#' @title show
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @exportMethod show
setMethod("show", signature(object = "bumps"),
cat(sprintf("'bumps' object with %d DMR bumps\n", nrow(object@bumps$diff)))
cat(sprintf("'bumps' object with %d NULL H bumps for discriminative analysis\n",
cat(sprintf("algorithms : ...... \n"))
for(params in names(object@algorithm)){
cat(sprintf("\t%s = %s \n", params, object@algorithm[[params]]))
#' @title get.bumps
#' @rdname get.bumps-methods
#' @exportMethod get.bumps
setMethod("get.bumps", signature(object = "bumps"),
function(object, ...){
#' bumphuntingEngine
#' @title bumphuntingEngine
#' @description bump hunting algorithm for 450k methylation microarray
#' @param dat.m 450k methylation microarray matrix via preprocessing; m x n matrix
#' @param design design matrix; [1, covariate of interested, paired info]
#' @param sv.m surrogate variables matrix
#' @param chr chromosome vector for probes
#' @param pos position vector for probes
#' @param cluster The clusters of locations that are to be analyzed together. via correlation
#' perspevtive, we can use agglomerate cluster index to bump analysis. If cluster is not
#' available, clusterMaker can be used to cluster nearby locations
#' @param coef Integer. covariate of interest's column
#' @param names probe names vector ; used in function \link{clusterMaker} and \link{regionSeeker}
#' @param cutoff numeric value. Value of estimates coefficient of covariate of interested above cutoff
#' or below the negative of cutoff will be used as candidate bump regions.
#' @param qvalue numeric value. cutoff of pvalue for candidate regions selection ||
#' qvalue cutoff for combination pvalue method
#' @param maxGap if cluster is not availabel. maxGap is used by clusterMaker to define cluster
#' @param minDist if clusters are build, the mininal distance between clusters is setted as constraint
#' @param nullMethod Method for generating null candidate regions. If ncol(design) > 2. bootstrap method is recommanded
#' @param robust logic, use robust linear regression or not; Default FALSE
#' @param smooth logic. If TRUE then the standard error or correlation of point-wise estimatrs will be used as weigths
#' in the \link{smoother}
#' @param smoothMethod local regression method used in \link{smoother}
#' @param B integer; Denoting the number of resamples to computr null distribution. Default = 0
#' B is used to generate permutation matrix,
#' which describes permutations to generate null distribution
#' @param corr logical; If TRUE then position correlation matrix is considered as weighted matrix
#' and clusters modified by correlation constraint; Default FALSE
#' @param corFunc Optional; "spearman"(Default) and "pearson"
#' @param combp logical; If TRUE then slk p correction will be applied
#' @param merge how to merge two sub-clusters; c("single", "complete", "average")
#' @param corr.cutoff correlation cutoff in merge algorithm
#' @param combine combine pvalue method; c("stouffer_liptak", "zscore")
#' @param verbose logical. Optional printing progress message or not
#' @param ...
#' @return bumps object
#' @importFrom limma lmFit eBayes
#' @examples
#' # cluster input format: cg12045430 cg20826792 cg00381604 cg20253340
## # 3 3 3 4
## # -like vector
#' @export
bumphuntingEngine <- function(dat.m = NULL, design, sv.m = NULL,
chr, pos, cluster = NULL, coef = 2,
names, cutoff = NULL, qvalue = 0.1, maxGap = 500,
minDist = 500, robust = FALSE, smooth = FALSE,
smoothMethod = c("weightedLowess", "loess", "locfit"),
nullMethod = c("permutation", "bootstrap"), B = 10000, corr = FALSE,
corFunc = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"), combp = FALSE,
merge = c("single", "complete", "average"), corr.cutoff = 0.8,
combine = c("stouffer_liptak", "zscore"),
verbose = TRUE, ...){
nullMethod <- match.arg(nullMethod)
corFunc <- match.arg(corFunc)
merge <- match.arg(merge)
combine <- match.arg(combine)
smoothMethod <- match.arg(smoothMethod)
## model matrix
mod <- cbind(design, sv.m)
## make cluster
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Generating clusters by gap constraint = %d \n", maxGap))
cluster <- clusterMaker(chr = chr, pos = pos, maxGap = maxGap, names = names)
# make correlated cluster or not
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Splitting clusters whose correlation >= %f \n", cor.cutoff))
cluster <- corrclusterMaker(dat.m = dat.m, chr = chr, pos = pos, names = names, cluster = cluster, cutoff = cor.cutoff, maxGap = maxGap, method = corFunc, merge = merge)
# estimate each position coefficient profile
# robust means squeeze variance or not
# combp means calculate p-value or not
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Estimating beta value for each probes \n"))
tmp <- mlm.fit(dat.m = dat.m, design = mod, coef = 2, full = TRUE)
beta <- tmp$coef
sigma <- tmp$sigma
t <- beta / sigma
p <- 2 * pmin(pt(t, tmp$df.residuals), 1 - pt(t, tmp$df.residuals))
tmp <- lmFit(dat.m, mod)
contrasts <- cbind("C-N" = c(0, 1, rep(0, ncol(mod) - 2)))
tmp <- contrasts.fit(tmp, contrasts)
tmp <- eBayes(tmp)
beta <- tmp$coefficients
sigma <- sqrt(tmp$s2.post)
p <- tmp$p.value
weight <- NULL
weight <- sigma
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Smoothing beta values within cluster \n"))
beta <- smoother(beta = beta, pos = pos, names = names, cluster = cluster, weight = weight, method = smoothMethod)
# Region search is based on :
# + combination-p method
# + permutation method
if(!combp && B > 0){
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Computing null distribution of beta by %s \n", nullMethod))
# permutation calculation
if(nullMethod == "permutation"){
tmp <- mlm.fit(dat.m = dat.m, design = mod, coef = 2, B = B, full = TRUE)
beta0 <- tmp$coef
sigma0 <- tmp$sigma
tmpr <- mlm.tstat(tmp)
sigma0 <- tmpr$post.sigma
# bootstrap perform 100x speedup than permutation
else if(nullMethod == "bootstrap"){
tmp <- bootstrap.fit(dat.m = dat.m, design = mod, coef = 2, B = B)
beta0 <- tmp$coef
sigma0 <- tmp$sigma
tmpr <- mlm.tstat(tmp)
sigma0 <- tmpr$post.sigma
# regionSeeker by a soft threshold and their null hypothesis
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Finding DMRs... \n"))
region <- regionSeeker(beta = beta, chr = chr, pos = pos, names = names, cluster = cluster, maxGap = maxGap, drop = TRUE, permbeta = beta0, corr = corr, qvalue = qvalue)
} else if(combp){
cat(sprintf("[Bumphunting]\t Finding DMRs by Comb-p method... \n"))
## TODO fixed weight argument error
weight <- NULL
region <- combine.pvalue(dat.m = dat.m, pvalues = p, cluster = cluster, chr = chr, pos = pos, names = names, method = method, combine = combine, weight = weight, cutoff = qvalue)
algorithm <- list(method = if(combp) combine else nullMethod,
smooth = if(smooth) "smoothMethod" else "NULL",
correlation = if(corr) corFunc else "NULL",
corrcutoff = if(corr) corr.cutoff else "NULL",
bumpcitoff = comb.cutoff, cluster = merge, qvalue = qvalue)
new("bumps", algorithm = algorithm, bumps = region)
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