#' Class representing a local web server static route: path + directory.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname VitessceConfigServerStaticRoute
VitessceConfigServerStaticRoute <- R6::R6Class("VitessceConfigServerStaticRoute",
public = list(
#' @field path The path on which the web server should respond to requests using this callback.
path = NULL,
#' @field directory The directory containing files to serve.
directory = NULL,
#' @description
#' Create a new server route wrapper object.
#' @param path The route path.
#' @param directory The directory to serve statically on this route.
#' @return A new `VitessceConfigServerStaticRoute` object.
initialize = function(path, directory) {
self$path <- path
self$directory <- directory
#' @description
#' Add handler functions to the Plumber server object to respond on this route.
#' @param pr_server The server instance.
#' @return The modified server instance.
create_handlers = function(pr_server) {
# Reference: https://www.rplumber.io/articles/programmatic-usage.html#mount-static
new_server <- plumber::pr_static(pr_server, self$path, self$directory)
# Handle Zarr stores for OME-Zarr images.
head_handler <- function(req, res) {
res$headers[["Accept-Ranges"]] <- "bytes"
res$headers[["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]] <- "*"
res$headers[["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"]] <- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Content-Length, Content-Range, Content-Type, Date, Server, Transfer-Encoding, range"
res$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- "application/octet-stream"
res$status <- 200
new_server <- plumber::pr_head(new_server, paste0(self$path, "/<fname>/.zgroup"), handler = head_handler)
new_server <- plumber::pr_head(new_server, paste0(self$path, "/<fname>/.zarray"), handler = head_handler)
new_server <- plumber::pr_head(new_server, paste0(self$path, "/<fname>/<zkey>/.zarray"), handler = head_handler)
#' Class representing a local web server route for a file which needs to support range requests.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname VitessceConfigServerRangeRoute
VitessceConfigServerFileRoute <- R6::R6Class("VitessceConfigServerFileRoute",
public = list(
#' @field path The path on which the web server should respond to requests using this callback.
path = NULL,
#' @field file_path The file to serve.
file_path = NULL,
#' @description
#' Create a new server route wrapper object.
#' @param path The route path.
#' @param file_path The file to serve on this route.
#' @return A new `VitessceConfigServerRangeRoute` object.
initialize = function(path, file_path) {
self$path <- path
self$file_path <- file_path
#' @description
#' Add handler functions to the Plumber server object to respond on this route.
#' @param pr_server The server instance.
#' @return The modified server instance.
create_handlers = function(pr_server) {
# Add the handler for range requests.
new_server <- plumber::pr_handle(pr_server, c("GET", "HEAD"), self$path, handler = function(req, res) {
if(req$REQUEST_METHOD %in% c("HEAD", "GET")) {
file_path <- self$file_path
res$headers <- obj_list()
# Adapted from https://github.com/rstudio/plumber/blob/e829af6a94380cb897441c1c56129504afb9564f/R/plumber-static.R#L70C9-L85C12
ext <- tools::file_ext(self$file_path)
info <- file.info(self$file_path)
content_type <- get_content_type(ext)
res$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- content_type
res$headers[["Content-Length"]] <- info$size
res$headers[["Last-Modified"]] <- http_date_string(info$mtime)
res$body <- NULL # For HEAD request.
if (req$REQUEST_METHOD == 'GET') {
readBin(self$file_path, 'raw', n = info$size)
# Set other headers.
res$headers[["Accept-Ranges"]] <- "bytes"
res$headers[["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]] <- "*"
res$headers[["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"]] <- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Content-Length, Content-Range, Content-Type, Date, Server, Transfer-Encoding, range"
res$status <- 200
# Return the response object.
#' Class representing a local web server route for a file which needs to support range requests.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname VitessceConfigServerRangeRoute
VitessceConfigServerRangeRoute <- R6::R6Class("VitessceConfigServerRangeRoute",
public = list(
#' @field path The path on which the web server should respond to requests using this callback.
path = NULL,
#' @field file_path The file to serve.
file_path = NULL,
#' @description
#' Create a new server route wrapper object.
#' @param path The route path.
#' @param file_path The file to serve on this route.
#' @return A new `VitessceConfigServerRangeRoute` object.
initialize = function(path, file_path) {
self$path <- path
self$file_path <- file_path
#' @description
#' Add handler functions to the Plumber server object to respond on this route.
#' @param pr_server The server instance.
#' @return The modified server instance.
create_handlers = function(pr_server) {
# Add the handler for range requests.
new_server <- plumber::pr_handle(pr_server, c("GET", "OPTIONS"), self$path, handler = function(req, res) {
if(req$REQUEST_METHOD == "GET") {
file_path <- self$file_path
range_str <- req$HTTP_RANGE
range_matches <- stringr::str_match(range_str, "^bytes=([:digit:]+)-([:digit:]+)$")
range_start <- as.numeric(range_matches[2])
range_end <- as.numeric(range_matches[3])
res$headers <- obj_list()
fp <- file(file_path, "rb")
seek(fp, range_start)
data_length <- (range_end - range_start + 1)
chunk_data <- readBin(fp, "raw", n = data_length)
chunk_length <- length(chunk_data)
file_size <- file.size(file_path)
if(range_end > file_size) {
# Pad with zeros if the range_end went beyond the file size.
chunk_data <- c(chunk_data, rep(0x00, times = range_end - (range_start + chunk_length) + 1))
# Set headers.
res$headers[["Content-Range"]] <- paste0("bytes ", as.character(range_start), "-", as.character(range_end), "/", as.character(file_size))
res$headers[["Content-Length"]] <- as.character(data_length)
res$headers[["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]] <- "*"
res$headers[["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"]] <- "Range"
res$headers[["Accept-Ranges"]] <- "bytes"
res$headers[["Content-Type"]] <- "image/tiff; charset=utf-8"
res$body <- chunk_data
res$status <- 206
} else {
# This is the OPTIONS request.
res$setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Range")
res$status <- 204
# Return the response object.
#' Class representing a local web server to serve dataset objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname VitessceConfigServer
VitessceConfigServer <- R6::R6Class("VitessceConfigServer",
private = list(
server = NULL,
port = NULL
public = list(
#' @field num_obj The number of times the on_obj callback has been called.
num_obj = NULL,
#' @description
#' Create a new server wrapper object.
#' @param port The server port.
#' @return A new `VitessceConfigServer` object.
initialize = function(port) {
cors <- function(res) {
res$setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
private$server <- plumber::pr()
private$server <- plumber::pr_set_docs(private$server, FALSE)
private$server <- plumber::pr_filter(private$server, "CORS", cors)
private$port <- port
#' @description
#' Set up the server routes.
#' @param routes A list of `VitessceConfigServerStaticRoute` objects.
create_routes = function(routes) {
used_paths <- list()
for(route in routes) {
if(!(route$path %in% used_paths)) {
private$server <- route$create_handlers(private$server)
used_paths <- append(used_paths, route$path)
#' @description
#' Run the local server on the specified port.
run = function() {
plumber::pr_run(private$server, port = private$port)
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