## Name : runPosthoc()
## Purpose : This function prepares the parameters for
## running posthoc and executes "posthoc". This
## function is also resposible for generating
## the required outputs.
## Author : Vinayak Kumar
## "runPosthoc" <-
## function(commonParamsNData, matrixOut="n", readingRaw="y", probsOut="y",
## clusterNumber=2, clusterOption="average", estimate_contexts="n") {
## above section was replaced by the below by vkj on Thu Feb 18 19:08:03 EST 2010
"runPosthoc" <-
function(commonParamsNData, matrixOut="n", readingRaw="y", probsOut="y",
clusterNumber=2, clusterOption="average", estimate_contexts="n",
clientID=-1, host=-1, port=-1) {
## Check if the essenstial parameter is provided or not
if (missing(commonParamsNData)) {
cat ("Error in runOnlyPosthoc() : Parameter commonParamsNData missing")
return (NA)
## Prepare the parameters file for posthoc
## here n_samples are equal nIter
inputFile <- commonParamsNData$inputFile
T <- commonParamsNData$T
M <- commonParamsNData$M
nSamples <- commonParamsNData$nSamples
nreplicates <- commonParamsNData$nreplicates
burnIn <- commonParamsNData$burnIn
# set the "pparams" List as NULL
pparams <- NULL
# Condition for readingY
if (nreplicates == 1) {
readingY <- "n"
else {
readingY <- "y"
## Get the filname of datafile without any extension
inputFileName <- getOnlyFileName(inputFile)
pparams[2] <- matrixOut
pparams[4] <- probsOut
pparams[6] <- T
pparams[8] <- M
pparams[10] <- readingRaw
pparams[12] <- readingY
pparams[14] <- nSamples
pparams[16] <- burnIn
pparams[18] <- inputFileName
pparams[20] <- clusterNumber
pparams[22] <- clusterOption
if(nChip > 0) {
pparams[23] <-"consensusType"
pparams[24] <-.Paras$consensusType
pparams[25] <-"nChip"
pparams[26] <-nChip
pparams[27] <- "EOF"
} else {
pparams[23] <- "EOF"
# Write the parameter.prm file once again
if (hostSystem!="Windows") cat(pparams,file="./posthoc_parameters.prm",sep="\n")
if (hostSystem=="Windows") cat(pparams,file="posthoc_parameters.prm",sep="\n")
## Calling the executables
cat("Running posthoc Executable ..... \n")
fileName <- paste(.PosthocPath, "posthoc", sep="")
if(missing(clientID) & missing(host) & missing(port)) {
fileWithOption <- paste(fileName, " -c", sep="")
} else {
fileWithOption <- paste(fileName, " -c", " -i ", clientID, " -h ", host, " -p ", port, sep="")
# Call the executable
system(fileWithOption, intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)))
if(estimate_contexts == "y") {
if(missing(clientID) & missing(host) & missing(port)) {
fileWithOption <- paste(fileName, " -C", sep = "")
} else {
fileWithOption <- paste(fileName, " -C", " -i ", clientID, " -h ", host, " -p ", port, sep = "")
system(fileWithOption, intern = (!(commonParamsNData$verbose)))
## Get the data file name in correct form without the
## extension and location
dataFile <- getOnlyFileName(commonParamsNData$inputFile)
## Call the import Gtr method to get the clustering object from gtr file
gtrFile <- paste("./", dataFile, ".gtr", sep="")
hGClustData <- importGtr(gtrFile)
if(estimate_contexts == "y") {
atrFile <- paste("./", dataFile, ".atr", sep = "")
hSClustData <- importAtr(atrFile)
## Call the CDT file Correcting method
if(commonParamsNData$nreplicates > 1) {
if(estimate_contexts == "y") {
cdtDataTable <- correctCdt(commonParamsNData$geneDataTable, dataFile, commonParamsNData$nreplicates, atr=hSClustData)
} else {
cdtDataTable <- correctCdt(commonParamsNData$geneDataTable, dataFile, commonParamsNData$nreplicates)
if(estimate_contexts == "y") dataOnly<-dataOnly[, order(hSClustData$order)]
if(estimate_contexts == "y") colnames(clustData)[-(1:2)] <- colnames(dataOnly)
} else {
clustData <- commonParamsNData$geneDataTable
if(estimate_contexts != "y") { ## need dummy sample clustering
hSClustData <- hclust(dist(1:(ncol(clustData)-2)))
exportCdt(hr=hGClustData, hc=hSClustData, data=clustData, file=paste("./", getOnlyFileName(dataFile), ".cdt", sep=""))
if(estimate_contexts == "y") {
resultData <- list(clustData=clustData, hGClustData=hGClustData, hSClustData=hSClustData)
} else {
resultData <- list(clustData=clustData, hGClustData=hGClustData)
## Call the cleanFolder Function - Removes all the intermediate files
if (commonParamsNData$intFiles == FALSE) {
## Get the filname of datafile without any extension
dataFile <- getOnlyFileName(dataFile)
if (hostSystem!="Windows"){
if (file.exists("posthoc_parameters.prm")) {
system( "rm posthoc_parameters.prm", intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists("parameters.prm")) {
system( "rm parameters.prm", intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if ( file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".chk", sep="")) ) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".chk", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".clusters", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".clusters", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".cms", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".cms", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".des", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".des", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".inp", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".inp", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".mpm", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".mpm", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".out", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".out", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
##if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".pos", sep=""))) {
## system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".pos", sep=""),
## intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
##if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".wc", sep=""))) {
## system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".wc", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".x", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".x", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".y", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".y", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".chp", sep=""))) {
system( paste("rm ", dataFile, ".chp", sep=""), intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".cc", sep = ""))) {
system(paste("rm ", dataFile, ".cc", sep = ""), intern = (!(commonParamsNData$verbose)))
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".contexts", sep = ""))) {
system(paste("rm ", dataFile, ".contexts", sep = ""), intern = (!(commonParamsNData$verbose)))
if (file.exists(paste("annealing", ".out", sep = ""))) {
system(paste("rm ", "annealing", ".out", sep = ""), intern = (!(commonParamsNData$verbose)))
if (hostSystem=="Windows"){
if (file.exists("posthoc_parameters.prm")) {
shell( "del posthoc_parameters.prm")
if (file.exists("parameters.prm")) {
shell( "del parameters.prm")
if ( file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".chk", sep="")) ) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".chk", sep=""))
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".clusters", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".clusters", sep=""))
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".cms", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".cms", sep="") )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".des", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".des", sep=""))
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".inp", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".inp", sep="") )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".mpm", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".mpm", sep="") )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".out", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".out", sep="") )
##if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".pos", sep=""))) {
## shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".pos", sep=""),
## intern=(!(commonParamsNData$verbose)) )
##if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".wc", sep=""))) {
## shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".wc", sep="") )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".x", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".x", sep=""))
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".y", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".y", sep="") )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".chp", sep=""))) {
shell( paste("del ", dataFile, ".chp", sep="") )
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".contexts", sep = ""))) {
shell(paste("del ", dataFile, ".contexts", sep = ""))
if (file.exists(paste(dataFile, ".cc", sep = ""))) {
shell(paste("del ", dataFile, ".cc", sep = ""))
if (file.exists(paste("annealing", ".out", sep = ""))) {
shell(paste("del ", "annealing", ".out", sep = ""))
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