url <- ""
dat <- read.csv(url)
dat$Clergy <- ifelse(dat$Clergy > 40, 1, 0) # binary variable for logit model
dat <- dat[!$Region), ]
models <- list()
models[["OLS 1"]] <- lm(Literacy ~ Crime_prop + Infants, dat)
models[["Poisson 1"]] <- glm(Literacy ~ Crime_prop + Donations, dat, family = poisson())
models[["OLS 2"]] <- lm(Desertion ~ Crime_prop + Infants, dat)
models[["Poisson 2"]] <- glm(Desertion ~ Crime_prop + Donations, dat, family = poisson())
models[["Logit 1"]] <- glm(Clergy ~ Crime_prop + Infants, dat, family = binomial())
# manual sandwich
# HC1
for (m in models) {
tab <- modelsummary(m,
output = "dataframe",
vcov = "stata",
estimate = "std.error",
fmt = NULL,
statistic = NULL,
gof_map = NA)
tab <- as.numeric(tab[["(1)"]])
man <- sqrt(diag(sandwich::vcovHC(m, type = "HC1")))
expect_equivalent(tab, man, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# HC4
for (m in models) {
tab <- modelsummary(m,
output = "dataframe",
vcov = "HC4",
estimate = "std.error",
fmt = NULL,
statistic = NULL,
gof_map = NA)
tab <- as.numeric(tab[["(1)"]])
man <- sqrt(diag(sandwich::vcovHC(m, type = "HC4")))
expect_equivalent(tab, man, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# user-supplied vcov_type in gof section
mod <- lm(hp ~ mpg, data = mtcars)
vc <- list(
"Rob" = "robust",
"Stata Corp" = "stata",
"Newey Lewis & the News" = "NeweyWest")
tab <- modelsummary(mod, output = "data.frame", vcov = vc)
row <- unname(unlist(tab[nrow(tab), 4:6]))
expect_equivalent(row, c("Rob", "Stata Corp", "Newey Lewis & the News"))
# sandwich arguments in ellipsis
mod <- lm(y ~ x, PetersenCL)
tab <- modelsummary(mod,
output = "dataframe",
fmt = 7,
estimate = "std.error",
gof_omit = ".*",
statistic = NULL,
vcov = "panel-corrected",
cluster = "firm")
v <- vcovPC(mod, cluster = "firm")
fun <- fmt_decimal(7)
v <- fun(sqrt(diag(v)))
expect_equivalent(unname(v), tab[["(1)"]])
# multi vcov with model recycling
mod <- lm(hp ~ 1, mtcars)
vc <- list("HC0", "classical", ~cyl)
tab <- modelsummary(mod,
output = "data.frame",
estimate = "std.error", statistic = NULL, vcov = vc, gof_omit = ".*")
expect_equivalent(tab[["(1)"]], "11.929")
expect_equivalent(tab[["(2)"]], "12.120")
expect_equivalent(tab[["(3)"]], "43.502")
# character vector
tab1 = modelsummary(models, vcov = "robust", output = "data.frame")
tab2 = modelsummary(models, vcov = rep("robust", 5), output = "data.frame")
tab3 = modelsummary(models, vcov = list("robust", "robust", "robust", "robust", "robust"), output = "data.frame")
tab4 = modelsummary(models, vcov = sandwich::vcovHC, output = "data.frame")
expect_identical(tab1, tab2)
expect_identical(tab1, tab3)
# bad input
expect_error(modelsummary(models, vcov = "bad", output = "data.frame"))
# robust character shortcuts
mod = lm(hp ~ mpg, mtcars)
mod_estimatr = estimatr::lm_robust(hp ~ mpg, mtcars)
x = modelsummary(mod, vcov = "HC1", output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
y = modelsummary(mod, vcov = "stata", output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
expect_equivalent(x[[4]], y[[4]])
x = modelsummary(mod, vcov = "HC3", output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
y = modelsummary(mod, vcov = "robust", output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
expect_equivalent(x[[4]], y[[4]])
x = modelsummary(mod, vcov = "classical", output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
y = modelsummary(mod, output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
expect_equivalent(x[[4]], y[[4]])
x = modelsummary(mod, vcov = "HC2", output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
y = modelsummary(mod_estimatr, output = "dataframe", gof_omit = ".*")
expect_equivalent(x[[4]], y[[4]])
# single model
mod <- lm(hp ~ mpg + drat, mtcars)
x <- modelsummary(mod, vcov = vcov, output = "data.frame")
y <- modelsummary(mod, vcov = vcov(mod), output = "data.frame")
z <- modelsummary(mod, vcov = list(sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))), output = "data.frame")
expect_equivalent(x, y)
expect_equivalent(y, z)
# reference tables
results <- list()
results[["one sandwich"]] <- modelsummary(
output = "data.frame",
vcov = vcov,
statistic = "p.value",
fmt = "%.7f")
results[["many sandwiches"]] <- modelsummary(
output = "data.frame",
vcov = list(vcov, vcov, vcov, vcov, vcov),
fmt = "%.7f")
results[["list of matrices"]] <- modelsummary(
output = "data.frame",
vcov = lapply(models, stats::vcov),
fmt = "%.7f")
results[["hardcoded numerical"]] <- modelsummary(
output = "data.frame",
fmt = "%.7f",
vcov = list(
`OLS 1` = c("(Intercept)" = 2, Crime_prop = 3, Infants = 4),
`NBin 1` = c("(Intercept)" = 3, Crime_prop = -5, Donations = 3),
`OLS 2` = c("(Intercept)" = 7, Crime_prop = -6, Infants = 9),
`NBin 2` = c("(Intercept)" = 4, Crime_prop = -7, Donations = -9),
`Logit 1` = c("(Intercept)" = 1, Crime_prop = -5, Infants = -2)))
results[["hardcoded arbitrary"]] <- modelsummary(
output = "data.frame",
fmt = "%.7f",
vcov = list(
`OLS 1` = c("(Intercept)" = "!!", Crime_prop = "!!!", Infants = "!!!!"),
`NBin 1` = c("(Intercept)" = "[1, 5]", Crime_prop = "[-5, +5]", Donations = "95% CI[-2, -1]"),
`OLS 2` = c("(Intercept)" = "7", Crime_prop = "-6", Infants = "9"),
`NBin 2` = c("(Intercept)" = "\U03B5", Crime_prop = "\U2135", Donations = "\U0414"),
`Logit 1` = c("(Intercept)" = 1, Crime_prop = -5, Infants = -2)))
# we are not interested in GOFs in this test
for (i in seq_along(results)) {
results[[i]] <- results[[i]][results[[i]]$part == "estimates", , drop = FALSE]
results[[i]]$part <- results[[i]]$statistic <- NULL
# # save known values (comment out until new manual check)
# saveRDS(results, file="known_output/statistic-override.rds")
# load reference values (comment out when updating)
reference <- readRDS(file = "known_output/statistic-override.rds")
# bad formula
expect_error(modelsummary(models, vcov = ~bad))
# bad function
expect_error(modelsummary(models, vcov = stats::na.omit))
# vector must be named
vec <- as.numeric(1:3)
expect_error(modelsummary(models[[1]], estimate = c("estimate", "std.error"), vcov = vec))
# vcov content
expect_equivalent(results[["one sandwich"]], reference[["one sandwich"]], ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equivalent(results[["many sandwiches"]], reference[["many sandwiches"]], ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equivalent(results[["list of matrices"]], reference[["list of matrices"]], ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equivalent(results[["hardcoded numerical"]], reference[["hardcoded numerical"]], ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equivalent(results[["hardcoded arbitrary"]], reference[["hardcoded arbitrary"]], ignore_attr = TRUE)
# useless: function but no ci needed
tab <- modelsummary(models, output = "dataframe", vcov = vcov, conf_level = NULL)
expect_inherits(tab, "data.frame")
# sanity checks
expect_error(modelsummary(models, vcov = "panel-corrected"), pattern = "cluster")
# lme4
mod <- lmer(mpg ~ hp + drat + (1 | gear), data = mtcars)
tab <- modelsummary(mod, vcov = "CR0", output = "data.frame")
expect_inherits(tab, "data.frame")
# fixest
mod_lm = lm(hp ~ mpg + drat, mtcars)
if (utils::packageVersion("fixest") >= "0.10.0") {
mod_feols = feols(hp ~ mpg + drat, mtcars, vcov = ~vs)
} else {
mod_feols = feols(hp ~ mpg + drat, mtcars, cluster = ~vs)
models = list("lm" = mod_lm, "feols" = mod_feols)
# no longer true since lm produces RMSE but not fixest
# tab = msummary(models, vcov = 'iid', gof_omit = 'R2|IC|Log|F', output = "data.frame")
# expect_equivalent(tab$lm, tab$feols)
tab = msummary(models, vcov = "HC1", gof_omit = "R2|IC|Log|F", output = "data.frame")
expect_equivalent(tab$lm, tab$feols)
tab = msummary(models, vcov = ~vs, gof_omit = "R2|IC|Log|F", output = "data.frame")
expect_equivalent(tab$lm, tab$feols)
tab = msummary(models, vcov = ~cyl, gof_omit = "R2|IC|Log|F", output = "data.frame")
expect_equivalent(tab$lm, tab$feols)
# warning for non-iid hardcoded vcov
mod <- felm(hp ~ mpg + drat | 0 | 0 | vs, mtcars)
expect_warning(modelsummary(mod, vcov = "iid", output = "data.frame"), pattern = "IID")
mod <- lm_robust(hp ~ mpg + drat, mtcars)
expect_warning(modelsummary(mod, vcov = "iid", output = "data.frame"), pattern = "IID")
mod <- felm(hp ~ mpg + drat | cyl, mtcars)
expect_warning(modelsummary(mod, vcov = "iid", output = "data.frame"), pattern = "IID")
mod <- felm(hp ~ mpg | cyl ~ gear, data = mtcars)
# sandwich does not work with lfe::felm
expect_error(modelsummary(mod, vcov = list(NULL, "robust"), output = "data.frame"))
# # assume user knows that they are doing
# modelsummary(mod, vcov = list('Robust' = mod$robustvcv), output = "data.frame")
# # no explicit vcov names, so we raise the warning
# expect_warning(modelsummary(mod, vcov = list(NULL, "classical", vcov(mod, se = "hetero")), output = "data.frame"),
# pattern = "IID")
# hardcoded numerical
mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp + drat, mtcars)
tab <- modelsummary(mod,
gof_map = NA,
estimate = "std.error",
statistic = NULL,
output = "data.frame",
vcov = c(
"(Intercept)" = 9,
"drat" = 3,
"hp" = 2))
expect_equivalent(tab[["(1)"]], c("9.000", "2.000", "3.000"))
# sublist (sandwich vignette)
models <- lm(hp ~ mpg + drat, mtcars)
tab <- modelsummary(
output = "data.frame",
vcov = list(vcov))
expect_inherits(tab, "data.frame")
expect_equivalent(dim(tab), c(14, 4))
# clustered standard errors
# checked manually against fixest clusters
# se = fixest::feols(f, mtcars) %>%
# fixest::se(cluster=~cyl)
f = hp ~ mpg + drat + vs
mod = lm(f, mtcars)
tmp = modelsummary(mod,
gof_omit = ".*",
vcov = ~cyl,
output = "dataframe")
truth = c("247.053", "(73.564)", "-7.138", "(3.162)", "18.064", "(40.237)", "-50.124", "(13.268)")
expect_equivalent(truth, tmp[[4]])
# lme4 and various warnings
models = list(
lm(hp ~ mpg, mtcars),
lmer(hp ~ mpg + (1 | cyl), mtcars))
tab = modelsummary(models, output = "dataframe", vcov = list("robust", "classical"))
expect_inherits(tab, "data.frame")
expect_equivalent(ncol(tab), 5)
expect_error(modelsummary(models, output = "dataframe", vcov = "robust"), pattern = "Unable to extract")
expect_inherits(modelsummary(models[[2]], output = "dataframe", vcov = stats::vcov), "data.frame")
# Issue #605: get_estimates supports vcov shortcuts
mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)
get_estimates(mod, vcov = "stata")$std.error,
sqrt(diag(sandwich::vcovHC(mod, "HC1"))))
get_estimates(mod, vcov = "robust")$std.error,
sqrt(diag(sandwich::vcovHC(mod, "HC3"))))
get_estimates(mod, vcov = ~cyl)$std.error,
sqrt(diag(sandwich::vcovCL(mod, ~cyl))))
# Issue 640
mlm <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
mglm <- glm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
a <- modelsummary(mlm, vcov = vcovHC, estimate = "", statistic = NULL, output = "dataframe", gof_map = NA)
b <- modelsummary(mlm, estimate = "", statistic = NULL, output = "dataframe", gof_map = NA)
expect_false(any(a[["(1)"]] == b[["(1)"]]))
a <- modelsummary(mglm, vcov = sandwich::vcovHC, estimate = "", statistic = NULL, output = "dataframe", gof_map = NA)
b <- modelsummary(mglm, estimate = "", statistic = NULL, output = "dataframe", gof_map = NA)
expect_false(any(a[["(1)"]] == b[["(1)"]]))
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