#' Single gene network approaches.
#' `NET_run()` generate a single GRN. `NET_compute_graph_all_LASSO1se()` defines
#' the statistics of drivers and targets to be the Lasso method, choosing 1 standard error from the minimum RSS.
#' `NET_compute_graph_all_LASSOmin()` uses Lasso method, choosing the minimum RSS point. `NET_compute_graph_all_LM()`
#' uses a linear model and `NET_compute_graph_all_VBSR()` uses a Variational Bayes Spike Regression.
#' @param lognorm_est_counts Matrix of log-normalized estimated counts of the gene expression
#' data (Nr Genes x Nr samples)
#' @param target_filtered_idx Index array of the target genes on the lognorm_est_counts matrix if
#' SummarizedExperiment object is not provided.
#' @param regulator_filtered_idx Index array of the regulatory genes on the lognorm_est_counts matrix if
#' SummarizedExperiment object is not provided.
#' @param nassay if SummarizedExperiment object is passed as input to lognorm_est_counts, name of the
#' assay containing the desired matrix. Default: 1 (first item in assay's list).
#' @param regulator if SummarizedExperiment object is passed as input to lognorm_est_counts, name of the
#' rowData() variable to build target_filtered_idx and regulator_filtered_idx. This variable must be one
#' for driver genes and zero for target genes. Default: 'regulator'
#' @param graph_mode Chosen method(s) to generate the edges in the bipartite graph. The available options are 'VBSR',
#' 'LASSOmin', 'LASSO1se' and 'LM'. By default, all methods are chosen.
#' @param FDR The False Discovery Rate correction used for the enrichment analysis. By default, 0.05.
#' @param NrCores Nr of computer cores for the parallel parts of the method. Note that
#' the parallelization is NOT initialized in any of the functions. By default, 3.
#' @return List containing the GRN graphs.
#' @examples
#' ## Assume we have run the rewiring method and we have discovered a rewired module.
#' ## After we have selected the drivers and targets from that modules, we can build
#' ## a single GRN to study it separately.
#' ## For this example, we are going to join 60 drivers and
#' ## 200 targets genes from the example folder.
#' drivers <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),'/tfs_linker_example.rds'))
#' targets <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),'/targets_linker_example.rds'))
#' lognorm_est_counts <- as.matrix(rbind(drivers,targets))
#' ## We create the index for drivers and targets in the log-normalized gene expression matrix.
#' R<-60
#' T<-200
#' regulator_filtered_idx <- seq_len(R)
#' target_filtered_idx <- R+c(seq_len(T))
#' ## We recommend VBSR (rest of parameters are set by default)
#' graph <- NET_run(lognorm_est_counts,target_filtered_idx=target_filtered_idx,
#' regulator_filtered_idx=regulator_filtered_idx,graph_mode='VBSR')
#' @export NET_run
NET_run <- function(lognorm_est_counts, target_filtered_idx, regulator_filtered_idx, nassay = 1, regulator = "regulator", graph_mode = c("VBSR",
"LASSOmin", "LASSO1se", "LM"), FDR = 0.05, NrCores = 1) {
# Check for SummarizedExperiment Object
if (inherits(lognorm_est_counts, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
# Generate target and regulator indexes
genenames <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)
geneinfo <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(lognorm_est_counts)
target_filtered_idx <- which(genenames %in% rownames(geneinfo)[geneinfo$regulator == 0])
regulator_filtered_idx <- which(genenames %in% rownames(geneinfo)[geneinfo$regulator == 1])
# Get lognorm_est_counts expression matrix.
lognorm_est_counts <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(lognorm_est_counts)[[nassay]]
# checks for lognorm_est_counts
if (is.null(lognorm_est_counts)) {
stop("lognorm_est_counts field empty")
if (!(is.matrix(lognorm_est_counts))) {
stop("matrix class is required for input dataset")
if (!is.numeric(lognorm_est_counts[1, 1]) & !is.numeric(lognorm_est_counts[1, 1])) {
stop("non-numeric values inside lognorm_est_counts variable")
if (is.null(rownames(lognorm_est_counts)) | is.null(colnames(lognorm_est_counts))) {
stop("null field detected in row names or column names, check lognorm_est_counts matrix")
# checks for target and regulator filtered index
if (is.null(target_filtered_idx)) {
stop("target_filtered_idx field empty")
if (is.null(regulator_filtered_idx)) {
stop("regulator_filtered_idx field empty")
if (length(target_filtered_idx) + length(regulator_filtered_idx) != nrow(lognorm_est_counts)) {
stop("the total number of genes is not equal to the sum of target_filtered_idx and regulatory_filtered_idx lengths")
if (!(is.numeric(target_filtered_idx) & is.numeric(regulator_filtered_idx))) {
stop("targets and regulators index arrays must be numeric")
graphs <- list()
for (j in seq_along(graph_mode)) {
graphs[[graph_mode[j]]] <- switch(graph_mode[j], VBSR = NET_compute_graph_all_VBSR(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx,
target_filtered_idx, NrCores), LASSOmin = NET_compute_graph_all_LASSOmin(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx,
NrCores), LASSO1se = NET_compute_graph_all_LASSO1se(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx, NrCores),
LM = NET_compute_graph_all_LM(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx, NrCores))
message("Graphs for (", graph_mode[j], ") computed!")
return(list(graphs = graphs))
#' @export
#' @rdname NET_run
#' @param alpha feature selection parameter in case of a LASSO model to be chosen.
NET_compute_graph_all_LASSO1se <- function(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx, alpha = 1 - 1e-06, NrCores = 1) {
X <- lognorm_est_counts[regulator_filtered_idx, ]
driverMat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(target_filtered_idx), ncol = length(regulator_filtered_idx))
# This will register nr of cores/threads, keep this here so the user can decide how many cores based on their hardware.
parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
parallClass$workers <- NrCores
# compute the LASSO1se
Lasso1se <- function(idx, lognorm_est_counts, alpha) {
y <- lognorm_est_counts[idx, ]
fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(t(X), y, alpha = alpha)
b_o <- stats::coef(fit, s = fit$lambda.1se)
b_opt <- c(b_o[2:length(b_o)]) # removing the intercept.
driverMat <- BiocParallel::bplapply(target_filtered_idx, Lasso1se, lognorm_est_counts, alpha, BPPARAM = parallClass)
# Transform list of bettas into matrix, as .combine=rbind in foreach
driverMat <- do.call(rbind, driverMat)
rownames(driverMat) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[target_filtered_idx]
colnames(driverMat) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[regulator_filtered_idx]
regulated_genes <- which(rowSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
regulatory_genes <- which(colSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes, ]
driverMat <- driverMat[, regulatory_genes]
g <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(driverMat)
#' @export
#' @rdname NET_run
NET_compute_graph_all_LASSOmin <- function(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx, alpha = 1 - 1e-06, NrCores = 1) {
X <- lognorm_est_counts[regulator_filtered_idx, ]
driverMat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(target_filtered_idx), ncol = length(regulator_filtered_idx))
# This will register nr of cores/threads, keep this here so the user can decide how many cores based on their hardware.
parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
parallClass$workers <- NrCores
# compute the LASSOmin
Lassomin <- function(idx, lognorm_est_counts, alpha) {
y <- lognorm_est_counts[idx, ]
fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(t(X), y, alpha = alpha)
b_o <- stats::coef(fit, s = fit$lambda.min)
b_opt <- c(b_o[2:length(b_o)]) # removing the intercept.
driverMat <- BiocParallel::bplapply(target_filtered_idx, Lassomin, lognorm_est_counts, alpha, BPPARAM = parallClass)
# Transform list of bettas into matrix, as .combine=rbind in foreach
driverMat <- do.call(rbind, driverMat)
rownames(driverMat) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[target_filtered_idx]
colnames(driverMat) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[regulator_filtered_idx]
regulated_genes <- which(rowSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
regulatory_genes <- which(colSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes, ]
driverMat <- driverMat[, regulatory_genes]
g <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(driverMat)
#' @export
#' @rdname NET_run
NET_compute_graph_all_LM <- function(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx, NrCores = 1) {
GEA_per_regulator <- list()
i <- 1
X <- t(lognorm_est_counts[regulator_filtered_idx, ])
# compute the LM
NrTotalEdges <- length(target_filtered_idx) * length(regulator_filtered_idx)
Pthre <- 0.05/(NrTotalEdges)
# This will register nr of cores/threads, keep this here so the user can decide how many cores based on their hardware.
parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
parallClass$workers <- NrCores
LM <- function(idx, lognorm_est_counts, Pthre) {
y <- lognorm_est_counts[idx, ]
driverVec <- numeric(length = ncol(X))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(X))) {
x <- X[, i]
fit <- stats::lm(y ~ x)
s <- summary(fit)
driverVec[i] <- (s$coefficients[2, "Pr(>|t|)"] < Pthre)
driverMat <- BiocParallel::bplapply(target_filtered_idx, LM, lognorm_est_counts, Pthre, BPPARAM = parallClass)
# Transform list of bettas into matrix, as .combine=rbind in foreach
driverMat <- do.call(rbind, driverMat)
target_genes <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[target_filtered_idx]
regulators <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[regulator_filtered_idx]
rownames(driverMat) <- target_genes
colnames(driverMat) <- regulators
regulated_genes <- which(rowSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
regulatory_genes <- which(colSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes, ]
driverMat <- driverMat[, regulatory_genes]
g <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(driverMat)
#' @export
#' @rdname NET_run
NET_compute_graph_all_VBSR <- function(lognorm_est_counts, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx, NrCores = 1) {
X <- lognorm_est_counts[regulator_filtered_idx, , drop = FALSE]
driverMat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(target_filtered_idx), ncol = length(regulator_filtered_idx))
# This will register nr of cores/threads, keep this here so the user can decide how many cores based on their hardware.
parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
parallClass$workers <- NrCores
# compute the VBSR
VBSR <- function(idx, lognorm_est_counts, X, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx) {
y <- lognorm_est_counts[idx, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(y)) {
y <- t(y)
if (length(unique(y)) == 1) {
rep(0, length(regulator_filtered_idx))
} else {
res <- try(vbsr(y, t(X), n_orderings = 15, family = "normal"), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
rep(0, length(regulator_filtered_idx))
} else {
betas <- res$beta
betas[res$pval > 0.05/(length(target_filtered_idx) * length(regulator_filtered_idx))] <- 0
driverMat <- BiocParallel::bplapply(target_filtered_idx, VBSR, lognorm_est_counts, X, regulator_filtered_idx, target_filtered_idx,
BPPARAM = parallClass)
# Transform list of bettas into matrix, as .combine=rbind in foreach
driverMat <- do.call(rbind, driverMat)
rownames(driverMat) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[target_filtered_idx]
colnames(driverMat) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[regulator_filtered_idx]
regulated_genes <- which(rowSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
regulatory_genes <- which(colSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes, ]
driverMat <- driverMat[, regulatory_genes]
g <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(driverMat, weighted = TRUE)
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