
Defines functions bioregistry_ols_resources

Documented in bioregistry_ols_resources

#' produce bioregistry_ols table
#' @return data.frame
#' @note This uses the `resources` method of the bioregistry module from pip
#' to isolate resources with a non-null `ols` component.
#' @examples
#' tab = bioregistry_ols_resources()
#' head(tab[,1:3])
#' @export
bioregistry_ols_resources = function() {
 proc = basilisk::basiliskStart(bsklenv, testload="owlready2") # avoid package-specific import
 basilisk::basiliskRun(proc, function(owlfn, thecall, cache_object) {
 br = reticulate::import("bioregistry")
# call the api
 xx = try(br$resources())
 if (inherits(xx, "try-error")) stop("bioregistry 'resources' method not answering; internet issue?")
# extract ols-associated elements
 allo = lapply(xx, function(x) x$ols)
 lens = vapply(allo,length,numeric(1))
 dr = which(lens==0)
 if (length(dr)>0) allo = allo[-dr]
# set up a template data frame with missing values for a family of fields
 start_df = function( fields = c("contact", "description", "download_owl", "homepage", "name",
     "prefix", "version", "version.iri", "download", "download_rdf") ) {
  n = NA_character_
  simp = rep(n, length(fields))
  base = data.frame(lapply(simp,force))
  names(base) = fields
 setup = function(x) {
  ans = start_df()
  ans[names(x)] = as.character(x)
# create one data frame per resource, confident that there is a 
# common set of possibly NA fields
 nn = lapply(allo, setup)
# rbind them
 do.call(rbind, nn)
vjcitn/ontoProc documentation built on Jan. 9, 2025, 3:21 p.m.