the
#' number of neighbors to be the number of samples divided by NUM.NEIGHBORS.RATIO.
#' @return A single matrix measuring similarity between the samples across all omics.
#' @author Nimrod Rappoport
#' @references Rappoport N, Shamir R (2019). NEMO: cancer subtyping by integration of partial multi-omic data. Bioinformatics, 35(18):3348-3356.
#' @keywords internal
nemo.affinity.graph <- function(raw.data, k = NA, NUM.NEIGHBORS.RATIO = 6) {
if (is.na(k)) {
k = as.numeric(lapply(1:length(raw.data), function(i) round(ncol(raw.data[[i]]) / NUM.NEIGHBORS.RATIO)))
} else if (length(k) == 1) {
k = rep(k, length(raw.data))
sim.data = lapply(1:length(raw.data), function(i) {affinityMatrix(dist2(as.matrix(t(raw.data[[i]])),
as.matrix(t(raw.data[[i]]))), k[i], 0.5)})
affinity.per.omic = lapply(1:length(raw.data), function(i) {
sim.datum = sim.data[[i]]
non.sym.knn = apply(sim.datum, 1, function(sim.row) {
returned.row = sim.row
threshold = sort(sim.row, decreasing = TRUE)[k[i]]
returned.row[sim.row < threshold] = 0
row.sum = sum(returned.row)
returned.row[sim.row >= threshold] = returned.row[sim.row >= threshold] / row.sum
sym.knn = non.sym.knn + t(non.sym.knn)
patient.names = Reduce(union, lapply(raw.data, colnames))
num.patients = length(patient.names)
returned.affinity.matrix = matrix(0, ncol = num.patients, nrow=num.patients)
rownames(returned.affinity.matrix) = patient.names
colnames(returned.affinity.matrix) = patient.names
shared.omic.count = matrix(0, ncol = num.patients, nrow=num.patients)
rownames(shared.omic.count) = patient.names
colnames(shared.omic.count) = patient.names
for (j in 1:length(raw.data)) {
curr.omic.patients = colnames(raw.data[[j]])
returned.affinity.matrix[curr.omic.patients, curr.omic.patients] = returned.affinity.matrix[curr.omic.patients, curr.omic.patients] + affinity.per.omic[[j]][curr.omic.patients, curr.omic.patients]
shared.omic.count[curr.omic.patients, curr.omic.patients] = shared.omic.count[curr.omic.patients, curr.omic.patients] + 1
final.ret = returned.affinity.matrix / shared.omic.count
lower.tri.ret = final.ret[lower.tri(final.ret)]
final.ret[shared.omic.count == 0] = mean(lower.tri.ret[!is.na(lower.tri.ret)])
#' @title NEMO clustering
#' @name nemo.clustering
#' @description Performs multi-omic clustering on a datset using the NEMO algorithm.
#' Uses nemo.num.clusters to estimate the number of clusters.
#' @param omics.list A list of the data to be clustered, where each an entry is a matrix of features x samples.
#' @param k The number of neighbors to use for each omic. It can either be a number, a list of numbers
#' or NA. If it is a number, this is the number of neighbors used for all omics. If this is a list,
#' the number of neighbors are taken for each omic from that list. If it is NA, each omic chooses the
#' number of neighbors to be the number of samples divided by NUM.NEIGHBORS.RATIO.
#' @return A single matrix measuring similarity between the samples across all omics.
#' @author Nimrod Rappoport
#' @references Rappoport N, Shamir R (2019). NEMO: cancer subtyping by integration of partial multi-omic data. Bioinformatics, 35(18):3348-3356.
#' @keywords internal
nemo.clustering <- function(omics.list, num.clusters = NULL, num.neighbors = NA) {
if (is.null(num.clusters)) {
num.clusters = NA
graph = nemo.affinity.graph(omics.list, k = num.neighbors)
if (is.na(num.clusters)) {
num.clusters = nemo.num.clusters(graph)
clustering = spectralClustering(graph, num.clusters)
names(clustering) = colnames(graph)
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