
#' doppelgangR
#' Identify samples with suspiciously high correlations and phenotype
#' similarities
#' @param esets a list of ExpressionSets, containing the numeric and phenotypic
#' data to be analyzed.
#' @param separator a delimitor to use between dataset names and sample names
#' @param corFinder.args a list of arguments to be passed to the corFinder
#' function.
#' @param phenoFinder.args a list of arguments to be passed to the phenoFinder
#' function.  If NULL, samples with similar phenotypes will not be searched
#' for.
#' @param outlierFinder.expr.args a list of arguments to be passed to
#' outlierFinder when called for expression data
#' @param outlierFinder.pheno.args a list of arguments to be passed to
#' outlierFinder when called for phenotype data
#' @param smokingGunFinder.args a list of arguments to be passed to
#' smokingGunFinder
#' @param impute.knn.args a list of arguments to be passed to
#' impute::impute.knn.  Set to NULL to do no knn imputation.
#' @param manual.smokingguns a character vector of phenoData columns that, if
#' identical, will be considered evidence of duplication
#' @param automatic.smokingguns automatically look for "smoking guns."  If
#' TRUE, look for phenotype variables that are unique to each patient in
#' dataset 1, also unique to each patient in dataset 2, but contain exact
#' matches between datasets 1 and 2.
#' @param within.datasets.only If TRUE, only search within each dataset for
#' doppelgangers.
#' @param intermediate.pruning The default setting FALSE will result in output
#' with no missing values, but uses extra memory because all results from the
#' expression, phenotype, and smoking gun doppelganger searches must be saved
#' until the end.  Setting this to TRUE will save memory for very large
#' searches, but distance metrics will only be available if that value was
#' identified as a doppelganger (for example, phenotype doppelgangers will have
#' missing values for the expression and smoking gun similarity).
#' @param cache.dir The name of a directory in which to cache or look up
#' results to save re-calculating correlations.  Set to NULL for no caching.
#' @param BPPARAM Argument for BiocParallel::bplapply(), by default will use
#' all cores of a multi-core machine
#' @param verbose Print progress information
#' @return Returns an object of S4-class "DoppelGang"
#' @author Levi Waldron, Markus Riester, Marcel Ramos
#' @seealso \link{DoppelGang-class}
#' \link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}
#' @examples
#' example("phenoFinder")
#' results2 <- doppelgangR(esets2, cache.dir = NULL)
#' results2
#' plot(results2)
#' summary(results2)
#' ## Set phenoFinder.args=NULL to ignore similar phenotypes, and
#' ## turn off ComBat batch correction:
#' \dontrun{
#' results2 <- doppelgangR(testesets,
#' corFinder.args=list(use.ComBat=FALSE), phenoFinder.args=NULL,
#'     cache.dir=NULL)
#' summary(results2)
#' library(curatedOvarianData)
#' data(GSE32062.GPL6480_eset)
#' data(GSE32063_eset)
#' data(GSE12470_eset)
#' data(GSE17260_eset)
#' testesets <- list(JapaneseA = GSE32062.GPL6480_eset,
#'     JapaneseB = GSE32063_eset,
#'     Yoshihara2009 = GSE12470_eset,
#'     Yoshihara2010 = GSE17260_eset)
#' ## standardize the sample ids to improve matching
#' ## based on clinical annotation
#' testesets <- lapply(testesets, function(X) {
#'   X$alt_sample_name <-
#'     paste(X$sample_type, gsub("[^0-9]", "", X$alt_sample_name), sep = "_")
#'   pData(X) <-
#'     pData(X)[,!grepl("uncurated_author_metadata", colnames(pData(X)))]
#'   X[, 1:20]  ##speed computations
#' })
#' (results1 <- doppelgangR(testesets, cache.dir = NULL))
#' plot(results1)
#' summary(results1)
#' }
#' @export doppelgangR
doppelgangR <- function
  ### Identify samples with suspiciously high correlations and phenotype similarities
    ### a list of ExpressionSets, containing the numeric and phenotypic data to be analyzed.
    separator = ":",
    ### a delimitor to use between dataset names and sample names
    corFinder.args = list(
      separator = separator,
      use.ComBat = TRUE,
      method = "pearson"
    ### a list of arguments to be passed to the corFinder function.
    phenoFinder.args = list(separator = separator, vectorDistFun = vectorWeightedDist),
    ### a list of arguments to be passed to the phenoFinder function.  If
    ### NULL, samples with similar phenotypes will not be searched for.
    outlierFinder.expr.args = list(
      bonf.prob = 0.5,
      transFun = atanh,
      tail = "upper"
    ### a list of arguments to be passed to outlierFinder when called for expression data
    outlierFinder.pheno.args = list(
      normal.upper.thresh = 0.99,
      bonf.prob = NULL,
      tail = "upper"
    ### a list of arguments to be passed to outlierFinder when called for phenotype data
    smokingGunFinder.args = list(transFun = I),
    ### a list of arguments to be passed to smokingGunFinder
    impute.knn.args = list(
      k = 10,
      rowmax = 0.5,
      colmax = 0.8,
      maxp = 1500,
      rng.seed = 362436069
    ### a list of arguments to be passed to impute::impute.knn.  Set to
    ### NULL to do no knn imputation.
    manual.smokingguns = NULL,
    ### a character vector of phenoData columns that, if identical, will
    ### be considered evidence of duplication
    automatic.smokingguns = FALSE,
    ### automatically look for "smoking guns."  If TRUE, look for
    ### phenotype variables that are unique to each patient in dataset 1,
    ### also unique to each patient in dataset 2, but contain exact
    ### matches between datasets 1 and 2.
    within.datasets.only = FALSE,
    ### If TRUE, only search within each dataset for doppelgangers.
    intermediate.pruning = FALSE,
    ### The default setting FALSE will result in output with no missing
    ### values, but uses extra memory because all results from the
    ### expression, phenotype, and smoking gun doppelganger searches must
    ### be saved until the end.  Setting this to TRUE will save memory for
    ### very large searches, but distance metrics will only be available
    ### if that value was identified as a doppelganger (for example,
    ### phenotype doppelgangers will have missing values for the
    ### expression and smoking gun similarity).
    cache.dir = "cache",
    ### The name of a directory in which to cache or look up results to save
    ### re-calculating correlations.  Set to NULL for no caching.
    BPPARAM = bpparam(),
    ### Argument for BiocParallel::bplapply(), by default what is returned by BiocParallel::bpparam(), 
    ### see ?BiocParallel::bpparam to change options.
    verbose = TRUE
    ### Print progress information
  ) {
    ##Save input args except for esets:
    input.argnames <- ls()[-match("esets", ls())]
    input.args <- lapply(input.argnames, function(x)
    names(input.args) <- input.argnames
    if (is(esets, "ExpressionSet")) {
      esets <- list(ExpressionSet1 = esets, ExpressionSet2 = esets)
      eset.method <- TRUE
      within.datasets.only <- FALSE
      between.datasets.only <- TRUE
    } else{
      eset.method <- FALSE
      between.datasets.only <- FALSE
    if (!is(esets, "list")) {
      stop("esets must be an ExpressionSet or a list of ExpressionSets")
    input.args$esets.names <- names(esets)
    if (!is.null(cache.dir))
      dir.create(cache.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (is.null(names(esets)))
      names(esets) <- paste("dataset", 1:length(esets), sep = "_")
    names(esets) <- make.unique(names(esets))
    for (i in 1:length(esets)) {
      sampleNames(esets[[i]]) <-
        paste(names(esets)[i], sampleNames(esets[[i]]), sep = separator)
      if (min(exprs(esets[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE) == -Inf |
          max(exprs(esets[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE) == Inf) {
          "Replacing -+Inf with min/max expression values for dataset",
        exprs(esets[[i]])[exprs(esets[[i]]) == -Inf] <-
          min(exprs(esets[[i]])[is.finite(exprs(esets[[i]]))], na.rm = TRUE)
        exprs(esets[[i]])[exprs(esets[[i]]) == Inf] <-
          max(exprs(esets[[i]])[is.finite(exprs(esets[[i]]))], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (!is.null(impute.knn.args) &
          any(!complete.cases(exprs(esets[[i]])))) {
        ##KNN imputation
        message(paste("KNN imputation for", names(esets)[i]))
        impute.knn.args$data <- exprs(esets[[i]])
        impute.knn.output  <-
          do.call(impute::impute.knn, args = impute.knn.args)
        exprs(esets[[i]]) <- impute.knn.output$data
        .Random.seed <-
          impute.knn.output$rng.state  ##restore original RNG state
    ds.combns <- NULL
    if (!between.datasets.only)
      ds.combns <- lapply(1:length(esets), function(i)
        c(i, i))
    if (!within.datasets.only)
      ds.combns <-
      c(ds.combns, combn(1:length(esets), 2, simplify = FALSE))
    output.full <- bplapply(ds.combns, function(ij) {
      i <- ij[1]
      j <- ij[2]
      if (verbose)
        message(paste("Working on datasets", names(esets)[i], "and", names(esets)[j]))
      ## Create a negative result dataframe that will be used when a similarity-finder
      ## (corFinder, phenoFinder, smokingGunFinder) is not called.
      if (eset.method | identical(i, j)) {
        na.output <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(esets[[i]]), ncol = ncol(esets[[i]]))
        rownames(na.output) <- sampleNames(esets[[i]])
        colnames(na.output) <- rownames(na.output)
        na.output[!upper.tri(na.output)] <- NA
      } else{
        na.output <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(esets[[i]]), ncol = ncol(esets[[j]]))
        rownames(na.output) <- sampleNames(esets[[i]])
        colnames(na.output) <- sampleNames(esets[[j]])
      na.output <- outlierFinder(na.output, normal.upper.thresh = 1)
      na.output$outlierFinder.res$similarity <- NA
      ## output object:
      output3 <- list()
      ## calculate correlation matrix
      if (sum(featureNames(esets[[i]]) %in% featureNames(esets[[j]])) < 2) {
            "have no featureNames in common, skipping corFinder for this dataset pair."
        corFinder.args <- NULL
      if (!is.null(cache.dir) & !is.null(corFinder.args)) {
        do.cache <- TRUE
        cache.file <- file.path(cache.dir,
                                       esets[c(i, j)])
        if (file.exists(cache.file)) {
          if (verbose)
            message("\tSkipping corFinder, loading cached results.")
      } else{
        do.cache <- FALSE
      if (is.null(corFinder.args)) {
        cor.sim <- na.output
      } else{
        corFinder.args$eset.pair <- esets[c(i, j)]
        if (!exists("cor.sim")) {
          if (verbose)
            message("Calculating correlations...")
          cor.sim <- do.call(corFinder, corFinder.args)
      if (eset.method)
        diag(cor.sim) <- NA
      if (do.cache &&
          !is.null(cache.dir) && !file.exists(cache.file))
        save(cor.sim, file = cache.file)
      ## find numeric (expression) doppelgangers
      outlierFinder.expr.args$similarity.mat <- cor.sim
      if (is.null(corFinder.args)) {
        output3[["expr.doppels"]] <- na.output
      } else{
        if (verbose)
          message("Identifying correlation doppelgangers...")
        output3[["correlations"]] <- cor.sim
        output3[["expr.doppels"]] <-
          do.call(outlierFinder, outlierFinder.expr.args)
      ## If there is no phenoData in one of the esets, do not
      ## search for phenotype doppelgangers:
      if (min(c(ncol(pData(esets[[1]])), ncol(pData(esets[[2]])))) == 0)
        phenoFinder.args <- NULL
      ## If column names don't match, do not search for phenotype doppelgangers:
      if (!identical(colnames(pData(esets[[i]])), colnames(pData(esets[[j]])))) {
            "have different column names in phenoData.  Skipping phenotype checking for this pair.  Set phenoFinger.args=NULL to disable phenotype checking altogether."
        phenoFinder.args <- NULL
      ## automatically find potential "smoking gun" phenotypes
      if (automatic.smokingguns & !is.null(phenoFinder.args)) {
        new.smokinggun.phenotypes <-
          unlist(sapply(colnames(pData(esets[[i]])), function(cname) {
            if (cname %in% colnames(pData(esets[[j]]))) {
              if ((sum(!is.na(pData(esets[[i]])[, cname])) > 2 &
                   sum(!is.na(pData(esets[[j]])[, cname])) > 2) &
                  (identical(length(pData(esets[[i]])[, cname]), length(unique(
                    pData(esets[[i]])[, cname]
                  ))) |
                  identical(length(pData(esets[[j]])[, cname]), length(unique(
                    pData(esets[[j]])[, cname]
        manual.smokingguns <-
          unique(c(manual.smokingguns, new.smokinggun.phenotypes))
      ##        output3[["smokingguns"]] <- manual.smokingguns  ##FIXME: write full arguments somewhere else
      if (is.null(manual.smokingguns)) {
        output3[["smokinggun.doppels"]] <- na.output
      } else{
        ## find smokinggun doppelgangers
        if (verbose)
          message("Identifying smoking-gun doppelgangers...")
        smokingGunFinder.args$eset.pair <- esets[c(i, j)]
        smokingGunFinder.args$smokingguns <- manual.smokingguns
        outlierFinder.smokinggun.args <- list()
        outlierFinder.smokinggun.args$similarity.mat <-
          do.call(smokingGunFinder, smokingGunFinder.args)
        if (eset.method)
          diag(outlierFinder.smokinggun.args$similarity.mat) <-
        outlierFinder.smokinggun.args$normal.upper.thresh <- 0.5
        output3[["smokinggun.doppels"]] <-
          do.call(outlierFinder, outlierFinder.smokinggun.args)
      ## calculate phenotype similarity matrix
      if (is.null(phenoFinder.args)) {
        output3[["pheno.doppels"]] <- na.output
      } else{
        phenoFinder.args$eset.pair <- esets[c(i, j)]
        ##keep no rows because we only need pData(x):
        for (k in 1:2)
          phenoFinder.args$eset.pair[[k]] <-
        ## do not use "smoking guns" when calculating phenotype distances
        for (k in 1:2)
          if (any(manual.smokingguns %in% colnames(pData(phenoFinder.args$eset.pair[[k]]))))
            pData(phenoFinder.args$eset.pair[[k]]) <-
              pData(phenoFinder.args$eset.pair[[k]])[, (!colnames(pData(phenoFinder.args$eset.pair[[k]])) %in% manual.smokingguns)]
          if (do.cache && !is.null(cache.dir)) {
            cache.file <-
              paste(cache.dir, "/", digest::digest(list(phenoFinder, phenoFinder.args)), ".rda", sep =
            if (file.exists(cache.file)) {
              if (verbose)
                message("\tSkipping phenoFinder, loading cached results.")
          if (!exists("pheno.sim")) {
            if (verbose)
              message("Calculating phenotype similarities...")
            pheno.sim <- do.call(phenoFinder, phenoFinder.args)
            if (eset.method)
              diag(pheno.sim) <- NA
          if (do.cache &&
              !is.null(cache.dir) && !file.exists(cache.file))
            save(pheno.sim, file = cache.file)
          ## find phenotype doppelgangers
          outlierFinder.pheno.args$similarity.mat <- pheno.sim
          if (verbose)
            message("Identifying phenotype doppelgangers...")
          output3[["pheno.doppels"]] <-
            do.call(outlierFinder, outlierFinder.pheno.args)
      ##If a sample is identified as a doppelganger by any method,
      ##then keep that sample for all methods, so we don't lose the
      ##data when wrapping up:
      if (intermediate.pruning) {
        keep.rows <- output3[["pheno.doppels"]]$outlierFinder.res$doppel |
          output3[["expr.doppels"]]$outlierFinder.res$doppel |
        output3[["smokinggun.doppels"]]$outlierFinder.res <-
        output3[["pheno.doppels"]]$outlierFinder.res <-
        output3[["expr.doppels"]]$outlierFinder.res <-
    has.errors <-
      sapply(output.full, function(x)
        any(grep("error", class(x))))
    if (any(has.errors)) {
      ds.errors <- ds.combns[has.errors]
        "The following dataset combinations resulted in errors: ",
        paste(lapply(ds.errors, function(idx)
          paste(names(esets)[idx], collapse = "/")),
          collapse = ", ")
    names(output.full) <- sapply(ds.combns, function(ij) {
      paste(names(esets)[c(ij[1], ij[2])], collapse = separator)
    if (verbose)
    wrapUp <- function(object, element) {
      tmp <- lapply(object, function(x)
      tmp <- tmp[!sapply(tmp, is.null)]
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
      rownames(tmp) <- NULL
    pheno.doppels <- wrapUp(output.full, "pheno.doppels")
    expr.doppels <- wrapUp(output.full, "expr.doppels")
    smokinggun.doppels <- wrapUp(output.full, "smokinggun.doppels")
    addCols <- function(orig, add) {
      newrows1 <- paste(add[, 1], add[, 2])
      newrows2 <- paste(add[, 2], add[, 1])
      oldrows <- paste(orig[, 2], orig[, 1])
      if (any(!(newrows1 %in% oldrows | newrows2 %in% oldrows))) {
        tmp <- add[!(newrows1 %in% oldrows | newrows2 %in% oldrows), 1:2]
        tmp <-
          cbind(tmp, matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(tmp), ncol = (ncol(orig) - 2)))
        colnames(tmp) <- colnames(orig)
        orig <- rbind(orig, tmp)
      match.rows <-
        match(paste(add[, 1], add[, 2]), paste(orig[, 1], orig[, 2]))
      match.rows2 <-
        match(paste(add[, 2], add[, 1]), paste(orig[, 1], orig[, 2]))
      match.rows[is.na(match.rows)] <-
      if (nrow(add) > 0 & nrow(orig) == 0) {
        ##adding to a zero-row dataframe
        newdf <- add[, 1:2]
        for (i in 3:ncol(orig))
          newdf[[colnames(orig)[i]]] <- NA
        orig <- newdf
      if (nrow(add) == 0 & nrow(orig) == 0) {
        return(cbind(orig, add[,-1:-2]))
      orig[[colnames(add)[3]]] <- NA
      orig[[colnames(add)[3]]][match.rows] <- add[, 3]
      orig[[colnames(add)[4]]] <- FALSE
      orig[[colnames(add)[4]]][match.rows] <- add[, 4]
    ## merge all doppelganger types
    all.doppels <- expr.doppels
    if (intermediate.pruning) {
      colnames(all.doppels)[3:4] <-
        paste("expr.", colnames(all.doppels)[3:4], sep = "")
      all.doppels <- addCols(all.doppels, pheno.doppels)
      colnames(all.doppels)[5:6] <-
        paste("pheno.", colnames(all.doppels)[5:6], sep = "")
      all.doppels <- addCols(all.doppels, smokinggun.doppels)
      colnames(all.doppels)[7:8] <-
        sub("pheno", "smokinggun", colnames(all.doppels)[5:6])
    } else{
      if (eset.method) {
        ##     pheno.doppels <- pheno.doppels[!sub(".+:", "", pheno.doppels[, 1]) == sub(".+:", "", pheno.doppels[, 2]), ]
        smokinggun.doppels <-
          smokinggun.doppels[!sub(".+:", "", smokinggun.doppels[, 1]) == sub(".+:", "", smokinggun.doppels[, 2]),]
        rownames(smokinggun.doppels) <- NULL
      if (!is.null(expr.doppels) &
          identical(expr.doppels[, 1:2], pheno.doppels[, 1:2]) &
          identical(expr.doppels[, 1:2], smokinggun.doppels[, 1:2])) {
        all.doppels <-
          cbind(all.doppels, pheno.doppels[, 3:4], smokinggun.doppels[, 3:4])
        colnames(all.doppels)[3:8] <-
            sep = "."
      } else{
        stop("Intermediate pruning off but no addCols shortcut available.")
    ##Following 2 lines needed if pruning is done above on output3:
    for (k in c(4, 6, 8))
      all.doppels[, k][is.na(all.doppels[, k])] <- FALSE
    all.doppels <-
      all.doppels[all.doppels[, 4] |
                    all.doppels[, 6] | all.doppels[, 8],]
    rownames(all.doppels) <- NULL
    ##If all esets have the same colnames of pdata, add merged
    ##pairwise sample pdata to all.doppels:
    if (identical(nrow(all.doppels) > 0, TRUE) &&
                  unique(unlist(lapply(esets, function(eset)
                    colnames(pData(eset)))))) &&
        ncol(pData(esets[[1]])) > 0 &&
        ncol(pData(esets[[2]])) > 0)  {
      all.pdat <- lapply(esets, pData)
      for (k in 1:length(all.pdat))
        all.pdat[[k]]$sampleid <- rownames(all.pdat[[k]])
      all.pdat <- do.call(rbind, all.pdat)
      pdat.sample1 <-
        all.pdat[match(all.doppels[, 1], all.pdat$sampleid),]
      pdat.sample2 <-
        all.pdat[match(all.doppels[, 2], all.pdat$sampleid),]
      merged.pdat <- lapply(1:ncol(pdat.sample1), function(k) {
        paste(pdat.sample1[, k],
              pdat.sample2[, k],
              sep = separator)
      merged.pdat <- do.call(cbind, merged.pdat)
      merged.pdat <-
        subset(merged.pdat, select = -ncol(merged.pdat))
      colnames(merged.pdat) <- colnames(pData(esets[[1]]))
      all.doppels <- cbind(all.doppels, merged.pdat)
      if (eset.method) {
        all.doppels$sample1 <- sub(".+:", "", all.doppels$sample1)
        all.doppels$sample2 <-
          sub(".+:", "", all.doppels$sample2)
        ##Alternating rows only
        all.doppels <-
          all.doppels[seq(1, nrow(all.doppels), by = 2),]
    ### Returns an object of S4-class "DoppelGang".  See ?DoppelGang-class.
      fullresults = output.full,
      summaryresults = all.doppels,
      inputargs = input.args
waldronlab/doppelgangR documentation built on Jan. 9, 2025, 2:39 p.m.