#' @title Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and SMILES Format from Databases
#' @description Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and SMILES Format from Databases(BMgetDrug)
#' @details This function retrieves drug molecules in MOL and SMILES format from five databases.
#' @param id A character vector, as the drug ID(s).
#' @param from The database, one of \code{'pubchem'}, \code{'chembl'}, \code{'cas'},
#' \code{'kegg'}, \code{'drugbank'}.
#' @param type The returned molecule format, \code{mol} or \code{smile}.
#' @param parallel An integer, the parallel parameter, indicates how many
#' process the user would like to use for retrieving
#' the data (using RCurl), default is \code{5}.
#' For regular cases, we recommend a number less than \code{20}.
#' @return A length of \code{id} character vector,
#' each element containing the corresponding drug molecule.
#' @keywords BMgetDrug
#' @aliases BMgetDrug
#' @author Min-feng Zhu <\email{wind2zhu@@163.com}>,
#' Nan Xiao <\url{http://r2s.name}>
#' @seealso See \code{\link{BMgetProt}} for retrieving protein sequences
#' from three databases.
#' @export BMgetDrug
#' @name getDrug
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrug
#' id = c('DB00859', 'DB00860')
#' BMgetDrug(id, 'drugbank', 'smile')}
BMgetDrug = function (id,
from = c('pubchem', 'chembl', 'cas', 'kegg', 'drugbank'),
type = c('mol', 'smile'),
parallel = 5) {
if (is.null(from)) stop('Must specify a data source')
if (is.null(type)) stop('Must specify a data type')
# Exclude 1 special case from total 10 possible combinations
if (from == 'cas' & type == 'smile') stop('CAS only supports type = "mol" (InChI)')
FromDict = c('pubchem' = 'PubChem', 'chembl' = 'ChEMBL',
'cas' = 'CAS', 'kegg' = 'KEGG', 'drugbank' = 'DrugBank')
TypeDict = c('mol' = 'Mol', 'smile' = 'Smi')
NamePart1 = TypeDict[type]
NamePart2 = FromDict[from]
FunctionName = paste('BMgetDrug', NamePart1, NamePart2, sep = '')
Drug = eval(parse(text = paste(FunctionName, '(',
gsub('\\"', '\'', capture.output(dput(id))),
', ', parallel, ')', sep = '')))
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @title Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the PubChem Database
#' @description Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the PubChem
#' Database(BMgetDrug...PubChem)
#' @details This function retrieves drug molecules in MOL format from the PubChem database.
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugMolPubChem PubChem
#' @aliases BMgetDrugMolPubChem
#' @export BMgetDrugMolPubChem
#' @importFrom RCurl getURLAsynchronous
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugMolPubChem
#' id = c('7847562', '7847563') # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugMolPubChem(id)}
BMgetDrugMolPubChem = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : 7847562 (Penicillamine)
# example url: http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?sid=7847562&disopt=DisplaySDF
SdfURL = paste0('https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/substance/sid/',
id, '/record/SDF/?record_type=2d&response_type=display')
SdfTxt = getURLAsynchronous(url = SdfURL, perform = parallel)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugSmiPubChem PubChem
#' @aliases BMgetDrugSmiPubChem
#' @export BMgetDrugSmiPubChem
#' @importFrom rcdk load.molecules get.smiles
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugsmiPubChem
#' id = c('7847562', '7847563') # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugSmiPubChem(id)}
BMgetDrugSmiPubChem = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : 7847562 (Penicillamine)
# example url: http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?sid=7847562&disopt=DisplaySDF
SdfTxt = BMgetDrugMolPubChem(id, parallel)
# rcdk::load.molecules() only loads files on the disk
# so we have to do this
tmpfile = tempfile(pattern = paste0(id, '-'), fileext = 'sdf')
for (i in 1:length(id)) cat(SdfTxt[[i]], file = tmpfile[i])
Mol = load.molecules(tmpfile)
Smi = sapply(Mol, get.smiles)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @title Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the ChEMBL Database
#' @description Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the ChEMBL
#' Database(BMgetDrug...ChEMBL)
#' @details This function retrieves drug molecules in MOL format from the ChEMBL database.
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugMolChEMBL ChEMBL
#' @aliases BMgetDrugMolChEMBL
#' @export BMgetDrugMolChEMBL
#' @importFrom RCurl getURLAsynchronous
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugMolChEMBL
#' id = 'CHEMBL1430' # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugMolChEMBL(id)}
BMgetDrugMolChEMBL = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : CHEMBL1430 (Penicillamine)
# example url: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb/compound/inspect/CHEMBL1430
# then we get: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb/download_helper/getmol/369179
MolPageURL = paste0('https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/api/data/molecule/', id, '?format=mol')
MolTxt = getURLAsynchronous(url = MolPageURL, perform = parallel)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugSmiChEMBL ChEMBL
#' @aliases BMgetDrugSmiChEMBL
#' @export BMgetDrugSmiChEMBL
#' @importFrom RCurl getURLAsynchronous
#' @importFrom rjson fromJSON
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugSmiChEMBL
#' id = 'CHEMBL1430' # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugSmiChEMBL(id)}
BMgetDrugSmiChEMBL = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : CHEMBL1430 (Penicillamine)
# example url: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chemblws/compounds/CHEMBL1430.json
MolURL = paste0('https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/api/data/molecule?molecule_chembl_id__in=', id, '&format=json')
MolTxt = getURLAsynchronous(url = MolURL, perform = parallel)
SmiTxt = lapply(MolTxt, fromJSON)
SmiTxt = sapply(SmiTxt, `[[`, 'molecules')
Smi = sapply(lapply(SmiTxt, `[[`, 'molecule_structures'), `[[`, 'canonical_smiles')
names(Smi) = NULL
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @title Retrieve Drug Molecules in InChI Format from the CAS Database
#' @description Retrieve Drug Molecules in InChI Format from the CAS Database(BMDrugMolCAS)
#' @details This function retrieves drug molecules in InChI format from the CAS database.
#' CAS database only provides InChI data, so here we return the molecule
#' in InChI format, users could convert them to SMILES format using
#' Open Babel (\url{http://openbabel.org/}) or other third-party tools.
#' @keywords getDrug BMDrugMolCAS CAS
#' @export BMDrugMolCAS
#' @importFrom RCurl getURLAsynchronous
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMDrugMolCAS
#' id = '52-67-5' # Penicillamine
#' BMDrugMolCAS(id)}
BMDrugMolCAS = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# CAS only provides InChI, so here we return InChI
# users could convert to SMILES using Open Babel
# example id : 52-67-5 (Penicillamine)
# example url: http://www.chemnet.com/cas/supplier.cgi?terms=52-67-5&exact=dict
InChIURL = paste0('http://www.chemnet.com/cas/supplier.cgi?terms=', id,
InChITxt = getURLAsynchronous(url = InChIURL, perform = parallel)
n = length(id)
tmp1 = rep(NA, n)
tmp2 = rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n) tmp1[i] = strsplit(InChITxt[[i]], 'InChI=')[[1]][2]
for (i in 1:n) tmp2[i] = strsplit(tmp1[i], '</td>')[[1]][1]
InChI = paste0('InChI=', tmp2)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @title Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the KEGG Database
#' @description Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the KEGG
#' Database(BMgetDrug...KEGG)
#' @details This function retrieves drug molecules in MOL format from the KEGG database.
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugMolKEGG KEGG
#' @export BMgetDrugMolKEGG
#' @importFrom RCurl getURLAsynchronous
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugMolKEGG
#' id = 'D00496' # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugMolKEGG(id)}
BMgetDrugMolKEGG = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : D00496 (Penicillamine)
# example url : http://rest.kegg.jp/get/D00496/mol
# KEGG API Intro : http://www.kegg.jp/kegg/rest/keggapi.html
MolURL = paste0('http://rest.kegg.jp/get/', id, '/mol')
MolTxt = getURLAsynchronous(url = MolURL, perform = parallel)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @keywords BMgetDrug BMgetDrugSmiKEGG KEGG
#' @aliases BMgetDrugSmiKEGG
#' @export BMgetDrugSmiKEGG
#' @importFrom rcdk load.molecules get.smiles
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugSmiKEGG
#' id = 'D00496' # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugSmiKEGG(id)}
BMgetDrugSmiKEGG = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : D00496 (Penicillamine)
# example url : http://rest.kegg.jp/get/D00496/mol
# KEGG API Intro : http://www.kegg.jp/kegg/rest/keggapi.html
MolTxt = BMgetDrugMolKEGG(id, parallel)
# rcdk::load.molecules() only loads files on the disk
# so we have to do this
tmpfile = tempfile(pattern = paste0(id, '-'), fileext = 'mol')
for (i in 1:length(id)) cat(MolTxt[[i]], file = tmpfile[i])
Mol = load.molecules(tmpfile)
Smi = sapply(Mol, get.smiles)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @title Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the DrugBank Database
#' @description Retrieve Drug Molecules in MOL and Smi Format from the DrugBank
#' Database(BMgetDrug...DrugBank)
#' @details This function retrieves drug molecules in MOL format from the DrugBank database.
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugMolDrugBank DrugBank
#' @aliases BMgetDrugMolDrugBank
#' @export BMgetDrugMolDrugBank
#' @importFrom RCurl getURLAsynchronous
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugMolDrugBank
#' id = 'DB00859' # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugMolDrugBank(id)}
BMgetDrugMolDrugBank = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : DB00859 (Penicillamine)
# example url: http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00859.sdf
SdfURL = paste0('https://www.drugbank.ca/structures/small_molecule_drugs/', id, '.sdf')
SdfTxt = getURLAsynchronous(url = SdfURL, perform = parallel)
#' @rdname getDrug
#' @keywords getDrug BMgetDrugSmiDrugBank DrugBank
#' @aliases BMgetDrugSmiDrugBank
#' @export BMgetDrugSmiDrugBank
#' @importFrom rcdk load.molecules get.smiles
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # BMgetDrugSmiDrugBank
#' id = 'DB00859' # Penicillamine
#' BMgetDrugSmiDrugBank(id)}
BMgetDrugSmiDrugBank = function (id, parallel = 5) {
# example id : DB00859 (Penicillamine)
# example url: http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00859.sdf
SdfTxt = BMgetDrugMolDrugBank(id, parallel)
# rcdk::load.molecules() only loads files on the disk
# so we have to do this
tmpfile = tempfile(pattern = paste0(id, '-'), fileext = 'sdf')
for (i in 1:length(id)) cat(SdfTxt[[i]], file = tmpfile[i])
Mol = load.molecules(tmpfile)
Smi = sapply(Mol, get.smiles)
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