#' @name readMarkers
#' @title Load a file with known markers linked to apoptosis or necroptosis
#' @description
#' The function \code{readMarkers} loads a data set with markers linked to
#' apoptosis or necroptosis.
#' The returned \code{tibble} contains three columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{feature}: name of the marker,
#' \item \code{change}: maximum/minimum fold change from the
#' time-course experiment (maximum absolute value is taken),
#' \item \code{significant_n}: number of significant time-points.
#' }
#' Classical necrotic markers include lactate deydrogenase (LDH),
#' high-mobility group B1 (HMGB1), myoglobin, enolase, and 14-3-3 proteins.
#' Commonly, a protein release is observed during apoptosis and necroptosis
#' for human myeloid/lymphoma cell lines and human primary macrophage cells as
#' observed time course experiments (cf. Tanzer et al., 2020).
#' @details
#' The function loads the Supplementary Table S1 from Tanzer et al. (2020).
#' In the data set of Tanzer et al. (2020), the following abbreviations are
#' used:
#' \itemize{
#' \item TNF: tumor necrosis factor (TNF-mediated apoptosis),
#' \item SM: birinapant (inhibition of cIAPs using small molecules called
#' Smac mimetics),
#' \item IDN: caspase inhibitor IDUN-6556 (IDN-6556, used in induction of
#' necroptosis),
#' \item TNF application: leads to production of cytokines (no induction of
#' apoptosis or necroptosis),
#' \item TNF+SM application: inducton of apptosis,
#' \item TNF+SM+IDN-6556 application: induction of necroptosis.
#' }
#' The time points 1 h, 3 h, 5 h, and 7 h are taken into account for defining
#' the markers. For apoptosis, the time points 9 h, 12.5 h and 15 h are
#' removed prior to filtering the data set.
#' @references
#' Tanzer et al. (2020): Quantitative and Dynamic Catalogs of Proteins
#' Released during Apoptotic and Necroptotic Cell Death.
#' \emph{Cell Reports}, 30, 1260-1270.e5. 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.12.079.
#' @param type character, \code{"apoptosis"} or \code{"necroptosis"}
#' @param fc numeric(1), threshold for fold change (default 2), e.g. if set to
#' 2, the features are retained that have absolute fold changes greater or equal
#' to \code{fc}
#' @param n numeric, threshold for number of significant time points
#' (default 1), e.g. if set to 1, the features are retained that have at
#' least 1 significant time point
#' @return tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## "apoptosis"
#' readMarkers(type = "apoptosis", fc = 2, n = 1)
#' ## "nectroptosis"
#' readMarkers(type = "necroptosis", fc = 2, n = 2)
readMarkers <- function(type = c("apoptosis", "necroptosis"), fc = 2, n = 1) {
type <- match.arg(type)
## load the data set that contains the fold changes of the time-courses
## sheet "TNF+SM vs co"
if (type == "apoptosis")
f <- "protein_markers/Tanzer2020_protein_markers_apoptosis.RDS"
## sheet "TNF+SM+IDN-6556 vs co"
if (type == "necroptosis")
f <- "protein_markers/Tanzer2020_protein_markers_necroptosis.RDS"
f <- system.file(f, package = "apoptosisQuantification")
tbl <- readRDS(f)
tbl <- tbl[!grepl(x = colnames(tbl), pattern = "9h|12[.]5h|15h")]
cols <- colnames(tbl)
## remove 9h, 12.5h, 15h
cols <- cols[!grepl(x = cols, pattern = "9h|12[.]5h|15h")]
## find the columns that contain the information on the significance
sign_inds <- grep(x = cols, pattern = "Significant.TNF[+]SM")
## determine the features that are significant in at least n time
## course events, depending if type is apoptosis or necroptosis
sign_logical <- apply(t(tbl[, sign_inds]), 1,
function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), FALSE, TRUE))
sign_n <- apply(sign_logical, 1, sum)
## look now into the fold changes and find the absolute highest fold change
## for the significant features, store these fold changes in a list (fc_max)
fc_inds <- grep(x = cols, pattern = "Fold.change.[(]Log2[)]")
fc_tbl <- tbl[, fc_inds]
fc_max <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(tbl)), function(row_i) {
fc_tbl_i <- fc_tbl[row_i, ][sign_logical[row_i, ]]
if (length(fc_tbl_i) > 0)
fc_max <- unlist(fc_max)
## create a logical vector that stores information about which features
## to take (the ones that have significant times point greater or equal
## to n and that have fc_max > 0.5)
markers_logical <- sign_n >= n & (!is.na(fc_max) & abs(fc_max) >= fc)
## return the tibble, store inside the feature name, the max (absolute)
## fold change, and the number of time points the fold change was
## significant
tibble::tibble(feature = dplyr::pull(tbl[markers_logical, ], "Gene.names"),
change = fc_max[markers_logical],
significant_n = sign_n[markers_logical])
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