#' @import BiocGenerics SummarizedExperiment S4Vectors GenomicRanges methods
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData colData<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
## Helper function for validity checks
.uniqueSortIdentical <- function(charvec1, charvec2) {
listInput <- list(charvec1, charvec2)
listInput <- lapply(listInput, function(x) sort(unique(x)))
return(identical(listInput[[1]], listInput[[2]]))
.allIn <- function(charvec1, charvec2) {
return(all(charvec2 %in% charvec1))
### ==============================================
### MultiAssayExperiment class
### ----------------------------------------------
#' An integrative multi-assay class for experiment data
#' @description
#' The \code{MultiAssayExperiment} class can be used to manage results of
#' diverse assays on a collection of specimen. Currently, the class can handle
#' assays that are organized instances of
#' \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{ExpressionSet}},
#' \code{matrix}, \code{\link[RaggedExperiment]{RaggedExperiment}}
#' (inherits from \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}}), and \code{RangedVcfStack}.
#' Create new \code{MultiAssayExperiment} instances with the homonymous
#' constructor, minimally with the argument \code{\link{ExperimentList}},
#' potentially also with the arguments \code{colData} (see section below) and
#' \code{\link{sampleMap}}.
#' @details
#' The dots (\code{\ldots}) argument allows the user to specify additional
#' arguments in several instances. When subsetting (\strong{[}) a
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment}, the dots allow for additional
#' arguments to be sent to \link{findOverlaps}. When using the
#' \code{mergeReplicates} method, the dots are used to specify arguments for
#' the supplied \code{simplify} argument and function. When using the
#' \strong{assay} method. When using \strong{c} method
#' to add experiments to a \code{MultiAssayExperiment}, the dots allow extra
#' data classes compatible with the MultiAssayExperiment API.
#' See the \href{https://github.com/waldronlab/MultiAssayExperiment/wiki/MultiAssayExperiment-API}{MultiAssayExperiment API}
#' @section colData:
#' The \code{colData} slot is a collection of primary specimen data valid
#' across all experiments. This slot is strictly of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} but arguments for the constructor function
#' allow arguments to be of class \code{data.frame} and subsequently coerced.
#' @section ExperimentList:
#' The \code{\link{ExperimentList}} slot is designed to contain results from
#' each experiment/assay. It contains a \link[S4Vectors]{SimpleList}.
#' @section sampleMap:
#' The \code{\link{sampleMap}} contains a \code{DataFrame} of translatable
#' identifiers of samples and participants or biological units. Standard column
#' names of the sampleMap are "assay", "primary", and "colname".
#' @slot ExperimentList A \code{\link{ExperimentList}} class object for
#' each assay dataset
#' @slot colData A \code{DataFrame} of all clinical/specimen data available
#' across experiments
#' @slot sampleMap A \code{DataFrame} of translatable identifiers
#' of samples and participants
#' @slot metadata Additional data describing the
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @slot drops A metadata \code{list} of dropped information
#' @param x A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @param ... Additional arguments for supporting functions. See details.
#' @return A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @examples
#' example("MultiAssayExperiment")
#' ## Subsetting
#' # Rows (i) Rows/Features in each experiment
#' myMultiAssayExperiment[1, , ]
#' myMultiAssayExperiment[c(TRUE, FALSE), , ]
#' # Columns (j) Rows in colData
#' myMultiAssayExperiment[, rownames(colData(myMultiAssayExperiment))[3:2], ]
#' # Assays (k)
#' myMultiAssayExperiment[, , "Affy"]
#' ## Complete cases (returns logical vector)
#' completes <- complete.cases(myMultiAssayExperiment)
#' compMAE <- myMultiAssayExperiment[, completes, ]
#' compMAE
#' colData(compMAE)
#' @exportClass MultiAssayExperiment
#' @seealso \link{MultiAssayExperiment-methods} for slot modifying methods
#' @include ExperimentList-class.R
slots = list(
ExperimentList = "ExperimentList",
colData = "DataFrame",
sampleMap = "DataFrame",
metadata = "ANY",
drops = "list"
### ==============================================
### MultiAssayExperiment constructor
### ----------------------------------------------
.harmonize <- function(experiments, colData, sampleMap) {
harmony <- character()
## sampleMap assays agree with experiment names
assay <- intersect(names(experiments), levels(sampleMap[["assay"]]))
keep_sampleMap_assay <- sampleMap[["assay"]] %in% assay
if (!all(keep_sampleMap_assay)) {
sampleMap <- sampleMap[keep_sampleMap_assay, , drop=FALSE]
sampleMap[["assay"]] <- factor(sampleMap[["assay"]], levels=assay)
harmony <- c(
paste("removing", sum(!keep_sampleMap_assay),
"sampleMap rows not in names(experiments)"))
## sampleMap colname agrees with experiment colnames
grp <- sampleMap[["assay"]]
colnm <- split(sampleMap[["colname"]], grp)
keep <- Map(intersect, colnm, colnames(experiments)[names(colnm)])
keep_sampleMap_colname <- logical(nrow(sampleMap))
split(keep_sampleMap_colname, grp) <- Map("%in%", colnm, keep)
if (!all(keep_sampleMap_colname)) {
sampleMap <- sampleMap[keep_sampleMap_colname, , drop=FALSE]
harmony <- c(
paste("removing", sum(!keep_sampleMap_colname),
"sampleMap rows with 'colname'",
"not in colnames of experiments"))
## sampleMap primary agrees with primary
primary <- intersect(rownames(colData), sampleMap[["primary"]])
keep_sampleMap_primary <- sampleMap[["primary"]] %in% primary
if (!all(keep_sampleMap_primary)) {
sampleMap <- sampleMap[keep_sampleMap_primary, , drop=FALSE]
harmony <- c(
paste("removing", sum(!keep_sampleMap_primary),
"sampleMap rows with 'primary' not in colData"))
## update objects
assay <- intersect(names(experiments), levels(sampleMap[["assay"]]))
experiments_columns <- split(sampleMap[["colname"]], sampleMap[["assay"]])
primary <- intersect(rownames(colData), sampleMap[["primary"]])
keep_colData <- rownames(colData) %in% primary
if (!all(keep_colData)) {
colData <- colData[keep_colData, , drop = FALSE]
harmony <- c(
paste("removing", sum(!keep_colData),
"colData rownames not in sampleMap 'primary'"))
experiments <- ExperimentList(Map(function(x, idx) {
x[, colnames(x) %in% idx, drop=FALSE]
}, experiments[assay], experiments_columns[assay]))
## experiment assay names and sampleMap assays need to be in the same order
if (!identical(levels(sampleMap[["assay"]]), names(experiments))) {
tempMap <- mapToList(sampleMap)[names(experiments)]
sampleMap <- listToMap(tempMap)
if (length(harmony))
message("harmonizing input:\n ", paste(harmony, collapse="\n "))
list(experiments=experiments, sampleMap=sampleMap, colData=colData)
#' Construct a \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' The constructor function for the \link{MultiAssayExperiment-class} combines
#' multiple data elements from the different hierarchies of data
#' (study, experiments, and samples). It can create instances where neither
#' a \code{sampleMap} or a \code{colData} set is provided. Please see the
#' MultiAssayExperiment API documentation for more information by running the
#' \code{API} function.
#' @param experiments A \code{list} or \link{ExperimentList} of all
#' combined experiments
#' @param colData A \code{\link[S4Vectors]{DataFrame}} or \code{data.frame} of
#' characteristics for all biological units
#' @param sampleMap A \code{DataFrame} or \code{data.frame} of assay names,
#' sample identifiers, and colname samples
#' @param metadata An optional argument of "ANY" class (usually list) for
#' content describing the experiments
#' @param drops A \code{list} of unmatched information
#' (included after subsetting)
#' @return A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object that can store
#' experiment and phenotype data
#' @example inst/scripts/MultiAssayExperiment-Ex.R
#' @export MultiAssayExperiment
#' @seealso \link{MultiAssayExperiment-class}
MultiAssayExperiment <-
function(experiments = ExperimentList(),
colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(),
sampleMap = S4Vectors::DataFrame(assay = factor(),
primary = character(),
colname = character()),
metadata = NULL,
drops = list()) {
if (missing(experiments))
experiments <- ExperimentList()
experiments <- ExperimentList(experiments)
if (missing(colData)){
allsamps <- unique(unlist(unname(colnames(experiments))))
colData <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(row.names = allsamps)
} else if (!is(colData, "DataFrame"))
colData <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(colData)
if (missing(sampleMap)){
sampleMap <- .generateMap(colData, experiments)
} else {
sampleMap <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(sampleMap)
if (!all(c("assay", "primary", "colname") %in% colnames(sampleMap)))
stop("'sampleMap' does not have required columns")
if (!is.factor(sampleMap[["assay"]]))
sampleMap[["assay"]] <- factor(sampleMap[["assay"]])
if (!is.character(sampleMap[["primary"]])) {
warning("sampleMap[['primary']] coerced to character()")
sampleMap[["primary"]] <- as.character(sampleMap[["primary"]])
if (!is.character(sampleMap[["colname"]])) {
warning("sampleMap[['colname']] coerced to character()")
sampleMap[["colname"]] <- as.character(sampleMap[["colname"]])
bliss <- .harmonize(experiments, colData, sampleMap)
newMultiAssay <- new("MultiAssayExperiment",
ExperimentList = bliss[["experiments"]],
colData = bliss[["colData"]],
sampleMap = bliss[["sampleMap"]],
metadata = metadata)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Validity
## 1.i. ExperimentList length must be the same as the unique length of the
## sampleMap "assay" column.
.checkExperimentList <- function(object) {
errors <- character()
assays <- levels(sampleMap(object)[["assay"]])
if (length(experiments(object)) != length(assays)) {
msg <- paste0("ExperimentList must be the same length as",
" the sampleMap assay column")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
## 1.ii. Element names of the ExperimentList should be found in the
## sampleMap "assay" column.
if (!all(names(experiments(object)) %in% assays)) {
msg <- paste0("All ExperimentList names were not found in",
" the sampleMap assay column")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors)) NULL else errors
## 1.iii. For each ExperimentList element, colnames must be found in the
## "assay" column of the sampleMap
.checkSampleNames <- function(object) {
sampMap <- sampleMap(object)
assayCols <- mapToList(sampMap[, c("assay", "colname")])
colNams <- colnames(object)
logicResult <- mapply(function(columnNames, assayColumns) {
identical(sort(columnNames), sort(assayColumns))
}, columnNames = colNams,
assayColumns = assayCols)
if (!all(logicResult)) {
"not all samples in the ExperimentList are found in the sampleMap"
## 2.i. See setClass above where colData = "DataFrame"
## 3.i. all values in the sampleMap "primary" column must be found in the
## rownames of colData
## 3.i.a sampleMap assay column must be a factor
.checkSampleMapNamesClass <- function(object) {
errors <- character()
if (!(.allIn(
))) {
msg <- "All samples in the 'sampleMap' must be in the 'colData'"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (!is.factor(sampleMap(object)[["assay"]])) {
msg <- "'sampleMap' assay column not a factor"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (!length(errors)) NULL else errors
## 3.ii. Within rows of "sampleMap" corresponding to a single value in the
## "assay" column, there can be no duplicated values in the "colname" column
.uniqueNamesInAssays <- function(object) {
lcheckdups <- colnames(object)
logchecks <- any(vapply(lcheckdups, FUN = function(x) {
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))
if (logchecks) {
return("All sample identifiers in the assays must be unique")
.validMultiAssayExperiment <- function(object) {
if (length(experiments(object)) != 0L) {
S4Vectors::setValidity2("MultiAssayExperiment", .validMultiAssayExperiment)
.hasOldAPI <- function(object) {
isTRUE(.hasSlot(object, "Elist")) || isTRUE(.hasSlot(object, "pData"))
#' @exportMethod show
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Show method for a
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment}
#' @param object A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
setMethod("show", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(object) {
if (.hasOldAPI(object)) {
stop("MultiAssayExperiment is outdated, please run updateObject()")
o_class <- class(object)
o_len <- length(object)
o_names <- names(object)
if (length(o_names) == 0L) {
o_names <- "none"
classes <- vapply(experiments(object), class, character(1))
c_elist <- class(experiments(object))
c_mp <- class(colData(object))
c_sm <- class(sampleMap(object))
cat(sprintf("A %s", o_class),
"object of", o_len, "listed\n",
ifelse(o_len == 1L, "experiment", "experiments"),
ifelse(all(o_names == "none"), "no user-defined names",
ifelse(length(o_names) == 1L, "a user-defined name",
"user-defined names")),
ifelse(length(o_len) == 0L, "or", "and"),
ifelse(length(o_len) == 0L, "classes.",
ifelse(length(classes) == 1L,
"respective class.", "respective classes.")),
"\n Containing an ")
cat("Features: \n experiments() - obtain the",
sprintf("%s", c_elist), "instance",
"\n colData() - the primary/phenotype", sprintf("%s", c_mp),
"\n sampleMap() - the sample availability", sprintf("%s", c_sm),
"\n `$`, `[`, `[[` - extract colData columns, subset, or experiment",
"\n *Format() - convert",
"into a long or wide", sprintf("%s", c_mp),
"\n assays() - convert", sprintf("%s", c_elist),
"to a SimpleList of matrices\n")
#' @name MultiAssayExperiment-methods
#' @title Accessing/modifying slot information
#' @description A set of accessor and setter generic functions to extract
#' either the \code{sampleMap}, the \code{\link{ExperimentList}},
#' \code{colData}, or \code{metadata} slots of a
#' \code{\link{MultiAssayExperiment}} object
#' @section Accessors:
#' Eponymous names for accessing \code{MultiAssayExperiment} slots with the
#' exception of the \link{ExperimentList} accessor named \code{experiments}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item colData: Access the \code{colData} slot
#' \item sampleMap: Access the \code{sampleMap} slot
#' \item experiments: Access the \link{ExperimentList} slot
#' \item `[[`: Access the \link{ExperimentList} slot
#' \item `$`: Access a column in \code{colData}
#' }
#' @section Setters:
#' Setter method values (i.e., '\code{function(x) <- value}'):
#' \itemize{
#' \item experiments<-: An \code{\link{ExperimentList}} object
#' containing experiment data of supported classes
#' \item sampleMap<-: A \code{\link{DataFrame}} object relating
#' samples to biological units and assays
#' \item colData<-: A \code{\link{DataFrame}} object describing the
#' biological units
#' \item metadata<-: A \code{list} object of metadata
#' \item `[[<-`: Equivalent to the \code{experiments<-} setter method for
#' convenience
#' \item `$<-`: A vector to replace the indicated column in \code{colData}
#' }
#' @param x A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @param object A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @param name A column in \code{colData}
#' @param value See details.
#' @param ... Argument not in use
#' @return Accessors: Either a \code{sampleMap}, \code{ExperimentList}, or
#' \code{DataFrame} object
#' @return Setters: A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @example inst/scripts/MultiAssayExperiment-methods-Ex.R
#' @aliases experiments sampleMap experiments<- sampleMap<-
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Accessor methods
setGeneric("sampleMap", function(x) standardGeneric("sampleMap"))
#' @exportMethod sampleMap
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setMethod("sampleMap", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x)
getElement(x, "sampleMap"))
#' @export
setGeneric("experiments", function(x) standardGeneric("experiments"))
#' @exportMethod experiments
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setMethod("experiments", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x)
getElement(x, "ExperimentList"))
#' @export
#' @exportMethod colData
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setMethod("colData", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x, ...) {
getElement(x, "colData")
#' @exportMethod metadata
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setMethod("metadata", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x)
getElement(x, "metadata"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters
#' @exportMethod length
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Get the length of ExperimentList
setMethod("length", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x)
#' @exportMethod names
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Get the names of the ExperimentList
setMethod("names", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Replacers
setGeneric("sampleMap<-", function(object, value) {
#' @exportMethod sampleMap<-
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setReplaceMethod("sampleMap", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "DataFrame"),
function(object, value) {
slot(object, "sampleMap") <- value
setGeneric("experiments<-", function(object, value)
#' @exportMethod experiments<-
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setReplaceMethod("experiments", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ExperimentList"),
function(object, value) {
if (!length(value)) {
slot(object, "ExperimentList") <- value
rebliss <- .harmonize(value,
ExperimentList = rebliss[["experiments"]],
colData = rebliss[["colData"]],
sampleMap = rebliss[["sampleMap"]],
metadata = metadata(object))
#' @exportMethod colData<-
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setReplaceMethod("colData", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "DataFrame"),
function(x, value) {
slot(x, "colData") <- value
.rearrangeMap <- function(sampMap) {
return(DataFrame(assay = factor(sampMap[["assayname"]]),
primary = sampMap[["primary"]],
colname = sampMap[["assay"]]))
#' @exportMethod metadata<-
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setReplaceMethod("metadata", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ANY"),
function(x, ..., value) {
slot(x, "metadata") <- value
#' @exportMethod $<-
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setReplaceMethod("$", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x, name, value) {
colData(x)[[name]] <- value
#' @exportMethod updateObject
#' @param verbose logical (default FALSE) whether to print extra messages
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Update old serialized MultiAssayExperiment
#' objects to new API
setMethod("updateObject", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(object, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose)
message("updateObject(object = 'MultiAssayExperiment')")
oldAPI <- try(object@ExperimentList, silent = TRUE)
ExperimentList = if (is(oldAPI, "try-error"))
else experiments(object),
colData = if (is(try(object@colData, silent = TRUE),
sampleMap = if (is(oldAPI, "try-error"))
else sampleMap(object),
metadata = metadata(object),
drops = object@drops)
### ==============================================
### MatchedAssayExperiment class
### ----------------------------------------------
#' An integrative and matched-samples class for experiment data
#' @description
#' This class supports the use of matched samples where an equal number
#' of observations per biological unit are present in all assays.
#' @return A \code{MatchedAssayExperiment} object
#' @exportClass MatchedAssayExperiment
#' @seealso MultiAssayExperiment
setClass("MatchedAssayExperiment", contains="MultiAssayExperiment")
.checkEqualPrimaries <- function(object) {
listMap <- mapToList(sampleMap(object))
primaryIDs <- lapply(listMap, function(x) x[["primary"]])
allIDsEqual <- all(vapply(seq_along(primaryIDs)[-1], function(i, prim) {
identical(prim[[1L]], prim[[i]])
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), prim = primaryIDs))
if (!allIDsEqual)
"Primary identifiers are not equal across assays"
.checkPrimaryOrder <- function(object) {
colPrimary <- rownames(colData(object))
listMap <- mapToList(sampleMap(object))
primaryIDs <- lapply(listMap, function(x) x[["primary"]])
allOrdered <- all(vapply(primaryIDs, function(prim) {
identical(colPrimary, prim)
}, logical(1L)))
if (!allOrdered)
"colData row identifiers not identical to sampleMap primary column"
.validMatchedAssayExperiment <- function(object) {
if (length(object) != 0L) {
S4Vectors::setValidity2("MatchedAssayExperiment", .validMatchedAssayExperiment)
#' @describeIn MatchedAssayExperiment-class Construct a
#' \code{MatchedAssayExperiment} class from \linkS4class{MultiAssayExperiment}
#' inputs.
#' @inheritParams MultiAssayExperiment
#' @examples
#' data("miniACC")
#' acc <- as(miniACC, "MatchedAssayExperiment")
#' acc
#' @aliases MatchedAssayExperiment
#' @export MatchedAssayExperiment
MatchedAssayExperiment <- function(experiments = ExperimentList(),
colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(), sampleMap =
S4Vectors::DataFrame(assay = factor(), primary = character(),
colname = character()),
metadata = NULL, drops = list()) {
matched <- MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = experiments, colData = colData,
sampleMap = sampleMap, metadata = metadata,
drops = drops)
if (!isEmpty(matched))
matched <- as(matched, "MatchedAssayExperiment")
setAs("MultiAssayExperiment", "MatchedAssayExperiment", function(from) {
from <- intersectColumns(from)
if (any(anyReplicated(from)))
stop("Resolve replicate columns")
new("MatchedAssayExperiment", from)
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