#' Summary results of DEG analysis
#' @param obj a DEGContainer object
#' @param dir a directory to store results
#' @param prefix a prefix of file names in this step
#' @param PointVolcanoParam more parameters for \code{\link{PointVolcano}}
#' @return a batch of files
#' @export
#' @examples
#' degSummary(DEGContainer)
degSummary <- function(obj, dir = ".", prefix = "2-runDEG",
PointVolcanoParam = list(gene = 10,light = NULL,
light_color = "#24ac56",
light_label_color = "#24ac56",
expend = c(0.12, 0.12))) {
## create dir if not exists
if (!fs::dir_exists(dir)) {
## check deg results
test <- deg_here(obj)
ok <- names(test)[which(test == TRUE)]
## except merge
main <- setdiff(ok,"merge")
## when merge exists
if(test["merge"]) {
dat <- dataDEG(obj,which = "merge")
csv_name = glue('{dir}/{prefix}_merge_results.csv')
write.csv(dat,file = csv_name)
ui_done(glue("merge DEG results in csv format is stored in {usethis::ui_path(csv_name)}"))
geneSymbol_list <- hyper_GS(obj,"merge",type = "SYMBOL")
lapply(seq_along(geneSymbol_list), function(x){
file_name <- glue("{dir}/{prefix}_{names(geneSymbol_list)[x]}_merge_Gene.txt")
writeLines(geneSymbol_list[[x]],con = file_name)
ui_done(glue("merge {names(geneSymbol_list)[x]} Gene in txt format is stored in {usethis::ui_path(file_name)}"))
## other dataset
for (i in main) {
which = i
geneSymbol_list <- hyper_GS(object = obj,which = which,type = "SYMBOL")
## gene names of every regulate group
lapply(seq_along(geneSymbol_list), function(x){
file_name <- glue("{dir}/{prefix}_{names(geneSymbol_list)[x]}_{which}_Gene.txt")
writeLines(geneSymbol_list[[x]],con = file_name)
ui_done(glue("{which} {names(geneSymbol_list)[x]} Gene in txt format is stored in {usethis::ui_path(file_name)}"))
## deg results
dat <- dataDEG(obj,which = which)
csv_name = glue('{dir}/{prefix}_{which}_results.csv')
write.csv(dat,file = csv_name)
ui_done(glue("{which} DEG results in csv format is stored in {usethis::ui_path(csv_name)}"))
## volcano plot
volcano_plot <- do.call("PointVolcano",c(list(obj = obj,which = i), PointVolcanoParam))
volcano_file = glue("{dir}/{prefix}_{which}_volcano.pdf")
ggsave(volcano_plot,filename = volcano_file, width = 1600,height = 1600,units = "px",limitsize = FALSE,device = cairo_pdf)
ui_done(glue("{which} volcano results were store in {ui_path(volcano_file)}."))
topHeatmap_file = glue("{dir}/{prefix}_{which}_top500_heatmap.pdf")
topHeatmap <- do.call("DEGtopHeatmap",list(obj = obj,which = i,filename = topHeatmap_file))
ui_done(glue("{which} top 500 heatmap were store in {ui_path(topHeatmap_file)}."))
## top heatmap all
heatmap_ls <- lapply(main, function(x){
do.call("DEGtopHeatmap",list(obj = obj, which = x,filename = NA,show_gene = FALSE,
legend = FALSE,annotation_legend = FALSE,annotation_names_col = F))
heatmap_all <- aplot::plot_list(gglist = heatmap_ls,labels = main,guides = 'collect')
heatmap_all_file = glue("{dir}/{prefix}_ALL_top500heatmap.pdf")
ggsave(filename = heatmap_all_file,plot = heatmap_all,device = cairo_pdf,width = 4.5*length(main),height = 4.5)
ui_done(glue("DEG top heatmap plot were store in {ui_path(heatmap_all_file)}."))
## venn plot
if (length(main) > 1) {
index <- c(setdiff(label(obj),label_ns(obj)),"diff")
geneSets <- lapply(main, function(x){
geneSymbol_list <- hyper_GS(object = obj,which = x,type = "SYMBOL")
names(geneSets) <- main
geneSets_ls <- list()
for (i in index){
tmp <- lapply(main, function(x){geneSets[[x]][[i]]})
names(tmp) <- main
geneSets_ls[[i]] <- tmp
p_list <- lapply(seq_along(geneSets_ls), function(x){
DEGvenn(geneSets = geneSets_ls[[x]])
p_l <- aplot::plot_list(gglist = p_list,labels = index)
venn_file = glue("{dir}/{prefix}_vennplot.pdf")
ggsave(filename = venn_file,plot = p_l,device = cairo_pdf,width = 4.5*length(index),height = 4.5)
ui_done(glue("DEG venn plot were store in {ui_path(venn_file)}."))
} else {
ui_info("None available results of DEG.")
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