#' Polar plot
#' Produces a Polar plot, mapping p-values to chromosome location. This
#' function is used by \code{\link{diffExp}}.
#' This function is mainly used by \code{\link{diffExp}} but can also be used
#' separately by the user.
#' The argument \code{chromosomeMapping} should be either a \code{data.frame}
#' or a tab delimited text file and include the columns \emph{chromosome} with
#' the chromosome name and \emph{chromosome location} containing the starting
#' position of each gene. A \code{-} sign can be used to denote the antisense
#' strand but this will be disregarded while plotting. The rownames should be
#' \emph{probe IDs} or, if using a text file, the first column with a column
#' header should contain the \emph{probe IDs}. If relying on an
#' \code{ArrayData} object (called \code{arrayData}) and containing an
#' \code{annotation} field, the \code{chromosomeMapping} can be set to
#' \code{arrayData$annotation[,c(2,3)]} (see the example below).
#' The Polar plot sorts the genes according to chromosomal location, for each
#' chromosome starting with unknown positions followed by increasing number in
#' the \emph{chromosome location} column. Genes which do not map to any
#' chromosome are listed as U for unknown. The radial lines in the Polar plot
#' are -log10 scaled p-values, so that a longer line means a smaller p-value.
#' This gives an overview of the magnitude of differential expression for each
#' contrast.
#' @param pValues a \code{data.frame} containing p-values for different
#' contrasts in different columns. Column names are used as contrast names.
#' Maximum number of columns allowed are ten.
#' @param chromosomeMapping character string giving the name of the chromosome
#' mapping file, or an object of class \code{data.frame} or similar containing
#' the chromosome mapping. See details below.
#' @param colors character vector of colors to be used by the Polar plot.
#' @param save should the figures be saved? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose verbose? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Does not return any object.
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{diffExp}},
#' \code{\link[plotrix:radial.plot]{radial.plot}}
#' @examples
#' # Get path to example data and setup files:
#' dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package="piano")
#' # Load normalized data:
#' myArrayData <- loadMAdata(datadir=dataPath, dataNorm="norm_data.txt.gz", platform="yeast2")
#' # Perform differential expression analysis:
#' pfc <- diffExp(myArrayData, plot=FALSE,
#' contrasts=c("aerobic_Clim - anaerobic_Clim",
#' "aerobic_Nlim - anaerobic_Nlim"))
#' # Get chromosome mapping from myArrayData:
#' chrMap <- myArrayData$annotation[,c(2,3)]
#' # Get p-values from pfc
#' pval <- pfc$pValues
#' # Draw the polar plot:
#' polarPlot(pval, chromosomeMapping=chrMap)
polarPlot <- function(pValues, chromosomeMapping,
save=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {
#if(!try(require(gtools))) stop("package gtools is missing") # old, line below is preferred:
if (!requireNamespace("gtools", quietly = TRUE)) stop("package gtools is missing")
#if(!try(require(plotrix))) stop("package plotrix is missing") # old, line below is preferred:
if (!requireNamespace("plotrix", quietly = TRUE)) stop("package plotrix is missing")
# Verbose function:
.verb <- function(message, verbose) {
if(verbose == TRUE) {
savedirFig <- paste(getwd(),"/Piano_Results/Figures/DifferentialExpression", sep="")
# Load chromosome mapping:
if(is(chromosomeMapping, "character")) {
if(file.exists(chromosomeMapping)) {
chromosomeMapping <- as.data.frame(read.delim(chromosomeMapping, header=TRUE, sep="\t",
row.names=1, as.is=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE,quote="")
} else {
stop("could not find the annotation file")
} else {
chromosomeMapping <- as.data.frame(chromosomeMapping)
nContrasts <- ncol(pValues)
# error check
if(nContrasts > 10) {
stop("can only handle up to 10 comparisons")
chromosomeMapping[,1] <- as.character(chromosomeMapping[,1])
# Remove minus sign from location (due to sense vs antisense)
suppressWarnings(tmp <- as.numeric(as.character(chromosomeMapping[,2])))
if(!all(!is.na(tmp))) stop("NAs in chromosomeMapping, chromosome location")
chromosomeMapping[,2] <- abs(tmp)
# Combine p-values and chr info
allData <- merge(x=pValues,y=chromosomeMapping,by.x=0,by.y=0,all.x=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(allData) <- allData[,1]
allData <- allData[,c(2:ncol(allData))]
colnames(allData)[c(nContrasts+1,ncol(allData))] <- c("chromosome","start")
allData[is.na(allData[,nContrasts+1]),nContrasts+1] <- "U"
allData[is.na(allData[,nContrasts+2]),nContrasts+2] <- 0
chrNames <- c(gtools::mixedsort(unique(allData[,nContrasts+1])),"-log10")
nChr <- length(chrNames)
# Create plotData and radialPos with the line lengths and radial positions in plot order:
plotData <- 0 # initialize
radialPos <- 0 # initialize
for(i in 1:nChr) {
dataChrSubset <- allData[allData$chromosome == chrNames[i],]
nGenesChr <- nrow(dataChrSubset)
if(nGenesChr > 0) {
ind <- order(dataChrSubset$start, na.last=TRUE)
dataChrSubsetSorted <- dataChrSubset[ind,c(1:nContrasts)]
if(nContrasts > 1) {
plotData <- rbind(plotData,dataChrSubsetSorted) # The lengths of the lines in plot order
} else {
plotData <- c(plotData,dataChrSubsetSorted) # The lengths of the lines in plot order
radialPosChr <- seq(from=(i-1)*2*pi/nChr,to=i*2*pi/nChr,length.out=nGenesChr+1)
radialPosChr <- radialPosChr[1:nGenesChr]
radialPos <- c(radialPos,radialPosChr) # The radial positions of the lines in plot order
radialPos <- radialPos[2:length(radialPos)] # get rid of the first dummy-row
if(nContrasts > 1) {
plotData <- plotData[2:nrow(plotData),] # get rid of the first dummy-row
} else {
plotData <- plotData[2:length(plotData)]
# Adjust the radial positions to a small rotation to allow for the axis
radialPos <- radialPos + pi/nChr
radialChrPos <- seq(from=0,to=2*pi,length.out=nChr+1) + pi/nChr
radialChrLabPos <- radialChrPos + pi/nChr
# Plot:
if(save == TRUE) {
dirStat <- dir.create(savedirFig, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(dirStat == TRUE) {
.verb(paste("Creating new directory:",savedirFig), verbose)
.verb("Saving merged polar plot:...", verbose)
pdfFilePath <- paste(savedirFig,"/","polarPlotMerged.pdf",sep="")
if(file.exists(pdfFilePath)) {
.verb("Warning: polarPlotMerged.pdf already exists in directory: overwriting old file...", verbose)
} else {
.verb("Generating merged polar plot...", verbose)
maxRadius <- max(-log10(plotData))
if(!is.vector(plotData)) {
plotOrder <- sort(colMeans(plotData, na.rm=TRUE),index.retur=TRUE)$ix
} else {
plotOrder <- 1
# Add lines sectioning the circle into chromosome pie pieces
if(save == TRUE) {
} else {
radial.pos=radialChrPos,line.col="gray75", show.radial.grid=FALSE,
radlab=TRUE, labels=chrNames, label.pos=radialChrLabPos, clockwise=TRUE,
# Add the first p-value lines
if(nContrasts > 1) {
lengths <- -log10(plotData[,plotOrder[1]])
} else {
lengths <- -log10(plotData)
plotrix::radial.plot(lengths, radial.pos=radialPos, rp.type="r", clockwise=TRUE, add=TRUE,
# Add additional p-values lines
if(nContrasts > 1) {
for(i in 2:ncol(plotData)) {
lengths <- -log10(plotData[,plotOrder[i]])
plotrix::radial.plot(lengths, radial.pos=radialPos, rp.type="r", clockwise=TRUE, add=TRUE,
if(save == TRUE) {
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
# Plot single separate figures:
if(nContrasts > 1) {
if(save == TRUE) {
.verb("Saving separate polar plots...", verbose)
} else {
.verb("Generating separate polar plots...", verbose)
for(i in 1:nContrasts) {
if(save == TRUE) {
pdfFilePath <- paste(savedirFig,"/","polarPlot_",colnames(pValues)[i],".pdf",sep="")
if(file.exists(pdfFilePath)) {
.verb(paste("Warning: polarPlot_",i,".pdf already exists in directory: overwriting old file..."), verbose)
if(save == TRUE) {
} else {
maxRadius <- max(-log10(plotData))
radial.pos=radialChrPos,line.col="gray75", show.radial.grid=FALSE,
radlab=TRUE, labels=chrNames, label.pos=radialChrLabPos, clockwise=TRUE,
# Add the first p-value lines
lengths <- -log10(plotData[,plotOrder[i]])
plotrix::radial.plot(lengths, radial.pos=radialPos, rp.type="r", clockwise=TRUE,
add=TRUE, line.col=colors[i])
if(save == TRUE) {
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
# Plot legend:
if(save == TRUE) {
.verb("Saving polar plot legend...", verbose)
pdfFilePath <- paste(savedirFig,"/","polarPlotLegend.pdf",sep="")
if(file.exists(pdfFilePath)) {
.verb("Warning: polarPlotLegend.pdf already exists in directory: overwriting old file...", verbose)
} else {
.verb("Generating polar plot legend...", verbose)
title(main="Legend Polar plot")
legend(x=0.05, y=0.8, legend=colnames(pValues),fill=colors)
if(save == TRUE) {
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
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