#' Patient linear ordering based on gene set expression
#' @description
#' \code{sig.ranksum} linearly orders samples based on expression of a defined
#' set of genes. Patients with the same ranksum are assigned their 'average' rank,
#' i.e., they all receive the same rank value, which might not be an integer.
#' Genes in the set are partitioned into two groups around myeloids (𝑀1 and 𝑀2)
#' using correlation as the distance metric. Each gene in 𝑀1 and 𝑀2 is ordered
#' from high to low and low to high expression, respectively.
#' Expression values of each gene are then replaced by their ranks across patients.
#' The sum of gene ranks (ranksum) are then used to linearly ordered patients.
#' Note that 'up' and 'dn' or 'ns' are used to index into exprdata.
#' @param x.dat a list with at least 3 objects. exprs: gene expression data,
#' must be a matrix. Genes are in rows, patients in columns.
#' NAs in exprdata are not supported. clinical: clinical information
#' data frame. cohorts: list of patient subgroups
#' @param up indices of up-regulated genes
#' @param dn indices of down-regulated genes
#' @param ns indices of genes whose directions have not been specified.
#' @param n number of permutations to perform to compute the region of indendence
#' @param middle.range percentile point of the distribution of random patient
#' ranks to define the region of independence
#' @param seed random seed number
#' @param mc.cores number of cores to use
#' @return
#' The output is a list containing the following objects
#' \item{pat.order}{vector providing the patient linear ordering.
#' data[, pat.order] orders the
#' columns of
#' expression matrix according to the sum of gene ranks (gene ranksums).}
#' \item{ranksum}{vector of gene ranksums acr}
#' m{gene.order}{gene ordering. exprdata[gene.order, ] sorts rows of exprdata
#' so that genes within each group around the two myeloids are ordered according
#' to the strength of their association with the patient linear ordering.
#' Most correlated genes are at each end of the
#' ordering}
#' \item{dat}{matrix of expression of \code{up and dn} or \code{ns} genes
#' reordered by patient and gene ordering.}
#' \item{up.dn}{vector with nrow(dat) values. -1, indicates down-gene
#' and 1 indicates up-gene.}
#' \item{up}{vector of indexes pointing at M1 genes in exprdata defined as upregulated
#' i.e positively correlated with patient ordering.}
#' \item{dn}{vector of indexes pointing at M2 genes in exprdata defined as downregulated
#' i.e negatively correlated with patient ordering.}
#' @export
sig.ranksum <- function(x.dat, up = NULL, dn = NULL, ns = NULL, n = 1000,
middle.range = 0.95, seed = 123456, mc.cores = 2)
if (length(up) == 0 && length(dn) == 0 && length(ns) == 0)
stop("no indices were specified")
if (length(ns) > 0 && (length(up) > 0 || length(dn) > 0))
stop("both directional and non-directional indices were specified")
if (is.logical(up))
up <- which(up)
if (is.logical(dn))
dn <- which(dn)
if (is.logical(ns))
ns <- which(ns)
if (is.null(x.dat$cohorts))
stop ("cohorts is missing")
if (is.null(x.dat$exprs))
stop ("exprs is missing")
if (!identical(class(x.dat$cohorts), "list"))
stop("cohorts should be a list")
if (is.null(x.dat$cohorts))
stop("members of cohorts should be named")
if (!is.null(x.dat$cohorts) & any(is.na(names(x.dat$cohorts))))
stop("all members of cohorts be named")
if (!all(unlist(sapply(x.dat$cohorts, function(x) {
x %in% colnames(x.dat$exprs)})
stop ("cohorts should be a list of character vectors of
sample names as given in column names of exprs")
bresat <- lapply(x.dat$cohorts, function(pat) {
exprdata <- x.dat$exprs[, colnames(x.dat$exprs) %in% pat]
if (ncol(exprdata) < 2) {
ret <- list()
up <- c(up, ns)
ret$rank <- 1
ret$pat.order <- 1
ret$gene.order <- c(up, dn)
ret$dat <- exprdata[ret$gene.order, , drop = FALSE]
ret$up.dn <- c(rep(1, length(up)), rep(-1, length(dn)))
if (length(ns) > 0) {
tmp <- matrixStats::rowSds(exprdata[ns, , drop = FALSE]) == 0
zero.sd.idx <- ns[tmp]
ns <- ns[!tmp]
if (length(ns) == 1) {
up <- ns
} else if (length(ns) == 2) {
if (stats::cor(exprdata[ns[1], ], exprdata[ns[2], ],
use = "pairwise") < 0) {
up <- ns[1]
dn <- ns[2]
} else {
up <- ns
} else if (length(ns) > 2) {
diss <- 1 - stats::cor(t(exprdata[ns, , drop = FALSE]),
use = "pairwise")
diss[which(is.na(diss))] <- 1
diss[diss >= 1] <- diss[diss >= 1] + 1
clustering <- cluster::pam(diss, k = 2, diss = TRUE,
cluster.only = TRUE)
up.cluster <- which.max(table(clustering))
up <- ns[which(clustering == up.cluster)]
dn <- ns[which(clustering != up.cluster)]
up.dn.cor <- stats::cor(t(exprdata[up, , drop = FALSE]),
t(exprdata[dn, , drop = FALSE]),
use = "pairwise")
if (sum(up.dn.cor < 0, na.rm = TRUE) < length(up) * length(dn)/2) {
up <- ns
dn <- NULL
if (length(zero.sd.idx) > 0) {
up <- c(up, zero.sd.idx)
ranksum <- double(ncol(exprdata))
col.counts <- rep(0, ncol(exprdata))
if (length(up) != 0) {
dat <- exprdata[up, , drop = FALSE]
ranksum <- rowSums(apply(dat, 1, function(x) {
rank(x, length(x), "average")
col.counts <- colSums(!is.na(dat))
if (length(dn) != 0) {
dat <- exprdata[dn, , drop = FALSE]
ranksum <- ranksum + rowSums(ncol(exprdata) - apply(dat, 1,
function(x) {
rank(x, length(x), "average")
}) + 1)
col.counts <- col.counts + colSums(!is.na(dat))
ranksum <- ranksum/col.counts
rank <- rank(ranksum, length(ranksum), "average")
if (length(up) == 0)
up <- NULL
if (length(dn) == 0)
dn <- NULL
ret <- list()
ret$pat.order <- order(-rank)
ret$ranksum <- ranksum
## computes correlation of a single row of the expression data with the
## the patient ordering. Used to obtain ret$gene.order.
gene.cor <- function(gene.idx, is.up, exprdata, pat.order) {
gene.expr <- exprdata[gene.idx, pat.order]
if (is.up == TRUE)
gene.expr <- -gene.expr
stats::cor(rank(gene.expr), 1:ncol(exprdata))
up.cor <- sapply(up, gene.cor, TRUE, exprdata, ret$pat.order)
dn.cor <- sapply(dn, gene.cor, FALSE, exprdata, ret$pat.order)
ret$gene.order <- c(up[rev(order(up.cor))], dn[order(dn.cor)])
ret$dat <- exprdata[ret$gene.order, ret$pat.order, drop = FALSE]
ret$up.dn <- c(rep(1, length(up)), rep(-1, length(dn)))
ret$up <- up
ret$dn <- dn
ret$up.cor <- up.cor
ret$dn.cor <- dn.cor
datrank.up <- datrank.dn <- NULL
if (any(ret$up.dn > 0))
datrank.up <- t(apply(ret$dat[ret$up.dn > 0, , drop = FALSE], 1,
function(x) {
rank(x, "average", na.last = "keep")
if (any(ret$up.dn < 0))
datrank.dn <- ncol(ret$dat) - t(apply(ret$dat[ret$up.dn < 0, ,
drop = FALSE], 1,
function(x) {
rank(x, "average", na.last = "keep")
})) + 1
datrank <- rbind(datrank.up, datrank.dn)
nvals.cols <- nrow(datrank) - c(colSums(is.na(datrank)), 0)
nvals.rows <- ncol(datrank) - rowSums(is.na(datrank))
random.cols <- t(sapply(1:nrow(datrank), function(i) {
stats::runif(n, 1, nvals.rows[i] + 1)
rand.dist <- unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:n, function(i) {
datrank.rand.col <- cbind(datrank, random.cols[, i])
datrank.rand.col <- t(apply(datrank.rand.col, 1, function(x) {
rank(x, "average", na.last = "keep")
ranksums <- colSums(datrank.rand.col, na.rm = TRUE)/nvals.cols
utils::tail(rank(ranksums, "average", na.last = TRUE), 1)
}, mc.cores = mc.cores)) - 1
roi <- graphics::hist(rand.dist, breaks = 0:(ncol(datrank) + 1),
plot = FALSE)$counts
ret$roi <- roi
random.ranks.cdf <- cumsum(roi)/sum(roi)
left <- max(c(0, which(random.ranks.cdf < (1 - middle.range)/2)))
right <- min(which(random.ranks.cdf > 1 - ((1 - middle.range)/2))) - 1
roi.cat <- rep(2, length(rank))
roi.cat[rank < left] <- 1
roi.cat[rank > right] <- 3
ret$roi.cat <- roi.cat
names(bresat) <- names(x.dat$cohorts)
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