#' Gene set summary
#' Returns a summary of the statistics and gene members of a given gene set in
#' a \code{GSAres} object.
#' This function can be used to access information on specific gene sets of
#' interest. The same results are available for all gene sets using
#' \code{\link{GSAsummaryTable}}.
#' @param gsaRes an object of class \code{GSAres}, as returned from
#' \code{runGSA()}.
#' @param geneSet a character string giving the name of a gene-set.
#' @return A list with the elements \code{name}, containing the gene-set name,
#' \code{geneLevelStats}, containing the gene-level statistics of the member
#' genes, \code{directions}, containing the directions of the member genes, and
#' \code{stats}, a table of the gene set statistics and p-values.
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{varemo@@chalmers.se} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{intawat@@chalmers.se}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{runGSA}},
#' \code{\link{GSAsummaryTable}}
#' @examples
#' # Load example input data to GSA:
#' data("gsa_input")
#' # Load gene set collection:
#' gsc <- loadGSC(gsa_input$gsc)
#' # Run gene set analysis:
#' gsares <- runGSA(geneLevelStats=gsa_input$pvals , directions=gsa_input$directions,
#' gsc=gsc, nPerm=500)
#' # Get info on a specific gene set:
#' geneSetSummary(gsares,"s1")
geneSetSummary <- function(gsaRes, geneSet) {
test <- 1 # Which comparison, currently only 1 allowed!
# Error check:
obj <- gsaRes
if(!is(obj, "GSAres")) stop("argument GSAres has to be of class 'GSAres'")
if(test > ncol(obj$nGenesTot)) stop("argument test is to large")
gsc <- obj$gsc
gsInd <- which(names(gsc) == geneSet)
if(length(gsInd) == 0) stop("could not find the specified gene set, check the spelling")
if(length(gsInd) > 1) stop("argument geneSet matches more than one gene set")
# Get all stat info:
tab <- as.data.frame(c(obj$nGenesTot[gsInd,test], obj$statDistinctDir[gsInd,test], obj$statDistinctDirUp[gsInd,test],
obj$pDistinctDirUp[gsInd,test], obj$pAdjDistinctDirUp[gsInd,test], obj$statDistinctDirDn[gsInd,test],
obj$pDistinctDirDn[gsInd,test], obj$pAdjDistinctDirDn[gsInd,test], obj$statNonDirectional[gsInd,test],
obj$pNonDirectional[gsInd,test], obj$pAdjNonDirectional[gsInd,test], obj$nGenesUp[gsInd,test],
obj$statMixedDirUp[gsInd,test], obj$pMixedDirUp[gsInd,test], obj$pAdjMixedDirUp[gsInd,test],
obj$nGenesDn[gsInd,test], obj$statMixedDirDn[gsInd,test], obj$pMixedDirDn[gsInd,test],
obj$pAdjMixedDirDn[gsInd,test]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names <- c("Genes (tot)", "Stat (dist.dir)", "Stat (dist.dir.up)", "p (dist.dir.up)", "p adj (dist.dir.up)", "Stat (dist.dir.dn)",
"p (dist.dir.dn)", "p adj (dist.dir.dn)","Stat (non-dir)", "p (non-dir)", "p adj (non-dir)", "Genes (up)",
"Stat (mix.dir.up)", "p (mix.dir.up)", "p adj (mix.dir.up)", "Genes (dn)", "Stat (mix.dir.dn)",
"p (mix.dir.dn)", "p adj (mix.dir.dn)")
tab[,2] <- names
tab <- tab[,c(2,1)]
colnames(tab) <- c("Name","Value")
tab <- tab[!is.na(tab[,2]),]
rownames(tab) <- 1:nrow(tab)
# Gene-set name
name <- names(gsc)[gsInd]
# Gene-set genes:
genes <- gsc[[gsInd]]
tmp <- obj$geneLevelStats
geneLevelStats <- tmp[rownames(tmp)%in%genes,test]
tmp <- obj$directions
if(is(tmp, "character")) {
directions <- tmp
} else {
directions <- tmp[rownames(tmp)%in%genes,test]
# Contrast name:
#contrastName <- obj$contrastName[test]
# Return result:
res <- list()
res$name <- name
res$geneLevelStats <- geneLevelStats
res$directions <- directions
#res$contrastName <- contrastName
res$stats <- tab
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