## Following four find empirical hyper-prior values
aprior <- function(gamma.hat){
m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (2*s2+m^2)/s2
bprior <- function(gamma.hat){
m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (m*s2+m^3)/s2
postmean <- function(g.hat,g.bar,n,d.star,t2){
postvar <- function(sum2,n,a,b){
# Pass in entire data set, the design matrix for the entire data, the batch means,
# the batch variances, priors (m, t2, a, b), columns of the data matrix for the batch.
# Uses the EM to find the parametric batch adjustments
it.sol <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat,g.bar,t2,a,b,conv=.0001){
n <- apply(!is.na(sdat),1,sum)
g.old <- g.hat
d.old <- d.hat
change <- 1
count <- 0
g.new <- postmean(g.hat,g.bar,n,d.old,t2)
sum2 <- apply((sdat-g.new%*%t(rep(1,ncol(sdat))))^2, 1, sum,na.rm=T)
d.new <- postvar(sum2,n,a,b)
change <- max(abs(g.new-g.old)/g.old,abs(d.new-d.old)/d.old)
g.old <- g.new
d.old <- d.new
count <- count+1
#cat("This batch took", count, "iterations until convergence\n")
adjust <- rbind(g.new, d.new)
rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star","d.star")
#' Monte Carlo integration functions
#' @param sdata standard data matrix
#' @param g.hat estimated gamma values
#' @param d.hat estimated delta values
#' @return adjust data frame
#' g.star
#' d.star
int.eprior <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat){
adjust <- do.call(rbind, int_eprior(sdat, g.hat, d.hat))
#' Quick calculate f statistic p-values for mod and mod0
#' @title pvalue
#' @param dat.m data matrix for expression/methylation microarray
#' @param mod the model being used to fit the data
#' @param mod0 the null hypothesis model being compared when fitting the data
#' @param verbose Optional; Default FALSE
#' @return p vector of F-statistic p-values for each row of dat
#' @export
#' @author Xin Zhou
pvalue <- function(dat.m = NULL, mod = NULL, mod0 = NULL, ...){
df1 <- ncol(dat.m) - dim(mod)[2]
df0 <- ncol(dat.m) - dim(mod0)[2]
Id <- diag(ncol(dat.m))
## resid <- dat.m %*% (Id - mod %*% solve(t(mod) %*% mod) %*% t(mod))
resid <- dat.m - dat.m %*% mod %*% tcrossprod(solve(crossprod(mod)), mod)
rss1 <- rowSums(resid*resid)
resid0 <- dat.m - dat.m %*% mod0 %*% tcrossprod(solve(crossprod(mod0)), mod0)
rss0 <- rowSums(resid0*resid0)
fstats <- ((rss0 - rss1)/(df0 - df1))/(rss1 / df1)
p <- 1 - pf(fstats, df1 = (df0 - df1), df2 = df1)
#' estimate coefficient of interest variables with known Svs, \link{mlm.tstat}
#' @title mlm.fit
#' @param dat.m n x m matrix of methylation microarray
#' @param design design matrix for expression data matrix(data.m)
#' @param coef covariate of interest; Default = 2
#' @param B permutation number of covariates of interest
#' @param full return full regression object; Optional FALSE
#' @return list
#' coefficient
#' stdev_unscale
#' sigma
#' df.residule
#' @export
#' @importFrom doMC registerDoMC
#' @examples
#' sd <- 0.3 * sqrt(4/rchisq(100, df = 4))
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(100*6, sd = sd), 100, 6) # each row of data is generate by sd[i] ~ invchisq
#' rownames(y) <- paste("cg", 1:100)
#' # introduce 2 cgs which are DMPs
#' y[1:2, 4:6] <- y[1:2, 4:6] + 2 # have significant differential when we introduce the poi(cancer - normal)
#' pheno <- factor(c(0,0,0,1,1,1))
#' levels(pheno) <- c("normal", "cancer")
#' design <- model.matrix(~ pheno)
#' fit <- mlm.fit(y, design)
#' sig.tab <- mlm.tstat(fit)
#' library(doMC)
#' registerDoMC(2)
mlm.fit <- function(dat.m = NULL, design = NULL, coef = 2, B = NULL, full = FALSE, mcore = 4){
x0 <- design[,coef, drop = FALSE]
xb <- design[,-coef, drop = FALSE]
xperm <- if(is.null(B)){
## replicate(B, sample(x0))
replicate(B, unlist(lapply(1:(nrow(x0)/2), function(x) sample(c(1,0)))))
result <- beta_regress(M = dat.m, pv = xperm, svs = xb, full = as.numeric(TRUE))
rownames(result$coef) <- rownames(result$sigma) <- rownames(dat.m)
## normalized by stdev_unscaled
if(!is.null(B) && B >= 2){
result$coef <- t(apply(result$coef, 1, '/', t(result$stdev_unscaled)))
result$coef <- result$coef / result$stdev_unscaled[1]
result$stdev_unscaled <- NULL
#' bootstrap wrapper
#' @title bootstrap.fit
#' @param dat.m n x m matrix of methylation microarray
#' @param design design matrix for expression data matrix(data.m)
#' @param coef covariate of interest; Default = 2
#' @param B permutation number of covariates of interest
#' @return list
#' coefficient
#' sigma
#' df.residule
#' @export
bootstrap.fit <- function(dat.m = NULL, design = NULL, coef = 2, B = NULL){
mod <- design
mod0 <- design[,-coef,drop=FALSE]
xperm <- if(is.null(B)){
matrix(1:ncol(dat.m), ncol = 1)
replicate(B, sample(1:ncol(dat.m), replace = TRUE), simplify=TRUE) - 1
result <- bootstrap_regress(M = dat.m, mod = mod, modn = mod0, B = xperm)
rownames(result$coef) <- rownames(result$sigma) <- rownames(dat.m)
#' moderest lm T statistic
#' @title mlm.tstat
#' @param fit object of mlm.fit; contains coefficient, sigma
#' @return list of 2 components
#' post.sigma
#' df.total
#' t score
#' @export
mlm.tstat <- function(fit){
s2 <- apply(fit$sigma^2, 2, limma::squeezeVar, fit$df.residuals)
B <- ncol(fit$coef)
t <- lapply(1:B, function(i) fit$coef[,i] / sqrt(s2[[i]]$var.post))
df.total <- fit$df.residuals + sapply(s2, "[[", "df.prior")
post.sigma <- sqrt(do.call(cbind, lapply(s2, "[[", "var.post")))
## p.value <- lapply(1:B, function(i) 2 * pt(-abs(t[[i]]), df = df.total[[i]]))
return(list(post.sigma = post.sigma, df.total = df.total))
#' If our data is paired, wilcoxon rank test can be used to test the significnat of sites
#' @title wilcox.fit
#' @description calculate wolcoxon signed rank sum test for each CpG probes of microarray;
#' support multiple core parallism calculation.
#' @param dat.m n x m delta M|beta matrix for n CpG sites across 2*m paired different patient samples
#' @param alternative a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis;
#' c("two.sided", "greater", "less") and "two.sided" is default
#' @param qvalue0 false discovery rate's threshold; Default = 0.1
#' @param mcore Cpu cores can be used in test
#' @return res list
#' siggene data.frame
#' null data.frame
#' @importFrom doMC registerDoMC
#' @importFrom plyr aaply
#' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
#' @export
#' @author Xin Zhou
wilcox.fit <- function(dat.m = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "greater", "less"), qvalue0 = 0.1, mcore = 4){
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
registerDoMC(cores = mcore)
if(ncol(dat.m) >= 10){
rank.m <- aaply(dat.m, 1, .fun = function(d){
r <- rep(0, length(d))
r[which(d != 0)] <- rank(d[which(d != 0)])
}, .parallel = TRUE
sgn.m <- aaply(dat.m, 1, sign, .parallel = TRUE)
W <- abs(rowSums(rank.m * sgn.m))
Nr <- rowSums(abs(sgn.m))
sigma <- sqrt(Nr * (Nr + 1) * (2 * Nr + 1)/6)
p <- pnorm(W, mean = 0.5, sd = sigma, lower.tail = TRUE)
pval <- switch(alternative,
two.sided = pmin(p, 1-p),
greater = 1-p,
less = p
qval <- p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr")
sig.cg <- which(qval <= qvalue0)
} else {
pval <- aaply(dat.m, 1, .fun = function(x){
wilcox.test(x, alternative = alternative)$p.value
}, .parallel = TRUE
qval <- p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr")
sig.cg <- which(qval <= qvalue0)
table <- data.frame(pvalue = pval, qvalue = qval)
rownames(table) <- rownames(dat.m)
res <- list(siggene = table[sig.cg,], null = table[-sig.cg,])
#' clusterMaker function based on spatial distance
#' @title clusterMaker
#' @param chr Chromosome vector
#' @param pos position numeric vector
#' @param maxGap max gap length between 2 probes within a region
#' @param names probe names vector
#' @return cluster data.frame of length m(m probes). Probes within same region have same region identities list.
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @details If you define the maxGap 500, so we can guarantee probes in different regions has distance >= maxGap.
#' As the result, if we extend region upstream & downstream maxGap / 2, our extended regions have no overlap
#' @examples
#' require(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
#' Location <- data.frame(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19@@data$Locations)
#' Probes <- rownames(Location)[rownames(Location) %in% rownames(dat.m)]
#' BED <- cbind(Location[Probes, 1:2])
#' BED <- cbind(BED, dat.m[Probes, 4:3])
#' cluster <- clusterMaker(chr = BED$chr, pos = BED$pos, maxGap = 1000, names = rownames(BED))
#' @export
clusterMaker <- function(chr, pos, maxGap = 500, names){
genome <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = pos, width = 1), names = names)
seqlevels(genome) <- sort(seqlevels(genome))
genome <- sort(genome)
chrIndexes <- split(genome, seqnames(genome))
cluster <- llply(chrIndexes, function(chr) cumsum((diff(c(0, start(chr))) > maxGap) + 0))
offset <- 0
for(i in 1:length(cluster)){
cluster[[i]] <- cluster[[i]] + offset
offset <- tail(cluster[[i]], 1)
cluster <- unlist(cluster)
names(cluster) <- genome$names
#' correlated cluster maker. Build the CpG cluster by correlation
#' @description By \code{clusterMaker}, we can generate probe cluster under constraint of maximum
#' distance. Adding the correlation constraint, we will truncate exsited cluster and
#' calculate their correlation matrix \code{sigma} out
#' @title corrclusterMaker
#' @param dat.m n x m delta M|beta matrix for n CpG sites across 2*m paired different patient samples
#' @param chr Chromosome vector
#' @param pos position numeric vector
#' @param cluster vector of probes clusters By distance(maxGap) constraints
#' @param names probe names vector ; used in function \link{clusterMaker}
#' @param maxGap max gap length between 2 probes within a region ; Default = 500
#' also used in function \link{clusterMaker}
#' @param cutoff threshold to filter distance based cluster; Default = 0.8
#' @param method correlation calculation method; c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"); Default "spearman"
#' @param merge how to merge two sub-clusters; c("single", "complete", "average")
#' @param pos CpG position with their probes id
#' @param corrmat correlation matrix for each cluster; Default NULL
#' @param cores number of thread used by \link{corrclusterMaker}
#' @details only clusters contain >= 2 probes can get a corrected p-value
#' @return list of clusterID vector
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @importFrom doMC registerDoMC
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @export
corrclusterMaker <- function(dat.m = NULL, chr, pos, cluster = NULL,
maxGap = 500, names, cutoff = 0.8,
corrmat = NULL, cores = detectCores(),
method = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"),
merge = c("single", "complete", "average")){
method <- match.arg(method)
merge <- match.arg(merge)
cluster <- clusterMaker(chr = chr, pos = pos, maxGap = maxGap, names = names)
cnames <- names(cluster)
names(pos) <- names
rawcluster <- split(cnames, cluster)
combIndex <- which(sapply(rawcluster, function(c) length(c) > 1))
multcluster <- rawcluster[combIndex]
## build correlation matrix within clusters
if(cores >= 2){
registerDoMC(cores = cores)
corrmat <- llply(multcluster, .fun = function(ix){
dist <- abs(outer(pos[ix], pos[ix], "-"))
# colnames(dist) <- rownames(dist) <- ix
cor(t(dat.m[ix,]), method = method) * (dist < maxGap)
}, .parallel = TRUE)
corrmat <- llply(multcluster, .fun = function(ix){
dist <- abs(outer(pos[ix], pos[ix], "-"))
colnames(dist) <- rownames(dist) <- ix
cor(t(dat.m[ix,]), method = method) * (dist < maxGap)
corrcluster <- Dbpmerge(corrmat, merge, cutoff)
cluster <- c(corrcluster, rawcluster[-combIndex])
names(cluster) <- seq(1:length(cluster))
#' sub-regions merge and split
#' @title Dbpmerge
#' @param c.mat list of correlation probes matrices
#' @param merge merge method; c("single", "complete", "average")
#' @param cutoff correlation >= cutoff can be merge into a sub-regions
#' @return list of all sub-clusters
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @export
Dbpmerge <- function(c.mat = NULL, merge = c("single", "complete", "average"), cutoff = 0.8){
merge <- match.arg(merge)
corrcluster <- llply(c.mat, .fun = function(mx){
pname <- rownames(mx)
diag(mx) <- 0
mx <- switch(merge, single = single_linkage(mx),
complete = complete_linkage(mx),
average = average_linkage(mx))
mx <- (mx <= cutoff) + 0.0
cIndexes <- cumsum(c(1, clique_merge(mx)))
split(pname, cIndexes)
unlist(corrcluster, recursive = FALSE)
#' segment vectors into positive, null and negative
#' @title segmentsMaker
#' @param cluster vector of probes clusters
#' @param beta beta value for probes
#' @param chr chromosome vector
#' @param pos position vector
#' @param cutoff cutoff value for positive & negative value;
#' <= cutoff[1] : hypo
#' >= cutoff[4] : hyper
#' (cutoff[2], cutoff[3]) : null
#' @param permbeta null hypothesis distribution
#' @return cluster list and each cluster contains 3 list
#' `hyper`| `+`
#' `hypo` | `-`
#' `null` | `0`
#' @details bumphunting kernel; and we can use comb-p method in segmentMaker.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
segmentsMaker <- function(cluster, beta, cutoff, chr, pos, permbeta){
cnames <- names(cluster)
all <- ((beta >= cutoff[4]) - (beta <= cutoff[1]) + 2 * (beta >= cutoff[2]) * (beta <= cutoff[3]))[cnames,]
sgn <- as.numeric(c(0, abs(diff(as.numeric(all)))) != 0)
splitter <- cumsum(sgn) + cluster
all[all == 1] <- "hyper"
all[all == 2] <- "null"
all[all == -1] <- "hypo"
all[all == 0] <- "unknown"
perm <- permbeta[cnames, ]
colnames(perm) <- paste0("perm", 1:ncol(permbeta))
segments <- data.table(names = cnames, cluster = cluster, beta = beta[cnames,], status = all, segs = splitter, chr = chr, pos = pos, perm)
segments <- segments[segments$status != "unknown", ]
segments <- plyr:::splitter_d(segments, .(status))
segments <- list(hyper = plyr:::splitter_d(segments[[1]], .(segs)),
hypo = plyr:::splitter_d(segments[[2]], .(segs)),
null = plyr:::splitter_d(segments[[3]], .(segs)))
#' segmentsCluster clustering correlated probes
#' @title segmentsCluster
#' @param cluster vector of probes clusters
#' @param beta beta value for probes
#' @param chr chromosome vector
#' @param pos position vector
#' @param permbeta null hypothesis distribution
#' @return data.table of all clusters
#' @export
segmentsCluster <- function(cluster, beta, chr, pos, permbeta){
cnames <- names(cluster)
perm <- permbeta[cnames, ]
segments <- data.table(names = cnames, cluster = cluster, beta = beta[cnames,], chr = chr, pos = pos, perm)
segments <- plyr:::splitter_d(segments, .(cluster))
#' bump hunting algorithm one clusters predefined by distance/correlation constraints
#' @title regionSeeker
#' @param beta vector of different probes
#' @param chr Chromosome vector
#' @param pos position numeric vector
#' @param pvalc pvalue cutoff for bump selection; Default 0.1
#' @param cluster list clusters defined by arguments or \link{clusterMaker}
#' @param maxGap max gap length between 2 probes within a region ;
#' used in function \link{clusterMaker}
#' @param names probe names vector ; used in function \link{clusterMaker}
#' @param cutoff cutoff threshold for bump selection. only segements within cluster satisfy cutoff
#' are returned as predicted region c(sig-cutoff, null-cutoff)
#' @param permbeta Null hypothesis beta distribution
#' [added permbeta(H0 distribution) to the end columns of region table from \link{regionSeeker}]
#' @param drop FALSE; create discriminate table (significant | null) or not
#' @param corr logical, whether the cluster is generated under distance constraint or
#' under correlation constraint. Default FALSE
#' @param mcores multiple threads used in \link{regionSeeker}
#' @param qvalue cutoff of FDR(false discovery rate)
#' @param verbose FALSE
#' @details If an arbitary threshold is defined, regionSeeker will return a table (within / without)
#' the threshold. In bump hunting algorithms, these contiguous probes mean bumps.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import data.table
#' @return Table of predict regions
#' @export
regionSeeker <- function(beta, chr, pos, cluster = NULL, maxGap = 500, names, pvalc = 0.1,
cutoff = c(quantile(abs(beta), 1-pvalc), quantile(abs(beta), pvalc)),
permbeta = NULL, mcores = 2, corr = FALSE, qvalue = 0.1,
drop = FALSE, verbose = FALSE){
cluster <- clusterMaker(chr = chr, pos = pos, maxGap = maxGap, names = names)
if(inherits(cluster, "list")){
cluster <- List2Index(cluster = cluster, chr = chr, pos = pos, names = names)
if(mcores >= 2){
registerDoMC(cores = mcores)
genome <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = pos, width = 1), names = names, chr = chr)
seqlevels(genome) <- sort(seqlevels(genome))
genome <- sort(genome)
L <- ncol(permbeta)
segments <- segmentsCluster(cluster = cluster, beta = beta,
chr = genome$chr,
pos = start(genome),
permbeta = permbeta)
out <- llply(segments, function(ix){
data.table(chr = ix[1,4],
start = min(ix[,5]),
end = max(ix[,5]) + 1,
length = max(ix[,5]) - min(ix[,5]) + 1,
value = mean(ix[,3]),
area = abs(sum(ix[,3])),
cluster = ix[1,2],
L = nrow(ix),
cgnames = paste0(ix[,1],collapse = ";"),
pvalue = min(sum(mean(ix[,3]) >= colMeans(ix[,-(1:5)])), sum(mean(ix[,3]) <= colMeans(ix[,-(1:5)]))) / L,
parea = sum(abs(sum(ix[,3])) <= abs(colSums(ix[,-(1:5)])))/ L)
}, .parallel = TRUE)
res <- do.call(rbind, out)
qval <- p.adjust(res$parea, method = "fdr")
res$qvalue <- qval
diff <- res[(res$value <= -cutoff[1] || res$value >= cutoff[1]),]
null <- res[(res$value >= -cutoff[2] && res$value <= cutoff[2]),]
return(list(diff = diff[diff$qvalue <= qvalue,], null = null[null$qvalue > qvalue,]))
segments <- segmentsMaker(cluster = cluster, beta = beta,
cutoff = c(-cutoff[1], -cutoff[2], cutoff[2], cutoff[1]),
chr = genome$chr,
pos = start(genome),
permbeta = permbeta)
res <- vector("list", 3)
cat("[regionSeeker]\t Estimating Statistics For Regions Hyper, Hypo, NULL ...")
for(i in 1:3){
out <- llply(segments[[i]], function(ix){
data.table(chr = ix[1,6],
start = min(ix[,7]),
end = max(ix[,7]) + 1,
length = max(ix[,7]) - min(ix[,7]) + 1,
value = mean(ix[,3]),
area = abs(sum(ix[,3])),
cluster = ix[1,2],
L = nrow(ix),
cgnames = paste0(ix[,1],collapse = ";"),
pvalue = min(sum(mean(ix[,3]) >= colMeans(ix[,-(1:7)])), sum(mean(ix[,3]) <= colMeans(ix[,-(1:7)]))) / L,
parea = sum(abs(sum(ix[,3])) <= abs(colSums(ix[,-(1:7)])))/ L,
status = names(segments)[i])
}, .parallel = TRUE)
res[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, out)
names(res) <- names(segments)
res <- list(diff = rbind(res$hyper, res$hypo), null = res$null)
#' fitting L/S model with missing values
#' @description Beta.NA function is borrow from package sva
#' @title Beta.NA
Beta.NA <- function(y,X){
des <- X[!is.na(y),]
y1 <- y[!is.na(y)]
B <- solve(t(des)%*%des)%*%t(des)%*%y1
#' get contains NA's row, col
#' @description Index.NA function is borrow from package sva
#' @title Index.NA
Index.NA <- function(mat, by = c("row", "col")){
by <- match.arg(by)
if(by == "row"){
unique(which(is.na(mat)) %% nrow(mat))
unique(which(is.na(mat)) %% ncol(mat))
#' convert cluster list to Index with increased number
#' @title List2Index
#' @param cluster vector of probes clusters By distance(maxGap) constraints
#' @param chr Chromosome vector
#' @param pos position numeric vector
#' @param names probe names vector ; used in function \link{clusterMaker}
#' @return clusterIndex
List2Index <- function(cluster, chr, pos, names){
## prepare IRange
genome <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = pos, width = 1), names = names)
seqlevels(genome) <- sort(seqlevels(genome))
genome <- sort(genome)
## convert from cluster to index
## create cluster vector
indexes <- unlist(sapply(1:length(cluster), function(ix) rep(ix, length(cluster[[ix]]))))
names(indexes) <- unlist(cluster)
cluster <- indexes[genome$names]
indexes <- seq(1:length(unique(cluster)))
names(indexes) <- unique(cluster)
cluster <- indexes[as.character(cluster)]
names(cluster) <- genome$names
#' execute hierachical clustering by beta value data directly
#' @title hclust_from_data
#' @param data beta value matrix
#' @param link character for linkage type[default "ward" out of
#' c("ward", "average", "complete", "single")]
#' @param dist character for distance type[default "euclidean" out of
#' c("euclidean", "manhanttan")]
#' @param minkowski soft_power of minkowski distance
#' @return hclust object for our cluster
#' @export
hclust_from_data <- function(data, link, dist, minkowski){
as.numeric(minkowski), DUP = FALSE, NAOK = FALSE, PACKAGE = 'Rcppsva')
#' Hierachical Clustering function based on fast parallel hierachical clustering
#' @title HClust
#' @param data matrix of beta data
#' @param method The agglomeration method to be used. This must be one of "ward", "single", "complete" or "average"
#' @param distance The distance measure to be used. This must be one of "euclidiean", "manhattan", "maximum", or "minkowski".
#' @param p power of the Minkowski distance.
#' @param sign Optional 'U' for unsigned and 'S' for signed dissimilarity
#' @return An object of class *hclust* which describes the tree produced by the clustering process
#' @export
#' @author Xin Zhou \url{xxz220@@miami.edu}
HClust <- function(data = NULL, method = "average", distance = "euclidean", p = 2, sign = c("S", "U")){
options(warn = -1)
if(method == "ward" && distance != "euclidean"){
warning("Distance method is forced to (squared) 'euclidean' distance for Ward's method")
distance = "euclidean"
stop("Beta matrix is needed for Chclust")
if(distance == "spearman"){
data <- rankm(as.matrix(data), byrow = TRUE)
distance <- "pearson"
sign <- match.arg(sign)
if(distance == "pearson"){
if(sign == "S"){
distance <- "scosine"
} else{
distance <- "ucosine"
method <- pmatch(method, linkage_kinds())
stop("clustering method is not support by Rcppsva ...")
if(method == -1){
stop("ambigous clustering method ...")
distance <- pmatch(distance, distance_kinds())
stop("distance metric is not support by Rcppsva ...")
if(distance == -1){
stop("ambigous distance metric ...")
## Debug printf
## cat(" start hierachical clustering ... \n")
hcl <- hclust_from_data(as.matrix(data), link = method, dist = distance, minkowski = p)
hcl$labels <- row.names(data)
hcl$methods <- linkage_kinds()[method]
hcl$call <- match.call()
hcl$dist.method <- distance_kinds()[distance]
class(hcl) <- "hclust"
# optimal cluster script is a collection for optimal cluster number determination
# optimal height selection, when given an array of candidate height, we can use gap
# statistic for cut-height determination.
#' To calculate the optimal cluster number of our data, we need a reference distribution
#' generation for NULL_DENDROGRAM
#' @title distributeRef
#' @param data data matrix to sampled
#' @param size bootstrap sampling size
#' @param by data will independent by row('R')[Default] or by column
#' @param n restrict sampled data matrix size
#' @param umethod 'uniform'(Default). Method for sampling reference null distribution.
#' c('uniform', 'bootstrap')
#' @param mcores parallel threads to be used
#' @param verbose FALSE
#' @return list of NULL dendrogram objects
#' @export
#' @author Xin Zhou \url{xxz220@@miami.edu}
distributeRef <- function(data = NULL, size = 10, by = 'R', n = 1000,
umethod = c('uniform', 'bootstrap', 'MCMC'), verbose = FALSE,
mcores = 2, ...){
options(warn = -1)
stop("background data matrix is not supported . ")
umethod <- match.arg(umethod)
if(umethod == "MCMC"){
R <- svd(data)
X <- data %*% R$v
NULL_dendrogram <- llply(1:size, function(x){
cat(sprintf("\t simulating %d round reference distribution ...\n", x))
set.seed(x + 1001)
if(mcores >= 2){
registerDoMC(cores = mcores)
sdat <- do.call(cbind,
if(umethod == "bootstrap"){
data[sample(1:nrow(data), n, replace = TRUE), ix, drop = TRUE]
} else if(umethod == "MCMC"){
runif(n, min = min(X[,ix]), max = max(X[,ix]))
} else{
# uniform distribution subtitute bootstrap
runif(n, min = min(data[,ix]), max = max(data[,ix]))
}, .parallel = TRUE)
if(umethod == "MCMC"){
sdat <- tcrossprod(sdat, R$v)
cat(sprintf("\t hierachical clustering ... \n"))
list(hclust = HClust(sdat, ...), data = sdat)
#' utility R function; preProcess450K
#' @title preProcess450K
#' @description \code{process450K} is a function used for our methylation 450K raw data preprocessing.
#' @param tcga.dir directionary of TCGA cancer level-1 data
#' @param cancer [ca]ncer [type] for TCGA retrieval
#' @param methylate [me]thylate data value type; 'Beta'(default) and 'M'
#' @param verbose TRUE
#' @return list
#' mset Methylated value matrix after ComBat process
#' pd pdata for next analysis
#' @importFrom minfi read.450k.sheet
#' @importFrom minfi read.450k.exp
#' @importFrom minfi pData
#' @importFrom minfi preprocessIllumina
#' @importFrom minfi preprocessSWAN
#' @export
preProcess450K <- function(tcga.dir = ".", cancer = "BRCA",
methylate = c("Beta", "M"),
verbose = TRUE) {
# minfi sheet building
sdrf <- list.files(tcga.dir, pattern = "*.sdrf")[1]
if (is.na(sdrf)) {
sdrf <- get450Kurl(type = cancer, save = tcga.dir)
pdata <- get450Ksheet(save = tcga.dir, sdrf = sdrf)
# minfi data reading
## read microarray data
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] minfi 450K reading ... \n")
targets <- read.450k.sheet(base = tcga.dir)
rgset <- read.450k.exp(targets = targets)
## minfi phenotype data table
pd <- pData(rgset)
## big data analysis protect
if(nrow(pd) > 100){
is.bigarray <- TRUE
} else {
is.bigarray <- FALSE
## normalization 485512 probes by control probes
## control probes = 622399 - 485512 = 136887
## 450K probes = [type-I + type-II]
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] minfi background probes correction ... \n")
mset.norm <- preprocessIllumina(rgset, bg.correct = TRUE, normalize = "controls", reference = 1)
## type-I and type-II correction
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] minfi type-I & type-I bias correction ... \n")
mset.swan <- preprocessSWAN(rgset, mset.norm)
## garbage collection for large data analysis
if (verbose && is.bigarray) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] big data analysis optimization & garbage collection ... \n")
## ComBat process to remove batch effect
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] minfi remove batch effect ... \n")
methylate <- match.arg(methylate)
if (methylate == "Beta") {
mdata <- getBeta(mset.swan, type = "Illumina")
} else {
mdata <- getM(mset.swan, type = "Beta", offset = 100, betaThreshold = 1e-6)
if (verbose && is.bigarray) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] big data analysis optimization & garbage collection ... \n")
#### phenotype data and design matrix
phenotype <- factor(pd$status, levels = c("N", "C"))
mod.combat <- model.matrix( ~ phenotype + age, pd)
## ComBat-p & ComBat-n selection by par.prior
## ComBat-p is selected as default for speed
mset.combat <- ComBat(dat = mdata, batch = pd$Slide, mod = mod, par.prior = TRUE)
## return paired data for analysis
zipped <- get450Kzip(pdata)
cols <- paste(zipped[,6], zipped[,7], sep = "_")
mset <- mset.combat[, cols, drop = FALSE]
list(mset = mset, pd = zipped)
#' ultility R differential methylation positions 450K for M value data archive
#' @title preProcessDMR
#' @param data normalized methylation microarray value matrix (Beta, M)
#' @param pdata phenotype data matrix
#' @param svam surrogate variable analysis method type
#' @param lmfit linear regression analysis
#' @param sampling sampling coefficient type; 'permutation'(default) and 'bootstrap'
#' @param B sampling method's round; 30(default)
#' @param verbose TRUE
#' @return list
#' fit mset.fit matrix
#' bg mset.bg list
#' coef each round's coeffcient
#' sigma
#' df.residuals
#' @importFrom sva num.sv
#' @importFrom sva sva
#' @export
preProcessDMR <- function(data = NULL, pdata = NULL,
svam = c("isva", "sva"), lmfit = c("NULL", "limma"),
sampling = c("permutation", "bootstrap"), B = 30,
verbose = TRUE) {
options(warn = -1)
if (is.null(data) || is.null(pdata)) {
stop("normalized methylation matrix and phenotype matrix are needed ... ")
mod <- model.matrix( ~ status + person + age, data = pdata)
# surrogate variable extract
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] surrogate variables matrix building ... \n")
svam <- match.arg(svam)
if (svam == "isva") {
mset.sv <- isvaFn(dat.m = data, design = mod, type = "M", verbose = TRUE)
} else {
mod0 <- model.matrix( ~ person + age, data = pdata)
n.sv <- num.sv(dat = data, mod = mod, method = "leek")
mset.sv <- sva(dat = data, mod = mod, mod0 = mod0, n.sv = n.sv)
# lm fit to test each probe's significance
lmfit <- match.arg(lmfit)
modsv <- cbind(mod, mset.sv$sv)
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] regression test for each probe's differential methylation ... \n")
mset.fit <- svaReg(dat.m = data, design = mod, sv.m = mset.sv$sv, qvalue0 = 0.1, backend = lmfit, verbose = TRUE)
# null background distribution of coefficient B for status(C, N)
sampling <- match.arg(sampling)
if (verbose) {
cat("[Rcppdmr] sampling background distribution of coefficient by ", sampling, "\n")
if (sampling == "permutation") {
mset.bg <- mlm.fit(dat.m = data, design = modsv, coef = 2, B = B, full = TRUE)
} else {
mset.bg <- bootstrap.fit(dat.m = data, design = modsv, coef = 2, B = B)
list(fit = mset.fit, bg = mset.bg)
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