#' parse a document and place content in a DocSet
#' @importFrom utils head read.csv sessionInfo
#' @param csv a character(1) CSV file path
#' @param DocSetInstance if missing, DocSet is initialized in this
#' function, otherwise the instance is updated with new content
#' @param rec_id_field character(1) field in CSV identifying records
#' @param exclude_fields character vector of fields to ignore while parsing
#' @param substrings_to_omit character vector of strings to remove from candidate keywords via gsub
#' @param patterns_to_kill character(1) regexp that identifies tokens to be omitted from keyword set
#' @param token_fixups a list if character(2) vectors that will be
#' @param max_tok_nchar numeric(1) defaults to 25, tokens with more characters will be truncated to this length and suffixed with ellipsis
#' @param min_tok_nchar numeric(1) defaults to 4, tokens shorter than this are not in index
#' used with gsub() to repair irregularities. For
#' example `c("t''", "t'")` will transform `Burkitt''s` to `Burkitt's`
#' @param doctitle character(1) document title
#' @param docabst character(1) a string: the document abstract
#' @param cleanFields list of regular expressions identifying fields to ignore
#' @return instance of DocSet
#' @note The expected use case has `DocSetInstance` being updated in a loop.
#' Sharing of environments across multiple DocSetInstances can occur and unexpected
#' behaviors may ensue. Note also that many of the parameter defaults to parseDoc are
#' for the use case of processing SRA metadata.
#' @examples
#' myob = ssrch::docset_cancer68
#' td = tempdir()
#' alld = ls(docs2kw(myob))
#' r1 = retrieve_doc(alld[1], myob)
#' expo = write.csv(r1, paste0(td, "/expo.csv"))
#' pd = parseDoc(paste0(td, "/expo.csv"), doctitle=ssrch::titles68[alld[1]],
#' docabst="qwerty")
#' pd
#' searchDocs("quer", pd) # query will fail
#' searchDocs("qwer", pd) # should succeed
#' @export
parseDoc = function(csv, DocSetInstance=new("DocSet"),
doctitle = NA_character_,
docabst = NA_character_,
rec_id_field = "experiment.accession",
exclude_fields = c("study.accession"),
substrings_to_omit = c("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/"),
patterns_to_kill = "....-..-..|.*...,...",
token_fixups = list(c("t''", "t'"), c(":$", "")),
max_tok_nchar = 25,
min_tok_nchar = 4,
cleanFields = list("..*id$", ".name$", "_name$", "checksum",
"isolate", "filename", "^ID$", "barcode", "Sample.Name")) {
stopifnot(length(csv)==1, is.atomic(csv))
# set up 3 environments:
# record to keyword, doc to records, doc to keyword
#start by augmenting title set
# was absent may 12 2019
curti = slot(DocSetInstance, "titles")
upd = c(curti, doctitle)
names(upd)[length(upd)] = gsub(".csv", "", csv)
slot(DocSetInstance, "titles") = upd
# import CSV check that rec_id_field is present
dat = read.csv(csv, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
nn = names(dat)
stopifnot(rec_id_field %in% nn)
# document name
gr = grep(".csv", csv)
if(length(gr)<1) message(".csv not found in input filename")
docname = gsub(".csv", "", csv)
todrop = unique(unlist(lapply(cleanFields, function(x) grep(x, nn))))
if (length(todrop)>0) dat = dat[,-todrop]
# bind rec_id_field id as rownames
# remove duplicate records
dd = which(duplicated(dat[[rec_id_field]]))
if (length(dd)>0) {
message(sprintf("duplicates found in %s, dropped", rec_id_field))
dat = dat[-dd,]
rownames(dat) = dat[[rec_id_field]]
# allstr will consist of all strings present in table, including
# field names
fldnames = setdiff(names(dat),
c(exclude_fields, rec_id_field))
recs = dat[[rec_id_field]]
docset_identifiers = c(docname, dat[[rec_id_field]])
allstr = setdiff(unique(c(fldnames, unlist(lapply(dat, force)))),
nc = nchar(allstr)
bad = which(nc==0)
if (length(bad)>0) allstr=allstr[-bad]
# clean out dates and numbers with commas
cln = function(x) { dr = grep(patterns_to_kill, x); if (length(dr)>0) x = x[-dr]; x }
allstr = cln(allstr)
# some columns are numeric data. we will not be searching for numeric constants
# such information can be used downstream
suppressWarnings({isnum <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(allstr)))})
if (length(isnum)>0) allstr = allstr[-isnum]
# dat = dat[,-c(1,2)] # present may 12 2019 ... seems presumptive
alltok = setdiff(unlist(strsplit(allstr, " ")), docset_identifiers)
alltok = setdiff(alltok, stopWords)
# if (length(substrings_to_omit)>0)
# alltok = unlist(lapply(substrings_to_omit, function(x)
# gsub(x, "", alltok)))
tn = as.numeric(alltok)
numinds = which(!is.na(tn))
if (length(numinds)>0) alltok = alltok[-numinds]
# title handling
if (!is.na(doctitle)) {
titleTokens = setdiff(strsplit(doctitle, " ")[[1]], stopWords)
alltok = c(alltok, titleTokens)
if (any(is.na(alltok))) alltok = alltok[-which(is.na(alltok))]
nc = nchar(alltok)
bad = which(nc==0)
if (length(bad)>0) alltok=alltok[-bad]
suppressWarnings({ isnum <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(alltok))) })
if (length(isnum)>0) alltok = alltok[-isnum]
alltok = cln(alltok)
alltok = cln(alltok) # try again in case some multihits
# abstract handling -- tokens are obtained and added
# as keywords
if (!is.na(docabst)) {
titleTokens = setdiff(strsplit(docabst, " ")[[1]], stopWords)
alltok = c(alltok, titleTokens)
if (any(is.na(alltok))) alltok = alltok[-which(is.na(alltok))]
nc = nchar(alltok)
bad = which(nc==0)
if (length(bad)>0) alltok=alltok[-bad]
suppressWarnings({ isnum <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(alltok))) })
if (length(isnum)>0) alltok = alltok[-isnum]
alltok = cln(alltok)
alltok = cln(alltok) # try again in case some multihits
# when we contribute to an environment we first check that our
# current key is not present, if it is, we just c() new material
# to the available value
# step 1 -- bind available strings and tokens into docs2kw
# docs2kw = new.env(hash=TRUE),
# kw2docs = new.env(hash=TRUE),
# docs2recs = new.env(hash=TRUE),
vals = cln(unique(c(allstr, alltok)))
if (!is.na(doctitle)) vals = c(vals, doctitle)
if (length(token_fixups)>0) {
for (fu in token_fixups) {
vals = unique(gsub(fu[1], fu[2], vals))
if (length(substrings_to_omit)>0)
vals = unlist(lapply(substrings_to_omit, function(x)
gsub(x, "", vals)))
vlen = nchar(vals)
lv = which(vlen > max_tok_nchar)
if (length(lv)>0)
vals[lv] = paste0(substr(vals[lv], 1, max_tok_nchar), "...")
short = which(vlen < min_tok_nchar)
if (length(short)>0)
vals = vals[-short]
curDocs2kw = try(get(docname, envir=docs2kw(DocSetInstance)), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(curDocs2kw, "try-error")) curDocs2kw=NULL
assign(docname, c(curDocs2kw, vals), envir=docs2kw(DocSetInstance))
# step 2 -- kw2docs
curKw = intersect(vals, ls(envir=kw2docs(DocSetInstance)))
newkeys = setdiff(vals, curKw)
badk = which(nchar(newkeys)==0)
if (length(badk)>0) newkeys = newkeys[-badk]
for (k in curKw) assign(k, unique(c(
get(k, envir=kw2docs(DocSetInstance)), docname)),
for (k in newkeys) assign(k, docname,
# step 3 doc to record mapping
assign(docname, unique(recs), envir=
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