#' @title bindingContextDistanceCapR
#' @description Calculate the Wasserstein distance between two replicates' or
#' two proteins' binding contexts.
#' @param dir_stereogene_output Directory of Stereogene output for first
#' protein. Default current directory.
#' @param CapR_prefix The prefix common to CapR output files of protein_file, if
#' applicable. Equivalent to output_prefix from runStereogeneOnCapR. Default ""
#' @param protein_file A vector of strings with at least one protein file name
#' to be averaged for calculation of distance. File names must exclude
#' extensions such as ".bedGraph". All files in the list should be
#' experimental/biological replicates. Required.
#' @param protein_file_input A protein file name of background input to be
#' subtracted from protein_file signal. File name must exclude extension. Only
#' one input file is permitted. Optional.
#' @param dir_stereogene_output_2 Directory of Stereogene output for second
#' protein. Default current directory.
#' @param CapR_prefix_2 The prefix common to CapR output files of
#' protein_file_2, if applicable.Equivalent to output_prefix from r
#' unStereogeneOnCapR. Default ""
#' @param protein_file_2 Similar to protein_file. A second vector of at least
#' one protein file name to be averaged for calculation of distance. File names
#' must exclude extensions such as ".bedGraph". All files in the list should be
#' experimental/biological replicates. Required.
#' @param protein_file_input_2 Similar to protein_file_input. A second protein
#' file name of background input to be subtracted from protein_file_2 signal.
#' File name must exclude extension. Only one input file is permitted. Optional.
#' @param context The RNA structure context being compared for the two protein
#' file sets. Acceptable contexts include "all", which sums the distance of all
#' six contexts, or any of the contexts individually ("bulge", "hairpin",
#' "stem", "exterior", "multibranch", or "internal"). Default "all"
#' @param range A vector of two integers denoting the range upstream and
#' downstream of the center of protein binding to consider in the comparison.
#' Ranges that are too small miss the holistic binding context, while large
#' ranges amplify distal noise in the binding data. Cannot exceed wSize/2 from
#' write_config. Default c(-200, 200)
#' @return Wasserstein distance between the two protein file sets provided for
#' the RNA structure context specified, minus the input binding signal if
#' applicable
#' @note Wasserstein distance calculations are reciprocal, so it does not matter
#' which protein is first or second so long as replicates and input files
#' correspond to one another.
#' @examples
#' ## load example StereoGene output
#' get_outfiles()
#' ## This boring example compares a protein's binding with itself for all
#' ## contexts, therefore the distance is 0
#' bindingContextDistanceCapR(CapR_prefix = "chr4and5_3UTR",
#' protein_file = "chr4and5_liftOver",
#' CapR_prefix_2 = "chr4and5_3UTR",
#' protein_file_2 = "chr4and5_liftOver")
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom transport wasserstein1d
#' @export
bindingContextDistanceCapR <- function(dir_stereogene_output = ".",
CapR_prefix = "",
protein_file_input = NULL,
dir_stereogene_output_2 = NULL,
CapR_prefix_2 = "",
protein_file_input_2 = NULL,
context = "all",
range = c(-200, 200)) {
if (length(protein_file) < 1) {
stop("Requires at least one protein file prefix to calculate distance")
if (length(protein_file) > 20) {
stop("There are > 20 protein files input. This is likely in error")
if (length(protein_file_input) > 1) {
stop("Only input one background track per protein.")
if (length(protein_file_2) < 1) {
stop("Requires at least one protein file prefix to calculate distance")
if (length(protein_file_2) > 20) {
stop("There are > 20 protein files input. This is likely in error")
if (length(protein_file_input_2) > 1) {
stop("Only input one background track per protein.")
if (!(context %in% c("all", "bulge", "hairpin",
"stem", "exterior", "multibranch", "internal"))) {
stop("This context is not available for CapR output analysis. Available
contexts are \"all\", \"bulge\", \"hairpin\", \"stem\", \"exterior\",
\"multibranch\", or \"internal\"")
if (is.null(dir_stereogene_output_2)) {
dir_stereogene_output_2 <- dir_stereogene_output
get_dist <- NULL
dist_1 <- NULL
second_dist_1 <- NULL
get_dist <- function(context) {
for (n in seq(length(protein_file))) {
assign(paste0("dist_", n), read.table(paste0(dir_stereogene_output,
"/", CapR_prefix, "_", context, "_liftOver~",
protein_file[n], ".dist"), header = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(range[1] <= .data$x, .data$x <= range[2]))
if (!is.null(protein_file_input)) {
dist_input <- read.table(paste0(dir_stereogene_output,
"/", CapR_prefix, "_", context, "_liftOver~",
protein_file_input, ".dist"), header = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(range[1] <= .data$x, .data$x <= range[2])
dist <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = (2 *
length(protein_file)) + 1, nrow = nrow(dist_1)))
colnames(dist) <- c("x", paste0("Fg", seq(length(protein_file))),
paste0("Bkg", seq(length(protein_file))))
dist$x <- dist_1$x
for (n in seq(length(protein_file))) {
dist[, 1 + n] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("dist_", n)))$Fg
dist[, 1 + n + length(protein_file)] <-
eval(parse(text = paste0("dist_", n)))$Bkg
if (!is.null(protein_file_input)) {
dist[, 2:(length(protein_file) + 1)] <- dist[,
2:(length(protein_file) + 1)] - dist_input$Fg
dist[, (length(protein_file) + 1):ncol(dist)] <- dist[,
(length(protein_file) + 1):ncol(dist)] - dist_input$Bkg
if (length(protein_file) > 1) {
dist$Fg <- rowMeans(dist[, 2:(length(protein_file) + 1)])
dist$Fg_se <- rowSds(as.matrix(dist[, 2:(length(protein_file) +
dist$Bkg <- rowMeans(dist[, (length(protein_file) +1):(ncol(dist) - 2)])
dist$Bkg_se <- rowSds(as.matrix(dist[,
(length(protein_file) + 1):(ncol(dist) - 3)]))/
} else {
dist$Fg <- dist[, 2]
dist$Fg_se <- 0
dist$Bkg <- dist[, 3]
dist$Bkg_se <- 0
for (n in seq(length(protein_file_2))) {
"/", CapR_prefix_2, "_", context, "_liftOver~",
protein_file_2[n], ".dist"), header = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(range[1] <= .data$x, .data$x <= range[2]))
if (!is.null(protein_file_input_2)) {
second_dist_input <- read.table(paste0(dir_stereogene_output_2,
"/", CapR_prefix_2, "_", context, "_liftOver~",
protein_file_input_2, ".dist"), header = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(range[1] <= .data$x, .data$x <= range[2])
second_dist <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA,
ncol = (2 * length(protein_file_2)) + 1,
nrow = nrow(second_dist_1)))
colnames(second_dist) <- c("x", paste0("Fg",
paste0("Bkg", seq(length(protein_file_2))))
second_dist$x <- second_dist_1$x
for (n in seq(length(protein_file_2))) {
second_dist[, 1 + n] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("second_dist_",
second_dist[, 1 + n + length(protein_file_2)] <-
eval(parse(text = paste0("second_dist_", n)))$Bkg
if (!is.null(protein_file_input_2)) {
second_dist[, 2:(length(protein_file_2) + 1)] <-
second_dist[, 2:(length(protein_file_2) + 1)] -
second_dist[, (length(protein_file_2) + 1):ncol(second_dist)] <-
second_dist[,(length(protein_file_2) + 1):ncol(second_dist)] -
if (length(protein_file) > 1) {
second_dist$Fg <- rowMeans(second_dist[,
2:(length(protein_file) + 1)])
second_dist$Fg_se <- rowSds(as.matrix(second_dist[,
2:(length(protein_file) + 1)]))/
second_dist$Bkg <- rowMeans(second_dist[,
(length(protein_file) + 1):(ncol(second_dist) - 2)])
second_dist$Bkg_se <- rowSds(as.matrix(second_dist[,
(length(protein_file) + 1):(ncol(second_dist) - 3)]))/
} else {
second_dist$Fg <- second_dist[, 2]
second_dist$Fg_se <- 0
second_dist$Bkg <- second_dist[, 3]
second_dist$Bkg_se <- 0
wasserstein_distance <- suppressWarnings(wasserstein1d(dist$Fg,
second_dist$Fg) %>% as.numeric())
if (context == "all") {
distance <- sum(get_dist("bulge"), get_dist("hairpin"),
get_dist("internal"), get_dist("exterior"),
get_dist("stem"), get_dist("multibranch"))
} else {
distance <- get_dist(context)
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