title: "jpNetPack: infrastructure for genomics network research"
author: "Vincent J. Carey, stvjc at channing.harvard.edu"
date: "r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{"jpNetPack: infrastructure for genomics network research"}
highlight: pygments
number_sections: yes
theme: united
toc: yes
```{r setup,echo=FALSE,results="hide"} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(jpNetPack) library(DT) library(mongolite) library(GenomicFiles) })
# Introduction
This package demonstrates high-level tasks related to research in genomic regulatory networks that we can perform with Bioconductor packages.
# Basic representations: eQTL, TF, and chromatin accessibility assay resources
We use `GRanges` instances to represent variants and genomic regions of interest.
## eQTL from GTEx
```{r doeq}
head(demo_eQTL_granges, 3)
The FIMO runs from Kimbie Glass and Abhijeet Sonawane can be imported as GRanges, via a GenomicFiles object. In this example, binding affinities of VDR and POU2F1 are tabulated in a small region of chr17.
```{r lkfim} lapply(demo_fimo_granges, lapply, head, 3)
## DnaseI hotspots and digital genomic footprints
```{r lklk}
In this example, we search TFs for binding sites that overlap with eQTL.
```{r lklklk} seqlevelsStyle(demo_eQTL_granges) = "UCSC" lapply(demo_fimo_granges, lapply, function(x) subsetByOverlaps(x, demo_eQTL_granges))
In the other direction, we enumerate eQTL assertions that overlap with TFBS:
```{r ajdja}
lapply(demo_fimo_granges, lapply,
function(x) subsetByOverlaps(demo_eQTL_granges, x))
This shows that two SNPs that have association with expression of multiple genes overlap with binding sites asserted for POU2F1, but not for any with VDR.
```{r gettab} data(basicColData) as.data.frame(basicColData) %>% dplyr::filter(type=="eQTL") %>% datatable
## Database connection
We use mongolite to provide access to a specific tissue type for which GTEx eQTL are available.
```{r domon}
con1 = mongo(url=URL_txregInAWS(), db="txregnet",
This interface can be wrapped to simplify access to various tissue/assay types.
```{r doobj} cd = TxRegInfra::basicColData rme0 = RaggedMongoExpt(con1, colData=cd) alleq = rme0[, which(colData(rme0)$type=="eQTL")] eq2 = alleq[, which(colData(alleq)$base == "Adipose")] eq2
## Querying mongodb
We can use `sbov` to look for overlaps between the eQTLs
and ranges of interest. At present we do one tissue at
a time. We need to make our queries with sturdy and self-describing
GRanges. Here we are interested in eQTL lying on chr17 between
positions 38000000 and 38100000.
```{r lksb}
query = GRanges("17", IRanges(38e6, 38.1e6))
si = GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome="hg19")["chr17"]
seqlevelsStyle(si) = "NCBI"
seqinfo(query) = si
chksub = sbov(eq2[,"Adipose_Subcutaneous_allpairs_v7_eQTL"], query)
chkoment = sbov(eq2[,"Adipose_Visceral_Omentum_allpairs_v7_eQTL"], query)
Are there eQTL shared between subcutaneous adipose and visceral omentum samples in the query region?
```{r lklklklklk} fo = findOverlaps(chksub, chkoment) fo
Many are shared.
# Extensions Part 2: Querying AWS for TF information
We don't use mongoDB for TF data -- the FIMO data are
too voluminous. In the cloud we have a small number of
FIMO runs. They have 'bed' in their names, but they
are not really BED format.
```{r lkfim2}
colnames(fimo16) = fimo16$HGNC
psfimo = fimo16[,c("POU2F1", "STAT1")]
To find predicted binding regions and scores in an interval of interest, use ```{r lklkfi} seqlevelsStyle(query) = "UCSC" # switch back pslook = fimo_granges( psfimo, query ) pslook
# Extensions part 3. Building graphs for eQTL-TFBS intersections
We need to tack gene symbols on to our eQTL reports.
```{r dosy}
addsyms = function(x, EnsDb=EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75::EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75) {
ensids = gsub("\\..*", "", x$gene_id) # remove post period
gns = ensembldb::genes(EnsDb)
x$symbol = gns[ensids]$symbol
sbov_output_eQTL = addsyms(sbov_output_eQTL)
seqlevelsStyle(sbov_output_eQTL) = "UCSC"
Now we can obtain the intersections of our eQTL with binding sites for the two TFs inspected above: ```{r nnn} ints = lapply(pslook, lapply, function(x) subsetByOverlaps(sbov_output_eQTL, x))
and convert these to graphNEL instances:
```{r ggg}
ll = lapply(ints, lapply, function(x) sbov_to_graphNEL(x))
then to igraph:
{r vis}
stat1 = igraph.from.graphNEL(ll$STAT1[[1]])
plot(stat1, main="SNP:Gene assoc in GTEx lung within STAT1 binding sites by FIMO")
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