test_that("run_calibration_check", {
num_cells <- 100
num_responses <- 40
grna_target_data_frame <- make_mock_grna_target_data(c(2, 2, 2), 1, 1, 10)
grna_matrix <- rpois(num_cells * nrow(grna_target_data_frame), 5) |>
matrix(nrow = nrow(grna_target_data_frame), ncol = num_cells) |>
response_matrix <- rpois(num_cells * num_responses, 5) |>
matrix(nrow = num_responses, ncol = num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(paste0("response_", 1:num_responses))
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = "t1_c1_d1",
response_id = rownames(response_matrix)[1:10]
scep_pre_calib <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high"
) |>
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 5) |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
scep_calib_1 <- scep_pre_calib |>
run_calibration_check(calibration_group_size = 1)
scep_calib_3 <- scep_pre_calib |>
run_calibration_check(calibration_group_size = 3)
expect_equal(nrow(scep_calib_1@calibration_result), nrow(discovery_pairs))
expect_equal(nrow(scep_calib_3@calibration_result), nrow(discovery_pairs))
expect_false(any(grepl(pattern = "&", x = scep_calib_1@calibration_result$grna_target, fixed = TRUE)))
expect_equal(strsplit(scep_calib_3@calibration_result$grna_target, "&") |> sapply(length), rep(3, nrow(discovery_pairs)))
# with this seed all nulls are false for both objects
test_that("run_calibration_check negative control pairs complement set with cellwise and pairwise qc", {
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1", "nt2"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting", "non-targeting"),
chr = "", start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 50
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_no_grna <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
cells_expressing_nt2 <- 41:50
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt2", cells_expressing_nt2] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
cells_to_remove_low_umi <- c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 31)
cells_to_remove_high_umi <- c(3, 13, 32, 33, 34)
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_low_umi] <- 0
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_high_umi] <- 100000
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "complement"` and `calibration_group_size=1` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_pre <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "complement"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40)
# set.seed(5)
scep_complement_size_1 <- scep_pre |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, .90), response_n_nonzero_range = c(.15, 1),
# with `n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 17` one discovery pair fails
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 17
) |>
run_calibration_check(calibration_group_size = 1)
# making sure the correct cells were removed
remaining_cells <- all_cells[-c(cells_to_remove_low_umi,
cells_to_remove_high_umi, cells_expressing_no_grna)]
expect_setequal(scep_complement_size_1@cells_in_use, remaining_cells)
neg_df <- scep_complement_size_1@negative_control_pairs
# a single neg ctrl pair with this seed fails QC so there are 2 left
expect_equal(nrow(neg_df), sum(scep_complement_size_1@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc))
for (i in 1:nrow(neg_df)) {
trt_cells <- remaining_cells[scep_complement_size_1@grna_assignments$indiv_nt_grna_idxs[[neg_df$grna_group[i]]]]
sum(response_matrix[neg_df$response_id[i], trt_cells] > 0)
# complement control group
cntrl_cells <- setdiff(scep_complement_size_1@cells_in_use, trt_cells)
sum(response_matrix[neg_df$response_id[i], cntrl_cells] > 0)
## testing `control_group = "complement"` and `calibration_group_size=2` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_complement_size_2 <- scep_pre |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, .90), response_n_nonzero_range = c(.15, 1),
# with `n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1` a single discovery pair fails pairwise QC
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) |>
run_calibration_check(calibration_group_size = 2)
# making sure the correct cells were removed
remaining_cells <- all_cells[-c(cells_to_remove_low_umi,
cells_to_remove_high_umi, cells_expressing_no_grna)]
expect_setequal(scep_complement_size_2@cells_in_use, remaining_cells)
neg_df <- scep_complement_size_2@negative_control_pairs
# with this seed we lose one pair but its due to pairwise QC on the actual discovery pairs
expect_equal(nrow(neg_df), sum(scep_complement_size_2@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc))
for (i in 1:nrow(neg_df)) {
# all nt cells each time
trt_cells <- remaining_cells[scep_complement_size_2@grna_assignments$indiv_nt_grna_idxs |> unlist()]
sum(response_matrix[neg_df$response_id[i], trt_cells] > 0)
# complement control group
cntrl_cells <- setdiff(scep_complement_size_2@cells_in_use, trt_cells)
sum(response_matrix[neg_df$response_id[i], cntrl_cells] > 0)
test_that("run_calibration_check negative control pairs nt set with cellwise qc", {
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1", "nt2"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting", "non-targeting"),
chr = "", start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 50
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_no_grna <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
cells_expressing_nt2 <- 41:50
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt2", cells_expressing_nt2] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
cells_to_remove_low_umi <- c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 31)
cells_to_remove_high_umi <- c(3, 13, 32, 33, 34)
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_low_umi] <- 0
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_high_umi] <- 100000
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "complement"` and `calibration_group_size=1` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_pre <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40)
scep_nt_size_1 <- scep_pre |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, .90), response_n_nonzero_range = c(.15, 1),
# with `n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 20` one discovery pair fails
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) |>
run_calibration_check(calibration_group_size = 1)
# making sure the correct cells were removed
remaining_cells <- all_cells[-c(cells_to_remove_low_umi,
cells_to_remove_high_umi, cells_expressing_no_grna)]
expect_setequal(scep_nt_size_1@cells_in_use, remaining_cells)
neg_df <- scep_nt_size_1@negative_control_pairs
# a single neg ctrl pair with this seed fails QC so there are 2 left
expect_equal(nrow(neg_df), sum(scep_nt_size_1@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc))
for (i in 1:nrow(neg_df)) {
trt_cells <- remaining_cells[scep_nt_size_1@grna_assignments$all_nt_idxs[scep_nt_size_1@grna_assignments$indiv_nt_grna_idxs[[neg_df$grna_group[i]]]]]
sum(response_matrix[neg_df$response_id[i], trt_cells] > 0)
# nt control group
other_nt <- setdiff(c("nt1", "nt2"), neg_df$grna_group[i])
cntrl_cells <- remaining_cells[scep_nt_size_1@grna_assignments$all_nt_idxs[scep_nt_size_1@grna_assignments$indiv_nt_grna_idxs[[other_nt]]]]
sum(response_matrix[neg_df$response_id[i], cntrl_cells] > 0)
test_that("run_power_check", {
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting"),
chr = 0, start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 40
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_t3 <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
# grna_matrix["id3", cells_expressing_t3] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 100 # should be highly significant
response_matrix["t2", ] <- 100 # should not be significant at all
positive_control_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("t1", "t2", "t3")
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t1", "t2", "t2"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_4", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "nt_cells"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_power <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40) |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) |>
expect_equal(nrow(scep_power@power_result), nrow(positive_control_pairs))
# this test is extremely significant
expect_true(dplyr::filter(scep_power@power_result, response_id == "t1") |> dplyr::pull(p_value) < 1e-10)
# this test is not significant at all
expect_true(dplyr::filter(scep_power@power_result, response_id == "t2") |> dplyr::pull(p_value) > 0.5)
# log fold change should be NA here because the response_matrix values are constant
expect_true(dplyr::filter(scep_power@power_result, response_id == "t3") |> dplyr::pull(log_2_fold_change) |> is.na())
test_that("run_discovery_analysis", {
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1", "nt2"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting", "non-targeting"),
chr = "", start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 50
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_t3 <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
cells_expressing_nt2 <- 41:50
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
# grna_matrix["id3", cells_expressing_t3] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt2", cells_expressing_nt2] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 100 # should be highly significant
response_matrix["t2", ] <- 100 # should not be significant at all
positive_control_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("t1", "t2", "t3")
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t1", "t2", "t2"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_4", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "nt_cells"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
disc_results <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40) |>
# don't want to remove any cells for this one
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
# making the response_5, t1 pair fail pairwise QC
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 7, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) |>
run_calibration_check(calibration_group_size = 1) |>
run_power_check() |>
run_discovery_analysis() |>
get_result(analysis = "run_discovery_analysis")
# confirming everything is ok with the pair failing pairwise QC
expect_false(disc_results[disc_results$grna_target == "t1" & disc_results$response_id == "response_5", "pass_qc"][[1]])
# t1 should be significant
expect_true(disc_results[disc_results$grna_target == "t1" & disc_results$response_id == "response_4", "significant"][[1]])
# t2 tests are not significant
expect_false(any(disc_results[disc_results$grna_target == "t2", "significant"]))
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