gQTLbrowse = function( store, baseSE,
stateGR, phenGR, FDRsupp, orgDbObj=Homo.sapiens, selector=selectizeInput ) {
# interface to shiny/ggvis eqtl exploration
# assumes central identifier is the gene symbol
# get all available gene symbols
allsyms = keys(orgDbObj, keytype="SYMBOL")
# filter the symbols relevant to the input SummarizedExperiment baseSE,
# which will generally not use gene symbols as rownames ... in fact
# FIXME -- we are assuming existence of gene_name and gene_type in
# rowData, as for geuvPack geuFPKM
# this sort of symbol mapping exercise is common and should be
# substantially abstracted -- perhaps a mapping between GSEABase entities
availProbes = store@probemap$probeid
availSyms = rowData(baseSE[ availProbes, ])$gene_name
sorts = sort(availSyms)
symok = which(availSyms %in% allsyms)
availTypes = rowData(baseSE[ availProbes, ])$gene_type
p2g = availSyms = availSyms[symok]
p2t = availTypes[symok]
availProbes = availProbes[symok]
names(p2g) = availProbes
names(p2t) = availProbes
# we want to get the symbols from shiny, but use
# ggvis for tooltips
ui = fluidPage(
# FIXME should be selectize
fluidRow(selector('sym', 'Gene symbol', choices=c("", sorts),
fluidRow(verbatimTextOutput('ens_out')) ,
fluidRow( ggvisOutput('p') )
server = function(input, output) {
## first, extract the ENSEMBL ID for selected symbol
output$ens_out = renderText(
availProbes[ which(availSyms == input$sym)[1] ] ))
## second, acquire the appropriate eQTL testing results
## and bind information on chromatin state, transcript location
filteredData = reactive( {
need( input$sym != "", "provide symbol" )
# get the GRanges with eQTL results
n1 = extractByProbes( store,
availProbes[ which(availSyms == input$sym)[1] ] )
# obtain chromatin state labels
n1$st878 = rep("none", length(n1))
fo = findOverlaps(n1, stateGR)
n1$st878[ queryHits(fo) ] = as.character(stateGR$name)[ subjectHits(fo) ]
# uniqst = unique(stateGR$name) # useless effort at persistent colormap
# nuniqst = length(uniqst)
# cmap = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(nuniqst) # vector of codes
# n1$col878 = cmap[as.numeric(factor(n1$st878))]
# execute the FDR filter
n1 = FDRsupp@filterUsed(n1)
# compute FDR
n1$ml10FDR = pmin(6, -log10(getFDRfunc(FDRsupp)(n1$chisq)))
# n1 <<- n1
# build data frame for visualization
mydf <- data.frame(chr=as.character(seqnames(n1)), pos=start(n1),
MAF = n1$MAF,
probeid=n1$probeid, snp=n1$snp, ml10FDR = n1$ml10FDR,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, Mb=start(n1)/1e6, st878=n1$st878)
# use global maps to recover symbol and GEUVADIS 'gene type'
mydf$gene = as.character( p2g[ mydf$probeid ] )
mydf$type = as.character( p2t[ mydf$probeid ] )
# obtain a 'gene model' for the selected symbol, so that
# locations of transcripts can be given
mod = gmod2( input$sym )
# add the location information, "faking" fields for eQTL results
extra = tail(mydf, length(mod))
extra$st878 = paste0("TXLOC(", input$sym,")")
extra$Mb = start(mod)/1e6
extra$ml10FDR = -.25
extra$snp = extra$MAF = NA
mydf = rbind(mydf, extra)
# get disease loci
disdat = phenGR[ which(phenGR$geuvvid %in% mydf$snp) ]
if (length(disdat) > 0) {
extra2 = tail(mydf, length(disdat))
extra2$ml10FDR = -.4
extra2$MAF = NA
extra2$Mb = start(disdat)/1e6
extra2$st878 = paste0(" trait: ", disdat$Disease.Trait)
mydf = rbind(mydf, extra2)
# mydf = mydf[ order(mydf$st878), ]
# construct the key for tooltip
mydf$rowid = 1:nrow(mydf)
mydf <<- mydf
vals = mydf %>% dplyr::filter( gene == input$sym ) # do earlier !?!
} )
P1 = reactive( {
need( input$sym != "", "provide symbol" )
all_values <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
row <- mydf[mydf$rowid == x$rowid, ]
paste0(names(row), ": ", format(row), collapse = "<br />")
filteredData %>% ggvis(~Mb, ~ml10FDR, key := ~rowid,
fill = ~st878) %>%
layer_points() %>%
add_tooltip(all_values, "hover") %>% layer_points() %>%
add_legend("fill", title=paste0(deparse(substitute(stateGR)), " state"), values=unique(mydf$st878)) %>%
add_axis("y", title=paste0("-log10 FDR assoc w/ ", input$sym, " expr" ))
} )
P1 %>% bind_shiny("p")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server=server)
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