#' Cross tabulations for categorical variables
#' Convenience function to tabulate counts, cell percentages, and row/column
#' percentages for categorical variables. See the Details section for a
#' description of the internal design. For more complex cross tabulations, use
#' \link{datasummary} directly. See the Details and Examples sections below,
#' and the vignettes on the `modelsummary` website:
#' * https://modelsummary.com/
#' * https://modelsummary.com/articles/datasummary.html
#' @inheritParams datasummary
#' @import tables
#' @param formula A two-sided formula to describe the table: rows ~ columns,
#' where rows and columns are variables in the data. Rows and columns may
#' contain interactions, e.g., `var1 * var2 ~ var3`.
#' @param statistic A formula of the form `1 ~ 1 + N + Percent("row")`. The
#' left-hand side may only be empty or contain a `1` to include row totals.
#' The right-hand side may contain: `1` for column totals, `N` for counts,
#' `Percent()` for cell percentages, `Percent("row")` for row percentages,
#' `Percent("col")` for column percentages.
#' @details `datasummary_crosstab` is a wrapper around the \link{datasummary}
#' function. This wrapper works by creating a customized formula and by
#' feeding it to `datasummary`. The customized formula comes in two parts.
#' First, we take a two-sided formula supplied by the `formula` argument.
#' All variables of that formula are wrapped in a `Factor()` call to ensure
#' that the variables are treated as categorical.
#' Second, the `statistic` argument gives a two-sided formula which specifies
#' the statistics to include in the table. `datasummary_crosstab` modifies
#' this formula automatically to include "clean" labels.
#' Finally, the `formula` and `statistic` formulas are combined into a single
#' formula which is fed directly to the `datasummary` function to produce the
#' table.
#' @template kableExtra2tinytable
#' @template citation
#' @template options
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' library(modelsummary)
#' # crosstab of two variables, showing counts, row percentages, and row/column totals
#' datasummary_crosstab(cyl ~ gear, data = mtcars)
#' # crosstab of two variables, showing counts only and no totals
#' datasummary_crosstab(cyl ~ gear, statistic = ~ N, data = mtcars)
#' # crosstab of three variables
#' datasummary_crosstab(am * cyl ~ gear, data = mtcars)
#' # crosstab with two variables and column percentages
#' datasummary_crosstab(am ~ gear, statistic = ~ Percent("col"), data = mtcars)
#' ```
#' @details
#' Variables in `formula` are automatically wrapped in `Factor()`.
#' @export
datasummary_crosstab <- function(formula,
statistic = 1 ~ 1 + N + Percent("row"),
output = getOption("modelsummary_output", default = "default"),
fmt = 1,
title = getOption("modelsummary_title", default = NULL),
notes = getOption("modelsummary_notes", default = NULL),
align = getOption("modelsummary_align", default = NULL),
add_columns = getOption("modelsummary_add_columns", default = NULL),
add_rows = getOption("modelsummary_add_rows", default = NULL),
sparse_header = getOption("modelsummary_sparse_header", default = TRUE),
escape = getOption("modelsummary_escape", default = TRUE),
...) {
## settings
settings_init(settings = list(
"function_called" = "datasummary_crosstab"
# argument checking
tmp <- sanitize_output(output) # before sanitize_escape
output_format <- tmp$output_format
output_factory <- tmp$output_factory
output_file <- tmp$output_file
sanitize_escape(escape) # after sanitize_output
checkmate::assert_formula(statistic, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_data_frame(data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1)
# `formula` may not contain +
formula_str <- deparse(formula, width.cutoff = 500)
if (grepl("+", formula_str, fixed = TRUE)) {
stop("The `formula` argument of the `datasummary_crosstab` function may not contain variables connected by +, only interactions with * are allowed. To produce more complex tables, consider using the datasummary() function.", call. = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(grepl("=|Heading", formula_str))) {
msg <-
"The `formula` argument of the `datasummary_crosstab` function does not support the `=` sign or the `Heading()` function. You can rename variables in the data frame before calling `datasummary_crosstab` and use backticks to enclose variable names with spaces. For example:
dat <- mtcars
dat$`# of Cylinders` <- dat$cyl
datasummary_crosstab(`# of Cylinders` ~ am * gear, data = dat)
Note that the `datasummary()` function supports the `=` sign and the `Heading()` function to rename variables. If you would like to contribute code to support those in `datasummary_crosstab`, please visit the `modelsummary` development website: https://github.com/vincentarelbundock/modelsummary
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
# `formula` must be length 3
if (length(formula) != 3) {
stop("`formula` needs to be a two-sided formula, e.g. var1 ~ var2. To produce more complex tables, consider using the datasummary() function.", call. = FALSE)
# check statistic formula
if (!is.null(statistic)) {
lhs_statistic <- ifelse(length(statistic) == 2, "", deparse(statistic[[2]]))
if (!(lhs_statistic %in% c("", ".", "1"))) {
stop("The left-hand side of `statistic` must either be empty of 1. To produce more complex tables, consider using the datasummary() function.")
rhs_statistic <- utils::tail(as.character(statistic), 1)
if (grepl("*", rhs_statistic, fixed = TRUE)) {
stop("`statistic` may not contain interactions. To produce more complex tables, consider using the datasummary() function.")
statistic_terms <- stats::terms(statistic)
allowed <- c("N", "Percent()", 'Percent("row")', 'Percent("col")')
if (!all(labels(statistic_terms) %in% allowed)) {
stop("The right-hand side of `statistic` may only contain 1, N, Percent(), Percent('row'), or Percent('col').To produce more complex tables, consider using the datasummary() function.")
# find out if row/column totals should be included
total_row <- ifelse(lhs_statistic == "1", " + 1", "")
rhs <- unlist(strsplit(rhs_statistic, "+", fixed = TRUE))
total_col <- ifelse("1" %in% trimws(rhs), " + 1", "")
# adjust labels for %
labels <- labels(statistic_terms)
labels[labels == "Percent()"] <- 'Heading("%")*Percent()'
labels[labels == 'Percent("row")'] <- 'Heading("% row")*Percent("row")'
labels[labels == 'Percent("col")'] <- 'Heading("% col")*Percent("col")'
# treat all variables as Factors
## lhs_formula <- paste0("Factor(", all.vars(formula[[2]]), ")")
## rhs_formula <- paste0("Factor(", all.vars(formula[[3]]), ")")
lhs_formula <- paste0(all.vars(formula[[2]]))
rhs_formula <- paste0(all.vars(formula[[3]]))
# wrap variable names in backticks if they include spaces
idx <- grepl("\\s", lhs_formula)
lhs_formula[idx] <- sprintf("`%s`", lhs_formula[idx])
idx <- grepl("\\s", rhs_formula)
rhs_formula[idx] <- sprintf("`%s`", rhs_formula[idx])
lhs_formula <- ifelse(
sapply(lhs_formula, function(x) !is.factor(data[[x]])),
sprintf("Factor(%s)", lhs_formula),
rhs_formula <- ifelse(
sapply(rhs_formula, function(x) !is.factor(data[[x]])),
sprintf("Factor(%s)", rhs_formula),
if (is.null(statistic)) {
d_formula <- sprintf(
"%s ~ %s",
paste(lhs_formula, collapse = " * "),
paste(rhs_formula, collapse = " * "))
} else {
d_formula <- sprintf(
"(%s%s) * (%s) ~ %s%s",
paste(lhs_formula, collapse = " * "), total_row,
paste(labels, collapse = " + "),
paste(rhs_formula, collapse = " * "), total_col)
out <- datasummary(
formula = stats::as.formula(d_formula),
data = data,
output = output,
fmt = fmt,
title = title,
notes = notes,
align = align,
add_columns = add_columns,
add_rows = add_rows,
sparse_header = sparse_header,
escape = escape,
if (!is.null(output_file)) {
} else {
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