#' Load a gene set collection
#' Load a gene set collection, to be used in \code{\link{runGSA}}, in GMT, SBML
#' or SIF format, or optionally from a \code{data.frame}.
#' This function is used to create a gene-set collection object to be used with
#' \code{\link{runGSA}}.
#' The "gmt" files available from the Molecular Signatures Database
#' (\url{http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/}) can be loaded using
#' \code{loadGSC}. This website is a valuable resource and contains several
#' different collections of gene sets.
#' By using the functionality of e.g. the \code{biomaRt} package, a gene-set
#' collection with custom gene names (matching the statistics used in
#' \code{\link{runGSA}}) can easily be compiled into a two-column data.frame
#' (column order: genes, gene sets) and loaded with \code{type="data.frame"}.
#' If a sif-file is used it is assumed that the first column contains gene sets
#' and the third column contains genes.
#' A genome-scale metabolic model in SBML format can be used to define gene
#' sets. In this case, metabolites will be the gene sets, containing all the
#' genes that code for enzymes catalyzing reactions in which the metabolite
#' takes part in. In order to load an SBML-file it is required that libSBML and
#' \code{rsbml} is installed. Note that the SBML loading is an experimental
#' feature and is highly dependent on the version and format of the SBML file
#' and requires it to contain gene associations for the reactions. By examining
#' the returned \code{GSC} object it is easy to see if the correct gene sets
#' were loaded.
#' @param file a character string, giving the name of the file containing the
#' gene set collection. Optionally an object that can be coerced into a
#' two-column data.frame, the first column containing genes and the second gene
#' sets, representing all "gene"-to-"gene set" connections.
#' @param type a character string giving the file type. Can be either of
#' \code{"gmt"}, \code{"sbml"}, \code{"sif"}. If set to \code{"auto"} the type
#' will be taken from the file extension. If the gene-set collection is loaded
#' into R from another source and stored in a data.frame, it can be loaded with
#' the setting \code{"data.frame"}.
#' @param addInfo an optional data.frame with two columns, the first
#' containging the gene set names and the second containing additional
#' information for each gene set. Some additional info may load automatically
#' from the different file types.
#' @return A list like object of class \code{GSC} containing two elements. The
#' first is \code{gsc}, a list of the gene sets, each element a character
#' vector of genes. The second element is \code{addInfo}, a data.frame
#' containing the optional additional information.
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{runGSA}}
#' @examples
#' # Randomly generated gene sets:
#' g <- sort(paste("g",floor(runif(100)*500+1),sep=""))
#' g <- c(g,sort(paste("g",floor(runif(900)*1000+1),sep="")))
#' g <- c(g,sort(paste("g",floor(runif(1000)*2000+1),sep="")))
#' s <- paste("s",floor(rbeta(2000,0.9,1.7)*50+1),sep="")
#' # Make data.frame:
#' gsc <- cbind(g,s)
#' # Load gene set collection from data.frame:
#' gsc <- loadGSC(gsc)
loadGSC <- function(file, type="auto", addInfo) {
# Initial argument checks:
if(missing(addInfo)) {
addUserInfo <- "skip"
addInfo <- "none"
} else {
addUserInfo <- "yes"
tmp <- try(type <- match.arg(type, c("auto","gmt","sbml","sif","data.frame"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("argument type set to unknown value")
# Check file extension if type="auto":
if(type == "auto") {
if(is(file, "character")) {
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(file,"\\."))
type <- tolower(tmp[length(tmp)])
if(!type %in% c("gmt","sif","sbml","xml")) stop(paste("can not handle .",type," file extension, read manually using e.g. read.delim() and load as data.frame",sep=""))
} else {
type <- "data.frame"
# Read gmt-file:
if(type == "gmt") {
con <- file(file)
tmp <- try(suppressWarnings(open(con)), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) stop("file could not be read")
if(addUserInfo == "skip") addInfo <- vector()
gscList <- list()
i <- 1
tmp <- try(suppressWarnings(
while(length(l<-scan(con, nlines=1, what="character", quiet=TRUE, sep="\t")) > 0) {
if(addUserInfo == "skip") addInfo <- rbind(addInfo,l[1:2])
tmp <- l[3:length(l)]
gscList[[l[1]]] <- unique(tmp[tmp != "" & tmp != " " & !is.na(tmp)])
i <- i + 1
), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) stop("file could not be read")
# Remove duplicate gene sets:
gsc <- gscList[!duplicated(names(gscList))]
if(addUserInfo == "skip") addInfo <- unique(addInfo)
#info$redundantGS <- length(gscList) - length(gsc)
} else if(type %in% c("sbml","xml")) {
#require(rsbml) # old, line below is preferred:
if (!requireNamespace("rsbml", quietly = TRUE)) stop("package rsbml is missing")
# Read sbml file:
tmp <- try(sbml <- rsbml::rsbml_read(file))
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("file could not be read by rsbml_read()")
# Create gsc object:
gsc <- list()
for(iReaction in 1:length(rsbml::reactions(rsbml::model(sbml)))) {
# Species ID for metabolites in current reaction:
metIDs <- names(c(rsbml::reactants(rsbml::reactions(rsbml::model(sbml))[[iReaction]]),
# Get gene id:s for genes associated with current reaction:
geneIDs <- names(rsbml::modifiers(rsbml::reactions(rsbml::model(sbml))[[iReaction]]))
# If any genes found:
if(length(geneIDs) > 0) {
# Get gene names:
geneNames <- rep(NA,length(geneIDs))
for (iGene in 1:length(geneIDs)) {
GG <- rsbml::name(species(rsbml::model(sbml))[[geneIDs[iGene]]])
if ( length(strsplit(GG,':')[[1]]) > 1) {
geneNames = strsplit(GG,':')[[1]]
if ( length(strsplit(GG,';')[[1]]) > 1) {
geneNames = strsplit(GG,';')[[1]]
else {
geneNames[iGene] <- GG
# Loop over metabolites for current reaction, add gene names:
for(iMet in 1:length(metIDs)) {
gsc[[metIDs[iMet]]] <- c(gsc[[metIDs[iMet]]], geneNames)
# Fix the gene-set names to metabolite names (in place of ids):
if(length(gsc) == 0) {
stop("no gene association found")
} else {
for(iMet in 1:length(gsc)) {
tmp1 <- rsbml::name(species(rsbml::model(sbml))[[names(gsc)[iMet]]])
tmp2 <- rsbml::compartment(species(rsbml::model(sbml))[[names(gsc)[iMet]]])
names(gsc)[iMet] <- paste(tmp1," (",tmp2,")",sep="")
} else if(type == "sif") {
tmp <- try(gsc <- as.data.frame(read.delim(file, header=FALSE, quote="", as.is=TRUE),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("argument file could not be read and converted into a data.frame")
# Check gsc for three columns:
if(ncol(gsc)!=3) {
stop("sif file should contain three columns")
# Get gsc and addInfo part:
if(addUserInfo == "skip") addInfo <- gsc[,c(1,2)]
gsc <- gsc[,c(3,1)]
# Remove redundant rows:
tmp <- nrow(gsc)
gsc <- unique(gsc)
#info$redundantGS <- tmp - nrow(gsc)
# Convert to list object:
geneSets <- unique(gsc[,2])
gscList <- list()
for(iGeneSet in 1:length(geneSets)) {
gscList[[iGeneSet]] <- gsc[gsc[,2] == geneSets[iGeneSet],1]
names(gscList) <- geneSets
gsc <- gscList
# Data.frame
# Gene set collection as data.frame:
} else if(type == "data.frame") {
tmp <- try(gsc <- as.data.frame(file, stringsAsFactors=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("argument file could not be converted into a data.frame")
# Get rid of factors:
for(i in 1:ncol(gsc)) {
gsc[,i] <- as.character(gsc[,i])
# Check gsc for two columns:
if(ncol(gsc)!=2) {
stop("argument file has to contain exactly two columns")
# Remove redundant rows:
tmp <- nrow(gsc)
gsc <- unique(gsc)
#info$redundantGS <- tmp - nrow(gsc)
# Convert to list object:
geneSets <- unique(gsc[,2])
gscList <- list()
for(iGeneSet in 1:length(geneSets)) {
gscList[[iGeneSet]] <- gsc[gsc[,2] == geneSets[iGeneSet],1]
names(gscList) <- geneSets
gsc <- gscList
# AddInfo
# Additional info as data.frame:
if(addUserInfo == "yes") {
tmp <- try(addInfo <- as.data.frame(addInfo, stringsAsFactors=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("failed to convert additional info in argument 'addInfo' into a data.frame")
if(is(addInfo, "data.frame")) {
# Check for 2 columns:
if(ncol(addInfo) != 2) stop("additional info in argument 'file' or 'addInfo' has to contain 2 columns")
# Check addInfo correlation to gsc:
tmp <- nrow(addInfo)
addInfo <- unique(addInfo[addInfo[,1] %in% names(gsc),])
#info$unmatchedAddInfo <- tmp - nrow(addInfo)
} else {
#info$unmatchedAddInfo <- 0
# Return values:
res <- list(gsc,addInfo)
names(res) <- c("gsc","addInfo")
class(res) <- "GSC"
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