segment <- function(x, weights=NULL, alpha=0.01, nperm=10000, p.method=
c("hybrid","perm"), min.width=2, kmax=25, nmin=200,
eta=0.05, sbdry=NULL, trim = 0.025, undo.splits=
c("none","prune", "sdundo"), undo.prune=0.05, undo.SD=3,
if (!inherits(x, 'CNA')) stop("First arg must be a copy number array object")
call <-
if (min.width < 2 | min.width > 5) stop("minimum segment width should be between 2 and 5")
if (nmin < 4*kmax) stop("nmin should be >= 4*kmax")
if (missing(sbdry)) {
if (nperm==10000 & alpha==0.01 & eta==0.05) {
if (!exists("default.DNAcopy.bdry")) data(default.DNAcopy.bdry, package="DNAcopy",envir=environment())
sbdry <- get("default.DNAcopy.bdry", envir=environment())
} else {
max.ones <- floor(nperm*alpha) + 1
sbdry <- getbdry(eta, nperm, max.ones)
weighted <- ifelse(missing(weights), FALSE, TRUE)
# rudimentary error checking for weights
if (weighted) {
if (length(weights) != nrow(x)) stop("length of weights should be the same as the number of probes")
if (min(weights) <= 0) stop("all weights should be positive")
sbn <- length(sbdry)
nsample <- ncol(x)-2
sampleid <- colnames(x)[-(1:2)]
uchrom <- unique(x$chrom)
data.type <- attr(x, "data.type")
p.method <- match.arg(p.method)
undo.splits <- match.arg(undo.splits)
segres <- list()
segres$data <- x
allsegs <- list()
allsegs$ID <- NULL
allsegs$chrom <- NULL
allsegs$loc.start <- NULL
allsegs$loc.end <- NULL
allsegs$num.mark <- NULL
allsegs$seg.mean <- NULL
segRows <- list()
segRows$startRow <- NULL
segRows$endRow <- NULL
for (isamp in 1:nsample) {
if (verbose>=1) cat(paste("Analyzing:", sampleid[isamp],"\n"))
genomdati <- x[,isamp+2]
ina <- which(is.finite(genomdati))
genomdati <- genomdati[ina]
trimmed.SD <- sqrt(trimmed.variance(genomdati, trim))
chromi <- x$chrom[ina]
# maploci <- x$maploc[ina]
if (weighted) {
wghts <- weights[ina]
} else {
wghts <- NULL
sample.lsegs <- NULL
sample.segmeans <- NULL
for (ic in uchrom) {
if (verbose>=2) cat(paste(" current chromosome:", ic, "\n"))
segci <- changepoints(genomdati[chromi==ic], data.type, alpha,
wghts[chromi==ic], sbdry, sbn, nperm, p.method,
min.width, kmax, nmin, trimmed.SD, undo.splits,
undo.prune, undo.SD, verbose)
sample.lsegs <- c(sample.lsegs, segci$lseg)
sample.segmeans <- c(sample.segmeans, segci$segmeans)
sample.nseg <- length(sample.lsegs)
sample.segs.start <- ina[cumsum(c(1,sample.lsegs[-sample.nseg]))]
sample.segs.end <- ina[cumsum(sample.lsegs)]
allsegs$ID <- c(allsegs$ID, rep(isamp,sample.nseg))
allsegs$chrom <- c(allsegs$chrom, x$chrom[sample.segs.end])
allsegs$loc.start <- c(allsegs$loc.start, x$maploc[sample.segs.start])
allsegs$loc.end <- c(allsegs$loc.end, x$maploc[sample.segs.end])
allsegs$num.mark <- c(allsegs$num.mark, sample.lsegs)
allsegs$seg.mean <- c(allsegs$seg.mean, sample.segmeans)
segRows$startRow <- c(segRows$startRow, sample.segs.start)
segRows$endRow <- c(segRows$endRow, sample.segs.end)
allsegs$ID <- sampleid[allsegs$ID]
allsegs$seg.mean <- round(allsegs$seg.mean, 4)
allsegs <-
allsegs$ID <- as.character(allsegs$ID)
segres$output <- allsegs
segres$segRows <-
segres$call <- call
if (weighted) segres$weights <- weights
class(segres) <- "DNAcopy"
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.