#' @name calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra
#' @title Calculate QC metrics from a Spectra object containing only spectral
#' data from one sample
#' @description
#' The function \code{calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra} calculates quality
#' metrics from a \code{Spectra} containing spectral data from one sample.
#' @details
#' The metrics are defined by the argument \code{metrics}. Further arguments
#' passed to the quality metric functions can be specified by the \code{params}
#' argument. \code{params} can contain named entries which are matched against
#' the formal arguments of the quality metric functions.
#' The \code{Spectra} object will only contain spectral data from one
#' data origin (e.g. \code{spectra$dataOrigin} is of length 1). The grouping
#' is specified by the argument \code{f}.
#' Setting the argument \code{filterEmptySpectra} to \code{TRUE} will remove
#' zero-length entries, zero-intensity entries, and entries with
#' intensities that are \code{Inf} from the \code{Spectra} object.
#' @param spectra \code{Spectra} object
#' @param metrics \code{character} specifying the quality metrics to be
#' calculated on \code{spectra}
#' @param filterEmptySpectra \code{logical(1)} specifying if empty entries and
#' entries with intensity zero or \code{Inf} of the \code{Spectra} object
#' will be removed
#' @param f \code{character}, grouping parameter for \code{spectra}
#' @param ... arguments passed to the quality metrics functions defined in
#' \code{metrics}
#' @return named \code{numeric} vector
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Spectra Spectra filterIntensity filterEmptySpectra
#' @import msdata
#' @examples
#' library(msdata)
#' library(Spectra)
#' fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)[1]
#' spectra <- Spectra(fls, backend = MsBackendMzR())
#' ## define the quality metrics to be calculated
#' metrics <- c("areaUnderTic", "chromatographyDuration", "msSignal10xChange")
#' ## calculate the metrics
#' ## additional parameters passed to the quality metrics functions
#' ## (MsLevel is an argument of areaUnderTic and msSignal10xChange,
#' ## relativeTo is an argument of msSignal10xChange) passed to ...
#' MsQuality:::calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra(spectra = spectra,
#' metrics = metrics, msLevel = 1, change = "jump", relativeTo = "Q1")
#' MsQuality:::calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra(spectra = spectra,
#' metrics = metrics, msLevel = 1, change = "fall", relativeTo = "previous")
calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra <- function(spectra,
metrics = qualityMetrics(spectra), filterEmptySpectra = FALSE,
f = spectra$dataOrigin, ...) {
## match metrics against the possible quality metrics defined in
## qualityMetrics(spectra), throw an error if there are metrics that
## are not defined in qualityMetrics(spectra)
metrics <- match.arg(metrics, choices = qualityMetrics(spectra),
several.ok = TRUE)
if (length(filterEmptySpectra) != 1 | !is.logical(filterEmptySpectra))
stop("'filterEmptySpectra' has to be either TRUE or FALSE")
if(!is(spectra, "Spectra")) stop("'spectra' is not of class 'Spectra'")
if(length(unique(f)) != 1)
stop("'spectra' should only contain data from one origin")
## in case of filterEmptySpectra == TRUE, remove the entries with
## zero or Inf intensity and remove the entries with empty spectra
if (filterEmptySpectra) {
spectra <- spectra |>
filterEmptySpectra() |>
filterIntensity(intensity = function(.intensity)
.intensity > 0 & .intensity != Inf) |>
dots <- list(...)
## prepare the argument for the metric functions by writing spectra to a
## list
sp_l <- list(spectra = spectra)
args <- c(sp_l, dots)
## calculate the metrics (using all metrics defined in metrics) using the
## spectra object
## lapply is the outer loop that iterates through the functions `metrics`
metrics_vals <- lapply(seq_along(metrics), function(i) {
do.call(metrics[i], args)
## add attributes (attributes of metrics_vals and dots)
names(metrics_vals) <- metrics
metrics_vals_attributes <- lapply(metrics_vals, attributes)
names(metrics_vals_attributes) <- NULL
metrics_vals_attributes <- unlist(metrics_vals_attributes)
metrics_vals <- unlist(metrics_vals)
attributes(metrics_vals) <- c(attributes(metrics_vals),
metrics_vals_attributes, dots)
## return the object
#' @name calculateMetricsFromSpectra
#' @title Calculate QC metrics from a Spectra object
#' @description
#' The function \code{calculateMetricsFromSpectra} calculates quality metrics
#' from a \code{Spectra} object. The function will calculate the
#' metrics per sample according to the grouping parameter \code{f},
#' e.g. \code{dataOrigin} information.
#' Two format options are available:
#' - \code{format = "data.frame"} returns the metrics as a \code{data.frame}, \cr
#' - \code{format = "mzQC"} returns the metrics as a list of \code{MzQCmzQC}
#' objects. \cr
#' @details
#' The metrics are defined by the argument \code{metrics}. Further arguments
#' passed to the quality metric functions can be specified by \code{...}.
#' The additional arguments \code{...} are matched against
#' the formal arguments of the quality metric functions.
#' Samples will be processed in parallel
#' using the default parallel processing setup ([bpparam()]) or with the
#' parallel processing setup defined with parameter \code{BPPARAM}.
#' Setting the argument \code{filterEmptySpectra} to \code{TRUE} will remove
#' zero-length entries, zero-intensity entries, and entries with
#' intensities that are \code{Inf} from the \code{Spectra} object.
#' @param spectra \code{Spectra} object
#' @param metrics \code{character} specifying the quality metrics to be
#' calculated on \code{spectra}
#' @param filterEmptySpectra \code{logical(1)} specifying if empty entries and
#' entries with intensity zero of the \code{Spectra} object will be removed
#' @param f \code{character} defining which spectra in \code{spectra} belong to
#' one sample. Defaults to \code{f = dataOrigin(spectra)}. Spectra from the
#' same original data file are processed together (and in parallel for
#' different files).
#' @param format \code{character(1)} specifying if metrics are returned
#' as a \code{data.frame} (\code{format = "data.frame"}) or as a list of
#' \code{MzQCmzQC} objects (\code{format = "mzQC"})
#' @param BPPARAM Parallel processing setup. Defaults to \code{BPPARAM = bpparam()}.
#' See [bpparam()] for details on parallel processing with \code{BiocParallel}.
#' @param ... arguments passed to the quality metrics functions defined in
#' \code{metrics}
#' @return
#' In case of \code{format = "data.frame"}, a \code{data.frame} containing in
#' the columns the metrics for the different spectra of identical
#' \code{dataOrigin{spectra}} (in rows).
#' In case of \code{format = "mzQC"}, a \code{list} of \code{MzQCmzQC} objects
#' containing the metrics for the different spectra of identical
#' \code{dataOrigin{spectra}}
#' @author Thomas Naake, Johannes Rainer
#' @export
#' @importFrom Spectra Spectra
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra dataOrigin
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @import msdata
#' @examples
#' library(msdata)
#' library(Spectra)
#' ## define file names containing spectra data for the samples
#' fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)
#' ## import the data and add it to the spectra object
#' spectra <- Spectra(fls, backend = MsBackendMzR())
#' ## define the quality metrics to be calculated
#' metrics <- c("areaUnderTic", "chromatographyDuration", "msSignal10xChange")
#' ## calculate the metrics
#' ## additional parameters passed to the quality metrics functions
#' ## (msLevel is an argument of areaUnderTic and msSignal10xChange,
#' ## relativeTo is an argument of msSignal10xChange) passed to ...
#' ## format = "data.frame"
#' calculateMetricsFromSpectra(spectra = spectra, metrics = metrics,
#' format = "data.frame", msLevel = 1, change = "jump", relativeTo = "Q1")
#' calculateMetricsFromSpectra(spectra = spectra, metrics = metrics,
#' format = "data.frame", msLevel = 1, change = "fall",
#' relativeTo = "previous")
#' ## format = "mzQC"
#' ##calculateMetricsFromSpectra(spectra = spectra, metrics = metrics,
#' ## format = "mzQC", msLevel = 1, change = "jump", relativeTo = "Q1")
#' ##calculateMetricsFromSpectra(spectra = spectra, metrics = metrics,
#' ## format = "mzQC", msLevel = 1, change = "fall", relativeTo = "previous")
calculateMetricsFromSpectra <- function(spectra, metrics,
filterEmptySpectra = FALSE, f = dataOrigin(spectra),
format = c("data.frame", "mzQC"), ..., BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
## match metrics against the possible quality metrics defined in
## qualityMetrics(spectra), throw an error if there are metrics that
## are not defined in qualityMetrics(spectra)
metrics <- match.arg(metrics, choices = qualityMetrics(spectra),
several.ok = TRUE)
if (length(filterEmptySpectra) != 1 | !is.logical(filterEmptySpectra))
stop("'filterEmptySpectra' has to be either TRUE or FALSE")
format <- match.arg(format)
if(!is(spectra, "Spectra")) stop("spectra is not of class 'Spectra'")
## get first the number of spectra in the Spectra object, one spectra should
## refer to one mzML file/sample or other grouping factor specified by
## paramter f
f_unique <- unique(f)
## iterate through the different spectra per dataOrigin and calculate the
## quality metrics using the calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra
## the lapply loop returns list containing named numeric vectors
spectra_metrics <- bplapply(f_unique, function(f_unique_i, ...) {
spectra = spectra[f == f_unique_i], metrics = metrics,
filterEmptySpectra = filterEmptySpectra, ...)
## add file names as names of the list
names(spectra_metrics) <- f_unique
## if format == "data.frame"
if (format == "data.frame") {
obj_attributes <- lapply(spectra_metrics, attributes)[[1]]
obj <- do.call("rbind", spectra_metrics)
## add attributes
dots <- list(...)
attributes(obj) <- c(attributes(obj), obj_attributes, dots)
names(obj) <- NULL
if (format == "mzQC") {
obj <- transformIntoMzQC(spectra_metrics)
## return the data.frame or the list of mzQC
#' @name transformIntoMzQC
#' @title Transform the metrics into a list of \code{MzQCmzQC} objects
#' @description
#' The function \code{transformIntoMzQC} transfers the metrics stored in
#' \code{spectra_metrics} into a list of \code{MzQCmzQC} objects. Each list
#' entry will refer to the corresponding entry in \code{spectra_metrics}.
#' As such, each entry contains information from a single \code{dataOrigin}
#' of a \code{Spectra} object.
#' The function \code{transformIntoMzQC} is a helper function within
#' \code{calculateMetricsFromSpectra}.
#' @details
#' The \code{MzQCmzQC} object will only contain those quality metrics
#' that have a corresponding attribute with a [PSI:MS] identifier. The
#' matching is done via the names of each vector in \code{spectra_metrics}.
#' The Field \code{"version"} is set to the current version of the \code{rmzqc}
#' package.
#' The entry of \code{"MzQCanalysisSoftware"} is filled with the [PSI:MS] id
#' of \code{MsQuality} ("MS:") and the version is taken from
#' \code{packageDescription("MsQuality")[["Version"]]}.
#' @param spectra_metrics list of named vector
#' @return \code{list} containing as entries \code{MzQCmzQC} objects for each
#' \code{Spectra} with same \code{dataOrigin}
#' @author Thomas Naake, Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' library(msdata)
#' library(Spectra)
#' ## define file names containing spectra data for the samples
#' fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)
#' ## import the data and add it to the spectra object
#' spectra <- Spectra(fls, backend = MsBackendMzR())
#' ## define the quality metrics to be calculated
#' metrics <- c("areaUnderTic", "chromatographyDuration", "msSignal10xChange")
#' ## obtain the spectra_metrics object
#' f <- dataOrigin(spectra)
#' f_unique <- unique(f)
#' ## spectra_metrics <- bplapply(f_unique, function(f_unique_i) {
#' ##calculateMetricsFromOneSampleSpectra(
#' ## spectra = spectra[f == f_unique_i], metrics = metrics)
#' ## }, BPPARAM = bpparam())
#' ## transform into mzQC objects
#' ##transformIntoMzQC(spectra_metrics)
#' @importFrom rmzqc getCVTemplate filenameToCV toAnalysisSoftware toQCMetric
#' @importFrom rmzqc getCVInfo MzQCrunQuality MzQCmetadata MzQCinputFile
#' @importFrom rmzqc MzQCmzQC MzQCDateTime
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
transformIntoMzQC <- function(spectra_metrics) {
## create mzQC objects per sample and return as a list
res <- lapply(seq_along(spectra_metrics), function(i) {
## obtain raw file and file format
raw_file <- names(spectra_metrics)[i]
file_format <- getCVTemplate(accession = filenameToCV(raw_file))
## obtain information on the MsQuality package
software <- toAnalysisSoftware(id = "MS:4000151",
version = packageDescription("MsQuality")$Version)
## obtain information on the run qualities
## find first all metrics with "MS:NNNNNNN" attributes
spectra_metrics_i <- spectra_metrics[[i]]
spectra_metrics_names_i <- lapply(
strsplit(names(spectra_metrics_i), split = "[.]"), "[", 1) |>
names(spectra_metrics_i) <- spectra_metrics_names_i
attributes_i <- attributes(spectra_metrics_i)[
names(attributes(spectra_metrics_i)) %in% spectra_metrics_names_i]
## iterate through all valid attributes, obtain the value of the metric,
## and rename the entry
qc_metric_i <- lapply(seq_along(attributes_i), function(j) {
id_j <- attr(x = spectra_metrics_i,
which = names(attributes_i)[j], exact = TRUE)
value_j <- spectra_metrics_i[names(attributes_i)[j]] |>
tryCatch(toQCMetric(id = id_j, value = value_j), error = function(e) NULL)
## remove empty list entries if there are any
qc_metric_keep <- lapply(qc_metric_i, length) |>
unlist() |>
qc_metric_i <- qc_metric_i[qc_metric_keep]
## create a MzQCrunQuality object
run_qc <- MzQCrunQuality(
metadata = MzQCmetadata(
label = raw_file,
inputFiles = list(MzQCinputFile(
basename(raw_file), raw_file, file_format)),
analysisSoftware = list(software)),
qualityMetrics = qc_metric_i
## create the final object and return
version = packageDescription("rmzqc")$Version,
creationDate = MzQCDateTime(),
contactName = Sys.info()[["user"]],
#contactAddress = "test@user.info",
description = paste("A mzQC document on the sample", basename(raw_file)),
runQualities = list(run_qc),
setQualities = list(),
controlledVocabularies = list(getCVInfo()))
#' @name calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment
#' @title Calculate QC metrics from a MsExperiment object
#' @description
#' The function \code{calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment} calculates quality
#' metrics from a \code{MsExperiment} object. Each spectra in the
#' \code{msexp} object should refer to one mzML file/to one sample.
#' @details
#' The metrics are defined by the argument \code{metrics}. Further arguments
#' passed to the quality metric functions can be specified by the \code{params}
#' argument. \code{params} can contain named entries which are matched against
#' the formal arguments of the quality metric functions.
#' Setting the argument \code{filterEmptySpectra} to \code{TRUE} will remove
#' zero-length entries, zero-intensity entries, and entries with
#' intensities that are \code{Inf} from the \code{Spectra} object.
#' @param msexp \code{MsExperiment} object
#' @param metrics \code{character} specifying the quality metrics to be
#' calculated on \code{msexp}
#' @param filterEmptySpectra \code{logical(1)} specifying if empty entries and
#' entries with intensity zero of the \code{Spectra} object will be removed
#' @param ... arguments passed to the quality metrics functions defined in
#' \code{metrics}
#' @return \code{data.frame} containing in the columns the metrics for the
#' different spectra (in rows)
#' @inheritParams calculateMetricsFromSpectra
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @export
#' @importFrom Spectra Spectra
#' @importFrom ProtGenerics spectra
#' @importFrom MsExperiment MsExperiment sampleData
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import msdata
#' @examples
#' library(msdata)
#' library(MsExperiment)
#' library(S4Vectors)
#' msexp <- MsExperiment()
#' sd <- DataFrame(sample_id = c("QC1", "QC2"),
#' sample_name = c("QC Pool", "QC Pool"), injection_idx = c(1, 3))
#' sampleData(msexp) <- sd
#' ## define file names containing spectra data for the samples and
#' ## add them, along with other arbitrary files to the experiment
#' fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)
#' experimentFiles(msexp) <- MsExperimentFiles(
#' mzML_files = fls,
#' annotations = "internal_standards.txt")
#' ## link samples to data files: first sample to first file in "mzML_files",
#' ## second sample to second file in "mzML_files"
#' msexp <- linkSampleData(msexp, with = "experimentFiles.mzML_files",
#' sampleIndex = c(1, 2), withIndex = c(1, 2))
#' msexp <- linkSampleData(msexp, with = "experimentFiles.annotations",
#' sampleIndex = c(1, 2), withIndex = c(1, 1))
#' library(Spectra)
#' ## import the data and add it to the mse object
#' spectra(msexp) <- Spectra(fls, backend = MsBackendMzR())
#' ## define the quality metrics to be calculated
#' metrics <- c("areaUnderTic", "chromatographyDuration", "msSignal10xChange")
#' ## additional parameters passed to the quality metrics functions
#' ## (msLevel is an argument of areaUnderTic and msSignal10xChange,
#' ## relativeTo is an argument of msSignal10xChange) passed to ...
#' calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment(msexp = msexp, metrics = metrics,
#' msLevel = 1, change = "jump", relativeTo = "Q1")
#' calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment(msexp = msexp, metrics = metrics,
#' msLevel = 1, change = "fall", relativeTo = "previous")
calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment <- function(msexp,
metrics = qualityMetrics(msexp), filterEmptySpectra = FALSE,
..., BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
## match metrics against the possible quality metrics defined in
## qualityMetrics(mse), throw an error if there are metrics that
## are not defined in qualityMetrics(mse)
metrics <- match.arg(metrics, choices = qualityMetrics(msexp),
several.ok = TRUE)
if (length(filterEmptySpectra) != 1 | !is.logical(filterEmptySpectra))
stop("'filterEmptySpectra' has to be either TRUE or FALSE")
if(!is(msexp, "MsExperiment"))
stop("'msexp' is not of class 'MsExperiment'")
## get Spectra object from MsExperiment object and calculate the quality
## metrics using the calculateMetricsFromSpectra function, the metrics
## will be stored in the data.frame df
sps <- spectra(msexp)
res <- calculateMetricsFromSpectra(spectra = sps, metrics = metrics,
filterEmptySpectra = filterEmptySpectra, ...,
## return the object
#' @name calculateMetrics
#' @title Calculate QC metrics from a Spectra or MsExperiment object
#' @description
#' Calculate QC metrics from a \code{Spectra} or \code{MsExperiment} object.
#' \code{calculateMetrics} is a wrapper for the functions
#' \code{calculateMetricsFromSpectra} and
#' \code{calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment}.
#' @details
#' The metrics are defined by the argument \code{metrics}. Further arguments
#' passed to the quality metric functions can be specified by the \code{params}
#' argument. \code{params} can contain named entries which are matched against
#' the formal arguments of the quality metric functions.
#' Setting the argument \code{filterEmptySpectra} to \code{TRUE} will remove
#' zero-length entries, zero-intensity entries, and entries with
#' intensities that are \code{Inf} from the \code{Spectra} object.
#' @param object \code{Spectra} or \code{MsExperiment} object
#' @param metrics \code{character} specifying the quality metrics to be
#' calculated on \code{object}
#' @param filterEmptySpectra \code{logical(1)} specifying if empty entries and
#' entries with intensity zero of the \code{Spectra} object will be removed
#' @param ... arguments passed to the quality metrics functions defined in
#' \code{metrics}
#' @return \code{data.frame} containing in the columns the metrics for the
#' different spectra and in rows the samples
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Spectra Spectra
#' @import msdata
#' @examples
#' library(msdata)
#' library(Spectra)
#' fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)
#' spectra <- Spectra(fls, backend = MsBackendMzR())
#' ## define the quality metrics to be calculated
#' metrics <- c("areaUnderTic", "chromatographyDuration", "msSignal10xChange")
#' ## calculate the metrics
#' ## additional parameters passed to the quality metrics functions
#' ## (MsLevel is an argument of areaUnderTic and msSignal10xChange,
#' ## relativeTo is an argument of msSignal10xChange) passed to ...
#' calculateMetrics(object = spectra, metrics = metrics,
#' msLevel = 1, change = "jump", relativeTo = "Q1")
#' calculateMetrics(object = spectra, metrics = metrics,
#' msLevel = 1, change = "fall", relativeTo = "previous")
calculateMetrics <- function(object,
metrics = qualityMetrics(object), filterEmptySpectra = FALSE,
...) {
## match metrics against the possible quality metrics defined in
## qualityMetrics(object), throw an error if there are metrics that
## are not defined in qualityMetrics(spectra)
metrics <- match.arg(metrics, choices = qualityMetrics(object),
several.ok = TRUE)
if (length(filterEmptySpectra) != 1 | !is.logical(filterEmptySpectra))
stop("'filterEmptySpectra' has to be either TRUE or FALSE")
if (is(object, "Spectra")) {
metrics_vals <- calculateMetricsFromSpectra(spectra = object,
metrics = metrics, filterEmptySpectra = filterEmptySpectra, ...)
if (is(object, "MsExperiment")) {
metrics_vals <- calculateMetricsFromMsExperiment(msexp = object,
metrics = metrics, filterEmptySpectra = filterEmptySpectra, ...)
## return the object
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