#' @title Differential expressed methylation correlated blocks
#' @description This function is used to find the Methylation correlated blocks that differentially expressed between groups based on the attractor framework.
#' This function calculates attractors of all the MCBs among the groups and find the attractor MCBs. \cr
#' @details Currently, only illumina 450k platform is supported. \cr
#' If you want to use other platform, please provide the annotation file with CpG's chromosome and loci. \cr
#' The methylation profile need to convert into matrix format.
#' @param methylation_matrix methylation profile matrix.
#' @param class_vector class vectors that indicated the groups.
#' @param mcb_matrix dataframe or matrix results returned by IdentifyMCB function.
#' @param min.cpgsize threshold for minimum CpGs must included in the individual MCBs.
#' @param pVals_num p value threshold for the test.
#' @param base_method base method used for calculation of differentially methylated regions,
#' should be one of 'Fstat','Tstat','eBayes'. Defualt is Fstat.
#' @param sec_method secondly method in attractor framework, should be one of 'kstest','ttest'. Defualt is ttest.
#' @param ... other parameters pass to the function.
#' @author Xin Yu
#' @return
#' Object of class \code{list} with elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{global} \tab Character set contains statistical value for all CpG sites in MCBs. \cr
#' \code{tab} \tab Matrix contains the information of results. \cr
#' }
#' @examples
#' data('demo_data', package = "EnMCB")
#' data('demo_survival_data', package = "EnMCB")
#' data('demo_MCBinformation', package = "EnMCB")
#' #Using survival censoring as group label just for demo,
#' #this may replace with disease and control group in real use.
#' diffMCB_results <- DiffMCB(demo_data$realdata,demo_survival_data[,2],
#' demo_MCBinformation,
#' pVals_num = 1)
#' @export
#' @references
#' Xin Yu, De-Xin Kong, EnMCB: an R/bioconductor package for predicting disease progression based on methylation correlated blocks using ensemble models, Bioinformatics, 2021, btab415
mcb_matrix = NULL,
min.cpgsize = 5,
pVals_num = 0.05,
base_method = c('Fstat','Tstat','eBayes')[1],
sec_method = c('ttest','kstest')[1],
if (is.matrix(methylation_matrix)) {
dat.fr <- methylation_matrix
} else {
warning("The input parameter methylation_matrix must be a matrix. \n
Now converting it into matrix.\n")
all.probes <- rownames(dat.fr)
dat.fr <- as.matrix(dat.fr)
class.vector <- as.factor(class_vector)
annotation <- mcb_matrix
all_included <- strsplit(paste(annotation[,'CpGs'],collapse = ' ')," ")[[1]]
probes.hits <- intersect(all.probes, all_included)
dat.detect.w <- dat.fr[rownames(dat.fr) %in% probes.hits,]
dat.detect.w <- as.matrix(dat.detect.w)
incidence.matrix <- buildIncidenceMatrix(rownames(dat.detect.w), annotation)
keep.mcb <- apply(incidence.matrix, 1, sum) >= min.cpgsize
incidence.matrix <- incidence.matrix[keep.mcb,]
new.order <- order(class.vector, colnames(dat.detect.w))
dat.detect.w <- dat.detect.w[, new.order]
class.vector <- class.vector[new.order]
evalMCB <- function(index, global,sec_method=c('ttest','kstest')[1]) {
pway.vals <- global[index == 1]
if (sec_method == 'ttest'){
res<-t.test(pway.vals, global)
}else if (sec_method == 'kstest'){
res<-ks.test(pway.vals, global[index == 0])
return(c(res$statistic, res$p.value))
evalp <- function(index, global) {
return(fisher_combine_p(global[index == 1]))
if (base_method=='Fstat'){
fstat <- apply(dat.detect.w, 1, function(y, x) {
return(anova(lm(y ~ x))[[4]][1])
}, x = class.vector)
stat_p <- apply(dat.detect.w, 1, function(y, x) {
return(anova(lm(y ~ x))[[5]][1])
}, x = class.vector)
res$global <- fstat
stat_p<-apply(incidence.matrix, 1, evalp, global = stat_p)
fstat <- log(fstat, 2)
t.pvals <- apply(incidence.matrix, 1, evalMCB, global = fstat,sec_method=sec_method)
}else if (base_method=='Tstat'){
tstat <- apply(dat.detect.w, 1, function(y, x) {
t.test(y ~ x)$statistic
}, x = class.vector)
stat_p <- apply(dat.detect.w, 1, function(y, x) {
t.test(y ~ x)$p.value
}, x = class.vector)
res$global <- tstat
stat_p<-apply(incidence.matrix, 1, evalp, global = stat_p)
tstat <- log(abs(tstat), 2)
t.pvals <- apply(incidence.matrix, 1, evalMCB, global = tstat,sec_method=sec_method)
}else if(base_method=='eBayes'){
stat_p<-apply(incidence.matrix, 1, evalp, global = DEG$adj.P.Val)
res$global <- tstat
tstat <- log(abs(tstat), 2)
t.pvals <- apply(incidence.matrix, 1, evalMCB, global = tstat, sec_method=sec_method)
stop('The method indicator base_method is invalid.')
if (exists("stat_p")){
t.pvals_combine <- apply(data.frame(t.pvals[2,],stat_p), 1, fisher_combine_p)
t.pvals_adjust <- p.adjust(as.numeric(t.pvals_combine), "BH")
t.pvals_adjust <- p.adjust(as.numeric(t.pvals[2,]), "BH")
size <- apply(incidence.matrix, 1, sum)
tab <- data.frame(MCBID = rownames(incidence.matrix),
annotation[sapply(X = rownames(incidence.matrix),FUN = function(x){strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]}),],
statistic = as.numeric(t.pvals[1,]),
Pvalues = as.numeric(t.pvals[2,]),
AdjustedPvalues = t.pvals_adjust,
NumberDetectedCpGs = size)
#rownames(tab)<-sapply(X = rownames(tab),FUN = function(x){strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]})
tab <- tab[order(t.pvals[2,]), ]
tab <- subset(tab, AdjustedPvalues<=pVals_num)
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