#' app to review molecular properties of cell types via cell ontology
#' @param cl an import of a Cell Ontology (or extended Cell Ontology) in ontology_index form
#' @note Prototype of harvesting of cell ontology by searching
#' has_part, has_plasma_membrane_part, intersection_of and allied
#' ontology relationships. Uses shiny. Can perform better if getPROnto() and getGeneOnto() values
#' are in .GlobalEnv as pr and go respectively.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr filter transmute left_join
#' @return a data.frame with features for selected cell types
#' @export
cumu <- NULL
cl = extcl
if (!exists("pr")) pr <<- getPROnto()
if (!exists("go")) go <<- getGeneOnto()
rp = recognizedPredicates()
lens = lapply(rp, function(x) which(sapply(cl[[x]],length)>0))
kp = unique(unlist(lapply(lens,names)))
clClassNames = sort(cl$name[kp])
clClassDF = data.frame(tag=names(clClassNames),
text=as.character(clClassNames), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
clCL = clClassDF %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("^CL", tag))
server = function(input, output) {
output$deriv = renderPlot({
tag = names(cl$name[ which(cl$name == input$CLclasses) ] )
anc = unique(c(cl$ancestors[[tag]], ontoProc:::isachain(cl, tag))) # cl$ancestors[[tag]]
anc = grep("^CL", anc, value=TRUE)
drp1 = cl$ancestors["CL:0000548"][[1]] # excl ancestors of
drp2 = cl$ancestors["CL:0000003"][[1]] # native and animal
drp = union(drp1, drp2)
#onto_plot(cl, intersect(setdiff(anc,drp),clCL$tag))
onto_plot2(cl, setdiff(anc,drp))
output$picks = renderDataTable({
curtag = (clCL %>% filter(text == input$CLclasses))[["tag"]]
ans = CLfeats(cl, curtag)
ans = cbind(query=curtag, ans)
rownames(ans) = NULL
cumu <<- rbind(cumu, ans)
output$recpred = renderPrint({
output$clvers = renderPrint({
cat(attr(cl, "version"), sep="\n")
output$prvers = renderPrint({
cat(attr(pr, "version"), sep="\n")
output$govers = renderPrint({
cat(attr(go, "version"), sep="\n")
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste('data-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(con) {
write.csv(cumu, con)
if(input$btnSend > 0)
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