
# AnalysisTableAnnotation ----
#' Create Annotation
#' @description
#' Annotates Data Table
#' @family configuration
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ata <- AnalysisTableAnnotation$new()
#' ata$fileName = "rawfile.column"
#' ata$hierarchy[["protein"]] = "protein.column"
#' ata$factors[["explanatory"]] = "explanatory.column"
#' ata$set_response("abundance")
#' ata$id_required()
#' ata$id_vars()
#' ata$value_vars()
#' ata$annotation_vars()
#' ac <- AnalysisConfiguration$new(ata)
AnalysisTableAnnotation <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @description
    #' create a new  AnalysisTableAnnotationG
    initialize = function(){

    #' @field fileName column name of column containing raw file names
    fileName = NULL,
    #' @field sampleName (will be generated from factors or fileName)
    sampleName = "sampleName",

    #' @field isotopeLabel which column contains the isotope label (e.g. heavy or light), Gor light only if LFQ.
    isotopeLabel = "isotopeLabel",
    # do you want to model charge sequence etc?
    #' @field ident_qValue column name with identification QValues (smaller better)
    ident_qValue = "qValue",
    #' @field ident_Score column with identification score (lager better)
    ident_Score = character(),

    #' @field opt_rt optional column with rt information
    opt_rt  = character(),
    #' @field opt_mz optional column with mz information
    opt_mz = character(),
    #' @field nr_children optional column containing for instance the number of peptides
    nr_children = "nr_children",

    #' @field workIntensity column which contains the intensities
    workIntensity = NULL, # could be list with names and functions
    #' @field is_response_transformed are the intensities transformed for constant variance
    is_response_transformed = FALSE,
    #' @description
    #' Add name of intensity column
    #' @param colName name of intensity column
    set_response = function(colName){
      self$workIntensity <- c(self$workIntensity, colName)
    #' @description
    #' Get name of working intensity column
    get_response = function(){
      return(tail(self$workIntensity, n = 1))
    #' @description
    #' Remove last name in array of working intensity column names
    pop_response = function(){
      res <- self$workIntensity[length(self$workIntensity)]
      self$workIntensity <- self$workIntensity[-length(self$workIntensity)]

    #' @field factors Names of columns containing factors (annotations)
    factors = list(), # ordering is important - first is considered the main
    #' @field factorDepth number of relevant factors (used by plotting functions etc)
    factorDepth = 1,
    #' @description
    #' Get factor keys
    #' @return array with keys
    factor_keys = function(){
    #' @description
    #' Get factor keys till factorDepth
    factor_keys_depth = function(){
      res <- head(self$factors, n = self$factorDepth)

    #' @field hierarchy list with columns describing the measurement hierarchy (i.e. protein peptide precursor fragment)
    hierarchy = list(),
    #' @field hierarchyDepth At which depth do you want to model i.e. i.e. protein than 1
    hierarchyDepth = 1,
    #' @description
    #' get hierarchy keys
    #' @param rev return in reverse order
    #' @return array of column names
    hierarchy_keys = function(rev = FALSE){
      if (rev) {
    #' @description
    #' get hierarchy keys
    #' @param rev return in reverse order
    #' @return array of column names
    hierarchyKeys = function(rev= FALSE){
      self$hierarchy_keys(rev = rev)

    #' @description
    #' get hierarchy keys up to depth
    #' @param names if TRUE names only if FALSE key value pairs
    #' @return array of column names
    hierarchy_keys_depth = function(names = TRUE){
      res <- head( self$hierarchy,n = self$hierarchyDepth)
      res <- if (names) {
    #' @description
    #' get hierarchy keys up to depth
    #' @param names if TRUE names only if FALSE key value pairs
    #' @return array of column names
    hkeysDepth = function(names = TRUE){
      self$hierarchy_keys_depth(names = names)

    #' @description
    #' Id Columns which must be in the input data frame
    #' @return character array
    id_required = function(){
      id_vars <- c(
    #' @description
    #' get names of columns annotating values (e.g. intensities)
    #' @return character array
    id_vars = function(){
      "Id Columns which must be in the output data frame"
      id_vars <- c(
    #' @description
    #' get names of columns containing observations e.g. (intensity, qValue, mz or rt)
    value_vars = function(){
      "Columns containing values"
      valueVars <- c( self$get_response(), self$ident_qValue, self$ident_Score, self$opt_mz, self$opt_rt, self$nr_children)
    #' @description
    #' get names of columns with sample annotations
    annotation_vars = function(){
      annotationVars <- c(self$fileName, self$sampleName, self$factor_keys() )
wolski/prolfqua documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 5:02 a.m.