## Name : gimmRFromPos()
## Purpose : After finishsing all the processes related to
## Gimm and Posthoc,.pos file is generated which
## contains smoother data. This function gets the
## data from this file and use this data to find
## new gimmR Data which can be used to see the
## heatmap of the genes.
## N.B : Since .pos file contains the exactly T number
## of rows, so to process thsi data, the nreplicates
## will be always considered as 1. All other
## parameters will be same as earlier.
## Author : Vinayak Kumar
gimmRFromPos <-
function(posDataFileName, M, T, nIter=10000, nreplicates=1,
contextSpecific="n", nContexts=1, contextLengths=NA,
clusterShape="v", burnIn=5000, elipticalWithin="n", matrixOut="n",
readingRaw="y", probsOut="y", clusterNumber=2,
clusterOption="average", verbose=FALSE, intFiles=FALSE) {
if (is.na(.GeneDataTable[1,1])) {
cat("Please run gimm and posthoc first, then use this method")
else {
if (missing(posDataFileName)) {
posDataFileName <- "Result"
## get the table from .pos file. This table will utilize the genenames
## and ORF information from the .GeneDataTable
posDataTable <- NA
## Get the name of file without any extension
posDataFileName <- getOnlyFileName(posDataFileName)
if (hostSystem!="Windows") posDataFileName <- paste("./", posDataFileName, ".pos", sep="")
## if file doesn't exist in the current folder
if (!file.exists(posDataFileName)) {
cat(posDataFileName, " doesn't exists in the current folder!",
".. Exiting genPosTable() function \n")
## means that file is in current folder
else {
## if the file exists
## First line is garbled, so skipped
posDataTable <- read.table(posDataFileName, skip=1)
##Get the number of rows
noOfRowsInPos <- nrow(posDataTable)
noOfColsInPos <- ncol(posDataTable)
## Read the names provided by the .GeneDataTable
geneDataTableColNames <- colnames(.GeneDataTable)
noOfRowsInTxtData <- nrow(.GeneDataTable)
noOfColsInTxtData <- ncol(.GeneDataTable)
## Check if the nreplicates parameter is missing
if (missing(nreplicates)) {
nreplicates <- noOfRowsInTxtData / noOfRowsInPos
## Create a Matrix which will contain all the data
## Total no of Rows will be equal to the no of rows
## in PosDataTable while no of cols will be same
## as the no of cols in .GeneDataTable
posDataMat <- matrix(0, nrow=noOfRowsInPos,
## Now get the data from posDataTable to matrix
posDataMat[, 3:noOfColsInTxtData] <- as.matrix(
posDataTable[, 2:noOfColsInPos])
## get the sequence for rows
rowsSeq <- c(1:noOfRowsInPos)
for (i in rowsSeq) {
## for the genenames
posDataMat[i, 1] <- .GeneDataTable[(i * nreplicates),1]
## for the ORFs
posDataMat[i, 2] <- .GeneDataTable[(i * nreplicates),2]
if (hostSystem!="Windows") write.table(posDataMat[,], "./temp.tmp", sep="\t", dec=".",
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
if (hostSystem=="Windows") write.table(posDataMat[,], "temp.tmp", sep="\t", dec=".",
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
## Convert to the table object
## Read the table
if (hostSystem!="Windows") posDataTable <- read.table("./temp.tmp")
if (hostSystem=="Windows") posDataTable <- read.table("temp.tmp")
## Remove the file
if (hostSystem!="Windows") system ("rm ./temp.tmp")
if (hostSystem=="Windows") system ("rm temp.tmp")
## set the col names
colnames(posDataTable) <- geneDataTableColNames
## Call the runGimmNPosthoc on this object with nreplicates as 1
posGimmR <- runGimmNPosthoc(posDataTable, posDataFileName, M, T,
nIter, nreplicates=1, contextSpecific,
nContexts, contextLengths, clusterShape,
burnIn, elipticalWithin, matrixOut,readingRaw,
probsOut, clusterNumber, clusterOption,
verbose, intFiles)
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