

The TCGAutils package completes a suite of Bioconductor packages for convenient access, integration, and analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas. It includes: 0. helpers for working with TCGA through the Bioconductor packages r Biocpkg("MultiAssayExperiment") (for coordinated representation and manipulation of multi-omits experiments) and r Biocpkg("curatedTCGAData"), which provides unrestricted TCGA data as MultiAssayExperiment objects, 0. helpers for importing TCGA data as from flat data structures such as data.frame or DataFrame read from delimited data structures provided by the Broad Institute’s Firehose, GenomicDataCommons, and 0. functions for interpreting TCGA barcodes and for mapping between barcodes and Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs).


if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Required packages for this vignette:


curatedTCGAData utility functions

Functions such as getSubtypeMap and getClinicalNames provide information on data inside a r Biocpkg("MultiAssayExperiment") object downloaded from r Biocpkg("curatedTCGAData"). sampleTables and TCGAsplitAssays support useful operations on these MultiAssayExperiment objects.

obtaining TCGA as MultiAssayExperiment objects from curatedTCGAData

For a list of all available data types, use dry.run = TRUE and an asterisk * as the assay input value:

curatedTCGAData("COAD", "*", dry.run = TRUE, version = "1.1.38")

In this example, we download part of the Colon Adenocarcinoma (COAD) dataset using curatedTCGAData via ExperimentHub. This command will download data types such as CNASeq, Mutation, etc.:

coad <- curatedTCGAData(
    diseaseCode = "COAD", assays = c("CNASeq", "Mutation", "miRNA*",
    "RNASeq2*", "mRNAArray", "Methyl*"), version = "1.1.38", dry.run = FALSE

sampleTables: what sample types are present in the data?

The sampleTables function gives a tally of available samples in the dataset based on the TCGA barcode information.


For reference in interpreting the sample type codes, see the sampleTypes table:


TCGAsplitAssays: separate the data from different tissue types

TCGA datasets include multiple -omics for solid tumors, adjacent normal tissues, blood-derived cancers and normals, and other tissue types, which may be mixed together in a single dataset. The MultiAssayExperiment object generated here has one patient per row of its colData, but each patient may have two or more -omics profiles by any assay, whether due to assaying of different types of tissues or to technical replication. TCGAsplitAssays separates profiles from different tissue types (such as tumor and adjacent normal) into different assays of the MultiAssayExperiment by taking a vector of sample codes, and partitioning the current assays into assays with an appended sample code:

(tnmae <- TCGAsplitAssays(coad, c("01", "11")))

The r Biocpkg("MultiAssayExperiment") package then provides functionality to merge replicate profiles for a single patient (mergeReplicates()), which would now be appropriate but would not have been appropriate before splitting different tissue types into different assays, because that would average measurements from tumors and normal tissues.

MultiAssayExperiment also defines the MatchedAssayExperiment class, which eliminates any profiles not present across all assays and ensures identical ordering of profiles (columns) in each assay. In this example, it will match tumors to adjacent normals in subsequent assays:

(matchmae <- as(tnmae[, , c(4, 6, 7)], "MatchedAssayExperiment"))

Only about 12 participants have both a matched tumor and solid normal sample.

getSubtypeMap: manually curated molecular subtypes

Per-tumor subtypes are saved in the metadata of the colData slot of MultiAssayExperiment objects downloaded from curatedTCGAData. These subtypes were manually curated from the supplemental tables of all primary TCGA publications:


getClinicalNames: key "level 4" clinical & pathological data

The curatedTCGAData colData contain hundreds of columns, obtained from merging all unrestricted levels of clinical, pathological, and biospecimen data. This function provides the names of "level 4" clinical/pathological variables, which are the only ones provided by most other TCGA analysis tools. Users may then use these variable names for subsetting or analysis, and may even want to subset the colData to only these commonly used variables.


Warning: some names may not exactly match the colData names in the object due to differences in variable types. These variables are kept separate and differentiated with x and y. For example, vital_status in this case corresponds to two different variables obtained from the pipeline. One variable is interger type and the other character:



Such conflicts should be inspected in this manner, and conflicts resolved by choosing the more complete variable, or by treating any conflicting values as unknown ("NA").

Converting Assays to SummarizedExperiment

This section gives an overview of the operations that can be performed on a given set of metadata obtained particularly from data-rich objects such as those obtained from curatedTCGAData. There are several operations that work with microRNA, methylation, mutation, and assays that have gene symbol annotations.


Using the methylation annotations in IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 and the minfi package, we look up CpG probes and convert to genomic coordinates with CpGtoRanges. The function provides two assays, one with mapped probes and the other with unmapped probes. Excluding unmapped probes can be done by setting the unmapped argument to FALSE. This will run for both types of methylation data (27k and 450k).

methcoad <- CpGtoRanges(coad)


microRNA assays obtained from curatedTCGAData have annotated sequences that can be converted to genomic ranges using the mirbase.db package. The function looks up all sequences and converts them to ('hg19') ranges. For those rows that cannot be found, an 'unranged' assay is introduced in the resulting MultiAssayExperiment object.

mircoad <- mirToRanges(coad)


The qreduceTCGA function converts RaggedExperiment mutation data objects to RangedSummarizedExperiment using org.Hs.eg.db and the qreduceTCGA utility function from RaggedExperiment to summarize 'silent' and 'non-silent' mutations based on a 'Variant_Classification' metadata column in the original object.

It uses 'hg19' transcript database ('TxDb') package internally to summarize regions using qreduceAssay. The current genome build ('hg18') in the data must be translated to 'hg19'.

In this example, we first set the appropriate build name in the mutation dataset COAD_Mutation-20160128 according to the NCBI website and we then use seqlevelsStyle to match the UCSC style in the chain.

rag <- "COAD_Mutation-20160128"
# add the appropriate genome annotation
genome(coad[[rag]]) <- "NCBI36"
# change the style to UCSC
seqlevelsStyle(rowRanges(coad[[rag]])) <- "UCSC"

# inspect changes

Now we use liftOver from rtracklayer to translate 'hg18' builds to 'hg19' using the chain file obtained via AnnotationHub. We use a query to find the file. You can also query with terms such as c("Homo sapiens", "chain", "hg18", "hg19") in the query function. We are specifically looking for the chain file "hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz".

ah <- AnnotationHub()
query(ah, "hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz")
chain <- ah[["AH14220"]]
ranges19 <- rtracklayer::liftOver(rowRanges(coad[[rag]]), chain)

Note. The same can be done to convert hg19 to hg38 (the same build that the Genomic Data Commons uses) with the corresponding chain file as obtained above.

This will give us a list of ranges, each element corresponding to a single row in the RaggedExperiment. We remove rows that had no matches in the liftOver process and replace the ranges in the original RaggedExperiment with the replacement method. Finally, we put the RaggedExperiment object back into the MultiAssayExperiment.

re19 <- coad[[rag]][as.logical(lengths(ranges19))]
ranges19 <- unlist(ranges19)
genome(ranges19) <- "hg19"
rowRanges(re19) <- ranges19
# replacement
coad[["COAD_Mutation-20160128"]] <- re19

Now that we have matching builds, we can finally run the qreduceTCGA function.

coad <- qreduceTCGA(coad, keep.assay = TRUE)


In the cases where row annotations indicate gene symbols, the symbolsToRanges utility function converts genes to genomic ranges and replaces existing assays with RangedSummarizedExperiment objects. Gene annotations are given as 'hg19' genomic regions.


Importing TCGA text data files to Bioconductor classes

A few functions in the package accept either files or classes such as data.frame and FirehoseGISTIC as input and return standard Bioconductor classes.

Work around for long file names on Windows

Due to file name length, Windows may not be able to read / display all files. The workaround uses the fileNames argument from a character vector of file names and will convert them to TCGA barcodes.

## Load example file found in package
pkgDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "TCGAutils", mustWork = TRUE)
exonFile <- list.files(pkgDir, pattern = "cation\\.txt$", full.names = TRUE)

## We add the original file prefix to query for the UUID and get the
## TCGAbarcode
filePrefix <- "unc.edu.32741f9a-9fec-441f-96b4-e504e62c5362.1755371."

## Add actual file name manually
makeGRangesListFromExonFiles(exonFile, getBarcodes = FALSE,
    fileNames = paste0(filePrefix, basename(exonFile)))

NOTE. Querying the API for legacy file names is no longer supported. In this example, we leave the file name in rather than translate the file name to a TCGA barcode, i.e., getBarcodes = FALSE. However, filenameToBarcode is still supported for other file types.


Other processed, genomic range-based data from TCGA data can be imported using makeGRangesListFromCopyNumber. This tab-delimited data file of copy number alterations from bladder urothelial carcinoma (BLCA) was obtained from the Genomic Data Commons and is included in TCGAUtils as an example:

grlFile <- system.file("extdata", "blca_cnaseq.txt", package = "TCGAutils")
grl <- read.table(grlFile)

makeGRangesListFromCopyNumber(grl, split.field = "Sample")

makeGRangesListFromCopyNumber(grl, split.field = "Sample",
    keep.extra.columns = TRUE)


This function is only used for converting the FirehoseGISTIC class of the r Biocpkg("RTCGAToolbox") package. It allows the user to obtain thresholded by gene data, probabilities and peak regions.

tempDIR <- tempdir()
co <- getFirehoseData("COAD", clinical = FALSE, GISTIC = TRUE,
    destdir = tempDIR)

selectType(co, "GISTIC")
class(selectType(co, "GISTIC"))

makeSummarizedExperimentFromGISTIC(co, "Peaks")

mergeColData: expanding the colData of a MultiAssayExperiment

This function merges a data.frame or DataFrame into the colData of an existing MultiAssayExperiment object. It will match column names and row names to do a full merge of both data sets. This convenience function can be used, for example, to add subtype information available for a subset of patients to the colData. Here is a simplified example of adding a column to the colData DataFrame:

race_df <- DataFrame(race_f = factor(colData(coad)[["race"]]),
    row.names = rownames(colData(coad)))
mergeColData(coad, race_df)

Translating and interpreting TCGA identifiers

GDC Data Updates

Data Release (version 32.0) changed the behavior of the ID translation functions. This is due to the removal of files whose UUIDs were translated. These files have been replaced with newer runs of the pipeline. The new UUIDs can be mapped to the old UUIDs with project specific maps located on GitHub at https://github.com/NCI-GDC/gdc-docs/tree/develop/docs/Data/Release_Notes/GCv36_Manifests as well as with the history lookup API endpoint.

Note. The GDC API version v3.28.0 has deprecated the /legacy/files endpoint; therefore, legacy data is no longer available.

UUID History Lookup

Facilities in the GDC API allow one to look up old UUIDs and obtain new ones. The UUIDhistory function returns a data.frame with old and new UUIDs for a single UUID lookup. This will allow one to map old UUIDs with new ones in order to run a translation query. Old UUIDs have been removed from the API and can no longer be translated by the functions provided in this package.



The TCGA project has generated massive amounts of data. Some data can be obtained with Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUID) and other data with TCGA barcodes. The Genomic Data Commons provides a JSON API for mapping between UUID and barcode, but it is difficult for many people to understand. TCGAutils makes simple functions available for two-way translation between vectors of these identifiers.

TCGA barcode to UUID

Here we translate the first two TCGA barcodes of the previous copy-number alterations dataset to UUID:

(xbarcode <- head(colnames(coad)[["COAD_CNASeq-20160128_simplified"]], 4L))

UUID to TCGA barcode

Here we have a known case UUID that we want to translate into a TCGA barcode.

UUIDtoBarcode("ae55b2d3-62a1-419e-9f9a-5ddfac356db4", from_type = "case_id")

In cases where we want to translate a known file UUID to the associated TCGA patient barcode, we can use UUIDtoBarcode.

UUIDtoBarcode("b4bce3ff-7fdc-4849-880b-56f2b348ceac", from_type = "file_id")

Translating aliquot UUIDs is also possible by providing a known aliquot UUID to the function and giving a from_type, "aliquot_ids":

UUIDtoBarcode("d85d8a17-8aea-49d3-8a03-8f13141c163b", from_type = "aliquot_ids")

Additional UUIDs may be supported in future versions.


We can also translate from file UUIDs to case UUIDs and vice versa as long as we know the input type. We can use the case UUID from the previous example to get the associated file UUIDs using UUIDtoUUID. Note that this translation is a one to many relationship, thus yielding a data.frame of file UUIDs for a single case UUID.

head(UUIDtoUUID("ae55b2d3-62a1-419e-9f9a-5ddfac356db4", to_type = "file_id"))

One possible way to verify that file IDs are matching case UUIDS is to browse to the Genomic Data Commons webpage with the specific file UUID. Here we look at the first file UUID entry in the output data.frame:


In the page we check that the case UUID matches the input.

Parsing TCGA barcodes

Several functions exist for working with TCGA barcodes, the main function being TCGAbarcode. It takes a TCGA barcode and returns information about participant, sample, and/or portion.

## Return participant barcodes
TCGAbarcode(xbarcode, participant = TRUE)

## Just return samples
TCGAbarcode(xbarcode, participant = FALSE, sample = TRUE)

## Include sample data as well
TCGAbarcode(xbarcode, participant = TRUE, sample = TRUE)

## Include portion and analyte data
TCGAbarcode(xbarcode, participant = TRUE, sample = TRUE, portion = TRUE)

Sample selection

Based on lookup table values, the user can select certain sample types from a vector of sample barcodes. Below we select "Primary Solid Tumors" from a vector of barcodes, returning a logical vector identifying the matching samples.

## Select primary solid tumors
TCGAsampleSelect(xbarcode, "01")

## Select blood derived normals
TCGAsampleSelect(xbarcode, "10")

Primary tumors

We provide a TCGAprimaryTumors helper function to facilitate the selection of primary tumor samples only:


data.frame representation of barcode

The straightforward TCGAbiospec function will take the information contained in the TCGA barcode and display it in data.frame format with appropriate column names.


OncoPrint - oncoPrintTCGA

We provide a convenience function that investigates metadata within curatedTCGAData objects to present a plot of molecular alterations within a paricular cancer. MultiAssayExperiment objects are required to have an identifiable 'Mutation' assay (using text search). The variantCol argument identifies the mutation type column within the data.

Note. Functionality streamlined from the ComplexHeatmap package.

oncoPrintTCGA(coad, matchassay = rag)

Reference data

The TCGAutils package provides several helper datasets for working with TCGA barcodes.


As shown previously, the reference dataset sampleTypes defines sample codes and their sample types (see ?sampleTypes for source url).

## Obtained previously
sampleCodes <- TCGAbarcode(xbarcode, participant = FALSE, sample = TRUE)

## Lookup table

## Match codes found in the barcode to the lookup table
sampleTypes[match(unique(substr(sampleCodes, 1L, 2L)), sampleTypes[["Code"]]), ]

Source: https://gdc.cancer.gov/resources-tcga-users/tcga-code-tables/sample-type-codes

clinicalNames - Firehose pipeline clinical variables

clinicalNames is a list of the level 4 variable names (the most commonly used clinical and pathological variables, with follow-ups merged) from each colData datasets in curatedTCGAData. Shipped curatedTCGAData MultiAssayExperiment objects merge additional levels 1-3 clinical, pathological, and biospecimen data and contain many more variables than the ones listed here.






waldronlab/BiocInterfaces documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 2:07 p.m.