.createVirtualFragmentLibrarySimulation_BSgenome <- function(chosenGenome, firstCutter, secondCutter, readLength, onlyNonBlind = TRUE, useOnlyIndex = TRUE, minSize = 0, maxSize = -1, minFragEndSize = 0, maxFragEndSize = 10000000, useAllData = TRUE, chromosomeName = "chr1", libraryName = "default") {
chromosomeNames = seqnames(chosenGenome)
totalFragments = NULL
totalFragmentsRev = NULL
## for each chromosome: split current chromosome at the first cutter sequence
## and check for presence of the second cutter within the resulting fragments
## --> remove non-unique and blind fragments (if chosen; default == TRUE) for final output
for (i in 1:length(chromosomeNames)) {
chromosomeToSplit = chosenGenome[[i]]
if (class(chromosomeToSplit) == "MaskedDNAString") {
chromosomeToSplit = unmasked(chromosomeToSplit)
if (useAllData) {
message(paste("analyzing ", chromosomeNames[i], "...", sep = ""))
chromosomeToSplitRev = reverseComplement(chromosomeToSplit)
currentChromosome = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplit, chromosomeNames[i])
currentChromosomeRev = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplitRev, chromosomeNames[i])
totalFragments = rbind(totalFragments, currentChromosome)
totalFragmentsRev = rbind(currentChromosomeRev, totalFragmentsRev)
} else {
if (length(chromosomeToSplit) > 20000000) {
message(paste("analyzing ", chromosomeNames[i], "...", sep = ""))
chromosomeToSplitRev = reverseComplement(chromosomeToSplit)
currentChromosome = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplit, chromosomeNames[i])
currentChromosomeRev = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplitRev, chromosomeNames[i])
totalFragments = rbind(totalFragments, currentChromosome)
totalFragmentsRev = rbind(currentChromosomeRev, totalFragmentsRev)
} else {
message(paste("skipping ", chromosomeNames[i], " due to its length", sep = ""))
if (!(is.null(totalFragments))) {
createVirtualFragmentLibrarySimulationMain(totalFragments, totalFragmentsRev, firstCutter, secondCutter, readLength, onlyNonBlind, useOnlyIndex, minSize, maxSize, minFragEndSize, maxFragEndSize, chromosomeName, libraryName)
} else {
message("No fragments created; please use 'useAllData = TRUE' for genomes with small chromosomes")
.createVirtualFragmentLibrarySimulation_DNAString <- function(chosenGenome, firstCutter, secondCutter, readLength, onlyNonBlind = TRUE, useOnlyIndex = TRUE, minSize = 0, maxSize = -1, minFragEndSize = 0, maxFragEndSize = 10000000, useAllData = TRUE, chromosomeName = "chr1", libraryName = "default") {
totalFragments = NULL
totalFragmentsRev = NULL
## only one chromosome present: split current chromosome at the first cutter sequence
## and check for presence of the second cutter within the resulting fragments
## --> remove non-unique and blind fragments (if chosen; default == TRUE) for final output
if (useAllData) {
chromosomeToSplit = chosenGenome
chromosomeToSplitRev = reverseComplement(chosenGenome)
totalFragments = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplit, chromosomeName)
totalFragmentsRev = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplitRev, chromosomeName)
createVirtualFragmentLibrarySimulationMain(totalFragments, totalFragmentsRev, firstCutter, secondCutter, readLength, onlyNonBlind, useOnlyIndex, minSize, maxSize, minFragEndSize, maxFragEndSize, chromosomeName, libraryName)
} else {
chromosomeToSplit = chosenGenome
if (length(chromosomeToSplit) > 20000000) {
chromosomeToSplitRev = reverseComplement(chosenGenome)
totalFragments = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplit, chromosomeName)
totalFragmentsRev = splitChromosome(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplitRev, chromosomeName)
createVirtualFragmentLibrarySimulationMain(totalFragments, totalFragmentsRev, firstCutter, secondCutter, readLength, onlyNonBlind, useOnlyIndex, minSize, maxSize, minFragEndSize, maxFragEndSize, chromosomeName, libraryName)
} else {
message("Chromosome's length is below threshold; use 'useAllData = TRUE' (default) to create a virtual fragment library for any chromosome length")
.splitChromosome_DNAString <- function(firstCutter, secondCutter, chromosomeToSplit, chromosomeName) {
## first step: get position of the cutter sequences and calculate start and end of fragment in between
## --> cutter sequence neglected for fragment to provide disjunct fragment intervals
rawFragments = matchPattern(firstCutter, chromosomeToSplit)
fragmentStart = c(1, end(rawFragments) + 1)
fragmentEnd = c(start(rawFragments) - 1, length(chromosomeToSplit))
## second step: read chromosome as string and check which fragments are blind (no second cutter present
## or non-blind (second cutter sequence present within fragment sequence)
chromosomeTotal = toString(chromosomeToSplit)
fragmentSequences = unlist(strsplit(chromosomeTotal, split=toupper(firstCutter)))
secondCutterPresent = grepl(toupper(secondCutter), fragmentSequences)
## sequences at start and end of chromosome not counted as non-blind fragments
## --> valid non-blind fragments: only [FCE ... SCE ... FCE], not [1 ... (SCE) ... FCE] or [FCE ... (SCE) ... END]
secondCutterPresent[1] = FALSE
secondCutterPresent[length(secondCutterPresent)] = FALSE
emptyLastFrag = FALSE
if (length(fragmentEnd) > length(secondCutterPresent)) {
secondCutterPresent = c(secondCutterPresent, FALSE)
fragmentSequences = c(fragmentSequences, "")
emptyLastFrag = TRUE
## fragments total
fragmentTable = data.frame(chromosomeName, fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, secondCutterPresent, fragmentSequences)
fragmentTable[,5] = as.vector(fragmentTable[,5])
## delete possible empty fragment if cutter sequence is at the end of the genome
if (emptyLastFrag) {
fragmentTable = fragmentTable[-nrow(fragmentTable),]
secondCutterPos = gregexpr(toupper(secondCutter), fragmentTable[,5])
secondCutterFirst = NULL
secondCutterLast = NULL
for (i in 1:length(secondCutterPos)) {
secondCutterFirst[i] = secondCutterPos[[i]][1]
secondCutterLast[i] = secondCutterPos[[i]][length(secondCutterPos[[i]])]
fragmentTable["secondCutterFirst"] = secondCutterFirst
fragmentTable["secondCutterLast"] = secondCutterLast
## return bed-like format: chromosome name, fragment start, fragment end plus fragment sequence and second cutter positions
.createVirtualFragmentLibrarySimulationMain <- function(totalFragments, totalFragmentsRev, firstCutter, secondCutter, readLength, onlyNonBlind = TRUE, useOnlyIndex = TRUE, minSize = 0, maxSize = -1, minFragEndSize = 0, maxFragEndSize = 10000000, chromosomeName = "chr1", libraryName = "default") {
## if necessary, change chromosome name from "chr1"..."chrY" to "1"..."Y"
if (useOnlyIndex) {
totalFragments$chromosomeName = sub("chr", "", totalFragments$chromosomeName)
totalFragmentsRev$chromosomeName = sub("chr", "", totalFragmentsRev$chromosomeName)
totalFragments["fragmentLength"] = nchar(totalFragments$fragmentSequences)
totalFragmentsRev["fragmentLength"] = nchar(totalFragmentsRev$fragmentSequences)
## calculate frag end lengths
leftFragEndLength = ifelse(totalFragments$secondCutterFirst == -1, totalFragments$fragmentLength, totalFragments$secondCutterFirst - 1)
rightFragEndLength = ifelse(totalFragments$secondCutterFirst == -1, totalFragments$fragmentLength, totalFragments$fragmentLength - totalFragments$secondCutterLast + 1 - nchar(secondCutter))
leftFragEndLengthRev = ifelse(totalFragmentsRev$secondCutterFirst == -1, totalFragmentsRev$fragmentLength, totalFragmentsRev$secondCutterFirst - 1)
rightFragEndLengthRev = ifelse(totalFragmentsRev$secondCutterFirst == -1, totalFragmentsRev$fragmentLength, totalFragmentsRev$fragmentLength - totalFragmentsRev$secondCutterLast + 1 - nchar(secondCutter))
## valid 4C-seq reads map to one of the experiment's fragment ends and continue with the downstream sequence
fragSeqStart = substr(totalFragments$fragmentSequences, start = 1, stop = readLength)
fragSeqStartRev = substr(totalFragmentsRev$fragmentSequences, start = 1, stop = readLength)
## check fragment ends for uniqueness
uniqueFromStart = !duplicated(c(fragSeqStart, fragSeqStartRev))
uniqueFromEnd = !duplicated(c(fragSeqStart, fragSeqStartRev), fromLast = TRUE)
uniqueSeq = uniqueFromStart & uniqueFromEnd
uniqueFragStart = uniqueSeq[1:nrow(totalFragments)]
uniqueFragEnd = rev(uniqueSeq[(nrow(totalFragments)+1):(nrow(totalFragments)*2)])
## mark fragments with length < readLength as not usable, check minimum and maximum fragment end sizes
minFragEndSize = max(readLength, minFragEndSize)
leftLongEnough = ifelse((leftFragEndLength >= minFragEndSize & leftFragEndLength <= maxFragEndSize), TRUE, FALSE)
rightLongEnough = ifelse((rightFragEndLength >= minFragEndSize & rightFragEndLength <= maxFragEndSize), TRUE, FALSE)
leftFragEndValid = uniqueFragStart & leftLongEnough
rightFragEndValid = uniqueFragEnd & rightLongEnough
## centre of fragment: middle between first and last second cutter site, if second cutter present
fragmentCentre = ifelse(totalFragments$secondCutterFirst == -1, round((totalFragments$fragmentStart + totalFragments$fragmentEnd) / 2), round((totalFragments$secondCutterFirst + totalFragments$secondCutterLast) / 2) + totalFragments$fragmentStart + 1)
isNonBlind = totalFragments$secondCutterPresent
leftSequence = substr(totalFragments$fragmentSequences, start = 1, stop = readLength)
rightSequence = substr(totalFragments$fragmentSequences, start = nchar(totalFragments$fragmentSequences) - readLength + 1, stop = nchar(totalFragments$fragmentSequences))
leftSequence = ifelse (leftSequence == "", "-", leftSequence)
rightSequence = ifelse (rightSequence == "", "-", rightSequence)
fragData = data.frame(totalFragments[,1:3], fragmentCentre, isNonBlind, "fragmentLength" = totalFragments$fragmentLength, leftFragEndLength, rightFragEndLength, leftFragEndValid, rightFragEndValid, leftSequence, rightSequence)
if (onlyNonBlind) {
fragData = subset(fragData, fragData$isNonBlind == TRUE)
## if chosen, keep only fragments with a fragment length of more than X bp...
fragData = subset(fragData, fragData$fragmentLength >= minSize)
## ... and less than Y bp
if (maxSize != -1) {
fragData = subset(fragData, fragData$fragmentLength <= maxSize)
## output: fragment coordinates and flags for uniqueness
if (libraryName == "default") {
if (onlyNonBlind) {
libraryName = paste("fragments_", firstCutter, "_", secondCutter, ".csv", sep = "")
} else {
libraryName = paste("fragments_", firstCutter, "_", secondCutter, "_with_blind_fragments", ".csv", sep = "")
if (libraryName == "") {
} else {
write.table(fragData, file = libraryName, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
signature=signature(chosenGenome="BSgenome", firstCutter="character", secondCutter="character", readLength="numeric"),
signature=signature(chosenGenome="DNAString", firstCutter="character", secondCutter="character", readLength="numeric"),
signature=signature(firstCutter="character", secondCutter="character", chromosomeToSplit="DNAString", chromosomeName="character"),
signature=signature(totalFragments="data.frame", totalFragmentsRev="data.frame", firstCutter="character", secondCutter="character", readLength="numeric"),
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