#' Structural Tendency of Amino Acid Residues
#' Each amino acid residue has a tendency to impact the order / disorder
#' of the amino acid sequence. Some residues are disorder promoting, meaning
#' they tend to favor disorder over ordered structures. These are typically
#' hydrophilic, charged, or small residues. Order promoting residues tend
#' to be aliphatic, hydrophobic, aromatic, or form tertiary structures.
#' Disorder neutral residues neither favor order nor disordered structures.
#' @inheritParams sequenceCheck
#' @param printCitation logical, FALSE by default.
#' When \code{printCitation = TRUE}, a citation to Uversky, V. N. (2013)
#' is printed. This is the paper categorizing the structural impact of each
#' residue that is used as the default settings.
#' @param disorderPromoting,disorderNeutral,orderPromoting character vectors
#' of individual residues to be matched with the input sequence. Defaults:
#' \itemize{
#' \item disorderPromoting = c("P", "E", "S", "Q", "K", "A", "G")
#' \item orderPromoting =
#' c("M", "N", "V", "H", "L", "F", "Y", "I", "W", "C")
#' \item disorderNeutral = c("D", "T", "R")
#' }
#' It is not recommended to change these. These definitions are from
#' Uversky (2013).
#' @return a data frame containing each residue from the sequence
#' matched with its structural tendency, defined by disorderPromoting,
#' disorderNeutral, and orderPromoting.
#' For convenient plotting see \code{\link{structuralTendencyPlot}}.
#' @family structural tendency
#' @references
#' Uversky, V. N. (2013). A decade and a half of protein intrinsic disorder:
#' Biology still waits for physics. Protein Science, 22(6), 693-724.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/pro.2261}. \cr
#' Kulkarni, Prakash, and Vladimir N. Uversky. "Intrinsically
#' disordered proteins: the dark horse of the dark proteome."
#' Proteomics 18.21-22 (2018): 1800061.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201800061}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Amino acid sequences can be character strings
#' #Amino acid sequences can also be character vectors
#' aaVector <- c("A", "C", "D", "E", "F",
#' "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
#' "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R",
#' "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
#' #Alternatively, .fasta files can also be used by providing
#' ##The path to the file as a character string
#' exampleDF <- structuralTendency(aaString)
#' head(exampleDF)
#' exampleDF <- structuralTendency(aaVector)
#' head(exampleDF)
#' #This example shows if a user changes the default definition of residues.
#' ##These residues are labeled as such from Dunker et al (2001),
#' ##"Intrinsically disordered protein."
#' exampleDF <- structuralTendency(aaString,
#' disorderPromoting = c("A", "R", "G", "Q", "S", "P", "E", "K"),
#' disorderNeutral = c("H", "M", "T", "D"),
#' orderPromoting = c("W", "C", "F", "I", "Y", "V", "L", "N"))
#' head(exampleDF)
structuralTendency <- function(
disorderPromoting = c("P", "E", "S", "Q", "K", "A", "G"),
disorderNeutral = c("D", "T", "R"),
orderPromoting = c("M", "N", "V", "H", "L", "F", "Y", "I", "W", "C"),
printCitation = FALSE) {
seqCharacterVector <- sequenceCheck(
sequence = sequence,
method = "stop",
outputType = "vector",
suppressOutputMessage = TRUE)
sequenceLength <- length(seqCharacterVector)
#----- Matches residue with tendency
structuralTendencyVector <- rep(NA, sequenceLength)
disorderedResidues <- seqCharacterVector %in% disorderPromoting
structuralTendencyVector[disorderedResidues] <- "Disorder Promoting"
orderedResidues <- seqCharacterVector %in% orderPromoting
structuralTendencyVector[orderedResidues] <- "Order Promoting"
neutralResidues <- seqCharacterVector %in% disorderNeutral
structuralTendencyVector[neutralResidues] <- "Disorder Neutral"
#----- makes the data frame for output
structureTendencyDF <- data.frame(Position = seq_len(sequenceLength),
AA = seqCharacterVector,
Tendency = structuralTendencyVector)
structureTendencyDF$AA <- as.character(structureTendencyDF$AA)
structureTendencyDF$Tendency <- as.character(structureTendencyDF$Tendency)
structureTendencyDF$Position <- as.numeric(structureTendencyDF$Position)
if (printCitation) {
residueCitation <- "Uversky, V. N. (2013).
A decade and a half of protein intrinsic disorder:
Biology still waits for physics.
Protein Science, 22(6), 693-724.
#' Plotting Structural Tendency of Amino Acid Sequence
#' Convenient graphing for the \code{\link{structuralTendency}} function.
#' @param sequence amino acid sequence (or pathway to a fasta file)
#' as a character string. Supports multiple sequences / files, as a
#' character vector of strings.
#' @param graphType character string, required.
#' graphType must be set to c("pie", "bar", "none").
#' When \code{graphType = "pie"}, the output is a pie chart.
#' When \code{graphType = "bar"}, the output is a bar chart.
#' When \code{graphType = "none"}, the output is the data frame that would
#' otherwise be used to plot the data.
#' @param summarize logical value, FALSE by default.
#' When \code{summarize = TRUE}, each residue is aggregated into Disorder
#' Tendency Groups. (See \code{\link{structuralTendency}} for more details).
#' When \code{summarize = FALSE}, residue identity is preserved, and
#' the output is colored by Disorder Tendency Groups.
#' @param alphabetical logical value, FALSE by default.
#' Order of residues on plot axis. Only relevant when
#' \code{summarize = FALSE}, otherwise is ignored.
#' If FALSE, ordering is grouped by Disorder Tendency (P, E, S, ..., W, C).
#' If TRUE, the residues are ordered alphabetically (A, C, D, E, ..., W, Y).
#' @param proteinName, optional character string. NA by default.
#' Used to either add the name of the protein to the plot title.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to
#' \code{\link{structuralTendency}} and
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}
#' @param disorderPromoting,disorderNeutral,orderPromoting character vectors
#' of individual residues to be matched with the input sequence. Defaults:
#' \itemize{
#' \item disorderPromoting = c("P", "E", "S", "Q", "K", "A", "G")
#' \item orderPromoting =
#' c("M", "N", "V", "H", "L", "F", "Y", "I", "W", "C")
#' \item disorderNeutral = c("D", "T", "R")
#' }
#' It is not recommended to change these.
#' @return a data frame containing each residue from the sequence
#' matched with its structural tendency, defined by disorderPromoting,
#' disorderNeutral, and orderPromoting.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @family structural tendency
#' @references
#' Uversky, V. N. (2013). A decade and a half of protein intrinsic disorder:
#' Biology still waits for physics. Protein Science, 22(6), 693-724.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/pro.2261}. \cr
#' Kulkarni, Prakash, and Vladimir N. Uversky. "Intrinsically
#' disordered proteins: the dark horse of the dark proteome."
#' Proteomics 18.21-22 (2018): 1800061.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201800061}.
#' @section Plot Colors:
#' For users who wish to keep a common aesthetic, the following colors are
#' used when graphType = "bar" or "pie" \cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item Disorder Neutral = "#F0B5B3"
#' \item Disorder Promoting = "darkolivegreen3" or "#A2CD5A"
#' \item Order Promoting = "darkorchid1" or "#BF3EFF"
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Amino acid sequences can be character strings
#' #Amino acid sequences can also be character vectors
#' aaVector <- c("A", "C", "D", "E", "F",
#' "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
#' "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R",
#' "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
#' #Alternatively, .fasta files can also be used by providing
#' ##The path to the file as a character string
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaString)
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaVector)
#' #The plot can be a pie chart (default)
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaString,
#' graphType = "pie")
#' #Or the plot can be a bar graph
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaString,
#' graphType = "bar")
#' #To display general tendency rather than residues, set summarize = T
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaString,
#' graphType = "pie",
#' summarize = TRUE)
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaString,
#' graphType = "bar",
#' summarize = TRUE)
#' #If you wish to export this as a dataframe, set graphType = "none"
#' exampleDF <- structuralTendencyPlot(aaString,
#' graphType = "none")
#' head(exampleDF)
#' #If using a different definition of disordered residues
#' ##These residues are labeled as such from Dunker et al (2001),
#' ##"Intrinsically disordered protein."
#' structuralTendencyPlot(aaString,
#' disorderPromoting = c("A", "R", "G", "Q", "S", "P", "E", "K"),
#' disorderNeutral = c("H", "M", "T", "D"),
#' orderPromoting = c("W", "C", "F", "I", "Y", "V", "L", "N"),
#' graphType = "bar",
#' alphabetical = TRUE)
structuralTendencyPlot <- function(sequence, graphType = "pie",
summarize = FALSE, proteinName = NA, alphabetical = FALSE,
disorderPromoting = c("P", "E", "S", "Q", "K", "A", "G"),
disorderNeutral = c("D", "T", "R"),
orderPromoting = c("M", "N", "V", "H", "L", "F", "Y", "I", "W", "C"),
...) {
if (is.logical(summarize) == FALSE || is.logical(alphabetical) == FALSE) {
stop("summarize and alphabetical must be logical values")
if (!graphType %in% c("pie", "bar", "none")) {
stop("invalid argument for graphType. Please see documentation")
structuralTendencyDF <- structuralTendency(sequence = sequence,
disorderPromoting = disorderPromoting,
disorderNeutral = disorderNeutral,
orderPromoting = orderPromoting)
sequenceLength <- nrow(structuralTendencyDF)
if (summarize) {
structuralTendencyDF <- data.frame(table(structuralTendencyDF$Tendency))
names(structuralTendencyDF) <- c("Tendency", "Total")
structuralTendencyDF$Frequency <- structuralTendencyDF$Total /
sequenceLength * 100
structuralTendencyDF$AA <- as.character(structuralTendencyDF$Tendency)
} else {
structuralTendencyDF <- structuralTendencyDF[, 2:3]
residueFrequencyDF <- data.frame(table(structuralTendencyDF$AA))
names(residueFrequencyDF) <- c("AA", "Total")
structuralTendencyDF <- unique(structuralTendencyDF)
structuralTendencyDF <- merge(structuralTendencyDF, residueFrequencyDF)
structuralTendencyDF$Frequency <- round(structuralTendencyDF$Total /
sequenceLength * 100, 3)
names(structuralTendencyDF) <- c("AA", "Tendency", "Total", "Frequency")
if (!alphabetical) {
aaOrder <- c("P", "E", "S", "Q", "K", "A", "G", "D", "T", "R",
"M", "N", "V", "H", "L", "F", "Y", "I", "W", "C")
structuralTendencyDF$AA <- factor(structuralTendencyDF$AA,
levels = aaOrder)
if (!graphType == "none") {
if (graphType == "bar") {
gg <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = structuralTendencyDF,
ggplot2::aes_(x = ~ AA, y = ~ Frequency,
fill = ~ Tendency, group = ~ Tendency)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") + ggplot2::theme_bw()
if (graphType == "pie") {
#------Data needs mutated to label residues
structuralTendencyDF <- structuralTendencyDF %>%
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$Tendency)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop = .data$Total / sum(.data$Total) * 100) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ypos = cumsum(.data$prop) - 0.5 * .data$prop)
gg <- ggplot2::ggplot(structuralTendencyDF,
ggplot2::aes_(x = "", y = ~ prop, fill = ~ Tendency)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 1, color = "white") +
ggplot2::coord_polar("y", start = 0) + ggplot2::theme_void() +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes_(y = ~ ypos, label = ~ AA),
color = "white", size = 4)
plotTitle <- "Compositional Profile"
if (!is.na(proteinName)) {
plotTitle <- paste("Compositional Profile of ", proteinName,
sep = "", collapse = "")
yTitle <- "Amino Acid Composition (as % of sequence length)"
gg <- gg + ggplot2::labs(title = plotTitle, y = yTitle) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top",
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("#F0B5B3", "#A2CD5A", "#BF3EFF"))
} else {
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