suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(TxRegInfra2) library(GenomicFiles) library(TFutils) })
TxRegQuery addresses exploration of transcriptional regulatory networks by integrating data on eQTL, digital genomic footprinting (DGF), DnaseI hypersensitivity binding data (DHS), and transcription factor binding site (TFBS) data. Owing to the volume of emerging tissue-specific data, special data modalities are used.
databaseThe for this package describes how to populate a MongoDB instance with demonstrative data. We focus on the CRAN package mongolite as the interface to this data.
suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(TxRegInfra2) library(mongolite) library(TnT) library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75) library(BiocParallel) register(SerialParam()) }) con1 = mongo(url=URL_txregLocal(), db="txregnet", collection="Lung_allpairs_v7_eQTL") names(con1) con1$find(limit=1)
Our aim is to produce tools based on Bioconductor idioms that answer questions about transcription regulation on the basis of documents stored in a MongoDB database.
There is not much explicit reflectance in the mongolite API.
The following is not part of the formal API for the mongo
package, but shows that
the mongo
instance may be queried for information about its origins.
try(parent.env(con1)$orig[c("name", "db", "url")])
MongoDB is a schemaless technology. A 'database' in MongoDB is a family of named 'collections', and collections can be searched using the 'find' operation.
We can only use this package on systems where the mongod
service is running and accepting connections.
We can get a list of collections in the database as follows.
For a single record from a given collection:
mongo(url=URL_txregLocal(), db="txregnet", collection="Lung_allpairs_v7_eQTL")$find(limit=1)
Queries can be composed using JSON. We have a tool to generate queries that employ the mongodb aggregation method. Here we demonstrate this by computing, for each chromosome, the count and minimum values of the footprint statistic on a sample of placental cells.
m1 = mongo(url = URL_txregLocal(), db = "txregnet", collection="fPlacenta_DS20346_hg19_FP") newagg = makeAggregator( by="chr", vbl="stat", op="$min", opname="min")
The JSON layout of this aggregating query is
[ { "$group": { "_id": ["$chr"], "count": { "$sum": [1] }, "min": { "$min": ["$stat"] } } } ]
Invocation returns a data frame:
We need to bind the metadata and information about the mongodb. NB: We may want to utilize MultiAssayExperiment.
The following turns a very ad hoc filtering of the collection names into a DataFrame.
cd = TxRegInfra2::basicColData.tiny head(cd,2)
rme0 = RaggedMongoExpt(con1, colData=cd) rme1 = rme0[, which(cd$type=="FP")]
A key method in development is subsetting the archive by genomic coordinates.
This is accomplished with sbov
, which is an early implementation of the (planned)
si = GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome="hg19")["chr17"] # to fix query genome myg = GRanges("chr17", IRanges(38.07e6,38.09e6), seqinfo=si) s1 = sbov(rme1, myg, simplify=FALSE) s1 #dim(sa <- sparseAssay(s1, 3)) # compact gives segfault sa = as(s1, "GRangesList") sa
ormm = txmodels("ORMDL3", plot=FALSE, name="ORMDL3") #sar = strsplit(rownames(sa), ":|-") dat = unlist(sa) dat$score = 1-dat$stat dat = split(dat, names(dat)) dat[[1]]$value = dat[[1]]$score # for TnT dat[[2]]$value = dat[[2]]$score d1 = dat[[1]] width(d1) = 1 d2 = dat[[2]] width(d2) = 1 names(d1) = seq_len(length(d1)) # for TnT, can't have duplicated rownames names(d2) = seq_len(length(d2)) pt1 = PinTrack(d1) pt2 = PinTrack(d2) data(tnt_genetrack_hg19) data(tnt_txtrack_hg19) vr = GRanges("chr17", IRanges(38.05e6, width=50000)) TnTGenome(list(pt1,pt2,tnt_genetrack_hg19,tnt_txtrack_hg19), view.range=vr)
We begin with three 'single-concept' assays with relevance to lung genomics. The v7 GTEx lung eQTL data, an encode DnaseI narrowPeak report on lung fibroblasts, and a digital genomic footprint report for fetal lung.
lname_eqtl = "Lung_allpairs_v7_eQTL" lname_dhs = "ENCFF001WBZ_hg19_HS" # see dnmeta, fibroblast of lung lname_fp = "fLung_DS14724_hg19_FP" si17 = GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(genome="hg19")["chr17"] si17n = si17 GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(si17n) = "NCBI" s1 = sbov(rme0[,lname_eqtl], GRanges("17", IRanges(38.06e6, 38.15e6), seqinfo=si17n)) s2 = sbov(rme0[,lname_dhs], GRanges("chr17", IRanges(38.06e6, 38.15e6), seqinfo=si17)) s3 = sbov(rme0[,lname_fp], GRanges("chr17", IRanges(38.06e6, 38.15e6), seqinfo=si17))
Now we have annotated GRanges for each assay. The eQTL data in part are:
names(mcols(s1)) head(s1[, c("gene_id", "variant_id", "maf", "pval_nominal")])
The names of genes and variants used here are cumbersome -- symbols and rsids are preferable.
addsyms = function(x, EnsDb=EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75::EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75) { ensids = gsub("\\..*", "", x$gene_id) # remove post period gns = genes(EnsDb) x$symbol = gns[ensids]$symbol x } s1 = addsyms(s1)
Note that it is possible to retrieve rsids for the SNPs by address. But this is a slow operation involving a huge SNPlocs package that we do not want to work with directly for this vignette.
> snpsByOverlaps(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh37, s1b) UnstitchedGPos object with 265 positions and 2 metadata columns: seqnames pos strand | RefSNP_id alleles_as_ambig <Rle> <integer> <Rle> | <character> <character> [1] 17 38061054 * | rs36049276 R [2] 17 38061439 * | rs4795399 Y [3] 17 38062196 * | rs2305480 R [4] 17 38062217 * | rs2305479 Y [5] 17 38062503 * | rs35104165 Y ... ... ... ... . ... ... [261] 17 38149258 * | rs58212353 K [262] 17 38149350 * | rs8073254 V [263] 17 38149411 * | rs34648856 R [264] 17 38149724 * | rs3785549 Y [265] 17 38149727 * | rs3785550 H ------- seqinfo: 25 sequences (1 circular) from GRCh37.p13 genome
The object s1
computed above is available as
. We convert it to a graph via
library(graph) g1 = sbov_to_graphNEL(demo_eQTL_granges) g1
Nodes are SNPs and genes, edges are present when
the resource (in this case the GTEx lung study)
declares an association (in this case, an FDR for
SNP-gene association not exceeding 0.10.) The
library includes functions
for creation of incidence matrices from graphs, and
vice versa.
Given the GRanges representations for sbov
we can use overlap computations to conveniently
identify relationships between eQTL SNPs, genes,
and hypersensitivity or footprint regions.
We use sbov_output_HS
as a persistent instance of
computed above.
seqlevelsStyle(demo_eQTL_granges) = "UCSC" # Fails xmas 2020 seqlevels(demo_eQTL_granges) = "chr17" fo1 = findOverlaps(demo_eQTL_granges, sbov_output_HS) fo1 eq_by_hs = split(demo_eQTL_granges[queryHits(fo1)], subjectHits(fo1)) eq_by_hs
This shows that there are two DHS sites that overlap with SNPs showing eQTL associations with various genes.
For the footprint data, we have:
fo2 = findOverlaps(demo_eQTL_granges, sbov_output_FP) fo2 eq_by_fp = split(demo_eQTL_granges[queryHits(fo2)], subjectHits(fo2)) eq_by_fp
We have a small number of cloud-resident FIMO search
results through the TFutils
library(TFutils) data(demo_fimo_granges) seqlevelsStyle(demo_eQTL_granges) = "UCSC" lapply(demo_fimo_granges, lapply, function(x) subsetByOverlaps(demo_eQTL_granges, x))
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