#' LFQDataPlotter ----
#' Create various visualization of the LFQdata
#' @export
#' @family LFQData
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' istar <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' lfqdata <- LFQData$new(
#' istar$data,
#' istar$config)
#' #LFQDataPlotter$debug("boxplots")
#' # LFQDataPlotter$debug("pairs_smooth")
#' lfqplotter <- lfqdata$get_Plotter()
#' stopifnot(class(lfqplotter$heatmap()) == "pheatmap")
#' stopifnot(class(lfqplotter$heatmap_cor()) == "pheatmap")
#' stopifnot("ggplot" %in% class(lfqplotter$pca()))
#' stopifnot("plotly" %in% class(lfqplotter$pca_plotly()))
#' tmp <- lfqplotter$boxplots()
#' stopifnot("ggplot" %in% class(tmp$boxplot[[1]]))
#' stopifnot("ggplot" %in% class(lfqplotter$missigness_histogram()))
#' stopifnot(class(lfqplotter$NA_heatmap()) == "pheatmap")
#' class(lfqplotter$intensity_distribution_density())
#' class(lfqplotter$intensity_distribution_violin())
#' \dontrun{
#' stopifnot(is.null(lfqplotter$pairs_smooth()))
#' }
#' stopifnot(class(lfqplotter$sample_correlation()) == "list")
#' stopifnot(class(lfqplotter$raster()) == "pheatmap")
#' stopifnot("upset" == class(lfqplotter$upset_missing()))
#' stopifnot(class(prolfqua::plot_sample_correlation(istar$data, istar$config)) == "list")
LFQDataPlotter <- R6::R6Class(
#' @field lfq LFQData object
#' @field prefix prefix to figure names when writing, e.g. protein_
#' @field file_paths_pdf with paths to figures
#' @field file_paths_html with paths to figures
lfq = NULL,
prefix = "",
file_paths_pdf = list(),
file_paths_html = list(),
#' @description
#' create LFQDataPlotter
#' @param lfqdata LFQData
#' @param prefix will be prepended to outputs written
initialize = function(lfqdata, prefix = "ms_"){
self$lfq = lfqdata
self$prefix = prefix
self$lfq$data <- na.omit(self$lfq$data)
#' @description
#' plot intensities in raster
#' @param arrange arrange by either mean or var
#' @param not_na TRUE arrange by number of NA's, FALSE by arrange by intensity
#' @param rownames show rownames (default FALSE - do not show.)
#' @return ggplot
raster = function(arrange = c("mean", "var") ,
not_na = FALSE,
rownames = FALSE ){
arrange <- match.arg(arrange)
fig <- prolfqua::plot_raster(self$lfq$data,
arrange = arrange,
not_na = not_na,
show_rownames = rownames)
#' @description
#' heatmap of intensities - columns are samples, rows are proteins or peptides.
#' The abundances of each protein (row) are z-scored.
#' Afterward, the mean abundance for each protein is zero,
#' and the standard variation is one.
#' z-scoring allows to compare (cluster) the proteins according
#' to the difference in the expression in the samples.
#' Without the z-scoring, the proteins would group according
#' to their abundance, e.g., high abundant proteins would be one cluster.
#' @param na_fraction max fraction of NA's per row
#' @param rownames show rownames (default FALSE - do not show.)
#' @return pheatmap
heatmap = function(na_fraction = 0.3, rownames = FALSE){
fig <- prolfqua::plot_heatmap(self$lfq$data,
na_fraction = na_fraction,
show_rownames = rownames)
#' @description
#' heatmap of sample correlations.
#' The Spearman correlation among all samples
#' is computed. Then the euclidean distance is used to compute the distances.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_heatmap_cor}}
#' @return pheatmap
heatmap_cor = function(){
fig <- prolfqua::plot_heatmap_cor(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config)
#' @description
#' PCA plot
#' A PCA is applied and the first and second principal component are shown.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_pca}}
#' @param add_txt show sample names
#' @param PC default c(1,2) - first and second principal component
#' @return ggplot
pca = function(PC = c(1,2), add_txt = TRUE){
fig <- prolfqua::plot_pca(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config, PC = PC,add_txt = add_txt)
#' @description
#' pca plot
#' @param add_txt show sample names
#' @param PC default c(1,2) - first and second principal component
#' @return plotly
pca_plotly = function(PC = c(1,2), add_txt = FALSE){
fig <- plotly::ggplotly(self$pca(add_txt = add_txt), tooltip = self$lfq$config$table$sampleName)
#' @description
#' boxplots for all proteins
#' @param facet enable facet wrap if hierarchy_depth less then hierarchy lenght.
#' @return tibble with column boxplots containing ggplot objects
boxplots = function(facet = TRUE){
config <- self$lfq$config
if (config$table$hierarchyDepth < length(config$table$hierarchy) && facet) {
bb <- prolfqua::plot_hierarchies_boxplot_df(
self$lfq$data, config,
hierarchy = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth(),
facet_grid_on = config$table$hierarchy_keys()[config$table$hierarchyDepth + 1])
} else {
bb <- prolfqua::plot_hierarchies_boxplot_df(self$lfq$data, config,
hierarchy = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth(),
facet_grid_on = NULL)
#' @description
#' histogram of intensities given number of missing in conditions
#' @return ggplot
missigness_histogram = function(){
prolfqua::missigness_histogram(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config)
#' @description
#' heatmap of features with missing values
#' @return ggplot
NA_heatmap = function(){
prolfqua::plot_NA_heatmap(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config)
#' @description
#' density distribution of intensities
#' @param legend show legend TRUE, FALSE do not show.
#' @return ggplot
intensity_distribution_density = function(legend = TRUE){
prolfqua::plot_intensity_distribution_density(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config, legend = legend)
#' @description
#' Violinplot showing distribution of intensities in all samples
#' @return ggplot
intensity_distribution_violin = function(){
prolfqua::plot_intensity_distribution_violin(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config)
#' @description
#' pairsplot of intensities
#' @param max maximal number of samples to show
#' @return NULL
pairs_smooth = function(max=10){
dataTransformed <- self$lfq$data
config <- self$lfq$config
samples <- dplyr::select(self$lfq$data, config$table$sampleName) |>
distinct() |>
if (length(samples) > max) {
limit <- samples |> sample(max)
ldata <- dataTransformed |>
dplyr::filter(!!sym(config$table$sampleName) %in% limit)
prolfqua::pairs_smooth( prolfqua::tidy_to_wide_config(ldata, config, as.matrix = TRUE)$data )
prolfqua::pairs_smooth( prolfqua::tidy_to_wide_config(dataTransformed, config, as.matrix = TRUE)$data )
#' @description
#' plot of sample correlations
#' @return NULL
sample_correlation = function(){
prolfqua::plot_sample_correlation(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config)
#' @description
#' upset plot based on presence absence information
#' @return plot
upset_missing = function(){
pups <- prolfqua::UpSet_missing_stats(self$lfq$data, self$lfq$config)
res <- UpSetR::upset(pups$data , order.by = "freq", nsets = pups$nsets)
#' @description
#' write boxplots to file
#' @param path_qc path to write to
#' @param filename file to write into
#' @param width fig width
#' @param height fig height
write_boxplots = function(path_qc, filename = NULL, width = 6, height = 6){
if (is.null(filename)) {
filename = self$prefix
fpath <- file.path(path_qc,paste0(filename, "boxplot.pdf"))
message("generating boxplots")
bb <- self$boxplots()
message("writing ", fpath)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(bb$boxplot))
pdf(fpath, width = width, height = height)
lapply(bb$boxplot, function(x){pb$tick(); print(x)})
#' @description
#' write pltly figures to path_qc
#' @keywords static
#' @param fig pltly figure
#' @param path_qc path to write to
#' @param fig_name file name (without extension)
#' @return path the file was written to.
write_pltly = function(fig,
fname <- paste0(self$prefix, fig_name,".html")
html_path <- file.path(".", path_qc, fname)
message("writing ", html_path)
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(widget = fig,
file = fname )
file.rename(fname, html_path)
self$file_paths_html[[fig_name]] <- html_path
#' @description
#' write figure to pdf
#' @param fig ggplot or pheatmap
#' @param path_qc path to write to
#' @param fig_name name of figure (no extension)
#' @param width figure width
#' @param height figure height
#' @return path the file was written to
write_pdf = function(fig,
width=7 , height=7 ){
fpath <- file.path(path_qc,paste0(self$prefix,fig_name,".pdf"))
message("writing ", fpath)
width = width,
height = height)
self$file_paths_pdf[[fig_name]] <- fpath
#' @description
#' write heatmaps and pca plots to files
#' @param path_qc path to write to
write = function(path_qc){
width = 10, height = 10)
width = 10, height = 10)
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