################################### colData ####################################
#' @name tP_colDataUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'colData'
#' @description
#' The module defines the UI in the tab panel 'colData'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_colDataUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'colData'.
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_colDataUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel fluidRow column uiOutput br
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom DT DTOutput
#' @noRd
tP_colDataUI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::tabPanel(title = "Sample meta-data",
shiny::fluidRow(width = 12,
shiny::br() |>
shinyhelper::helper(content = "tabPanel_DE")),
shiny::column(width = 12,
DT::DTOutput(outputId = ns("colDt"))
#' @name colDataServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'colData'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'colData'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer
#' @importFrom DT renderDT
#' @noRd
colDataServer <- function(id, se) {
function(input, output, session) {
output$colDt <- DT::renderDT({as.data.frame(se()@colData)},
options = list(pageLength = 20))
################################ Model matrix ##################################
#' @name tP_modelMatrixUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Model matrix'
#' @description
#' The module defines the UI in the tab panel 'Model matrix'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_modelMatrixUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane
#' 'Model matrix'. Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_modelMatrixUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel fluidRow column uiOutput br
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom DT DTOutput
#' @noRd
tP_modelMatrixUI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::tabPanel(title = "Model matrix",
shiny::fluidRow(width = 12,
shiny::column(width = 12,
shiny::br() |>
shinyhelper::helper(content = "tabPanel_DE")),
shiny::column(width = 12,
shiny::verbatimTextOutput(outputId = ns("textModelMatrix")),
DT::DTOutput(outputId = ns("modelMatrixDataTable"))
#' @name validFormulaMMServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab 'DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab
#' 'DE'. The function returns \code{NULL} if the formula is not valid with the
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment}, otherwise the formula is returned.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param expr \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param action \code{reactive} value
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{reactive} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive isolate
#' @noRd
validFormulaMMServer <- function(id, expr, action, se) {
function(input, output, session) {
validFormulaMM <- shiny::reactive({
fMM <- shiny::isolate(expr())
validExprModelMatrix(expr = fMM, se = se())
#' @name validExprModelMatrix
#' @title Validate if expr is a formula for the model matrix
#' @description
#' The function \code{validExprModelMatr} returns either a \code{formula}
#' object if \code{expr} is compatible with \code{se} or \code{NULL}
#' if \code{expr} is not compatible with \code{se}. Specifically, the
#' function accesses \code{colnames(colData(se))} and checks if all terms
#' in \code{expr} are present in \code{colnames(colData(se))}.
#' @details
#' Internal usage in \code{validFormulaMMServer} within \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param expr \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment}
#' @return
#' A \code{formula} object or \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' ## create se
#' a <- matrix(seq_len(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
#' dimnames = list(seq_len(10), paste("sample", seq_len(10))))
#' a[c(1, 5, 8), seq_len(5)] <- NA
#' set.seed(1)
#' a <- a + rnorm(100)
#' cD <- data.frame(name = colnames(a), type = c(rep("1", 5), rep("2", 5)))
#' rD <- data.frame(spectra = rownames(a))
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(assay = a, rowData = rD, colData = cD)
#' validExprModelMatrix("~type", se = se) ## returns a formula
#' validExprModelMatrix("~foo", se = se) ## returns NULL
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @noRd
validExprModelMatrix <- function(expr, se) {
fMM <- tryCatch(stats::as.formula(expr), error = function(e) NULL)
mM <- tryCatch(stats::model.matrix(fMM, data = se@colData),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(mM))
#' @name modelMatrixServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Model matrix'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Model matrix'. The function returns a reactive expression of the
#' \code{model.matrix} given a formula and a \code{SummarizedExperiment}.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validFormulaMM \code{formula} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{reactive} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @noRd
modelMatrixServer <- function(id, se, validFormulaMM) {
function(input, output, session) {
modelMatrix <- shiny::reactive({
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM())) {
data = se()@colData)
#' @name modelMatrixUIServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Model matrix'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Model matrix'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param modelMatrix \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validFormulaMM \code{formula} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer renderUI renderText br
#' @importFrom shiny verbatimTextOutput
#' @importFrom DT renderDT DTOutput
#' @noRd
modelMatrixUIServer <- function(id, modelMatrix, validFormulaMM) {
function(input, output, session) {
output$textModelMatrix <- shiny::renderText({
msg <- NULL
if (is.null(validFormulaMM()))
msg <- c("formula for model matrix not valid with the",
"given colData")
output$modelMatrixDataTable <- DT::renderDT({
## if there is a valid formula return the DataTable
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM())) {
mM <- modelMatrix() |>
cbind(rownames(mM), mM)
}, options = list(pageLength = 20))
############################### Contrast matrix ################################
#' @name tP_contrastUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Contrast matrix'
#' @description
#' The module defines the UI in the tab panel 'Contrast matrix'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_contrastUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane
#' 'Contrast matrix'. Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_contrastUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel fluidRow column uiOutput br
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom DT DTOutput
#' @noRd
tP_contrastUI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::tabPanel(title = "Contrast matrix",
shiny::fluidRow(width = 12,
shiny::br() |>
shinyhelper::helper(content = "tabPanel_DE")),
shiny::column(width = 12,
shiny::verbatimTextOutput(outputId = ns("textContrastMatrix")),
#' @name validExprContrastServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab 'DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab 'DE'. The function
#' returns \code{NULL} if the expression is not compatible with the
#' \code{modelMatrix}, otherwise the expression is returned.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param expr \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param action \code{reactive} value
#' @param modelMatrix \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{reactive} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive isolate
#' @noRd
validExprContrastServer <- function(id, expr, action, modelMatrix) {
function(input, output, session) {
validExpressionContrast <- shiny::reactive({
contrasts <- shiny::isolate(expr())
validExprContrast(contrasts = contrasts,
modelMatrix = modelMatrix())
#' @name validExprContrast
#' @title Validate if expr is an expression for contrasts
#' @description
#' The function \code{validExprContrast} returns either a \code{formula} object
#' if \code{expr} is compatible with \code{modelMatrix} or \code{NULL}
#' if \code{expr} is not compatible with \code{modelMatrix}. Specifically,
#' the function accesses \code{colnames(modelMatrix)} and checks if all
#' terms in \code{expr} are present in \code{colnames(modelMatrix)}.
#' @details
#' Internal usage in \code{validExprConstrastServer} within \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param expr \code{character}
#' @param modelMatrix \code{model.matrix} as returned from
#' \code{limma::model.matrix}
#' @return
#' A \code{character} or \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' library(limma)
#' cD <- data.frame(name = colnames(a), type = c(rep("1", 5), rep("2", 5)))
#' modelMatrix <- model.matrix(~type, cD)
#' validExprContrast("type2", modelMatrix = modelMatrix) ## returns a formula
#' validExprContrast("foo", modelMatrix = modelMatrix) ## returns NULL
#' @noRd
validExprContrast <- function(contrasts, modelMatrix) {
tmp <- tryCatch(
limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = contrasts, levels = modelMatrix),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(tmp))
#' @name contrastMatrixServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Contrast matrix'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Contrast matrix'. The function returns the contrast matrix given a
#' expression and a model matrix.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param validExprContrast \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param modelMatrix \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{reactive} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom limma makeContrasts
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive
#' @noRd
contrastMatrixServer <- function(id, validExprContrast, modelMatrix) {
function(input, output, session) {
contrastMatrix <- shiny::reactive({
if (!is.null(validExprContrast())) {
limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = validExprContrast(),
levels = modelMatrix())
#' @name contrastMatrixUIServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Contrast matrix'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Contrast matrix'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param validFormulaMM \code{formula} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validExprContrast \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param contrastMatrix \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer renderUI
#' @importFrom shiny renderText verbatimTextOutput
#' @importFrom DT renderDT DTOutput
#' @noRd
contrastMatrixUIServer <- function(id, validFormulaMM, validExprContrast,
contrastMatrix) {
function(input, output, session) {
output$textContrastMatrix <- shiny::renderText({
msg <- NULL
if (is.null(validFormulaMM()))
msg <- c("formula for model matrix not valid with the",
"given colData")
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM()) & is.null(validExprContrast()))
msg <- c("contrast expression not valid with",
"the given model matrix")
output$contrastMatrix <- DT::renderDT({
cM <- NULL
## if there are valid formulas return the contrast matrix
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM()) & !is.null(validExprContrast())) {
cM <- contrastMatrix()
cM <- cbind(rownames(cM), cM)
}, options = list(pageLength = 20))
################################### Top DE #####################################
#' @name tP_topDEUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Top DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the UI in the tab panel 'Top DE'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_topDEUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'Top DE'.
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_topDEUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel fluidRow column uiOutput br
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom DT DTOutput
#' @noRd
tP_topDEUI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::tabPanel(title = "Top DE",
shiny::fluidRow(width = 12,
shiny::br() |>
shinyhelper::helper(content = "tabPanel_DE")),
shiny::column(width = 12,
shiny::verbatimTextOutput(outputId = ns("textDataTable")),
DT::DTOutput(outputId = ns("dataTable"))
#' @name topDEUIServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Top DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Top DE'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param type \code{reactive} value
#' @param validFormulaMM \code{formula} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validExprContrast \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param testResult \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer renderUI br
#' @importFrom shiny renderText verbatimTextOutput
#' @importFrom DT renderDT DTOutput
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @noRd
topDEUIServer <- function(id, type, validFormulaMM, validExprContrast,
testResult) {
function(input, output, session) {
output$textDataTable <- shiny::renderText({
msg <- NULL
if (is.null(validFormulaMM()))
msg <- c("formula for model matrix not valid with the",
"given colData")
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM()) & is.null(validExprContrast()))
msg <- c("contrast expression not valid with",
"the given model matrix")
output$dataTable <- DT::renderDT({
dataTable <- NULL
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM())) {
dataTable <- testResult()
#' @name fitServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Top DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Top DE'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}. For \code{eBayes}, the \code{trend}
#' argument is set by default to \code{TRUE}. The \code{trend=TRUE} argument
#' will model any mean-variance trend in the data; this is required when
#' there is a mean-variance trend (otherwise the estimates of the prior d.f. and
#' subsequent eBayes shrinkage would be confounded by systematic
#' mean-dependent differences from a common prior variance).
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param assay \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value, obtained from
#' \code{assay(SummarizedExperiment)}
#' @param modelMatrix \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param contrastMatrix \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{reactive} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive
#' @importFrom limma lmFit contrasts.fit eBayes
#' @importFrom proDA proDA
#' @noRd
fitServer <- function(id, assay, modelMatrix, contrastMatrix) {
function(input, output, session) {
fit <- shiny::reactive({
if (id == "ttest") {
fit <- limma::lmFit(assay(), design = modelMatrix())
if (!is.null(contrastMatrix()))
fit <- limma::contrasts.fit(fit, contrastMatrix())
fit <- limma::eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE, robust = TRUE)
if (id == "proDA") {
fit <- proDA::proDA(assay(), design = modelMatrix())
#' @name testResultsServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Top DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Top DE'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param type \code{reactive} value
#' @param fit_ttest \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param fit_proDA \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validFormulaMM \code{formula} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validExprContrast \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{reactive} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive
#' @importFrom limma topTable
#' @importFrom proDA test_diff
#' @noRd
testResultServer <- function(id, type, fit_ttest, fit_proDA, validFormulaMM,
validExprContrast) {
function(input, output, session) {
testResult <- shiny::reactive({
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM())) {
if (type() == "ttest") {
t <- limma::topTable(fit_ttest(), number = Inf,
adjust.method = "fdr", p.value = 0.05)
t <- cbind(name = rownames(t), t)
if (type() == "proDA") {
t <- proDA::test_diff(fit = fit_proDA(),
contrast = validExprContrast(),
sort_by = "adj_pval")
################################ Volcano plot ##################################
#' @name tP_volcanoUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Volcano plot'
#' @description
#' The module defines the UI in the tab panel 'Volcano plot'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_volcanoUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'Volcano plot'.
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_volcanoUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel fluidRow column uiOutput br
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @noRd
tP_volcanoUI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::tabPanel(title = "Volcano plot",
shiny::fluidRow(width = 12,
shiny::br() |>
shinyhelper::helper(content = "tabPanel_DE")),
shiny::column(width = 12,
shiny::verbatimTextOutput(outputId = ns("textVolcano")),
shiny::uiOutput(outputId = ns("volcano"))
#' @name volcanoUIServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Volcano plot'
#' @description
#' The module defines the server expressions in the tab panel
#' 'Volcano plot'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param type \code{reactive} value
#' @param validFormulaMM \code{formula} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param validExprContrast \code{character} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param testResult \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer renderUI reactive downloadHandler renderText
#' @importFrom shiny verbatimTextOutput br tagList
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @noRd
volcanoUIServer <- function(id, type, validFormulaMM, validExprContrast,
testResult) {
function(input, output, session) {
output$textVolcano <- shiny::renderText({
msg <- NULL
if (is.null(validFormulaMM())) {
msg <- c("formula for model matrix not valid with the",
"given colData")
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM()) & is.null(validExprContrast())) {
msg <- c("contrast expression not valid with",
"the given model matrix")
output$volcano <- shiny::renderUI({
ns <- session$ns
if (!is.null(validFormulaMM()) &
!is.null(validExprContrast())) {
p_volcano <- shiny::reactive({
volcanoPlot(testResult(), type())
output$plotVolcano <- plotly::renderPlotly({
output$downloadPlot <- shiny::downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste("Volcano_", type(), ".html")
content = function(file) {
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p_volcano(), file)
## return plot and downloadButton
outputId = ns("downloadPlot"), "")
#' @name tP_DE_all
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'DE'
#' @description
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'DE'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_DE_all} returns the HTML code for the tab-panel
#' 'DE'. Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_DE_all()
#' @importFrom shiny tabPanel
#' @importFrom shinydashboard tabBox
#' @noRd
tP_DE_all <- function() {
shinydashboard::tabBox(title = "", width = 12,
tP_colDataUI(id = "colData"),
tP_modelMatrixUI(id = "modelMatrix"),
tP_contrastUI(id = "contrast"),
tP_topDEUI(id = "topDE"),
tP_volcanoUI(id = "volcano")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.