
Defines functions upsetSamples

Documented in upsetSamples

#' Create a generalized Venn Diagram analog for sample membership in multiple
#' assays, using the upset algorithm in `UpSetR`
#' @param MultiAssayExperiment A `MultiAssayExperiment` object
#' @param nsets `numeric(1)` The number of sets to analyze. If specified,
#' `sets` will be ignored.
#' @param sets `character()` A character vector of names in MultiAssayExperiment
#' to use. If specified, `nsets` will be ignored.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [UpSetR::upset]
#' @param check.names `logical(1)` Whether to munge names as in the
#' `data.frame()` constructor (default FALSE).
#' @param nintersects `numeric(1)` The number of intersections to plot. By
#' default, all intersections will be plotted.
#' @param order.by How the intersections in the matrix should be ordered by.
#' Options include frequency (entered as "freq"), degree, or both in any order.
#' @note This function is intended to provide convenient visualization of assay
#' availability configurations in MultiAssayExperiment instances. The
#' `UpSetR::upset` function requires `data.frame` input and has
#' many parameters to tune appearance of the result. Assay name handling is
#' important for interpretability.
#' @examples
#' data(miniACC)
#' upsetSamples(miniACC)
#' upsetSamples(miniACC, nsets = 3, nintersects = 3)
#' @return Produces a visualization of set intersections using the UpSet matrix
#' design
#' @author Vincent J Carey
#' @export upsetSamples
upsetSamples <- function(
    MultiAssayExperiment, nsets = NULL, sets = names(MultiAssayExperiment),
    nintersects = NA_integer_, order.by = "freq", check.names = FALSE, ...
) {
    mae <- MultiAssayExperiment
    datf <- do.call(
        function(...) { data.frame(..., check.names = check.names) },
            function(minimap) {
                as.integer(rownames(colData(mae)) %in% minimap[["primary"]])
    if (!is.null(nsets))
        sets <- sets[seq_len(nsets)]
    ## reversing for the keep.order argument
    sets <- rev(sets)
    rownames(datf) <- rownames(colData(mae))
    UpSetR::upset(datf, sets = sets, nintersects = nintersects,
        keep.order = TRUE, order.by = order.by, ...)
waldronlab/MultiAssayExperiment documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 5:15 a.m.