# Test setup
simpleInciMat <- function() {
## Here's a simple graph for testing
## a b
## |\ /|
## | \___c___/ |
## | | |
## \ | /
## \____d____/
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
simpleDirectedGraph <- function() {
## Here's a simple graph for testing
## a b
## |\ /^
## | \__>c<__/ |
## | ^ |
## \ | /
## \___>d____/
mat <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
rownames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
colnames(mat) <- letters[1:4]
new("graphAM", adjMat=mat, edgemode="directed")
testNodeDataDefaults <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
## If no attributes have been defined, empty list.
checkEquals(list(), nodeDataDefaults(g1))
## Can assign a named list
myEdgeAttributes <- list(foo=1, bar="blue")
nodeDataDefaults(g1) <- myEdgeAttributes
checkEquals(myEdgeAttributes, nodeDataDefaults(g1))
checkEquals(myEdgeAttributes$foo, nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr="foo"))
nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr="size") <- 400
checkEquals(400, nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr="size"))
checkException(nodeDataDefaults(g1, attr="NOSUCHATTRIBUTE"), silent=TRUE)
checkException(nodeDataDefaults(g1) <- list(1, 3, 4),
silent=TRUE) ## must have names
testEdgeDataDefaults <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
## If no attributes have been defined, empty list.
checkEquals(list(), edgeDataDefaults(g1))
## Can assign a named list
myEdgeAttributes <- list(foo=1, bar="blue")
edgeDataDefaults(g1) <- myEdgeAttributes
checkEquals(myEdgeAttributes, edgeDataDefaults(g1))
checkEquals(myEdgeAttributes$foo, edgeDataDefaults(g1, attr="foo"))
edgeDataDefaults(g1, attr="size") <- 400
checkEquals(400, edgeDataDefaults(g1, attr="size"))
checkException(edgeDataDefaults(g1, attr="NOSUCHATTRIBUTE"), silent=TRUE)
checkException(edgeDataDefaults(g1) <- list(1, 3, 4),
silent=TRUE) ## must have names
testNodeDataGetting <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
myAttributes <- list(size=1, dim=c(3, 3), name="fred")
nodeDataDefaults(g1) <- myAttributes
checkEquals("fred", nodeData(g1, "a", attr="name")[[1]])
someNodes <- c("a", "b")
expect <- as.list(c(1, 1))
names(expect) <- someNodes
checkEquals(expect, nodeData(g1, n=someNodes, attr="size"))
expect <- as.list(rep("fred", length(nodes(g1))))
names(expect) <- nodes(g1)
checkEquals(expect, nodeData(g1, attr="name"))
checkEquals(myAttributes, nodeData(g1, n="a")[[1]])
everything <- nodeData(g1)
for (alist in everything)
checkEquals(myAttributes, alist)
testNodeDataSetting <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
myAttributes <- list(size=1, dim=c(3, 3), name="fred")
nodeDataDefaults(g1) <- myAttributes
## unknown node is error
checkException(nodeData(g1, n="UNKNOWN_NODE", attr="size") <- 5, silent=TRUE)
## unknown attr is error
checkException(nodeData(g1, n="a", attr="UNKNOWN") <- 5, silent=TRUE)
nodeData(g1, n="a", attr="size") <- 5
checkEquals(5, nodeData(g1, n="a", attr="size")[[1]])
nodeData(g1, n=c("a", "b", "c"), attr="size") <- 50
expect <- myAttributes
expect[["size"]] <- 50
checkEquals(list(a=expect, b=expect, c=expect),
nodeData(g1, n=c("a", "b", "c")))
nodeData(g1, n=c("a", "b", "c"), attr="size") <- c(1, 2, 3)
checkEquals(c(1, 2, 3),
as.numeric(nodeData(g1, n=c("a", "b", "c"), attr="size")))
nodeData(g1, attr="name") <- "unknown"
expect <- as.list(rep("unknown", length(nodes(g1))))
names(expect) <- nodes(g1)
checkEquals(expect, nodeData(g1, attr="name"))
testEdgeDataGetting <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
myAttributes <- list(size=1, dim=c(3, 3), name="fred")
edgeDataDefaults(g1) <- myAttributes
checkEquals("fred", edgeData(g1, from="a", to="d", attr="name")[[1]])
fr <- c("a", "b")
to <- c("c", "c")
expect <- as.list(c(1, 1))
names(expect) <- c("a|c", "b|c")
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size"))
expect <- rep("fred", sum(sapply(edges(g1), length)))
checkEquals(expect, as.character(edgeData(g1, attr="name")))
checkEquals(myAttributes, edgeData(g1, from="a", to="c")[[1]])
everything <- edgeData(g1)
for (alist in everything)
checkEquals(myAttributes, alist)
got <- edgeData(g1, from="d", attr="size")
checkEquals(3, length(got))
checkEquals(rep(1, 3), as.numeric(got))
got <- edgeData(g1, to="d", attr="size")
checkEquals(3, length(got))
checkEquals(rep(1, 3), as.numeric(got))
expect <- c("a|c", "a|d", "d|a", "d|b", "d|c")
checkEquals(expect, names(edgeData(g1, from=c("a", "d"), attr="name")))
testEdgeDataToOnlyUndir <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
mat[1, 3] <- mat[3, 1] <- 100
mat[1, 4] <- mat[4, 1] <- 200
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat, values=list(weight=1))
got <- edgeData(g1, to=c("a", "b"), attr="weight")
expect <- c("c|a", "d|a", "c|b", "d|b")
checkEquals(expect, names(got))
testEdgeDataToOnlyDir <- function() {
g1 <- simpleDirectedGraph()
edgeDataDefaults(g1, attr="weight") <- 1
edgeData(g1, from=c("a", "b"), to=c("c", "c"), attr="weight") <- c(10, 20)
got <- edgeData(g1, to=c("a", "b"), attr="weight")
expect <- c("d|b")
checkEquals(expect, names(got))
testEdgeDataSettingDirected <- function() {
g1 <- simpleDirectedGraph()
myAttributes <- list(size=1, dim=c(3, 3), name="fred")
edgeDataDefaults(g1) <- myAttributes
edgeData(g1, from="a", to="d", attr="name") <- "Joe"
expect <- myAttributes
expect[["name"]] <- "Joe"
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, from="a", to="d")[[1]])
fr <- c("a", "b")
to <- c("c", "c")
expect <- as.list(c(5, 5))
names(expect) <- c("a|c", "b|c")
edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size") <- 5
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size"))
expect <- as.list(c(10, 20))
names(expect) <- c("a|c", "b|c")
edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size") <- c(10, 20)
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size"))
edgeData(g1, from="a", attr="size") <- 555
checkEquals(rep(555, 2), as.numeric(edgeData(g1, from="a", attr="size")))
edgeData(g1, to="b", attr="size") <- 111
checkEquals(111, as.numeric(edgeData(g1, to="b", attr="size")))
testEdgeDataSettingUndirected <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
myAttributes <- list(size=1, dim=c(3, 3), name="fred")
edgeDataDefaults(g1) <- myAttributes
edgeData(g1, from="a", to="d", attr="name") <- "Joe"
expect <- myAttributes
expect[["name"]] <- "Joe"
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, from="a", to="d")[[1]])
## verify reciprocal edge data was set
checkEquals("Joe", edgeData(g1, from="d", to="a", attr="name")[[1]])
fr <- c("a", "b")
to <- c("c", "c")
expect <- as.list(c(5, 5))
names(expect) <- c("a|c", "b|c")
edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size") <- 5
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size"))
names(expect) <- c("c|a", "c|b")
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, to, fr, attr="size"))
expect <- as.list(c(10, 20))
names(expect) <- c("a|c", "b|c")
edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size") <- c(10, 20)
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, fr, to, attr="size"))
names(expect) <- c("c|a", "c|b")
checkEquals(expect, edgeData(g1, to, fr, attr="size"))
edgeData(g1, from="a", attr="size") <- 555
checkEquals(rep(555, 2), as.numeric(edgeData(g1, from="a", attr="size")))
checkEquals(555, edgeData(g1, from="c", to="a", attr="size")[[1]])
edgeData(g1, to="b", attr="size") <- 111
checkEquals(rep(111, 2), as.numeric(edgeData(g1, to="b", attr="size")))
checkEquals(111, edgeData(g1, from="c", to="b", attr="size")[[1]])
testEdgeDataSettingFromOnly <- function() {
mat <- simpleInciMat()
g1 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=mat)
myAttributes <- list(size=1, dim=c(3, 3), name="fred")
edgeDataDefaults(g1) <- myAttributes
expect <- rep("fred", 5)
got <- unlist(edgeData(g1, from=c("a", "d"), attr="name"), use.names=FALSE)
checkEquals(expect, got, "precondition check")
edgeData(g1, from=c("a", "d"), attr="name") <- "Sam"
expect <- rep("Sam", 5)
got <- unlist(edgeData(g1, from=c("a", "d"), attr="name"), use.names=FALSE)
checkEquals(expect, got, "use from only in assign")
testNormalizeEdges <- function() {
checkException(graph:::.normalizeEdges(c("b", "d"), c("a", "b", "c")), silent=TRUE)
checkException(graph:::.normalizeEdges(c("a", "b", "c"), c("a", "e")), silent=TRUE)
f <- letters[1:10]
t <- letters[11:20]
checkEquals(list(from=f, to=t), graph:::.normalizeEdges(f, t))
checkEquals(list(from=c("a", "a", "a"), to=c("a", "b", "c")),
graph:::.normalizeEdges("a", c("a", "b", "c")))
checkEquals(list(from=c("a", "b", "c"), to=c("d", "d", "d")),
graph:::.normalizeEdges(c("a", "b", "c"), "d"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.