#' Plot scatterplot of ranksums
#' Generate scatterplot of ranksums obtained from two gene sets/modules
#' @param mixt.ranksum output of sig.ranksum()
#' @param x.tissue character string providing the name of tissue on the x axis
#' @param x.module character string providing the name of module on the x axis
#' @param y.tissue character string providing the name of tissue on the y axis
#' @param y.module character string providing the name of module on the y axis
#' @param cohort.name character string that provides the name of the patient cohort.
#' Defaults is set to 'all'
#' @export
cohort_scatterplot <- function(mixt.ranksum, x.tissue, x.module, y.tissue, y.module,
cohort.name = "all") {
if (!x.tissue %in% names(mixt.ranksum))
stop ("tissue1 should be a name of mixt.ranksum")
if (!x.module %in% names(mixt.ranksum[[x.tissue]]))
stop ("ranksums were not computed for x.module in x.tissue")
if (!y.tissue %in% names(mixt.ranksum))
stop ("y.tissue should be a name of mixt.ranksum")
if (!y.module %in% names(mixt.ranksum[[y.tissue]]))
stop ("ranksums were not computed for y.module in y.tissue")
# we need to swap around these to fix accessing the perm_cor_p object
if (x.tissue != names(mixt.ranksum)[1]) {
tmp = NULL
xmodule = NULL
ymodule = NULL
tmp = x.module
xmodule = y.module
ymodule = tmp
xtissue = y.tissue
ytissue = x.tissue
} else {
xmodule = x.module
ymodule = y.module
xtissue = x.tissue
ytissue = y.tissue
### data for scatterplot
x.ranksum = mixt.ranksum[[x.tissue]][[x.module]][[cohort.name]]$ranksum
y.ranksum = mixt.ranksum[[y.tissue]][[y.module]][[cohort.name]]$ranksum
plot.data <- data.frame(x.ranksum = x.ranksum,
y.ranksum = y.ranksum)
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot.data, ggplot2::aes(x = x.ranksum, y = y.ranksum)) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", colour = "white", alpha = 0.2, size = 0.4) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 2) +
ggplot2::labs(y = paste(y.module, y.tissue, "module ranksum"), x = paste(x.module,x.tissue, "module ranksum"),
title = paste(cohort.name, " patients", " (cor=", as.character(signif(stats::cor.test(plot.data$x.ranksum, plot.data$y.ranksum)$estimate, digits = 1)),
")", sep = "")) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA),
axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "grey60"),
axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "grey60"),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0, vjust = 1, size = 12))
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