# this function will process the sample.attributes
# element of the tibbles returned by SRAdbV2
# ft is a character vector of 'forced tags'
attproc = function (x, ft)
tt = x[[1]][, 1]
if (is.null(ft)) {
vals = lapply(x, "[[", "value")
} else {
vals = lapply(x, function(z) {
tmp = z[, "value", drop=TRUE] # from data.frame
names(tmp) = z[,"tag", drop=TRUE]
ans = tmp[ft]
ans })
ans = do.call(rbind, vals)
if (is.null(ft)) {
colnames(ans) = tt } else colnames(ans) = ft
getStudy = function(studyAcc)
sprintf("study.accession: %s", studyAcc))$scroll()$collate()
#' retrieve a normalized data.frame of sample attributes for SRAdbV2 study tibbles
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @param studyAcc character(1) accession
#' @param returnBad logical(1) returns tibble of experiment metadata for which number
#' of fields in sample.attributes is less than the number in the majority
#' @param forcedTags NULL or character(), introduced to cope with studies
#' for which SRA metadata has inconsistent field sets across experiments.
#' Supply a vector of tags that need to be retrieved; when the metadata
#' lacks a value for the tag it is filled with NA.
#' @note Sometimes a field is omitted for control experiments, and with manual programming
#' conformant metadata can be produced for these experiments. Sometimes there is substantial
#' diversity among sample.attribute fields recorded within a study.
#' @export
sampleAtts = function(studyAcc, returnBad=FALSE, forcedTags=NULL) {
st = getStudy(studyAcc)
nr = nrow(st)
if (nr==0) return(data.frame(study.accession=studyAcc, norowsInGetStudy=TRUE))
sampatts = (st %>% dplyr::select(sample.attributes))[[1]]
nrs = sapply(sampatts, nrow)
if (is.null(forcedTags) & !all(nrs==nrs[1])) {
message("varying numbers of sample.attributes recorded through study")
message("taking union of all available tags for study")
allt = lapply(sampatts, function(x) x[,"tag",drop=TRUE])
forcedTags = unique(unlist(allt))
# nrt = table(nrs)
# ind = which.max(nrt) # modal attr count
# num2use = as.numeric(names(nrt)[ind])
# bad = st[which(nrs < num2use),]
# nb = nrow(bad)
## if (!returnBad) message(nb, " experiments were excluded, use 'returnBad=TRUE' to see why their sample attributes are different from the majority")
# st = st[-which(nrs < num2use),]
ea = st$experiment.accession
procd = attproc(st$sample.attributes, forcedTags)
np = nrow(procd)
if (np != nr) message("metadata on ", nr-np, " experiments could not be processed; set returnBad = TRUE to get full metadata on the excluded experiments")
if (returnBad) return(bad)
experiment.accession=ea, procd),
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