#' @title GenomeMappingToChainFile
#' @description Writes a chain file mapped from a genome annotation file.
#' @param genome_gtf The name of the GTF/GFF file that will be converted to an
#' exome chain file. Required
#' @param out_chain_name The name of the chain file to be created. Required
#' @param RNA_fragment RNA component of interest. Options depend on the gtf file
#' but often include "gene", "transcript", "exon", "CDS", "five_prime_utr",
#' and/or "three_prime_utr". Default "exon" for the whole exome.
#' @param transcript_list A vector of transcript names that represent the most
#' expressed isoform of their respective genes and correspond to gtf annotation
#' names. Isoforms cannot overlap. Required
#' @param chrom_suffix The suffix to be appended to all chromosome names created
#' in the chain file. Default "exome"
#' @param verbose Output updates while the function is running. Default FALSE
#' @param alignment The human genome alignment used, either "hg19" or "hg38".
#' Default "hg19"
#' @param check_overwrite Check for file wth the same out_chain_name
#' before writing new file. Default FALSE.
#' @return writes a chain file into directory
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames seqlengths
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @import TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
#' @import TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
#' @import rtracklayer
#' @examples
#' ## load transcript list
#' load(system.file("extdata/transcript_list.Rda", package="nearBynding"))
#' ## get GTF file
#' gtf<-system.file("extdata/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.chr4&5.gtf",
#' package="nearBynding")
#' GenomeMappingToChainFile(genome_gtf = gtf,
#' out_chain_name = "test.chain",
#' RNA_fragment = "three_prime_utr",
#' transcript_list = transcript_list,
#' alignment = "hg38")
#' @export
GenomeMappingToChainFile <- function(genome_gtf,
RNA_fragment = "exon",
chrom_suffix = "exome",
verbose = FALSE,
alignment = "hg19",
check_overwrite = FALSE) {
if (alignment == "hg19") {
seqinft <- as.data.frame(seqinfo(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene))
if (alignment == "hg38") {
seqinft <- as.data.frame(seqinfo(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene))
if (!(alignment %in% c("hg19", "hg38"))) {
stop("Acceptable alignments are 'hg19' and 'hg38'")
# create seqinfo object for all chromosomes to get lengths
seqinf <- as(seqinft[nchar(rownames(seqinft)) < 6, ], "Seqinfo")
if (check_overwrite == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(out_chain_name)) {
input <- readline(prompt = paste0(
"file ", out_chain_name,
" already exists. Do you want to replace it? y/n :"))
if (input == "y" | input == "Y" | input == "yes") {
} else if (input == "n" | input == "N" | input == "no") {
stop("Input a different out_chain_name to proceed.")
} else {
print("Please enter y or n")
if (input == "y" | input == "Y" | input == "yes") {
} else if (input == "n" | input == "N" | input == "no") {
stop("Input a different out_chain_name to proceed.")
} else {
stop(paste0("Cannot proceed without indication of whether
you wish to replace ", out_chain_name))
gtf <- import(genome_gtf)
gtf <- with(gtf, plyranges::filter(gtf, type == RNA_fragment))
gtf_transcripts <- gtf[(elementMetadata(gtf)[,"transcript_id"] %in%
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("annotation data finished loading")
# write chain file chromosome-by-chromosome
if (sum(seqnames(gtf_transcripts) %in% seqnames(seqinf)) == 0) {
gtf_transcripts@seqnames <- paste0("chr", seqnames(gtf_transcripts)) %>%
if (sum(seqnames(gtf_transcripts) %in% seqnames(seqinf)) == 0) {
stop("GTF chromosomes do not resemble UCSC chromosome names.
Suggested format: 'chr#' or just # for chromosome name,
e.g. chr1 chr10 chrM")
for (chr in seqnames(seqinf)) {
for (str in c("-", "+")) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print(paste("Chromosome", chr,"strand", str, "starting"))
gtf_hold <- gtf_transcripts %>% plyranges::filter(
strand == str,
seqnames == chr)
# in case of chromosomes without data on one strand
if (length(ranges(gtf_hold)) == 0) {next}
length_chr <- sum(width(ranges(gtf_hold)))
if (str == "+") {sign <- "plus"} else {sign <- "minus"}
transcripts <-
elementMetadata(gtf_hold)@listData[["transcript_id"]] %>%
chrom_chains <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = (length(gtf_hold) +
(2 * length(transcripts))))
row <- 1
start_position <- 1
# make a chain for each transcript in the chromosome
for (t in transcripts) {
gtf_t <-
gtf_hold[(elementMetadata(gtf_hold)[,"transcript_id"] == t)]
length_t <- sum(width(ranges(gtf_t)))
end_position <- start_position + length_t - 1
first_line <- c(paste0("chain 42 ", chr, " ",
seqlengths(seqinf)[which(seqnames(seqinf) == chr)],
" ", str, " ", start(ranges(gtf_t))[1], " ",
start(ranges(gtf_t))[length(start(ranges(gtf_t)))] +
width(ranges(gtf_t))[length(width(ranges(gtf_t)))] - 1,
" ", chr, "_", sign, "_", chrom_suffix, " ",
length_chr, " ", str, " ", start_position, " ",
end_position, " ", t), "", "")
txpt <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(start(ranges(gtf_t))), ncol= 3)
txpt[, 1] <- width(ranges(gtf_t))
# for cases where there is only 1 exon in a transcript
if (length(width(ranges(gtf_t))) > 1) {
txpt[, 2] <-
c(start(ranges(gtf_t))[2:length(start(ranges(gtf_t)))] -
(width(ranges(gtf_t))[seq(length(width(ranges(gtf_t))) -
1)] +
start(ranges(gtf_t))[seq(length(width(ranges(gtf_t))) -
1)]) - 1, "")
txpt[, 3] <- 0
txpt[nrow(txpt), 3] <- ""
chrom_chains[row, ] <- first_line
chrom_chains[(row + 1):(row + nrow(txpt)), ] <- txpt
chrom_chains[row + nrow(txpt) + 1, ] <- c("", "", "")
start_position <- end_position
row <- row + nrow(txpt) + 2
# append the chains for the chromosome to the chain file
file = out_chain_name, append = TRUE, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, na = ""
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print(paste("Chromosome", chr, "strand", str,"complete"))
# import doesn't work without a truly blank line between chains
remove_blanks <- readLines(out_chain_name)
remove_blanks <- gsub("\t\t", "", remove_blanks)
write(remove_blanks, file = out_chain_name, sep = "")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.