Man pages for tomoyukif/GBScleanR
Error correction tool for noisy genotyping by sequencing (GBS) data

addScheme#' Build a GbsrScheme object
assignSchemeAssign member IDs to samples
boxplotGBSRDraw boxplots of specified statistics
closeGDSClose the connection to the GDS file
countGenotypeCount genotype calls and alleles per sample and per marker.
countReadCount reads per sample and per marker.
estGenoGenotype estimation using a hiden Morkov model
GBScleanRGBScleanR: A package to conduct error correction for noisy...
gbsrGDS2CSVWrite a CSV file based on data in a GDS file
gbsrGDS2VCFWrite a VCF file based on data in a GDS file
GbsrGenotypeData-classClass 'GbsrGenotypeData'
GbsrScheme-classClass 'GbsrScheme'
gbsrVCF2GDSConvert a VCF file to a GDS file
getAlleleObtain reference allele information of markers
getChromosomeObtain chromosome IDs of markers
getCountAlleleAltObtain total alternative allele counts per SNP or per sample
getCountAlleleMissingObtain total missing allele counts per SNP or per sample
getCountAlleleRefObtain total reference allele counts per SNP or per sample
getCountGenoAltObtain total alternative genotype counts per SNP or per...
getCountGenoHetObtain total heterozygote counts per SNP or per sample
getCountGenoMissingObtain total missing genotype counts per SNP or per sample
getCountGenoRefObtain total reference genotype counts per SNP or per sample
getCountReadObtain total read counts per SNP or per sample
getCountReadAltObtain total alternative read counts per SNP or per sample
getCountReadRefObtain total reference read counts per SNP or per sample
getFixedBiasGet fixed allele read biases
getGenotypeGet genotype call data.
getHaplotypeGet haplotype call data.
getInfoObtain information stored in the "annotation/info" node
getMACObtain minor allele counts per SNP or per sample
getMAFObtain minor allele frequencies per SNP or per sample
getMarIDObtain the marker IDs
getMeanReadAltObtain mean values of total alternative read counts per SNP...
getMeanReadRefObtain mean values of total reference read counts per SNP or...
getMedianReadAltObtain quantile values of total alternative read counts per...
getMedianReadRefObtain quantile values of total reference read counts per SNP...
getParentsGet parental sample information
getPositionObtain marker positions
getReadGet read count data.
getReplicatesGet identifiers to indicates which samples are replicates.
getSamIDObtain the sample IDs
getSDReadAltObtain standard deviations of total alternative read counts...
getSDReadRefObtain standard deviations of total reference read counts per...
histGBSRDraw histograms of specified statistics
initSchemeBuild a GbsrScheme object
isOpenGDSCheck if a GDS file has been opened or not.
loadGDSLoad a GDS file and construct a 'GbsrGenotypeData' object.
makeSchemeAutomate a GbsrScheme object building.
nmarReturn the number of SNPs.
nsamReturn the number of samples.
pairsGBSRDraw a scatter plot of a pair of specified statistics
plotDosageDraw line plots of allele dosage per marker per sample.
plotGBSRDraw line plots of specified statistics
plotReadRatioDraw line plots of proportion of reference allele read counts...
reopenGDSReopen the connection to the GDS file.
resetCallFilterSet the origina; data to be used in GBScleanR's functions
resetFilterReset all filters made by 'setSamFilter()', 'setMarFilter()',...
resetMarFilterReset the filter made by 'setMarFilter()'
resetSamFilterReset the filter made by 'setSamFilter()'
setCallFilterFilter out each genotype call meeting criteria
setFixedBiasSet fixed allele read biases
setInfoFilterFilter out markers based on marker quality metrics
setMarFilterFilter out markers
setParentsSet labels to samples which should be recognized as parents...
setReplicatesSet identifiers to indicates which samples are replicates.
setSamFilterFilter out samples
showSchemeShow the information stored in a GbsrScheme object
thinMarkerRemove markers potentially having redundant information.
validMarReturn a logical vector indicating which are valid SNP...
validSamReturn a logical vector indicating which are valid samples.
tomoyukif/GBScleanR documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 10:17 a.m.