#' interface to incremental PCA from sklearn: mono implies monolithic data handling
#' @import reticulate
#' @param x either character string to HDF5 matrix or R matrix
#' @param n_comp integer number of PC to compute
#' @param batch_size
#' @param \dots not used
#' @examples
#' d = data.matrix(iris[,1:4])
#' p = prcomp(d)
#' dim(p$x)
#' h5targ = tempfile()
#' require(rhdf5)
#' h5createFile(h5targ)
#' h5write(d, h5targ, "iris")
#' tst = ipca_mono(h5targ, n_comp=4L)
#' tstm = tst@fit_transform
#' colnames(tstm) = paste0("ip", 1:4)
#' pairs(cbind(p$x, tstm))
#' @export
ipca_mono = function(x, n_comp=2L, batch_size=25L, ...) {
n_comp = as.integer(n_comp) # be sure
batch_size = as.integer(batch_size) # be sure
# message("initializing python infrastructure...")
# np <- import("numpy", convert=FALSE)
# pd <- import("pandas")
# sk <- import("sklearn.decomposition")
# h5py <- import("h5py")
# message("done.")
tr = np$matrix
tr = tr$transpose # cannot compose?
if (is(x, "character")) {
x_ref = try(h5py$File(x))
if (inherits(x_ref, "try_error")) stop(paste0("h5py$File fails on '", deparse(substitute(x)), "'"))
x_ref = x_ref$items()[[1]][[2]] # API for h5py$File
x_ref = tr( np$matrix(x_ref) )
else if (is(x, "matrix")) x_ref = np$matrix(x) # no transpose if not HDF5
ans = sk$IncrementalPCA(n_components=n_comp, batch_size=batch_size)
new("ipca", ref=ans, fit_transform=ans$fit_transform( x_ref ), dataref=x_ref)
setClass("ipca", representation(ref="sklearn.decomposition.incremental_pca.IncrementalPCA",
fit_transform="matrix", dataref="ANY" ))
setMethod("show", "ipca", function(object)
cat("instance of ipca with precomputed fit_transform and data reference\n"))
# to modularize the approach for remote data in HDF5, define a class
# that manages shape and reference info
setClass("H5pymat", representation(filename="character", handle="h5py._hl.files.File",
shape = "ANY", dataref = "ANY")) # the ANY can be made more specific
#' create H5py matrix container
#' @param fn file name for HDF5 matrix
#' @export
H5pymat = function(fn) {
# h5py <- import("h5py")
f1 = h5py$File(fn)
item = f1$items()
dataref = item[[1]][[2]] #
shape = unlist(dataref$shape)
new("H5pymat", filename=fn, handle=f1, dataref=dataref, shape=shape)
setMethod("show", "H5pymat", function(object) {
cat("H5pymat instance.\n")
cat("file: ", object@filename, "\n")
setGeneric("getRowChunk", function(x, start, end, transpose) standardGeneric("getRowChunk"))
setMethod("getRowChunk", c("H5pymat", "integer", "integer", "logical"),
function(x, start, end, transpose) {
stopifnot(start>0, end<=x@shape[2])
# np <- import("numpy", convert=FALSE)
twrap = function(x) (x)$T
axis = 0L
if (transpose==FALSE) {
twrap = function(x) (x)
axis = 1L
np$take( twrap(np$matrix(x@dataref)), np$arange(start-1L, end), axis )
setGeneric("ipca", function(src, ncomp, batch_size, transpose) standardGeneric("ipca"))
#' use chunks from remote HDF5 source to compute incremental PCA
#' @param src H5pymat instance
#' @param ncomp number of PCs to compute
#' @param batch_size number of records per batch
#' @param transpose logical -- for HDF5 matrix, set to TRUE
#' @aliases ipca
#' @examples
#' d = data.matrix(iris[,1:4])
#' p = prcomp(d)
#' dim(p$x)
#' h5targ = tempfile()
#' require(rhdf5)
#' require(useret)
#' h5createFile(h5targ)
#' h5write(d, h5targ, "iris")
#' hmat = H5pymat(h5targ)
#' tst = ipca(hmat, ncomp=4L, batch_size=50L, transpose=TRUE)
#' dim(tst)
#' @exportMethod ipca
setMethod("ipca", c("H5pymat", "integer", "integer", "logical"), function(src, ncomp, batch_size, transpose=TRUE) {
if (transpose==FALSE) stop("currently only R-mode PCA supported")
nr = src@shape[2]
nc = src@shape[1]
if (nc > nr) stop("must have at least as many records as features")
if (transpose==FALSE) nr=src@shape[1]
# message("importing python infrastructure...")
# np <- import("numpy", convert=FALSE)
# pd <- import("pandas")
# h5py <- import("h5py")
# sk <- import("sklearn.decomposition")
# message("done.")
ipca = sk$IncrementalPCA(n_components=ncomp, batch_size=batch_size)
starts = as.integer(seq(1, nr, batch_size))
ends = as.integer(c(starts[-1]-1, nr))
# build incremental PCA components
twrap = function(x) (x)$T
if (transpose==FALSE) twrap = function(x) (x)
for (i in 1:length(starts))
ipca$partial_fit( getRowChunk(src, starts[i], ends[i], transpose) )
# construct the reexpressed data by chunk
res = lapply(1:length(starts), function(x) ipca$transform( getRowChunk(src, starts[x], ends[x], transpose) ) )
do.call(rbind, res) # should also return the python structure
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