#' The Trinucleotide-based Auto Covariance Descriptor
#' The Trinucleotide-based Auto Covariance Descriptor
#' This function calculates the trinucleotide-based auto covariance Descriptor
#' @param x the input data, which should be a list or file type.
#' @param index the physicochemical indices, it should be a list and there are 12
#' different physicochemical indices (Table 2), which the users can choose.
#' @param nlag an integer larger than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to L-2 (L means the length
#' of the shortest DNA sequence in the dataset). It represents the distance between two dinucleotides.
#' @param normaliztion with this option, the final feature vector will be normalized based
#' on the total occurrences of all kmers. Therefore, the elements in the feature vectors
#' represent the frequencies of kmers. The default value of this parameter is False.
#' @param allprop all the 12 physicochemical indices will be
#' employed to generate the feature vector. Its default value is False.
#' @param customprops the users can use their own indices to generate the feature vector. It should be a dict,
#' the key is dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list type.
#' @return A vector
#' @keywords extract TAC
#' @aliases extrDNATAC
#' @author Min-feng Zhu <\email{wind2zhu@@163.com}>
#' @export extrDNATAC
#' @seealso See \code{\link{extrDNATCC}} and \code{\link{extrDNATACC}}
#' @note if the user defined physicochemical indices have not been normalized, it should be normalized.
#' @examples
#' extrDNATAC(x)
extrDNATAC = function (x, index = c('Dnase I', 'Nucleosome'), nlag = 2, normaliztion = FALSE,
customprops = NULL, allprop = FALSE) {
if (!checkDNA(x)) stop('x has character except A, G, C, T' )
Tidx = read.csv(system.file('sysdata/12_trinucleotide_physicochemical_indices.csv', package = 'BioMedR'), header = TRUE)
tidx = Tidx[, -1]
row.names(tidx) = Tidx[, 1]
if (allprop) index = Tidx[, 1]
if (!is.null(customprops)) {
tidx = rbind(tidx, customprops)
index = c(as.character(index), rownames(customprops))
n = length(index)
#### normaliztion ####
Tdict = make_kmer_index(k = 3)
if (normaliztion) {
indmean = rowMeans(tidx[index, ])
indsd = apply(tidx[index, ], 1, sd)
Pr = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 64, nrow = n))
for (i in 1:n) Pr[i, ] = (tidx[index[i], ] - indmean[i])/indsd[i]
names(Pr) = Tdict
else Pr = tidx[index, ]
xSplit = strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]]
xPaste = paste0(xSplit[1:(length(xSplit) - 2)],
xSplit[2:(length(xSplit) - 1)], xSplit[3:(length(xSplit))])
P = vector('list', n)
for (i in 1:n) P[[i]] = xPaste
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in Tdict) {
try(P[[i]][which(P[[i]] == j)] <- Pr[i, j], silent = TRUE)
P = lapply(P, as.numeric)
TAC = vector('list', n)
N = length(xPaste)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:nlag) {
Pbar = lapply(seq_along(P), function(i) P[[i]][1:(N-j)])
Pbar = sapply(Pbar, sum)/nchar(x)
TAC[[i]][j] = (sum((P[[i]][1:(N - j)] - Pbar[i]) * (P[[i]][(1:(N - j)) + j] - Pbar[i])))/(N-j)
TAC = unlist(TAC)
names(TAC) = as.vector(t(outer(index, paste('.lag', 1:nlag, sep = ''),
paste, sep = '')))
TAC = round(TAC, 3)
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