#' define an ssrch DocSet instance using an MSigDb category
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml xml_children xml_attr
#' @note assumes full MSigDb XML document present on disk
#' @param xmlpath character(1) path to full XML
#' @param category character(1) name of category to use
#' @param \dots passed to ssrch::parseDoc
#' @export
cat2docset = function(xmlpath, category="C7", start=1, end=10, ...) {
xdata = read_xml(xmlpath)
ch = xml_children(xdata)
nch = length(ch)
cats = sapply(1:nch, function(x)
xml_attr(ch[[x]], "CATEGORY_CODE"))
ok = which(cats==category)
if (length(ok)==0) stop(sprintf("category %s not found", category))
ch = ch[ok][start:end]
ans = DocSet() # start off
od = getwd()
for (i in 1:length(ch)) {
x = ch[[i]]
tmp = geneset2DocSetElements(x)
tf = tempdir()
write.csv(tmp$genedf, tt <- paste0(tmp$standard_name, ".csv"))
ans = parseDoc(basename(tt), DocSetInstance=ans, doctitle=tmp$title, ...)
geneset2DocSetElements = function(xmlnode) {
title = xml_attr(xmlnode, "DESCRIPTION_BRIEF")
abst = xml_attr(xmlnode, "DESCRIPTION_FULL")
syms = xml_attr(xmlnode, "MEMBERS_SYMBOLIZED")
entrez = xml_attr(xmlnode, "MEMBERS_EZID")
sname = xml_attr(xmlnode, "STANDARD_NAME")
syname = xml_attr(xmlnode, "SYSTEMATIC_NAME")
syms = strsplit(syms, ",")[[1]]
entrez = strsplit(entrez, ",")[[1]]
recident = paste0(syname, "_", syms)
genedf = data.frame(symbol=syms, entrez=entrez, recident=recident, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
list(title=title, abst=abst, genedf=genedf, standard_name=sname)
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